
grand interpretation

what's happens when you give an opportunity to a jobless man? what happened when you give authority to an underdog, what happens when you give power to someone who hates the world? again I'll ask: What is the definition of a Violator? a person, government, etc. that goes against or refuses to obey a law, an agreement, etc. that's who I am.....

OceanStar · Fantasie
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43 Chs


~~"nature bestowal : spirit garden manifestation "~~

the moment she said those transmitted those thoughts to words

the thread's immediately weaving themselves.

twisting, turning, bending,and more

In what seemed like an long time but was just a moment,the thread's weaved into an realistic but slightly transparent forest garden...

truly speaking it was more of a forest at this point than a actual garden...but looking at the size of the swamp lizard,it was easily understandable what she consider a garden

the entire garden held a pleasing and refreshing filling to it.

the span of the garden was large enough to house two stadium's

different types of giant and enormous trees formed into a formation of a giant ring....

with natural pond's and streams,on the ground where giant vines as thick a human's body,while some where much thicker

must of them entangled each other,while some where single and directly connected to a tree

each trees has its branches as thick as a elephants waist,and on them where tens of the giant vines

at the very center of the garden was a massive pond and on its center was a single tree.

the tree look gentle and calming,had a bountiful arrey of branches forming a crown for it..

this tree towered over the other ones and could even be seen from afar in this forest filled with massive trees and giant hill's

once in a while the branches and vines of the tree would sway left and right

at the trunk of the tree was a small hole big enough for a human hand to barely fit..

inside the hole,a green light radiates constantly...yet it is had to see what produces it

the swamp lizard was at the front of the pond.... looking menacingly at the demon,who was currently hitting his own head with the sword's hilt and scratching his face... finally gaining a little above 40% of his sanity back

only to be meet with the vines rushing towards his face

he instantly swung the demonic

sword and severing all the vines

seeing the sneak attack failed,she snotted coldly

then she roared in a slik sounding voice.....in the next moment, multiple vines shoot forward with the swamp lizard blasting five human sized energy ball's at him

with the power boost from the demonic sword,it was a piece of cake for the demon knight to dodge them all the vines,his speed was already unreasonable by human standard's but with the amplifier from the sword he could directly surpassed his former speed by 30%

smirking with a look filled with mockery and wickedness.

looking like the very definition of an evil being

swinging down the demonic sword, directly split the unavoidable vines and dodging the energy ball's....

well at least he thought he did..

immediately as the energy balls passed the demon knight...

they immediately exploded,blasting him with the force of all five of the energy balls

the swamp lizard narrowed her eyes and expanded her slits to get a better vision of the bright and chaotic air space..

when the energy screen finally cleared..the witness another's ability of the demon.

in the place where the demon knight original was now occupied by a blood red cocoon....

not even waiting for a second,the swamp lizard roared out...

as if a command,the trees started throwing hundreds of spikes at the cocoon

demon knight

when the first set of spikes where in range,the cocoon immediately exploded with a bang.

revealing it's actual structure which is the wings of the demon empowered by demonic energy, folding and bending into a shape/form similar to a ball or egg...

at the very center of the egg was the demon knight,who's eyes where currently filled with blood streaks...

'it's starting again... I'll have to make the Nature Lord bleed by any means possible,if not.... I'll just run till I find another living being with blood'

looking around the environment manifested by the swamp lizards ability

all this transpired in seconds.

exhilaratingly dodging the spikes, the demon knight spoke with an ancient demonic tongue

"ra ga ta gavo omoku„

"****translate: bloodspear***

multiple crimson blood spears materialize into the high air space, sending the spear forward and making them clash with the spikes

raising the demonic sword high into the air with both his arms

the swamp lizard seemed to have sensed something unnatural about he's stance and energy flow

causing her to retract all the vines and even some tree roots, when she retracted those things..she even made the garden shrink it's size by 20-30% of its normal size

looking down with veins popping out his head and muscle bulging,it's demonic features became even more prominent

uttering a single sentence

"ka enkleaver "

swinging down in a single motion..



Amon who was originally close to them,was immediately pushed away by the nature bestowal ability

stand outward on the top of a large tree watching from afar with a binocular

the moment the swamp lizard reduced the size of the garden..it became completely impossible for those in the outside world to see what's happening inside...

but hearing the explosion Amon had a bad feeling....as if his safety is unsure

turning around and looking at the forest from above....

amon clicked his tongue and complained

"they originally started fighting far from this area...but just by fighting and the energy attack only,the have

distributed destruction towards the rest parts of the forest"

we'll have to start moving....

"let's go" amon said

[alright.....] Xoha's voice sounded with slight traces of both reluctant and helplessness

amon jumped down.. putting his legs on the side of the tree's and started running backwards using that to reduce momentum

when he was closing in on the ground and was about to be thrown down powerlessly by gravity...for disregarding the laws of balance

he turned around gripping the dagger with both his hands and with pure force,he thrush down the dagger stabbing into the tree.

with the dagger pierced into the tree, he directly halted with his body swinging violently forth and back...almost smashing into the tree.

he raised his legs distributing strength into them and kicking the incoming tree,bouncing off the tree

landing on land..


another bone in his body either dislocated or broke

looking down..amon saw his disfigured left leg..."fuck"

the pain immediately assaulted his brain, causing him to want to scream but the feeling of crisis still hadn't left

putting the hil of his right foot on top the left feet...

pressing down from the right foot with pressure while pulling up the left with force... Then


although the leg came back to it's original position but...

some bone is till somewhat cracked

"forcing the body of a five year old to take on the max strength a fifteen year olds body... inhaling.. luckily I had use the -eaten energy destrebuss- to strengthen my body,if not then I would have snapped in five separate parts upon using

-lost valley of forgotten things- with the normal body of a five year old" amon didn't even want to picture that at all

he started limping with his right leg while his left supported him...

not even reaching any reasonable distance before...

the dome created by the power of the swamp lizard had a large tear at its top....

a bloodred strike of light rushed out from the dome into the air....

then it releases a bust of energy which spreed out like a submarines raider...

when the energy passed amon the thing in the blood red light immediately rushed towards him....

amon instantly turned around and shoot at the light which hit it square on the face...

as it hard no plans on dodging anyway

which happens to be a grave mistake.

immediately as the shot touch the light,it temporary stop moving... revealing it's true form in process

it was the demon knight...but unlike it's normal image,it almost unrecognizable

he is currently completely skinny and his eyes where filled with blood veins, the wings on its back became it's only noticable traits of its former self...

amon didn't internalize much as he directly throw out their last explosion without hesitation

with a BOOM!!!! Amon was thrown back by the force of the explosion,as results of being too close to the site of the explosion

getting up and dusting himself slightly,he turned around

with a zero business man face which shows how dire the situation is

he spoke in a commercial voice

"kids....don't try this at home"

(author's note: no....truly don't)

the explosion was suddenly split in two,with the demon knight appearing completely unharmed

flashing directly to amon...not even caring about wasting any words

he stabbed straight into amon heart...

smiling in satisfaction and even blushing slightly from the feeling of piercing into a humans heart..

'like I thought... killing humans is truly the most beautiful and satisfying thing to do for a demon.... nothing else matches it '

thought,cup of bloodfest evgert

yet after you touching himself as if looking for something,his face directly came from bliss to sourness

'if not for that damnable territory war and that bastard who stole my cup....(grits his teeths)....by now I would have tasted another delicacy of blood...rare in the evil realm but plenty in the middle realms..' the expression of evgert continuously change from bliss-sourness- anger-hatred&fear-helplessness

"no.. that's not right,where's the blood,screams and tears?"evgert looked in a hurry only to bare witness to something which almost caused his last heart to stop entirely

the five years old amon was pierced square in the heart and lifted off the ground..

instead of struggling as one should...

amon was simply holding the body of the sword with both his hands and looking straight at evgert

upon matching eyes with amon,evgert nearly consumed blood momentarily flowed backwards..

but that wasn't what made him almost have an heart attack... instead it was the sword's reaction to amon

as soon as the sword pierced

amon 's,it seemed to have sensed something and started vibrating

but because of the barely rational state of evgart,he didn't immediately notice

although the sword and him had not officially bonded yet,but after staying together for over hundreds of years he could somewhat feel the emotions of the sword...

and the emotion he is feeling from the sword currently is.....


different from the normal excitement it display when it's causing bloodshed and taking lives

then it would be like a wicked conman successfully selling off bad products and making 20-30% more profit than it's actual value

but it's current excitement is similar to that of a dog which saw it's owner after a long time apart

the happiness,the joy and the eagerness

caused evgerts heart to momentarily stop working and

"m-my sword..no way..wait!!!????"

as soon as the unarranged sentence left the demon Knight's mouth

the sword turned into a stream of light,which first blasted evgert far away Then merged with Amons body afterwards

the entire process Amon was in a strange state....his eyes turned blood red, with blood flowing from the corner

the pupils turned slits... his nails and hair turned longer

yet he laid unmoving

even when the sword blasted evgert away and amon fell down even hitting the ground

when the demon got up from the broken parts of trees he smashed along his flying,his entire chest was caved in

looking hatefully at amon,he screamed


rushing toward Amon with noticably slower speed

but before he could even touch an hair on amons head...

the swamp lizard who was originally nowhere to be found stood blocking his part towards amon....

one can easily tell the swamp lizard didn't take much damage from the fight,if any at all

gritting his teeths so hard they almost shattered,and saying with hatred

"when that BASTARD took MY BLOOD CUP away in the WAR..I thought 'MAYBE it because I WAS WEAKER'.... but this is different,this INSECT dares still MY SWORD...like,how the fuck is that even possible??!!"

the swamp lizard didn't even give no fuvks about what the fuvk the bastard just said,as she simply snorted with an uninterested look

"DIE------------!!!"with a roar...he rushed forth disregarding all sense of strategy

this was also another effect of the demonic sword<misjudgements >

all the effects from before and this one stacking to him and multiplied by 3×

this is the effect of the demonic sword towards it's enemies...

but before he could reach a reasonable amount of distance,is hands where suddenly severe from his body

"just because I wasn't here, you have decided to harm the children I have been put incharge of" a calm and mature voice sounded from the sky

looking up an unfamiliar man appeared in both evgert and the swamp lizard's sight

the man gave them a massive feeling of danger... even causing them to shake violently from pressure alone

the pressure forced the madness out of evgert

"w-w-wait... let's talk about---" before evgert could even finish his sentence

'something's not right.... something is missing' the demon knight .... looked down only to discover something that made him want to commit suicide

foaming from his mouth,he thought

'first I was unarmed by that brat,then I discovered my enemies unharmed...then I became unhand by this monstrosity in humanoid form.....but he didn't even end there,now I have become completely unman'end'

Emz looked down with surprise

"Oh?... sorry, It seems like I might have accidentally cut the wrong place...for that I apologize" he said with an face devoid of anyform apology