
Grave of infatuations: The odyssey of an autumn rose

"In the Tapestry of Heavens and Earth, a Song of Fate Begins... In a realm of gods and mortals, fate weaves a tale defying even the heavens. Tan Ju, a celestial ruler, faces uncertainty when a prophetic dream hints at his downfall by a boy born in a fateful year. Against the odds, a child emerges, destined to challenge Tan Ju. Raised by gods, Jiang Xicheng's path crosses with an enigmatic woman, and love ignites. But injustice imprisons him, while Wei's siblings rise into the realm of the dead. Lineages shift, secrets emerge, and a celestial mission awaits Jiang Xicheng after captivity. With Wei's siblings, he seeks scattered Dragon Chess Set pieces, harbouring unimaginable power. As fate converges, a symphony of destiny unfolds, testing bonds and reshaping intertwined fates. ------------------------

jungkooks_luna · Ost
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157 Chs

Forsaken By The Dark (2/2)

Su Qigang glanced at the masculine prisoner and said, ''Forget it. He won't get released''.

''Why?'' Wen Cai asked.

''There's a story going on outside''. And Su Qigang narrated the whole story to Wen Cai.

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, two brothers lived in harmony and peace. Although their destinies had been linked from the moment they were born, fate had also planted a seed of rivalry in their hearts.

As the two brothers grew, the tension between them increased, and they each wanted to get ahead of the other. One brother felt insecure about his future and wanted to ensure that he would be respected and remembered by his people.

So, he decided to focus on power and riches and allied with a mighty tyrant king. This king could provide the brother with all the things he wanted and thought he deserved.

With the help of the tyrant, the brother began accumulating power and wealth, which made his brother jealous. On the other hand, the other brother was content with leading a simple life, dedicated to the welfare of his people.

But unbeknownst to his brother, he was conspiring against him and selling his whole clan to the tyrant king. He knew the tyrant would protect him and give him the power and riches he wanted but at the expense of his people.

The elder brother, who was ignorant of his brother's true intentions, finally became aware of the situation and confronted him, warning him of the consequences of his actions.

But the younger brother was adamant and refused to see the error of his ways and continued to collaborate with the tyrant king, slowly destroying his people.

In the end, this rivalry between the two brothers caused great distress in the kingdom and the people of the land suffered greatly. The lesson here is that to lead a successful life, one must be aware of and act beyond their base desires and interests. 

The situation only got worse as the tyrant king began to enforce his will over the kingdom, subjugating and oppressing the people in ways that were both cruel and unjust.

Under his rule, the people faced grave hardship, with no freedom to speak their minds or live their lives as they pleased. Many of them eventually lost their homes and possessions and were driven to the brink of poverty. The damage was so severe that it would take a very long time for the kingdom to recover from the trauma inflicted upon it.

The horrific events that unfolded were a grim reminder that no one should ever take a stance against the will of a tyrant. Unfortunately, by the time the two brothers realised the error of their ways, it was too late, and the damage had already been done. Despite the anger, the brother killed his blood brother.

The prisoner closed the book and got up. He placed it aside and walked towards the bars, his face glowed in the dim light from the candles. With a piercing gaze, he gestured to the two guards with his right-hand finger to come near him.

Wen Cai was a bit shocked and walked slowly towards him. On the other hand, Su Qigang was not impressed but still followed his partner.

''Listen to me clearly, I like to speak only once''. With sharp eyes, he looked at them.

''First thing, he was not my blood brother but stepbrother. Secondly, the middle court god, which you are talking about is Fang Bi, the third thing, it was a false story and last thing, next time, during my meeting if I see you anywhere near me, the very next day you will patrol this place on a wheelchair''.

''You..'' Su Qigang stepped forward angrily but Wen Cai stopped him saying 'leave him', 'let it go'.

''What would you do,..'' Jiang Liwei grabbed the iron bars and shouted with full force, his eyes red with anger.

Wen Cai helplessly parted the two. Jiang Liwei huffed with anger and went back to his place.

Wen Cai slowly walked away, still shaken by the intense atmosphere. Su Qigang glanced at Jiang Liwei one last time before walking away.

They didn't say a word but within each of them, they knew they met someone different and powerful. No one would ever think it was that prisoner who changed the fate of the kingdom.

The morning sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon, spreading its warm light across the land. A light mist still lingered in the air, and a chorus of birdsong filled the air.

The sky was slowly becoming lighter and brighter, and the colours of the world were starting to come to life. The air was still and calm, adding to the peaceful and idyllic atmosphere. All in all, it was a beautiful start to a new day.

The heavenly God's palace resided above the clouds, filled with a bright, white light that radiated off every surface. Beyond the entrance was a grand hallway with marble walls, grand pillars, and gold accents. As one walked further into the palace they were surrounded by the sound of chiming bells and a mesmerizing choir of angelic voices.

At the end of the hallway was a great hall with a large arched ceiling. Rays of light shone through the windows, illuminating the majestic throne in the centre that the Supreme God rests upon when present.