
Grave of infatuations: The odyssey of an autumn rose

"In the Tapestry of Heavens and Earth, a Song of Fate Begins... In a realm of gods and mortals, fate weaves a tale defying even the heavens. Tan Ju, a celestial ruler, faces uncertainty when a prophetic dream hints at his downfall by a boy born in a fateful year. Against the odds, a child emerges, destined to challenge Tan Ju. Raised by gods, Jiang Xicheng's path crosses with an enigmatic woman, and love ignites. But injustice imprisons him, while Wei's siblings rise into the realm of the dead. Lineages shift, secrets emerge, and a celestial mission awaits Jiang Xicheng after captivity. With Wei's siblings, he seeks scattered Dragon Chess Set pieces, harbouring unimaginable power. As fate converges, a symphony of destiny unfolds, testing bonds and reshaping intertwined fates. ------------------------

jungkooks_luna · Ost
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157 Chs

Autumn Breeze Dancing in the Shadows (2/2)

The Golden Celestial Hall in the upper court of the heavenly realm where the heavenly emperor Tan Ju presided was a majestic sight. High above the earth, the golden curves of the glowing hall stretch and reach up towards the infinite expanse of the night sky.

The walls of the hall were lined with shining pearls and adorned with intricate carvings; the beautiful natural patterns on the walls represent the symbiotic balance between the gods and nature. Throughout the hall were dazzling pillars of purple crystals bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun.

In the centre of the hall, a long oval table draped in silk was set amidst a garden of tall trees, providing a peaceful oasis within the grandeur. At the head of the table was the throne of the majestic Jade Emperor, ready to preside over the divine meeting.

The gods that attended the meeting each took their place around the table, emanating mysterious energy that was both awe-inspiring and calming at the same time.

In the last few centuries, the golden celestial hall was used by Gods to share stories, discuss the affairs of the universe, and come to agreements upon the fate that will befall the mortals in the realm of Earth. This divine meeting hall in the heavenly realm used to be truly a wondrous sight and a true symbol of divine power and order in the material world.

The last happy meeting between the three courts of the heavenly realm in the golden celestial hall was five years ago when, the jade emperor's favourite one, Jiang Liwei bid his goodbye to the Gods and the jade emperor and left the heavenly realm to meet his family on Earthly realm.

Today back at the court, the Gods were discussing when Lord Jiang Liwei would be released and what tasks he should be assigned. Some thought he should be pardoned and left alone.

Others thought of a task more fitting of a mortal who had done wrong; some kind of punishment for his mistake. The Earth master, Tian Feng who was celebrating his fifteenth hundred birthday, spoke up, "My brethren, I think I may have a solution." The court hushed and hung on Lord Earth master Tian Feng's every word.

"Let us assign Lord Jiang Liwei a task that will prove he has been forgiven. We can acquaint him with the spiritual world, and when his task is complete, our trial will be passed."

Everyone nodded in agreement and turned to the great immortal for more details. "Let him be assigned the task of bringing peace and absolution to the mortal realm, and providing aid to those in spiritual crisis." Once the lord Earth master finished speaking, they all proceeded to wait for Jade's emperor's order.

Without saying a single word, the jade emperor nodded his head slightly and the meeting ended.

The Gods begin to disperse.

General Huo Guang walked out of the court with newfound hope in his heart. He had confidence in Jade Emporer, and now the young man had the opportunity to prove it. As he made his way back to his chambers, he thought of the final trial too.

As the discussion in the Heavens came to a close, the Gods felt a shift in energy as they watched the stars fade away, leaving them surrounded by a peaceful void. With one last order of business from the Gods, the meeting was adjourned and the silence filled the Heavens, allowing for the shifting of focus from the divine to the earthly realm below.

In the mortal realm, the sun had reached above shining bright and the daily life of mortals started bustling again.

In the North District of the Northern Wei, a rich noble household with a two-story structure, constructed with golden-orange-tiled walls and dark wooden accents stood in the middle majestically. It was exquisite and grand with intricate designs and carvings that depicted stories of Chinese folklore.

In the main entrance were two large, intricately carved wooden doors, and on either side stood two lion statues with ornate fur and intricately carved facial features. The house's foyer was opulent and majestic, with an Italian-style marble floor and large Chinese vases filled with flowers in full bloom. The walls were adorned with dark-hued panelling and framed artwork.

A young lady wearing an elaborate floor-length peach robe with a mandarin collar and intricate beading, alongside an ornate inner jacket with embroidery and flower patterns, jade and metal belt was standing in the garden giving orders and discussing the preparations with another lady.

Another servant approached her and asked, ''Madam Jiaxin Xu, do you need anything?''

Madam Jiaxin angrily looked at her as she said, ''How many times are you going to ask me the same question?''

The servant quickly lowered her head.

''Have you got the preparations for the upcoming event sorted out yet? I expect you to make everything perfect!" Madam Jiaxin asked her.

The servant nodded her head, "I have ordered the supplies that we need and hired a team of caterers for the event. I also checked that all the decorations are in place."

Madam Jiaxin was not satisfied, ''What about the invitations? I need a list of all the invitees. Did you make sure that everyone was sent an invitation on time?"

The servant Yingying nodded her head, ''I checked that all the invitations were sent out two weeks ago and have received confirmations from most of the invitees."

"Good. And what about the food? Have you secured the best ingredients and ensured that there is enough to serve everyone? As the head maid you should look after all these things". Madam Jiaxin Xu further inquired.

The head maid Yingying nodded her head, ''Yes, Madam. I have employed the finest chefs and have ensured that food is abundant. Everything will be of the highest quality."

"Excellent. I demand only the best! I expect everything to be flawless." Madam Jiaxin gave her last command and went back to the lady to whom she was explaining about the decorations.

Head maid Yingying walked back inside the house.

As one entered further into the house, they passed through a grand atrium which was filled with light from an enormous sunroof and windows. Along the sides of the atrium, there were tall pillars with intricate engravings and a large and beautiful Imperial dragon chandelier that hung from the centre of the ceiling.

The main hall of the house was lavishly decorated with red silk walls and velvet furnishings. The wooden floor was patterned with a black-and-white cherry blossom design, and the main centre table was made from mahogany wood with intricate carvings.

To the right and left side of the hall were large two sofas embroidered with detailed designs, and at the head of the hall was a large marble dais with a throne-like seat where the noble family sat.

Servants, guards, and other attendants worked around the house, blending into the background and quietly conducting their business.

At the main entrance, two guards checked the credentials of those coming in and out of the household, and further inside, maids and footmen served tea and refreshment while carrying out errand duties.

There were also other workers in the grounds, tending to the grounds and gardens, and ensuring everything was kept immaculate and perfect.

Two maids were working in the kitchen when one started the gossip.

''Have you heard the gossip about what happened to Master Jiang Yao Shan's family five years ago?''

''Yes, I heard that his elder son and his wife were murdered by the younger stepbrother. The nephews of the elder master then took over the title of the family and all the money''. The other maid poured water into the flour as she spoke.

''What a tragedy! I heard that a lot of people were affected by it''.

''That's true. There are still some rumours that the stepbrother was hired by someone else to do it''.

''Who do you think it could have been?''

''I don't know. All I know is that it's a tragedy that should never have happened. No one ever expected the Dao Child, the lords favoured one to do something so heinous''.

And such rumours and gossip had been going on for the last five years since that night.