
Great Power and Great Responsibility

Someone else gets bitten by the Spider meant to bite Gwen Stacy in Earth 65. The webs of fate weave another story for a character who was never meant to exist. Meet Ace Jameson. Grandson of the J. Jonah Jameson. Also, a dude who's not actually from this universe at all. He's not quite a fan of this mantle he has. Same name, the ones who post it are me, just under a different username. Edited by Ludwig_The_Mad/Wolfenstein/Leffyet.

TheBlackSkull · Filme
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14 Chs

Chapter 14: Licking Wounds

I swung over to Hanz's house, not bothering with any fancy flips or tricks in the air as I instead swung from building to building. I didn't have time for fun and games right now, the Lizard was out there, waiting, getting stronger and I couldn't even beat him now. Me and Hanz needed to talk about some methods to take him down.

I landed on the top of his house as the thunder roared ominously above. Lightning followed lighting up the city for a bit. I would've enjoyed the view a bit more if I hadn't just gone who knows how many rounds with a fossil from the fucking Triassic period. I flipped off the roof, landing on the entrance soundlessly.

I knocked at the door before hearing the sound of footsteps and a clicking. Then the door swung open and I came face to face with another one of Hanz's Scary Dogs standing on its hind legs. I just nodded at it and stepped through, tugging off my mask and running a hand through my wet hair.

I came to a mirror and looked at my reflection. I looked like shit, there were dark bags under my eyes, and a few cuts and bruises that seemed to be healing and would probably smooth over soon. I distantly heard some noises of conversation and made my way to it. With my luck today I'd probably run into Hanz's parents like this. Not like I had any change of clothes on me right now though.

I raised my voice a little as I stepped into the living room, "Hanz, we got a few major problems. First, we need to upgrade my webshooters, they need some waterproof fluid or something for rainy days. Also-" I halt my words as I spot Anna laying down on the couch and Hanz sitting on a chair nearby.

I sigh for a bit and pinch my nose before cracking a grin, "Would you believe me if I said I was really into cosplay?" I try waggling my eyebrows for extra charm. Hanz sighs like I just stabbed his child or something and rubs his temples, "For anyone else, maybe. But Anna is an X-men.'' He almost spat the word when he said it, and Rogue looked uncomfortable but understanding, ''So you don't have anything to worry about. You look like shit, by the way'' He massaged his temples some more.

I nod and settle down onto a seat, "I'd say something sarcastic usually but I just went 10 rounds with Muhammad Ali-zard? Fucking I don't know. I can't think of jokes man, I nearly got eaten by that baby Godzilla. Also good for you being an X-Men or whatever but would it have killed you to, fucking, I don't know, use your powers maybe?!" I ask bitterly.

"Cut her and the boy scouts some slack, they were rescuing and directing the civvies. And after you dumped Gwen on us, we had to rush to the hospital to get her treated. I might be the most overqualified doctor, but Rogue wasn't exactly willing to test my skills on her.'' He glared at Rogue for a moment before sighing again, damn he's doing that a lot today.

Rogue bites her lip before speaking softly, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to insult you or your skill. But she'd be worse than a turtle in a race if we messed anything up." I stare at the two of them irritably, "Wow, real nice speech lil Miss Sugar Belle. I'll be sure to write a glowing review of your help on your stupid school site. Seriously I was getting thrashed around like I was a redheaded step-child and the Lizard was my alcoholic dad."

I stopped for a second and continued, "A few good lasers could have you know, stopped that massive reptilian cunt from killing people. But, no, we won't use our powers without righteous cause or whatever." Suddenly a thought runs through my head and I sit up straight, "Also wait, Hanz how the fuck do you know she's an X-Men?"

''She told me after we touched by accident. I myself, am a Metahuman. And for now, it seems to be a protective sort of power, as it was triggered by our brief touch. Probably psychic since I can feel your emotions.'' He raised his hand before a purple sheen appeared lingering for a few seconds before it disappeared, and he then started massaging his temples. ''I would've been more pissed at this revelation, to be honest. But, Anna I can feel your sheer guilt and regret of not telling me of it. Still doesn't justify you not telling me you were with the X-Men. I have been your friend for over 5 years!'' He said tiredly.

I grin cruelly, "Oh wow, real nice. Too bad I can't feel her guilt so I'm still fucking pissed! That fucking Lizard crushed an entire car of SWAT! Who knows how many others it killed? And now it's in the sewers and probably getting even more fucked up." I run a hand through my hair again, "I might have even held him off on my own if my fucking webs didn't dissolve like they were fucking-, I don't know?! I'm out of examples! They dissolved too fast for me to properly use them! Just fix the formula or something Hanz."

Rogue just hugs a pillow tighter to herself before Hanz starts speaking, "You wouldn't have won.'' He stated coldly as he looked at me in the eyes, ''I have seen the formula, the chemicals, and the genome of that thing Ace. That thing, at best, can exert over 40 tons of strength, and is thrice as fast as a cheetah. It was an oversight, me not taking into account the possibility of your webs dissolving in the rain, but I was more focused on finishing your suit instead of the web-slingers. They are prototypes, after all. They weren't meant to be used against a giant lizard, nor did I ever plan on them being used so."

I sighed and leaned back in my seat, "Yeah yeah I know, I'm sorry. I'm just… pissed. People died and I could've stopped it if I was just… faster..." My brain then picks up on something Hanz said, "Wait how do you know the formula for that thing? Do you know who used it? I swear if it was Curt Connors I'm gonna-"

Hanz interrupts me, ''Peter Parker. That thing was Peter Parker… I told that idiot to not obsess over that formula, and look what happened.'' He cradled his head between his legs. ''I should've taken it away from him, reported him or something. I knew that at best he would've turned into a pile of cancer cells, but I never thought it would've resulted in such a phenomenal and powerful specimen. Or that he would've been stupid enough to use it on himself.''

He sighed before he looked at me. ''Be glad that I have his research and notes, I'll only need to burn the ones he has in his house and probably those of Connors as well, but there shouldn't be a repeat of this… Incident, anytime soon. You'll probably have to do that since I don't have any excuses to visit Peter's or Connor's house. I know you're pissed, I can literally feel it, but we need to recover, mostly you physically while I have to deal with… This.'' He gestured to himself before looking at Rogue, ''Probably have a talk with the X-men. Figure out what my powers are exactly.''

I groan for a bit as I feel my body ache from all the various injuries I have taken. Seems my adrenaline had finally run out. Hanz gets up at this, but I wave him down. "I'm fine, just a few hits that'll heal soon enough. If it starts turning me scaly then I'll probably call you." Hanz snorts at that as he sits back down. "If that thing is really Peter then… There's gotta be something of him in there. It spoke to me before it threw me into the water... I think we could fix him, I'll go to Connors and Peter's house and bring back the research! We can figure out a cure!" 

''That's unlikely. The formula, at least the one I think Peter used on himself, was too unstable. The fact he mutated in such a stable way, probably affected his insides and organs. His brain chemistry is probably warped beyond belief and if his brain didn't do a soft reset, he's probably more like a feral animal than human at this point.'' Hanz shook his head. ''Best case, Peter Parker is dead. Worst case? Peter Parker is a feral animal.'' 

I shake my head, "You don't know the Parker will man. I know we can do something. But… if I need to… I'll put him down. What about everyone else at the prom, did Felicia make it out? What about Gwen?" I ask Hanz as Rogue gets up after checking something on her phone.

"Gwen got hit hard, the doctors had to do some operation. That girl has the luck of the devil though, she got through it but her legs won't work no more. She's in a wheelchair now." She shakes her head ruefully. "I... got to go, the Professor wants us all to give an account of what happened. I'll see you at school then Hanz?" She asks hopefully.

With a snort, Hanz nods before speaking, ''If school doesn't get canceled, yeah. Though you owe me a date or something for not telling me you had superpowers. Tell the professor that'll come visit soon.'' He says teasingly. Rogue nods and, hesitantly, kisses Hanz on the cheek, a purple sheen appearing, before disappearing, then nods at me before walking out the door. 

I stare at Hanz with a wide grin on my face, "Nice one man! Wait did you dump that, uh, guy you were dating? Wait, I thought you were gay!" I shake my head in shock. "I can't believe you tricked me."

''Who? And I am Bisexual, Ace. I'm pretty sure I told you this before, not my fault you can't remember it.'' Hanz said with a raised eyebrow before he looked down at me with a frown. ''I'll need to repair the suit, make a few modifications, and remix the formula for the webs-slinger cartridges. Leave it in the lab, I'll get you some spare clothes so you don't walk out naked.'' He says before getting up and walking away.

I stare down at my suit sticking to my body like sandpaper, showing off my muscles. "Hey Hanz, you don't check me out right?" I call as he walks away before collapsing into a fit of giggles. As soon as Hanz walks in with some spare clothes, I snag them and stomp away into the bathroom to change. Once I've changed I pull out my phone to see a ton of messages from my mom and surprisingly Felicia. You know what? This was a problem for tomorrow Ace. 

Today's Ace had run out of fucks to give.

Hanz's clothes fit but were extremely tight. Guess even his body can't compete with my pure spider-strength muscle! I stretch for a bit, popping my back before Hanz drops me off in his car which was thankfully, spared the wrath of Lizard Peter. I step into my house without bothering to announce myself.

I trudge upstairs and come face to face with my mom before I kiss her on the cheek, "I'll tell you everything tomorrow, I'm dead on my feet right now, sorry." Before she can even reply I step into my room, connect my phone to the charger, and collapse into my bed without bothering to undress.

Tomorrow Ace can handle all these problems on his own. Today Ace had done too many good deeds when he went blow for blow with that gigantic prehistoric crocodile that was actually his friend who killed people. Why was my life so complicated? I ran through the different methods I could have used to stop Peter from killing that SWAT team. I could have reasoned with him, I could have distracted him.

I could have tried to do anything but… I couldn't do anything but watch as he flattened that car. Red sticky blood on the pavement, so red, such an unforgettable scent. Even if I tried my mind couldn't forget the smell of blood and organs being crushed. Nor could I forget the sound the car had made as it got crushed.

Had it been fast? Had they even known that they were dead before it had happened? Had they had time to pray, to beg, or was it over in a flash? These thoughts tormented me all night and when I finally drifted off it was to a nightmare of those same reptilian eyes following me as I ran through alleyways, a giant figure always following behind, always shadowy and always inches away from tearing me to bits. It was only when the giant figure grabbed me that I finally woke up.