
Chapter 87 In the Court of Hades, the gods filed in

In the center of the underworld stands a huge palace.

In the palace, on the dark throne, the king sits.

His whole body was covered in shadows, only his eyes were shining, and thousands of souls were surrounding him.

He holds a bird-headed double-sided sword.

Next to his throne, there is a smaller but more ornate throne.

On the throne sat a beautiful and elegant goddess.

There is no light above the main hall, but there is still a shadow on the goddess's face, which represents death.

She holds the key to the gate of the underworld in her left hand and a bright red peony in her right hand.

The goddess turned her head and said softly to the king: "My king, all the gods have arrived."

"Can the underworld competition begin?"

The king said nothing.

The goddess was silent for a moment, "As usual. If you don't speak, then I will make the decision."

Hades and Persephone.

She clapped her hands.

The door to the temple of Hades opened, and then the gods filed in.

The first to come in were the three gods.

The god on the left has a green snake wrapped around his neck and holds a scale in his hand. His eyes are cold and sharp, as if he wants to weigh the sins and virtues of living beings one by one.

He knelt down quietly, spitting out the snake letter on his shoulder, and the scale slowly rose.

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He said: "Judge Aegeas, with a loyal heart, went here to worship the Lord and Queen of the Underworld. The scales of justice obey Hades and Persephone. The sins of life and death are all under the observation of the two."

One of the three judges of the underworld, Aigoas!

His name means "the dumb one", his scales judge and weigh the good and evil of the dead, and the green snake represents his wisdom.

The Queen of Hades said: "Judge Egoas, the green snake makes you sober. The balance in your hand weighs good and evil and makes a wise decision."

"Stick to your duty, and my country will not be in danger of subversion."

The god on the right is wearing a dark robe and holding a huge skull bell and skull bell. The skull bell keeps ringing, and every time it rings, it means that you intend to leave the world for life.

He held up the bell and rang it gently, and said: "As the bell rings, Rhadamandis would like to say hello to the Queen of the Underworld. The river of life and death flows into your country, and everything is at the mercy of Persephone." "

One of the three judges of the underworld, Radamandis!

His name means "ruler of the dead", and the skull bell and skull bell in his hand symbolize the end of life.

The Queen of Hades said: "The river of life will inevitably flow into my kingdom, Radhamandis, and the bells in your hands are a sign of their infusion. The bells show your loyalty."

The god in the center wears a lion helmet and holds a heavy scepter. On top of the scepter are carved thousands of dead souls, who are kneeling in worship.

His armor is painted with a broken bull elephant, the bull's eyes are red and its face is ferocious. The bull symbolizes wrath and represents the severity of judgment.

He bowed deeply, tapped the scepter in his hand on the ground, and resounded clearly: "Minos, the judge of the underworld, wishes all the best to Hades. The fate of the living is in your hands, and the journey of the dead is up to you."

The leader of the three judges of the underworld, Minos!

His name means "seeking revenge." In the event of a dispute over judgment, he makes the final decision.

The voice of the Queen of the Underworld was solemn: "Loyal and brave Minos, the fate of the living is left to you to decide. The evil will repent because of your severity, and the good will be happy because of your justice."

"We must follow the teachings of the Underworld Queen. The words in the Underworld Queen's mouth are our destiny." The three judges bowed their heads together.

They stood aside.

When speaking to them, the Queen's divine voice was full of majesty and a hint of praise.

Then two more gods walked in together.

A god, his face is as pale as a disease, and there are maggots and snakes swimming in the holes in his eyes. He wears black armor with huge black wings on his back and holds a scythe.

He knelt down on one knee: "In the name of the dead, the will of Hades and Queen of Hades will last forever, as inevitable as death."

Death, Thanatos.

The god next to Thanatos is sitting on a huge white bed, exuding the fragrance of sage and sleeping flowers. In his arms are three light balls that emit a hazy blue light.

His eyes were closed and his face was quiet and peaceful.

He lowered his head slightly, "May my king and my queen enjoy silence and peace forever, just like gazing at the flowing water in the water, and spend a deeper night after the night."

Hypnos, god of sleep.

Brothers of Death and Sleep, the remaining bloodline of Nyx, the goddess of the night, is the god of the night bloodline!

"Very good." The Queen of Hades did not see the enthusiasm of the third judge of the underworld before, she just nodded slightly.

Death and Sleep stood aside.

Then, five gods walked in together.

The leader of the gods, she looks like a girl, her face is extremely beautiful, and she is covered in golden gauze.

But if you look carefully at her face, you will find that fine wrinkles are slowly growing in the dark.

She is getting older all the time.

Next to her left hand are two female gods. A female god, her eyes were dull, as if she couldn't focus.

She was dressed in gorgeous golden armor, nearly two meters tall, and had a tall and majestic body. She held her golden war helmet under her arm, and her silver hair flowed down like a waterfall.

Another god, she wore an extremely gorgeous white robe, embroidered with patterns and the moon, and had big white wings behind her.

She wore a golden laurel wreath on her head, and was surrounded by the phantoms of laurel leaves, olives and petals. Her face was bright, like the spring sunshine, illuminating the dark hall.

Bea, the goddess of violence, and Nike, the goddess of victory.

To the left are two male deities.

A god, he is nearly three meters tall. He only wears thick bronze armor on his knee pads, revealing his extremely strong, mountain-like body. When he walks, his whole body trembles, as if the earth is shaking slightly.

His divine body – not all of it can be said to be muscles. Instead, it looks like a lot of fat, wrapped in muscles, with a short and thick neck like a mountain, and a palm as wide as a stone slab.

He has four arms and holds four heavy war hammers.

The gods beside him were much more plain and simple. He was wearing a black battle robe, and his eyes were burning with fire. He has short white hair and holds a giant crossbow.

Crotus, the god of strength, and Zelos, the passionate and competitive god!

Naturally, in the middle of the four gods is their mother of gods, the god of the five Styxes, the god of eternal aging, resurrection from the dead, and eternal cycle, Styx!

Among the five gods, four gods bowed together and bowed.

There was only one god. She stood there, looking straight at the Queen of Hades, motionless, which was particularly eye-catching.

It was Bea.

"…" Niji took Biya's hand, then pressed it on her shoulder, asking her to bow down and salute.

The five gods saluted together and uttered words of praise to Pluto and Queen.

The Queen of Hades smiled: "Stix, is your lovely little daughter still so ignorant?"

Sticks raised his head. She seemed to have aged much in an instant. The girlish temperament she had just now disappeared, and instead she exuded the charm of a mature woman. Her every frown and smile was full of stars and spring breeze.

"Dear Queen of the Underworld, all living beings know that your kindness is as endless as the earth of the underworld. Please forgive Bia's recklessness. She is definitely not contemptuous of the underworld. She respects the King of Hades and the Queen of Hades in her heart, but she just doesn't know how to express it. ."

"I know." The Queen of Hades squinted her eyes and looked at Styx, as if she had a deep meaning: "Bea is the most loyal god to Olympus and Hades. This is like sunshine in the underworld, very rare. ."

There is something in the words of the Queen of Hades.

Biya is the most loyal god, and naturally there are gods who are not loyal enough.