
Gran Rey Cero

This is a story set in an AU where during Ichigo's final battle with Ulquiorra while he is in the vasto lord form, he foolishly rips off his mask in such a way that he becomes an arrancar and as such he becomes a full hollow permanently, this also creates a storm of reiatsu killing Inoue and hollowifiying her, but heals Nel's mask, he becomes the king of hueco mundo, Gran Rey Cero.

red1reaper · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 4: The skeleton king

I do not own bleach

Author's note:

So yeah, I managed to squeeze Tatsuki in to a situation where I could include her in to the harem, just to clarify, she was not ready to be killed and her soul reborn in to a half oni, she did say she was ready to pay any price, but she really did not think things through and did not imagine that was going to happen, if the old man Onimaru explained to her, she would have refused for a time although eventually she might have convinced herself.

Onigashima is essentially the hell from hellverse, as I wanted to include that version of hell but also wanted to leave real hell untouched so that if and when that arc happens in canon I can extend this story there.

Onimaru is a real sword with a story that it had a sword spirit, that is the reason I choose it.

My interpretation of how hollow shinigami hybrids go, is that shinigami is not a race, it is a state souls can be in, when a plus reaches this state they are called shinigami, when a living soul reaches it, it is called shinigami substitute, and when a hollow reaches it, it is called an arrancar, due to this very liberal interpretation, I consider vizards to be hollow-plus hybrids with the shinigami state instead of half hollow half shinigami, due to this I consider arrancar not as half hollow half shinigami either, for me an arrancar is 100% hollow and 100% shinigami, the reason why they do not have shinigami powers like shikai, bankai, kido or shunpo being very simple, they either do not have Azauchis to condense a shinigami sword spirit, or they simply do not know the chants for kido or the trick for shunpo, for my interpretation they have the potential to do everything a shinigami does, they just either lack the tools or the knowledge, so they rely on their hollow powers that are instinctual, with the hollow zanpakuto being not their shinigami zanpakuto but wholly just a representation of their hollow side, it jus takes the form of a zanpakuto because that is what shinigamis do with shinigami powers, so the hollow side followsm.

This is the same reasoning for Onigamis, they are similar to vizard, they are half oni, half plus with the shinigami state.

The reason I interpret that hollows that attain shinigami rips their masks is that since shinigami powers purify hollows, by becoming shinigami themselves they are capable of self purifying themselves up to the point their regain their humanity.

This brings me to why Orihime is so human as a Vasto Lord, well for two things, the first is that I consider vasto lord as having regained a bit of their humanity, just not as much as arrancars, and the second is inertia, since she had not her mind wiped as most hollows have, she is just behaving and feeling like she remembers she should, if she does not become an arrancar and enough time passed eventually she would lose all of that and become a normal vasto lord, in fact we have already seen an effect, she lost her unwillingness to kill, and that has been lost forever, not even becoming an arrancar is going to fix that, only purification by zanpakuto and going to SS would cure that, had she arrancarized the moment she hollowified, she would have not lost that, but after three weeks, she had to lose something.

And btw, if someone wants to proofread this before I publish stuff PM me, as you might have guessed English is not my first language, not even my second, it is my third language, I just write on it because I consider Spanish and Valencian too verbose, so I end up reading only on English our of laziness, which brings me to only knowing how to write in English, it has been too much time since I wrote something in my first or second languages.... since school that I do not write on them, I talk in them daily but I write in English daily as my job as a programmer allows me to do so, still since English is my third language, my orthography is not up to par, I did not learn the language formally, just by means of dictionary and reading books and playing MMOs, I brute-forced my learning so to speak, and words with too many 'h' in the middle without reason usually escape me, sometimes irregular conjugations also escape me, I would rather write 'bringed' than 'brought', so I end up writing the first as I write and only if I notice I change it for the latter.


. . .

Captains meeting in soul society

. . .

The captains of the gotei 13 have been reunited by order of captain commander Yamamoto, for they had a very important event to discuss.

"Now we will start this meeting, you all know why I have reunited you here there today, we have to talk about three topics, the closure of Hueco Mundo, the whereabouts of Aizen and the weird case of memory loss of some people that is happening right now, please Mayuri Kurotsuchi explain what the Research Institute has found out." uttered the commander of the gotei 13.

Mayuri Kurotsuchi, back to his toilet as a hat appearance for some reason stepped forward and retrieved a small metallic device from his pocket, this device seemed to be cylindrical and of a radius of 1 cm with a button on the side and a lens on the top.

The mad scientist raised the arm which had the device and pointe the device to the top, after which he pushed the button and a hologram in which it could be seen spheres called as Soul Society, Hueco Mundo, Living World and Dangai were visible.

"As you can see in this hologram which I recreated from the data we have been able to gather about dimensions, Hueco Mundo seems to have been sealed with some kind of unbreakable seal, similar to the one in Hell." Mayuri paused as the captains and vice-captains started to talk between themselves about such a thing.

"Silence!" spouted the captain commander after which everyone shut their mouths, "Please continue."

"Yes, thanks captain commander, well as I saw explaining this seal is similar to the one in hell, not only does it block entrance to Hueco Mundo from outside, it also doesn't allow it's inhabitants to go out, if those where not enough similarities, like hell, it only seems to slightly open to accept compatible souls, in hell case that would be the sinners, but in Hueco Mundo case we have discovered for it to be newly formed hollows, it seems that when demihollows have their chains of fate consumed and explode to later reform in to hollows, they do not reform here and they seem to be sucked by the seal in to Hueco Mundo where we presume that they reform" Mayuri paused for a moment as he pushed the button again and showed now images of weird gargantas eating hollows and weird gargantas vomiting some captains of the gotei along with two humans, Kuchiki Rukia, Abarai Renji and Sozuke Aizen.

"As you can observe by these recording of the day of the sealing, before the seal materialized It first swallows hollows all around the globe, including the members of Aizen's army that where attacking Fake Karakura town, and for some reason, traitor captain Kaname Tosen. We can see that these garganta are different from normal gargantas, as instead of just opening to allow passage, these actually seemed to attack the hollows and eat them, forcing them back to Hueco Mundo. Even those that noticed and tried to escape or fight the gargantas had no luck, as the gargantas seemed to be fixed in distance relative to the individual instead of fixed points in space, so when they moved, the garganta did with them as if it was a part of their body, and even if they attacked it served nothing... Eventually every hollow was eaten by them, and that seemed to include even half hollows like the Vizard" said Mayuri as he pointed to the examples in the hologram.

"Then we have the much less widespread but still different phenomenon of our forces, Aizen and the shinigami substitute friends beings thrown out of hueco mundo. As you can see these gargantas that vomited them were different from a normal garganta and the other weird garganta, these seemed to open radially, forming a sort of circle instead of opening lineally, and while normal gargantas only allow pass, these gargantas seemed to force their members our with force, and according to account, some of these accounts from people present here, they did not need to form a path inside these gargantas, they where flown against all their power, nothing being able to oppose this current inside and finally forced out of the garganta... As for how they looked in Hueco Mundo..." Mayuri pressed the button again and a two dimensional image appeared.

"You will have to excuse me, this is my personal recording which is limited in dimensions, but as you can see, they had the same circular appearance in Hueco Mundo, just that these ones sucked us instead of throwing up, It also seems like an individual one opened for every individual, and the sucking force of each one only seemed to affect the individual, as some where fighting and while they were absorbed, their opponent did not seemed to be affected, we also can deduce this is not a plan in the part of the members of Aizen army as they seemed rather surprised by this event." Mayuri pushed the button again, showing the image of a radial garganta expulsing Aizen.

"Aizen was expulsed by one of them, and by the look of horror and surprise in his face, we can deduce that this time, this was not one of his plans" Mayuri grinned as he zoomed in to the traitorous ex captain, "As you can see by this hologram, Aizen's zanpakuto is nowhere to be found, as you can see he seems to be trying to unsheathe but nothing is there."

At this revelation nearly everyone gasped, for Aizen has been separated from his army and from his blade.

"But this is not all" continued the mad scientist as the video hologram continued playing, with gin Ichimaru appearing as well.

"Watch" said Mayuri.

What they saw there was something that nobody expected nor nobody had seen as only cameras recorded where Aizen appeared and no member of the Gotei was there.

What they saw is how Aizen suddenly had some kind of realization and tried to perform a dodge only for a blade to pierce him very close to his heart, but not quite.

The owner of the blade being no other than Ichimaru Gin, one of the supposed companions of Aizen. The most shaken was Rangiku Matsumoto.

"As you can see, it seems like we had a men on the inside, even if not even us knew of his infiltration, yet he seems like he failed the assassination, Aizen noticed the last millisecond and was able to move few centimeters, avoiding a mortal wound, but still the wound he got was not small, and as such after this...."

The video resumed and they saw how Aizen coughing blood retrieved some kind of weird device from inside his suit and trowed it in front, only for a senkaimon like gate to open and he to enter, Gin not able to follow him as it closed immediately.

"Aizen opened an unauthorized senkaimon used an illegal device and fled to the world of the living, location unknown, it is presumed that he is still alive but gravely injured and still recovering, we presume that his zanpakuto is in Hueco Mundo, inaccesible for him, and we would like to believe that the Hogyoku is also in Hueco Mundo, but we can't confirm nor deny it." continued the head scientist.

"For Gin... it is better if Captain Commander explains that later"

"This explains what happened to hueco mundo and its hollows and the whereabouts of Aizen, in essence Aizen escaped but unarmed, without an army and gravely injured, his threat level is low for the moment, and Hueco Mundo closed itself and is swallowing hollows for unknown reasons, but this leads to no hollows attacks as hollows seem to have ceased to exist outside of Hueco Mundo, as all existing ones were retrieved there, and new ones reform there... We still have to determine if a shinigami subject of hollowification would be trigger a repeat of the eating garganta, as they do not explode and reform but directly reform" Concluded these two points Mayuri.

"As for the third point, It is no longer a threat, it seems that the erasure of memories happened previous to the day of the closure and has yet to happen again, which has led us to believe that it was the cause of some kind of hollow, we are currently sorting all documents to find those we have forgotten, as they seemed to have forgotten nearly everything about themselves" ended his speech the head scientist of the Gotei 13.

"Thank you very much Mayuri, now I will continue the explanations", vocalized the captain commander.

"For Ichimaru Gin, after this incident he contacted me trough secret means and expressed his wish to surrender himself to us to be judged... Normally the central 46 would have him executed... Even with martial law as we are now I would have him at the very least stripped of his power and punished in the maggots nest for 300 years... But we can't afford that anymore, a new threat much worse than Aizen has appeared, and Gin also has shared with us all the information on Aizen and the arrancar, and as such as my authority allows me as Captain Commander of the thirteen court guard squads under martial law..." Genryusai paused for a moment, after which Gin Ichimaru was brought in front of everyone, bound by 4 guards with a collar in his neck and his hands bound in some kind of kido.

As Ichimaru was brought to the center of the room Yamamoto looked with one of his ever so serious and commanding looks and raised his cane as a judge would do with his hammer, ready to deliver judgement on the traitor, as he brought the cane downwards he said his verdict "I absolve Ichimaru Gin of all his crimes and restore him to his position as captain of the third division, these orders effective as of now." and he ended saying his verdict his cane finally reached the ground and created a thumb noise as air was flown everywhere from that position, fluttering the haori of all captains present.

After the verdict was casted, the kido spell in Gin dissipated and the guards released him of his collar, with all four of them leaving the room.

"You have my thanks captain commander" said Ichimaru with one of his typical grins, trough it seemed to be a genuine one this time as he looked towards Rangiku and un uncharacteristic warm tone filles his eyes only to disappear a moment later as he looked to the front.

This has caused again a lot of whispers between captains and vice-captains, as they were quite surprised by Gin being pardoned of his crimes even if he betrayed Aizen at the end, and fearing what this new enemy was that triggered their Captain Commander to do something that he would otherwise not do in a million years.

"Silence!" Commanded Yamamoto Genryusai again, causing everybody to close their mouths again.

"I see you are rather altered by my decision and the new threat, and you should be for this threat is one that the Gotei had never actually had to face, this is the resurgence of old enemy, older than than the Gotei, and almost as old as the Reiou himself, a threat that the original shinigami from before the Gotei existed had to face... A being that commands and reigns over the true enemy of the shinigami, I am talking about the being that sealed off Hueco Mundo and separated hollow-kin from the rest, for only one being has that right of divine nature to command Hueco Mundo to his will, I am talking about the rightful king of Hueco Mundo, the rightful king of all Hollows, half a king half a deity of hollowkin, I am talking about..." The old warrior stopped a bit as if the mere mention of this name was taboo.

"Gran Rey Cero" revealed the Captain Commander Yamamoto Genryusai of the thirteen court guard squads.

. . .

Meanwhile, in front of the senkaimon in soul society.

. . .

A petite shinigami girl stood in front of large gate, this girl had a band in her arm that recognized her as the vice-captain of the 5th division, also had he hair tied up in a bun, she was Hinamori Momo, and although she should have been either in her chambers recuperating from her mental problem or in the meeting with all captains and vice-captains she was here.

"Please open the senkaimon I must travel to the living world with urgency, these are my orders", said the girl to the member of the kido corps responsible of opening the gate, these orders were of course forged, for no such orders existed, but the guard would not realize that until later.

"Yes! At your orders vice-captain Hinamori-sama" said the gatekeeper as he opened the gate.

As the gate opened she walked in, and when no one could see her face anymore, she dropped the pleasant facade she had put for the gatekeeper and instead a psychotic look took her face, with her eyes completely open and her pupils dilated, with a scary grin that would put Gin to shame.

"Aizen-sama wait for me, now that you no longer have an army or your allies or even your sword, you will no longer abandon me right? I am going to be there for you Aizen-sama, others might not know where you are, but I will, my heart will guide me to you Aizen-sama, my precious Aizen-sama, I will heal your wounds and will make sure you can no longer leave me alone, Aizen-sama.... Aizen-sama, hehehe" spouted Momo as she walked towards to the world of the living.

. . .

Hogyoku's chambers

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Ichigo tried to bring the magic rock out if his hole with his fingers, but each time he tried to do so, the little ball dodged his fingers, after about a comical minute, Ichigo heard a voice inside of his head.

"Ichigo, stop, you are not going to be able to remove it, she wishes to be there, in fact she would like to speak to you", the voice of inner Yhwach said to Ichigo as he dragged the main consciousness in to their inner world.

Ichigo found himself again in his inner world, the skyscrapers had been replaced with towers like those of las noches, and they came out of the dessert of hueco mundo, in the sky reigned hueco mundo's moon, everything was still sideways, tho.

In this world he found the Old man as always, there was also Zangetsu, which was sleeping in a floating bed, Ichigo thought that Zangetsu did not look as scary sleeping as he did when trying to take over his body, and last there was a new third integrant, a weird wall of purple energy.

"What or who is that?" asked a confused Ichigo.

"That, or more correctly, she is the will of the hogyoku, after positioning itself on your hollow hole she had managed to invade your inner world and was asking to speak with you, but I will be speaking for her, as you still can not hear her voice." said the old man.

"So.... well..." he turned towards the Hogyoku's Will, "Hello Hogyoku-san? What brings you to my inner world? and why you refuse to come out of my hole?" asked Ichigo politely, after which the energy ball started to tremble and buzz, this causing the old man to nod and mutter "understood".

"Ichigo, she says hello as well, as for why she is here and in your hollow hole is a single reason really, she wants protection, she sensed your power, one very compatible with her as that, and more than anything your will to protect and your open mindness, so she wants you to protect her from either of her fathers and everyone that just wants to destroy her or subdue her, she says that if you protect her and do not treat her as a tool, she will willingly give you the right over her powers " said the old man.

Ichigo was quite surprised at this, for one he did not even knew that the Hogyoku had a consciousness, then he realized that she was probably something like a zanpakuto spirit, and felt really bad for her, he had learned a bit about her from Ulquiorra and knew the current hogyoku is the result of sandalhat's and Aizen's hogyoku's fusing, and realized that since her birth one of her fathers had tried all manners of attack to destroy her and the other all manners of control to subjugate her to his will, neither really trying to understand her, Urahara may not even knew she had a will, an Aizen for sure did not care about it, and even outside of them, everyone else would try to either control her for their own gain without consent like Barragan's or seal her like the Gotei 13.

With a resolute will Ichigo decided, he could not let those evil people damage this pure being, he had to protect her, so he walked up to her, and hugged her to the best of his abilities as it was hard to do that to a ball of purple energy.

"Do not fear, I will protect you, I can't let a pure being like you be mistreated anymore, even if you don't give me your power I would still do so, I just ask for this one time so I can help my friend, I am just asking tho, even if you refuse I will still protect you" said Ichigo with a warm tone he usually reserved only to calm his sisters when they were sad.

"Ichigo!" Said a feminine voice very high in pitch similar to that of a little girl, "Thanks Ichigo, but I will be giving you my powers, even more so because you do not want to force them from me, you can use it to help your friend and for what you want"

"Are you sure?" asked Ichigo

"Oh! you now hear my voice, I am very happy, but yes you will be able to use them as you want, as I decided that the best way to be protected by you so that I can't be taken advantage is to become one with you, so my powers will of of course become yours as well" As she said that she entered inside the boy's body which was hugging her. After a few moments she exited and rocketed off towards a weird storm in the distance made out of blue and black reiatsu, finally exploding in to a storm of purple energy, as if trying to merge with the previous storm.

"Wha- What just happened?" asked a very confused Ichigo.

"Ichigo, she is trying to merge with your soul, she sensed that you currently lacked a spirit as Zangetsu stopped being your shinigami spirit and became representant of only your hollow part, so your shinigami powers and the seat of its spirit was vacant, that is what that storm was, if you had gotten an Asauchi, that storm would have entered it and eventually condensed a new Zanpakuto spirit" explained the old man.

"Wait are you saying she is trying?" asked the strawberry as he realized what was happening.

"It is as you are thinking Ichigo, she is trying to become your shinigami zanpakuto spirit, essentially becoming a part of your soul, that is what she meant with becoming a part of you, and why she she said that her powers were going to become yours as you will become one as you are with me or you are with zangetsu." continued the old man.

"But she will not really end that merging on her own, you will need an Asauchi, as that is needed to forge a real shinigami zanpakuto, still while that happens it seems she has allowed you to use part of her powers, essentially the part of her that controls hollowification, shinigamification and all that is in between, she also seemed to have improved your regeneration powers quite a bit, now you will regenerate even if your inner organs, heart or even head is destroyed, as long as a part of you remains, you will regenerate and not die, she really wants you to be able to protect her against anything, so it is normal that she did that." denoted the quincy spirit.

"Wait so now I can create arrancar and vizards however I like?" asked Ichigo

"No, well you can, but that is not all, you can do so much more, after all you seem to be the king of the hollows, and you having me disconnected gives you similar powers to my main body giving you additional authority over souls, with the power she is sharing, you probably could do nearly any modification to hollows, like choosing a individual soul of a Gillian and suppressing all others, forcing it to become an adjuchas with the will of your choosing, you could even turn normal hollows that have not eaten a single soul nor had spiritual energy in life in to arrancar, trough very weak ones, you can also heal wounds to masks like the one your teal haired mate used to have, you could even make the voices in an adjuchas shut up without making them arrancar or vasto lord and much more that I do not even imagine, you will have to experiment with it, what I say are only hypothesis based on my knowledge about hollows and souls that I inherited from my main body." articulated the old man.

"Wait calm down old man, that is too much information for me, now please bring me outside so I can help hime" enounced the young arrancar.

When Ichigo was going to ask again he found himself again in the hogyoku's chambers.

"Ichigo-kun did something happen? You had this face as if lost in your thoughts for the last 5 seconds" worried Orihime.

"No problem, I was just talking with the hogyoku you could say, it is a bit long but she has agreed to help" revealed Ichigo.

As he said that and before anyone could say anymore, he knew what he head to do, he picked zangetsu, sheath and all, and put the part where in a normal zanpakuto would be the seal to do konso to the mask of his girlfriend.

Then he started first charging his hollow reiatsu, and what he believed was the authority he had as gran rey cero in to that part of the blade, doing so made it shine in black and red and only with that the mask started to crack but not break. So he started puring the hogyoku's energy that now he could freely command towards that part as well as a purple aura appeared there mixing with the other aura and...





Her mask shattered and her body was engulfed in a light that was at the same time, white, yellow, red, black and purple.

When the light faded and everyone could see again what they saw Inoue Orihime, not very different from when she was human, but with a blade on her hands which had a guard resembling her two hairpins, with one of the flowers rotated respect to the other so his points coincided with the others depressions. She had a hollow hole a between her neck and her breasts, on a part that was on top of the breasts but was still not the neck, she was clothed in a ragged version of the white outfit she had before, with the rags letting her hollow hole visible, for her mask she had 5 little fragments, the most noticeable was a little mask fragment under her right eye, it was small but the position made it very noticeable, the other 4 consisted of 2 at each side of her head resembling her previous hairpins, but a little bit bigger and white, and the last two were two little horns on her forehead, that probably originated from the antenna she had there as a vasto lord, but right now they resembled little horns more than antenna.

"How are you Hime?" worriedly asked the boy to his mate.

"Very well dear!" She said as she quickly approached him and kissed him deeply in the mouth, this was a kiss she really have been wanting to give, as the mask had not allowed her to do so, and now that she can this is the first thing she wanted to do.

Ichigo at first was a bit surprised as he did not expect such a sudden kiss, but quickly responded by hugging her and collaborating with the kiss, twisting their tongs with each other as they degusted the taste of each other's mouth in a romantic moment, a single tear of happiness falling from the love-stuck arrancar girl, after which their hands go towards each other waist and were starting to unclothe the other.

"I am sorry to interrupt your... mmm... mating session, but I fear it is not the moment for mating" indicated Ulquiorra, not quite wanting to stop such a heartful related moment as he found it very interesting and educative, but knowing that they had no time.

"S-sorry" muttered both of the lovebirds as they blushed and separated from each other.

"Now is the time to tell us Orihime, have you regained your powers in this form?" inquired Ulquiorra

"Yes, I can feel it, but not only I had regained them, they are even more powerful than ever, I can feel it" replied the woman.

"Then there is no time to waste", as he said that he charged a zero and fired it towards a wall, opening a big hole that tore trough all of las noches until the exterior was visible and they could even see Barragan.

Before leaving them time to respond he entered his resurrección, picked both of them, each in one arm and flew towards Barragan at breathtaking speeds.

. . .

Stark was starting to feel a little bit exhausted of this fight, when he was wondering how much time more he needed to buy he saw a green cero fire from the interior of Las Noches and he smirked, moments later Ulquiorra was there and dropped their new Lord and one of his mates, now unmasked, in the floor.

"Took you your damn time!" complained the sharpshooter.

"We are sorry, Nnoitra blocked our way" Ulquiorra excused the other two with this white lie, as that is not what had caused the delay as that was but a moment, but not wanting to reveal that they got delayed as they wanted to mate.

"Who are you two?" asked an enraged Barragan in the form of a skeleton.

"Your end!" shouted a cold Orihime as she readied her blade, completely sure of what to do.

"Rechaza la realidad, Seis mil Flores de Hibisco"

As she released her resurrección she adopted a similar form to the one she had before, but with some notable differences, first is that now she has six wings on each side, and instead of a mask she has a big tiara like a princess or a queen, her white hollow armor also was composed of imagery of the Shun Shun Rikka and her feet had become pointy, like swords or pointy sticks, this form also was as revealing of her chests as Tier one was, as the only clothing she has in this form was the hollow armor fragments in the shape of Shun Shun Rikka, and it was more of a bikini armor than a real armor.

But the most shocking part is that at the same time that she changes next to her appeared 6 new figures the size of her, they where her original fairies of the Shun Shun Rikka, but instead of small, they were human sized and had a a hollowified appearance, each with mask fragments, hollow holes, black sclera and clothes that were mainly white with accents in the original main colours of their clothes.

Nothing more to say they were all floating, her included, and she looked like an absolute fairy queen with her six fairy knights, but with a hollow flavour of course.

"Amazing..." Muttered her boyfriend at the beautiful form she had adopted to which she blushed a little and smiled but before they could do anything Barragan fired a gran rey cero, at her.

Ichigo could do nothing as she was quite high and he has been distracted, but as he feared the worst she just extended her left hand towards the cero and blocked it, not by firing another cero or by creating one of her barriers, she simply stopped it by the power of her own defenses, of her hierro.

"That is useless Barragan" said Orihime as cold as liquid nitrogen as she glared at the skeleton, "After becoming an Arrancar and having devoured Nnoitra my hierro is not the strongest and will always be the strongest, the reason is that it had reached transcendent level, and is not even hierro anymore, but its transcendent equivalent, Acero, and nothing you can do bar your aging technique can penetrate this Acero, for it can even block any transcendent attack with little damage" she explained coldly, as if to break his morale.

"And even if you use your respira I have heard talk about, It will still not damage me, as in this form I can infuse my powers of rejections on my own body, mixing it with my Acero to evolve it even further to a realm that surpasses divinity and providence" As she said that a faint yellow light started to shine from all her body:

"Titanio" shouted the girl and the light dimmed leaving a yellowing tint to all her body, if one looked closely it was as if her skin and armor had a mesh of triangles.

"Titanio can even resist your abilities, as it is the ability to reject anyone and anything from touching me for that is a right reserved to those I love, and you are not." As she said that a cloud of respira covered her whole and everyone was worried while Barragan was laughing, but when it dissipated Orihime was still there, as if nothing had happened.

"As you can see not even your respira can trespass my Titanio, only Ichigo-kun and my co-mates can trespass it, for the right to touch me is reserved to them, not you or your ability, Barragan" she said calmly and as cold as a Siberian winter.

"I could end up you here and now and you couldn't do anything, but I have decided to make an example out of you, so that Ichigo-kun can see how strong I have become and he can stop worrying that much about me, is nothing personal Barragan, you just stand in my way." Orihime threatened coldly.

"Baigon! Hinagiku! Lily! Rechazo tres mil veces, Santen Kesshun Supremo"

As Orihime screamed their names and said the name of the technique, each of the three split in a one thousand smaller versions of themselves, of the size they were originally while she was human, totally 3000 little fairies.

As the formation of 3000 flew they positioned in a spherical formation around Barragana and as they activated the barrier, a spherical barrier made out of triangles enclosed Barragan completely.

"What is that?" screamed Barragan as he started to fire ceros and respira towards the barrier but to not avail, not even making a a dent to it.

"That is a barrier neither you not anyone can escape, each one of them is two and a half times stronger than it was when I was human, and back there I only had three, now I have 3000, and when making barriers with more members the powers are not added but multiplied, this is the ultimate barrier, no one can escape and nothing can break it, not even a true god could, and not only is physical, the space inside is sealed as well" she indicated.

"But that is not all..."

"Ayame! Shun'ō! Rechazo dos mil veces, Souten Kisshun Supremo"

As orihime commanded, a new spherical barrier formed over the previous barrier, this one had a third less points forming it, and instead of being formed of triangles, it was made out of elongated ovals.

As the new barrier formed around the first one, all the respira inside the first one vanished, and even when Barragan tried to form more, it just did not come out, as if the existence of Respira had been negated inside the second barrier, but not only respira, Cero, Bala, or any simple reiatsu blast, all his attacks simply did not form, as if they did not exist while he was inside of there.

"Do not waster energy Barragan, I am the one that decide what is allowed to exist in that barrier, and right now I am rejecting from reality any and all forms you may have of attack, I could have erased you there and now, but I wanted to use you as an example, and an example you will be"

As she said that the barriers started to shrink, forcing less and less space for barragan to move, until he could not move at all, at that point

"Tsubaki! Rechazo mil veces, Koten Zanshun"

Tsubaki separated in a thousand Tsubakis and they all flew towards Barragan, passing trough both barriers unencumbered, as if they did not exist for them, and with a velocity that would put any sonido to shame....









Thousands of cuts started to appear in Barragan, slowly breaking apart his skeleton body, he unable to do anything as he could neither attack nor move, and anyway they were too quick for his reflexes.

As Barragan bones were breaking apart and disappearing by the moment, he finally dropped out of his resurrección which leaved an old man with 60 thousand cuts in his body, but before he could die of blood loss, all Tsubaki reformed in to the original human sized one as he and orihime appeared in front of Barragan. both having a yellow aura in their hands in the shape of a blade.

"It is the end Barragan, you are too dangerous to leave alive as you could sneak attack my loved ones, so you can't be allowed to live" As she said that with the coldness of a star that has fused all his fusible material and no longer shinned in space, she pierced Barragan's brain, while Tsubaki pierced Barragan's internal organs, this double attack killing him in a single instant. And thus he dropped dead to the ground and the cold fairy princess walked away, with all six fairies already having reintegrated to their full sized bodies and following along without saying a single word.

A single thought was in all that had witnessed what Orihime had did with Barragan, they all thought that it has not been a fight, not even a slaughter, it has been nothing more than an execution, she could have killed him quickly by approaching him a piercing his head with her hand, after all she could resist his respira, had enough power to pierce him, and she seemed to be faster than him, but instead of killing him quickly, she had decided to make an spectacle out of it, a public execution, this greatly worried Ichigo as he worried that his once friend and now girlfriend was no longer there and only a cold killer with her memories remained, but that thought dissipated when he remembered her passionate kiss, that was real and not an act, 'Orihime is still Orihime, she is just now, more willing to kill when necessary and a tendency to dehumanize her targets... but on everything else she is still her, the bubbly girl that would eat a loaf of bread alone or would mix ketchup with milk' Ichigo rationalize to himself, more than anything trying to convince himself.

Everyone approached Inoue with questions about her powers and what she had said, everyone very interested, praising her powers, she now was no longer cold and has her usual bubbly face, explaining happily all she could answer and blushing a bit from all the compliments, but as they where all there, Ichigo was not, he was in front of the body of Barragan, filled with doubt.

"Ichigo, do it, you have to do it or he will never wake up, and this is your best opportunity to do so, the rest of upper espada are your friends or lovers, you have to do it and quick if you want to hide it." said the quincy spirit in the arrancar's head, trying to convince him that he has to do it.

'But... but... If i do that, I would not be better than the average Hollow....' the arrancar thought to himself as a way to communicate with his spirit.

"Ichigo, you ARE a hollow, You have to accept it, you now are a hollow and you will keep being one forever in this life, in fact you are the king of hollows, all your lovers have done this, even princess did it before, so you have to leave your hesitations, i have already taught you this but I will repeat myself" said the spirit

"Cast off your fear. Look forward. Go forward. Never stand still. Retreat and you will age. Hesitate and you will die" repeated his spirit


'Very well old man i will do it' Ichigo picked up Barragan's corpse from the ground

'But how am I supposed to do it? It is not like I can deform my mouth to swallow him whole like a normal hollow, as an Arrancar my mouth is like a human's ' complained the young arrancar as he did not even know where to start.

"Do not worry for that I can help you with a bit of quincy powers, since he is already dead this is possible" replied the quincy spirit, and as he said so the corpse of Barragan that was in Ichigo's hand suddenly glowed blue and the blue aura shooted toward his mouth, where it entered and he swallowed and swallowed, with the corpse of Barragan slowly shrinking as this happened and he continued swallowing, by the end of it nothing remained of Barragan, as if he has never existed, even the blood in the floor has converted to this blue energy and entered Ichigo's mouth.

As the boy already was starting to feel regret having eaten Barragan like that hollow did to his mother, he heard a voice in his head he had not heard for weeks, and while before he would have been happy not hearing this voice again, now that he knew the true identity of this voice, he felt happy at hearing that raspy psychotic voice with all his laughter.

"Hey kingy, guess what? I am back! teheheheheheh"

'Zangetsu!' cried Ichigo in his mind

"The same one and only, at your service kingy, but I have been made aware that you no longer require a horse as you make your girlfriend do that like a true pervert would do hyahahahha, so I will be going back to be your sword as it was meant to be, kingy, I am happy that you finally call me by my name and really mean it, it seems like the old man has had a change of heart and has stopped his bad habit of lying to you, good good, It was very cringy how while we fought you asked where zangetsu was to me, Zangetsu, while referring to him"

'Yeah, I now realize I had been made to be a fool' replied Ichigo

"But no worries kingy, let bygones be bygones, from now we are partners, and hey look at that, you even invited a little girlfriend here for me, how thoughtful, hehehehe" laughed the zanpakuto spirit

Now Ichigo really dreaded that his psychotic hollow zanpakuto was going to corrupt the pure mind of the hogyoku-chan.

"Don't worry kingy, she is more mature that you think, in face by the end of what she is doing she will be as mature as any of us, as part of the same being, we all share the same level of maturity, the old man just is capable of put on an act of maturity due to his knowledge, but he was always as mature as you and me, if not he would not have had that stupid plan of suppressing your powers, when you were already invading soul society kingy, so don't worry, I will take care of her when she ends up her transformation, many thanks kingy, we are a match made in Hueco Mundo, your hollow and shinigami zanpakuto spirits, hyahhahahaha" With that Zangetsu ceased all communication, even as Ichigo tried to talk to him or retort he no longer answered, as he found it was funnier that way, he may no longer be trying to take over, but that is not going to stop him from tease the hell out of his kingy.

. . .

Onigashima, first level

. . .

Tatsuki still in her shikai flew between all the white blocks in the first level of Onigashima, here and there were people in fear and there were also gigantic skeleton like golems that patrolled the corridors in the hunt for people, but for some reason they did not attack her, in fact all the opposite, now that she was tired one appeared in front of her and extended his hands, as if offering to serve as a chair for her to rest, offer which she took, for some reason although such monstrosities should put fear in her, she felt some familiarity with them and knew that they will never harm her, she found this familiarity and trust in them she had a little weird, but this was the weirdest day of her life, or well, death; she mussed.

"Hey Onimaru old man, what are those scared people in rags and chains? and what are these monsters? Why do I feel familiar and safe with them while I feel hate and disdain towards the chained people?" asked the curious newly born Demon Goddess.

"The ones in chains are the sinners, the ones that sinned greatly in life and deserved to go to hell for it, but they ended up here instead because they died in the times the Onigami still existed and this fake hell was not sealed, they believe they are in actual hell so don't go babbling this information to them, the official name for them is Togabito, and the reason why you feel hatred and disdain for them is because Onigami feel that way towards sin, you sense their sins and feel repugned by them, the worse the sin, the more you will hate them" pointed out the sword spirit

"As for the ones you call monsters, they are the Kushanada, they where the servants and foot soldiers of the Onigami of old, they are something like automata, if using modern words you could consider them something like robots, they have four commands, the first is to obey and serve Onigamis over all and everything else, the second is to obey the will of Onigashima, the third is to not leave the Togabito escape Onigashima and retrieve them at all cost if they escape, the last one, the fourth is to kill any togabito they see as punishment for their sins, when a togabito dies, they are reborn inside hell again, so they do not die for real, it is a form of torture, as this is Onigashima and was intended as a replacement to hell, nearly everyone that is here deserves it, the hell gates or Onigashima gates do not open for petty criminals nor people that sinned out of need, only the truly wicked end up here, souls so corrupted that if they become hungry ghosts they remain self aware as they are worse than hungry ghosts, souls so corrupted than the gods of death can not cleanse, so corrupted that they can't be allowed again in the reincarnation cycle, they can't not even be allowed to be destroyed as their corruption would permeate the air."

"So don't feel sad for those togabito nor let yourself be deceived, every single strand of hate you feel for them is real and well deserved, in fact I advise you that you kill any togabito on sight as the Kushanada do, this hell is fake and Kushanada have not the power to cleanse a bit with each death they inflict on these souls alone, a Onigami has to kill them from time to time so they eventually are cleaned and returned to the reincarnation cycle, as there where no Onigami anymore these damned souls have been stuck in a endless cycle of death and rebirth that did not cleanse anymore or by this time there would be not a soul here as they would have all been cleansed and released and since no new souls should be entering fake hell, it would have emptied, but the lack of Onigami has prevented that, so you killing them would be a favour, as it allows them to continue on their cleansing and eventual release" Instructed the sword spirit.

"Okay, okay, got it, I can command the robot guys, and I have to kill the sinners, got it. But you said that nearly everyone instead of everyone, what did you meant?"

"How perceptive you are, well I will tell you, shinigami society is a bit corrupt you see, and with a bit I mean completely corrupt, so they imprisoned quite a lot of political opponents in their inner quarrels inside of here and force them to become togabito, you will recognize them by the lack of hate you feel towards them, if you see one of them, instead of killing them, cut their chains with me, this will liberate them from being killed by the Kushanada as long as they are not provoked, you could also share a bit of you power and sacrifice a Kushanada to imbue the power of hell in them and let them be reborn as Onis" explained the spirit

"Reborn as Onis?" asked Tatsuki

"Yes reborn as Onis, full Onis, not like you that are only half Oni, in essence they would have the power of Kushanada, but like 20% to 40% stronger, and with the ability to train and develop to get more powerful not like the Kushanada that are static, you could think of Oni as Kushanada but people instead of robots and stronger, but well, still weaker than you, in fact like the Kushanada they will not be able to defy your orders, you can do that if you see one that you want to make a subordinate out off, considering that the Asuras will not leave you alone if they learn of you existing, getting subordinates will help you" explained the old man

"In what problem have you gotten me in Onimaru old man? I wanted to help my friends, not be stuck in a war with the rulers of the afterlife"

"What are you talking about Tatsuki? You now are the unique, single and only Onigami, and not only that, you have me the only Oni zanpakuto made out of the essence of real Hell, you are now the Ruling Queen of Onigashima, the Queen of hell, although of fake hell, for the damned here this is a very real hell, hehehehe" laughed the demonic sword.

"Hey I did not ask to be the queen of hell, I just wanted a bit of power to help my friends!" pleaded the demonic girl but to not avail.

"What is done, done remains, and anyway, the moment that your friends are stuck in the world of the hungry ghosts and that world is sealed can only mean two things, one that your friends are now hungry ghosts, hollows so to speak, or at least part hollow, and that the Gran Rey Cero, king of the hungry ghosts has emerged again, which puts all hollow and half hollow in to the sight of extermination of the Asura anyway"


"You are pretty dumb sometimes, we will have to fix that, listen girl, your friends are now on the kill list of the shinigami, a war is going to happen and they are on the side opposite to the shinigami, so you also being on such proverbial kill list changes nothing, the moment you even related to them you were already in the site opposite of the vain Asura, if anything this only can benefit you in your crusade to help your friends, you now command the forces of Onigashima, while the Kushanada exist to punish Togabito, they will priorice your orders, if you tell them to protect your friends and fight the shinigami, they will do gladly and the Kushanada are an infinite army, while the total number of them that exist at the same time is limited, a new one is born when one perishes, you can also make Onis of those that where wronged by the asura and condemned here, I asure you that they will have no good feelings for the shinigami and will slaughter them given the command, and like the Kushanada the onis are eternal, for their soul like the togabitos is not in their spiritual bodies, but in Onigashima, and they will be reborn each time they are killed. You asked for for power to save your friends, you now command the inmortal armies of hell what more do you want girl? Because there is more, anyone you, the Kushanada or the Onis kill, will become bounded to Onigashima and become a togabito, so when you fight your enemies your armies will have the certainty of returning from death while your enemies will fear an eternity of torture, many will not even dare to fight for the moment they see the armies of Onigashima they will flee in terror, if they can't many will take their own lives before risking dying to our armies and become togabito, any enemy you kill, you will be able to torture until they reveal everything they know. You asked for power, this is what true power looks like, power means that many enemies will rather surrender than fight you before battle even being, and that kind of power is what is needed if you want to defend your friends from the coming war with the Asura, the shinigami, for the shinigami are more ruthless than any oni and can do worse evil than the worst togabito that is here"

"Okay okay gezz I understand, well I don't understand everything but I think I understand the concept, so you say that Ichigo and Inoue may be these hungry ghosts now and there is some hungry king and the shinigami will want to kill them, so now I have a kickass inmortal army to kick their asses or something like that" said Tatsuki, slightly annoyed and still not understanding what it means for her friends to be hollows.

"I do not think you truly understand, but anyway, as Hueco Mundo is sealed there is no immediate risk of the shinigami, but there may be risk of other hollows, so before creating Onis it would be wise we go to hueco mundo, before exiting, be sure to command ten or so Kushanada to follow you, for safety, also with the seal opened I am sure some industrious togabito might have managed to escape, so we might have to do some togabito hunting."

. . .

Las noches, throne room

. . .

Ichigo was in front of the throne of las noches, a throne for sure Aizen used to sit in, 'How ironic' he thought, for he was right, he had came to Hueco Mundo to save a friend from Hueco Mundo's ruler, but now here he was, going to sit in the throne of this world, With the top troops of his enemy at his command, and probably in the opposite side of a future war of his previous allies.

"Don't start sulking kingy, if you sulk I will drag your ass here and give you a beating, you are now true king, and you ought to rule, these are hollows, if you start sulking and showing weakness they will not trust you, hollows respect strength, and not only of muscle but of character" commented Zangetsu in his head.

"He is right Ichigo, remember what I always tell you..." He was interrupted by Ichigo

'Yeah yeah, . Never stand still. Retreat and you will age. Hesitate and you will die, I remember you just told me a few hours ago'

With his conviction renewed thanks to his spirits Ichigo looked back to see his friends, the people that he was going to rule over, and what he saw was something that filled him with determination but also placed a big load on his should, for what he saw was not happiness nor sadness, nor he saw fear or reverence, for he saw was hope, their eyes were filled with hope, and now he will have to do all the necessary to protect that hope and bring it to fruition.

He then made fake zangetsu dissipate and unsheathed the true zangetsu and as he point the blade upwards he declared.

"From now on, I will be king of hueco mundo, ruler of the hollows and lord of Las Noches, if someone wants to challenge my authority, they must do so now" He proclaimed, although the words were written by Ulquiorra and he was just reading what he had practiced.

As he made his proclamation all of the arrancar present, which was everyone but Hiyori dropped to their knees, this included Orihime and Ashido that have not been Arrancar or hollows for that long.

"We swear loyalty to the Gran Rey Cero, long live the king" all but hiyori swore in chorus in a solemn act.

After the pledge of loyalty he said "So by the right that comes from my birth and the loyalty of the most excellent of the hollows, I am now Gran Rey Cero" as he said that Ichigo sat on the throne....


All of las noches started to vibrate as reiatsu started coming even from the walls and behind the throne two horns reminiscent of Ichigo's came up at the sides point up, making it look like the throne of the final boss of a videogame, well, more than it already did look like that.

As if to recognize its king a crown made out of reiatsu appeared on top of the throne and it descended until it was on top of Ichigo's head, after which it was absorbed and a number appeared on Ichigo's left cheek, the number was 0, after that a symbol of a sword appeared in his hand, similar to what happened when he did use the the vasallaje keyword, but this sword was piercing a crown. after that the trembling and the wall leaking reiatsu stopped.

"Even the palace recognizes you as king, my lord" said Ulquiorra.

"So it seems" responded a exasperated Ichigo, as this was already to cringy for his taste, but he guessed that he was going to get used to it.

After all in front of him were not only the group he has formed but every arrancar that was still in las noches, it seems as the high members of the espada recognised me, so did every other arrancar.

"And as such I ascend to king, but what is a king without his knights? what is a Gran Rey Cero without his Espadas? So I will be recreating the Espada", said Ichigo, again a scripted line by Ulquiorra.

Now Ichigo was prepared to say a new command, one that Zangetsu had taught him, he directed his sword to his people and shouted


As Ichigo shouted that a huge amount of reiatsu, enough to leave him a little dizzy come out of him trough zangetsu and unto everyone present, but it quickly gathered around a few people, those people absorbed the reiatsu. which increased their own, and numbers either appeared or reappeared, and the ones without the symbol of the sword in the hand got it as well, at the end the espadas have been formed, or at least some of them, only the worthy seemed to have passed the bar, and they where as follow:

Ichigo has gotten kind of surprised that Orihime has got to be la primera, but again with the kind of power she demonstrated against Barragan it was not that weird, Barragan was the segunda espada previously and she destroyed him without much effort, when the previous primera was having a hard time keeping him distracted.

After the recreation of the Espada, or at least of around half of them, Orihime, Nelliel and Tier stepped forward and sat on chairs next to my throne that Ulquiorra has retrieved previously from the espada meeting room.

"Now I will proclaim them, they are Orihime Inoue, Tier Harribel and Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck, from now on they no longer will be named like that, they will be Orihime Kurosaki, Tier Kurosaki and Nelliel Kurosaki, for from this very moment I name them my wives and my queens, as queens of Hueco Mundo they will have authority only second to mine and above of that of their other title as espada, but contrary to espada they will not be numbered as queens, the three of them are my wives and Hueco Mundo's queens, no one of them is to be above the other two." Declared Kurosaki, in this coronation turned triple weeding shoot wedding all of the sudden, but he will have wedding celebrations in the future, in the world of the living if possible, for now it was enough to declare them as wives and queens so they be not disrespected, or so Ulquiorra suggested, the now quinta espada was quickly turning in to a sort of royal counselor to Ichigo.

By this point Ichigo was no longer in his bankai clothes but was in arrancar style clothing, similar to Aizen, Orihime got a new one similar to the one she had before but with the change that it showed her hollow hole, for some reason she liked her hole, but she has always been kind of weird, Nelliel was clothed with the same clothes she had when she was an espada under Aizen, but with the skirt part a little longer and without pants. Ashido was in masculine arrancar robes but he still had his cape with hollow masks, giving him a wild appearance, and for the rest they simply had they usual clothes.