
Gran Rey Cero

This is a story set in an AU where during Ichigo's final battle with Ulquiorra while he is in the vasto lord form, he foolishly rips off his mask in such a way that he becomes an arrancar and as such he becomes a full hollow permanently, this also creates a storm of reiatsu killing Inoue and hollowifiying her, but heals Nel's mask, he becomes the king of hueco mundo, Gran Rey Cero.

red1reaper · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 3: Onigami and the philosopher stone

I do not own bleach

Author's note:

If you want to know how ichigo looks, he is basically like the vasto lord ichigo with the mask broken of brave souls, just that with the other horn as well, because i like both horns, but the other horn only has the minimal amount of mask around it, like 1cm of radius so it doesn't hide another quarter of the face, you can think of it as if for this side there was only the horn, another change is that the bankai robes are unbuttoned on my version so the hollow hole and the tattos are visible, and ofc my ichigo has a second sword being his hollow zanpakuto, his eyes are black and yellow under the mask fragment and white and yellow in the other eye


knock knock knock

It sounded like someone was calling by knocking a non existent door, Ichigo felt a very high reiatsu outside, and as such decided that was going to scout alone and call the others if he needed help, as he had the strongest hierro of the group and an instant regeneration comparable to Ulquiorra, so he reasoned he was the best to deal with unexpected possible enemies in case of a surprise attack.

"I am going out going to see who it is, please follow me until the entrance and i will go out,, if I need help I will call.... If i raise my reiatsu suddenly, that is a signal for all of you to come out" commanded Ichigo to his companions as they all made their way to the entrance of the hideout

As Ichigo came out he found a brown haired arrancar dressed like a member of Aizen forces, followed by a green haired female arrancar a brown skinned female arrancar and a dark female haired arrancar, all of three also with variations of the typical Aizen forces clothing, they all had angry faces and seemed ready for combat at any moment notice, while further there were two more individuals, they seemed arrancars but for some reason had masks covering all their faces... 'Wait! Why are they here?' though Ichigo as he realized who those two where.

The brown haired arrancar was the first to speak, "Who are you? You have a reiatsu level on the level of a upper espada... But I don't recognize you, and you are clothed similar to a shinigami, yet you are an arrancar..." said the man with a calm anger type of voice, "Anyway, I know you have there my fracción, Lynette, release her immediately before I blow your brains with a cero!" said the man as he started to charge a cero with his hands as he pointed to Ichigo.

The three women also joined "We know you have lady Harribel there as well!" said the dark haired one, "release her as well... or... or...", continued the horned one, "You will pay!" ended the brown skinned one as they all ripped their left arms and shouted "AYON!" which triggered the appearance of a large hollow like creature with the reiatsu of a lower ranked espada.

After the mand and the women said their bits and made their treats, two buffoon-like hollows which Ichigo recognized approached, in a weird way to say the least, the wider one had lay down in the floor while the tall one had jumped on top and started rolling the body of the other, in this way both approaching like a clown that has stepped on top of a barrel...

When the buffoons were near the rest, it seems they tripped and ended up flying faces first in the ground in front of Ichigo, as they both were getting up they started to say their bit, "You must return Nel-sama to us you kid kidnapper!" said the purple one, "Yes, we are Nel-sama's brothers so she must be with us, Don'tcha know!" Continued the one with polka dots.

As they ended up saying their bit and ended their arguably long process of standing up, they were prepared to pick their respective weapons when they had a good look at who stood in front of them.

"Hey isn't that Ichigo?" asked the purple one to his companion as he signaled the orange haired arrancar.

"He resembles Ichigo, so he is Ichigo Don'tcha know!" replied his polka dressed friend

"But Ichigo was a shinigami not an arrancar" continued the purple one.

"You are right!" said with exaggerated surprise the larger one, "Then he is not Ichigo Don'tcha know!" concluded him.

"Hey guys.... Pesche, Dondochakka, I AM Ichigo..." said Ichigo with an exasperated voice as they had managed to recognize him only to convince themselves that he was not himself.

"You will not confuse us you vile liar, we know that Ichigo is a shinigami!" said Pesche in a theatrical manner as he pointed his index finger at Ichigo.

"Yes, Ichigo is a shinigami Don'tcha know! You are an arrancar so you can't be Ichigo Don'tcha know!" reaffirmed Dondochakka.

Ichigo sighted as he brought his hand to his face, facepalming hard enough that he still had the full mask, he would had became an arrancar from this facepalm.

As Ichigo removed his hand from the face he found that the man and the women arrancar had lowered their guards a bit, very probably by seeing the deplorable comical act that had just happened. This allowed Ichigo to call the ones he needed to call to defuse this situation.

"Nell! Your fracción are here, como quickly!" shouted Ichigo, "There are also 3 female arrancars asking for you Tier!", continued shouting, "There is this lazy bum looking dude asking for you as well Lynette!" ended shouting Ichigo.

Mere milliseconds after Ichigo has ended up his session of shouting the sound of three sonidos was heard as the teal and blond haired beauties appeared, quickly followed by the child looking arrancar.

"Pesche! Dondochakka!" Said a teary eyed Nelliel as she jumped toward her two fracción and hugged them while crying, clearly tears of happiness.

"Lady Nelliel you are back!" shouted both as they realized their master has returned to her original body shape and her mask was no longer damage.

Meanwhile the tres bestias and Harribel side things where different, the tres bestias had all inclined in front of their lady and shouted "Lady Harribel we have returned to you!" all with stoic faces, but before they could even notice they also had revived a hug, followed by a quick "I am glad you all three are okay, i was worried" as the quick hug ended.

Coyote Stark did not had things as easy as the others, as he shouted "Lynette!" and started off running towards her, she did a flying kick to his face, "Shut up Stark! You are late! You sure have been having naps all while searching for me".

Everything was wrapping up nicely when Pesche decided to ask his lady a question, "Lady Nelliel, who is this Ichigo looking arrancar?"

Nelliel, quite surprised answered, "He is Ichigo, don't you remember him?"

"But lady Nelliel, Ichigo was a shinigami Don'tcha know!" replied Dondochakka.

"Wasn't Ichigo that human shinigami that Lord Aizen tricked in to coming to las noches?" Asked Stark

"He really is Ichigo!" continued Nelliel, "He just kind of became an arrancar, but it is the same Ichigo!" said Nelliel, defending the identity of her lover.

"I confirm that he is indeed who you are referring to, Stark, but I must tell you it is no longer Lord Aizen, Aizen is no more on this Hueco Mundo, our ruler now is Lord Ichigo" said Harribel while looking to Stark.

To this Stark got on guard and started charging a cero again, "Have you betrayed Lord Aizen, Harribel?" interrogated Stark.

"Ichi! You should try to do what you did that day to convince Ulquiorra and Tier!" recommended Nelliel to her boyfriend.

"But it was not I that did it, it was zangetsu, but I guess I can try", said the young arrancar as he unsheathed his hollow blade and pointer toward Stark, concentrating his reishi in the blade.

"Te comando espada temporal que me obedezcas y me comprendas, VASALLAJE!"

As Ichigo commanded that, a energy come out of him and hit Stark, after which a sword imprint appeared in the opposite hand than the one he has his number, afterwards the number was also replaced by another sword imprint, making it so that he had a sword imprint in each hand, as this happened the vision of Coyote Stark clouded and stopped his attack.

"Now enter there and sleep", commanded Ichigo, which caused Stark to start walking towards the entrance of the hideout, Lynette accompanied him so that the others would not attack him, and while the tres bestias where questioning what had happened, Harribel calmed them down and they all four entered the cave as well, finally Nelliel entered the hideout with Ichigo and her fracción.

After a few quick explanations Ichigo proceeded to go to sleep, in hopes of repeating what put Ulquiorra and Tier on his side.

. . .

Later that day. . .

Ichigo waked up, with a small smile on his face, for the plan seemed to be working, in his sleep he had a the synchronisation dream again, this time with Stark, before going to sleep Ichigo had learned the names of the tres bestias and of Stark, Tier had been the one that explained it to him.

'It seems that he still will take a bit to wake up' thought Ichigo seeing the man still sleeping with no signs of waking up anytime sooner, or at least that is what Ichigo thought for a brief second as a flying kick flew by his side and landed on the sleeping face of Stark.

"Stark wake up you lazy ass! Ichigo has already woke up!" shouted an angry Lynette to her espada, as he slowly woke up, very slowly.

"Heck Lynette why are you waking me up!" Roared Stark with a lazy voice as he rubbed his hand against his face as if to ward off his sleepiness.

"You need to wake up you moron, you have to decide if you are going to follow Ichigo like the rest or you are going to stuck to Aizen" continued shouting Lynette to Stark

To which Stark responded "This Ichigo boy is alright and I am sure he would make a nice king but I have swore loyalty to Lord Aizen." Replied Stark with a serious face.

"You can't be serious Stark, Aizen is a snake, even more of a snake than that Ichimaru guy"

"Hey!" shouted Sung-sun, clearly not happy about them using the term snake as an insult, but she was completely ignored by the duo.

"He may be a snake, but he gave us what we really wanted, comrades, people to not stay alone, you are also exaggerating, he can't be that bad, every action he did was to ensure the stability of the group, I believe that he truly cares" argued Stark, still insistent.

"For one, you have not seen what we have seen, and for second, the only Espada that you liked or considered companions are with Ichigo anyway, so if you follow Aizen you will be alone again" counter argued Lynette to her other half.

'She is right about the second point, Ulquiorra, Harribel and even the long lost Nelliel are with the boy, and even Lynette seems to want to go with this side' thought Stark as he was looking towards other side, not dating to make eye contact, still he managed to find words to argue.

"What is that supposed thing I have not seen?" asked Stark, clearly not wanting to think more about the other part of her argument.

"Hey! Ulquiorra! Gonna need your help a little. Can you show this lazy ass that you saw Aizen say" asked Lynette towards the pale green eyed arrancar.

To this, the first thing Ulquiorra did was look towards Ichigo, to which Ichigo nodded, prompting Ulquiorra to nod as well, afterwards he walked towards where Lynette and Stark where arguing.

"What do you want Ulquiorra?" asked Stark, hurt that Ulquiorra had turned traitor, as he believed him to be even more loyal than himself.

"You should see this", as Ulquiorra said that he proceeded to remove on of his eyes and squish it, replaying the memory he had of Aizen in which Aizen mentioned that the Arrancar were unneeded except Wonderweiss and they where mere sacrificial pawns to delay the captains, all expected to perish against the gotei 13.

. . .

"Fucker!" Shouted a very angry Stark, clearly enraged at seeing how Aizen planned to betray them all and use them as sacrificial lambs only so he did not have to dirty his own hands, not even needed where they.

Stark felt as his hollow hole ached with pain, as he realized that the man that gave him everything that he always wanted planned to not only rob him of everything he had been given but of Lynette and even his own life, words can't really explain how hurt Stark was feeling right now, as he fell to his knees and started to cry manly tears, hugging Lynette as if not doing so would cause her to vanish.

Lynette for her part understood the pain he was feeling and instead of saying anything start to pet him in the hair, as if to console him.

After a few minutes passed no more tears remained in Stark, at least no more he was willing to was on Aizen, as his sadness over these minutes has sifted to rage, he raised up, making Lynette take a few steps back as she no longer could pet him. and he clenched his fists as he raised his right fist and made a declaration.

"I am going to kill him, I AM GOING TO KILL AIZEN!" shouted Stark enraged, "I gave him my loyalty, my heart, i was prepared to die for him if it was necessary, but what did he did with my heart? he played with it! he was going to use it because he was too lazy to bother defeating the Gotei captains that he very well can or so he believes and after that he was ready to throw my heart as if it was a used Kleenex, we were all going to be sacrificed for nothing, we were only toys for him, his little experiment, and amusement while wanted for the damn rock to awaken! Aizen wherever you are you absolute rat tremble in fear for i am going to hunt you down, that i promise" declared Stark with the fury of a thousand suns on his face as the shed his last tear, not for Aizen but at the though of losing all his friends and be alone again.

After Stark's declaration he walked up to Ichigo he locked eyes with him, only to kneel down, without stopping the staring contest for a single second, afterwards he spouted "I will swear loyalty to you lord Ichigo, for my companions already did so and I can feel that you will take care of our loyalty better than Aizen, but know that if you ever betray my, no, our loyalty, I will hunt you down like I am going to hunt down Aizen." as he said that his eyes took on a fiery like aura, as they were filled with determination.

"I accept you Stark, and don't worry I will not betray you, I would rather die than do betrayal, there are very few things that revolt me more than betrayal", answered Ichigo with an equal look of determinations, afterwards both men closed their eyes, and ichigo gave his hand to Stark to help him stand up as a sign of trust and friendship.

"Now kiss", The ever so serious atmosphere was suddenly broken by Lynette as she joked and started to laugh her ass off as both men quickly separated their hands and looked at her angrily. That started a chain reaction of laughter and by the end of it everyone was laughing them being the exception, instead they were red as tomatoes.

After the laughter and the joking and teasing died down they all sat on the floor in the form of a circle and started telling their stories and explanations, in what has quickly become a sort of tradition each time they encountered someone new. Stark became quite affected when hearing Nelliel's story and how she was betrayed by Nnoitra. The tres bestias plus Pesche and Dondochakka became all quite affected when they discovered the relationship of their new king with their respective lady. Surprisingly enough the tres bestias where more accepting than Nelliel's fracción which after that much time still were overprotective of their lady, still the little girl in their minds not used at her being an adult again. The tres bestias where quite taken aback by Ashido story and how he became a hollow due to living like one for so many years, although their attention at the story the man was telling may have more to do with how they were stealing glances at him and blushing than the contents of the story, all three seemingly finding him very attractive. It all ended with Ichigo's story, with Apacci finding it very amusing that he committed suicide by arrancarization by pure error.

. . .

Two weeks later. . .

They encountered themselves at the doors of las noches again, these last two weeks they had all gotten more familiar with each other. The reason for wasting two weeks to return when one week was enough to arrive at the forest of menos was because of their increased group size did not allow them to use the quick means of transportation of riding Nelliel and Ulquiorra's hand fliying taxi, this did not stop Nell from insisting and giving a slow ride to Ichigo all the way here, not allowing him to walk on his own and insisting that he ride her, this time only him, her masochistic tendencies showing up in her insistence of being used like a horse by her beloved.

All three mates of Ichigo were quite anxious as they have not been able to mate with their shared boyfriend since the first time as they had not have time, they where all quite ready to invade las noches and subjugate or kill the old fart as fast as possible so they can find a big bed and mate again, and while their boyfriend will never admit it, he was looking forward to doing so as well, but still mildly in fear of what his three girlfriends were going to do with him after three intense weeks of lust repression, really hoping for Orihime to regain her healing powers after becoming an arrancar as Nell was going to need them for she for sure is going to request some barbaric act from Ichigo to satiate her extreme fetish, Ichigo really hoped he was not forced to do it with her again in her resurrección, he loved her dearly now like the other two, but that was a sheath too big for his zangetsu.

"So we are finally here" said a bored Stark as he was honestly quite exhausted of being 3 weeks outside of a proper bed after having been grown attached to the wonders of beds.

"Yes, we are back here" commented Nelliel, as a sad look overtook her eyes, her words having more meaning than one as she remembered how bad was her time there when she worked for Aizen, only to glance at her boyfriend, which instantly removed the sad look on her face and a pleasant smile took place and her eyes growth warm.

As Ichigo was remembering the plan he suddenly was interrupted by Nell, as she had just embraced him, at first this surprised him a bit and was ready to ask why did she hug him, but seeing how happy she was doing so, he decided to drop it and hug her back, having heard her story he though that she maybe has not many good memories of Las Noches.

"Hey it is not fair! I also wanna hug" said Orihime as she inflated her checks with air even if nobody could see it as it was hidden under her mask, realizing this she decided she had to act and joined the embrace, hugging them both, Ichigo and Nell, she even moved her wings to use them to hug as well.

"ugghhh" "eghhhh" said Nell and Ichigo

"Hime, I think you are asphyxiating them both" comment Harribel, mildly considering joining the group hug but deciding against it as those two where already being asphyxiated enough

"Oh, sorry tehe" said Inoue as she quickly stopped the hug and symbolically hit her own head in a cute way.

"Lord Ichigo, I am sure you can have all the fun you want with your mates after we take Las Noches, but for the moment it would be wise if we start our plan, it would do us no good if Barragan noticed us" commented Cifer as he locked less than amused at the lack of seriousness shown by his lord when his lovers were around.

"You are as much as a killjoy as ever eh Ulquiorra?" complained Stark as he clearly was quite amused by the lovers scene, as if it was prime hour television.

. . .

Meanwhile, in the world of the living

. . .

One angry shinigami with an unmaintained and ragged white haori was visiting a small candy shop which was ran by a blonde suspicious shopkeeper with sandals and a stripped white and green hat.

"Kisuke! Have you gotten any news of my son or of what happened with Aizen or what is happening with the lack of hollows? Anything!" shouted desperate the father of three.

"Nothing, Isshin, if I had any news I would have contacted you already."

"It can't be with you Kisuke, first I learn you throwed my son to the shattered shaft, he could have become a hollow for reiou's shake! And now I learn you helped him go in to a suicide mission to Hueco Mundo by an artificial garganta, and now what? Hollows seem to have disappeared of the planet, The shinigami and even my son's friends appeared suddenly here, the fake karakura fiasco happened, Aizen seem to have banished, the vizard have vanished and while two of his friends returned and the shinigami did as well, my son and his friend he was going to rescue are not anywhere!" Shouted Isshin, clearly not happy with not knowing what has happened of his boy.

"Calm down Isshin, he may just be stuck in Hueco Mundo" replied Urahara.

"Calm? No I am not calm! For fucks shake his living body has died, while Kon was on it he says it collapsed and when he got back up he had no pulse, you have conserved it in a special cryogenic chamber but you already told me, there is no connection to his soul anymore and is biologically dead, tell me the truth Kisuke, Is my son dead? And don't come to me with jokes about his body being dead, I mean his soul" cried the kurosaki patriarch.

"Isshin we still don't know if the reason the link was cut is because he is dead, I mean, he is dead for sure, as a human, but that was a backlash from the link breaking violently, for all we know he may have gone hollow, that would create the same effects we have observed" explained hat and clogs.

"And how is that any better?" screamed Ichigo's father in clear annoyance of the excuses.

"Isshin, is not that bad as it seems, considering what hollow he was probably merged with due to Masaki and his level of reiatsu even if he did hollowify at this point, he would become a vasto lord according to my estimation, and in doing so, going directly to being a vasto lord, he most probably would had gotten to keep his consciousness, even an adjuchas would have worked for that, and that he hollowified is just a possibility, it could be as simple as he is trapped in Hueco Mundo, and what is sealing off Hueco Mundo from the rest managed to cut him out of his body" Said Urahara

"Hueco Mundo is sealed?" asked the father of three

"Hear me Isshin, it seems that Hueco Mundo has been sealed by an unknown means, it is impossible to open gargantas, all hollows seem to have dissipated and i have observed how a demihollow exploded and did not reform here, probably he did reform in Hueco Mundo, it seems that this sealing of Hueco Mundo and all hollowkin included also the Vizards which would include your son, that explains his absence and this seal may explain the death of his living body, in fact what seems most weird is that his little possible girlfriend is nowhere to be found, considering how seemingly all non follows were kicked out of hueco mundo or so it seemed, she should have been thrown out as well, unless she is either dead as in double dead, or she is just normal dead and became a hollow"

"Or a hollow ate her" added a black cat that came to the room like a minute ago but neither of the two men noticed.

"Yes Yoruichi, that is indeed another possibility" said Sandalhat.

. . .

Meanwhile in karakura High School

. . .

"So are you telling us what happened to Ichigo and Orihime?" Tatsuki confronted Uryu and Chad.

Chad looked angry with himself as he clenches his first and took on a sad face.

Meanwhile Ishida readjusted his glasses while looking to other face, clearly also having some level of self blame.

Finally Uryu decided that they deserved to know, "You see, the truth is that we do not know"

"How come you don't know? This for sure is related to the ghost problems and I know you two are involved" reproached Tatsuki

"You see Tatsuki-san..." Now it was Chad turn, "Inoue-san was kidnapped by this.... evil soul reaper, and brought to the world of the hollo... the evil spirits" explained Chad

"Orihime was kidnapped? How come you are still here and not rescuing her?" shouted Tatsuki.

"Yes, she was kidnapped" continued Uryu after another readjustment of his glasses, "And we, along with Kurosaki and a couple of Kurosaki's soul reaper friends traveled to Hueco Mundo, the world of the hollows to rescue her, but the problem...." Uryu was interrupted

"The problem what? what problem?" spouted Tatsuki like an angry Godzilla.

"The problem is that while we were in the process of doing so, portals out of that world opened and we, along with kurosaki's friend shinigami were expulsed of that world, but not kurosaki nor inoue", Uryu paused for a moment, to recollect his thoughts, "And now the problem is that it seems as if the entrance to Hueco Mundo is shuttered down, nothing can enter and nothing seems to be able to exit, and if Kurosaki and Inoue are not here, it means they are stuck there and we can do nothing" Ended Uryu, noticeable sad but without wanting others to notice it.

"This can't continue this way, I decided that I can't not stat out of that ghost world any longer as you two are soo useless It is going to come to me to enter if i want my childhood friend and my current best friend are safe" said Tatsuki as she stormed out of the attic of the school, and eventually out of the school.

Tatsuki was now in what appears to be a Shinto shrine, a decrepit old one, but there was one feature that we noticeable for how clean and shiny it was, a sword enshrined in the shrine, It seemed almost ethereal, as if it was not of this world, And Tatsuki knew it was not, as this shrine was actually inherited in her family but as nobody wanted to take care of it it was in this state, and before this katana was not visible, only the katana holder, It was around the time she started to see ghosts that she started to see this sword, and she knew very well which blade this was, it was famous after all.

"Onimaru, the demon sword" said the girl as she looked at the sword, it had a red sheath and handle and the guard was black.

She recognized it as one of the Five Swords Under Heaven, this one should have been in the imperial palace, but considering that it seemed to be of spiritual nature, it is possible that the one in the palace was a replica or so she deduced some time ago.

She was determined and as such remembered the legend of the sword, how a sword spirit appeared in its owner dream asking for a cleaning of the blade in exchange for the slaying of a demon, that sword spirit stuff sounded just soo similar to some stuff that she has heard Ichigo comment with Chad, and the sword was clearly of spiritual nature so she knew what she had to do.

Tatsuki picked up the blade, quite content that she was able to interact with it with her physical body even if the blade was of spiritual nature.

She then proceeded to unsheathe the blade, and as she has hypothesised it was rusty inside, but surprisingly it was just superficial rust.

Tatsuki proceed to pick up a cloth and some special rust cleaning product that she purchased and started to try to clean the rust

swipe swipe swipe

But to not avail, while the cloth seemed to be able to touch the blade, the product just fell thought it, but she was not going to desist, and as such she closed her eyes and concentrated at the task, swiping it again and again, putting all her spirit in the task, putting all her force in her fingers, as she swiped she started to feel that rust was coming off, but dare she not opened her eyes.

She could not see it, but after a minute or so of cleaning with her eyes closed some amounts of reiatsu started to emit from her fingers,, not much, just the few reiatsu she could generate thanks to her exposition to the reiatsu radiation generator called Ichigo and some natural that she got by her training in martial arts.

As her reiatsu shined it became impregnated in the cloth and suddenly the cloth was able to scrap away all the rust while not damaging the blade.

After a good 30 minutes Tatsuki did not feel any more rust and as such she opened her eyes.

The blade was now clean, but what surprised her is that now in front of her was an old man seemingly made out of fog and the fog came out of the blade itself.

"You have my thanks, Omniouji priestess for cleaning my blade" said what she assumed to be the sword spirit from the legend.

"I am no omniouji nor a priestess" said Tatsuki.

"Oh but you are, as you are a descendant from the priests of this shrine and have performed a rite right now so you are a priestess, and you have spirit energy, that makes you an omniouji, that is what humans with spiritual energy that do not have a special lineage nor have the mark of the hungry ghosts are called" answered the foggy old man.

"Okay, okay gezz, If you want to call me that it doesn't matter, but I must ask, are you the sword spirit of this sword... Are you Onimaru?" Asked the girl.

"Yes indeed, that is both my name and the name of the blade, for you see we are one the same way your soul and your body are one, little priestess, but if you do not consider yourself a priestess, why is that you have cleaning my blade, omniouji" questioned the old man.

"I need your help, you see i have a friend that dones in black clothes with a sword to slay some scary looking monsters and he has disappeared while rescuing my best friend that can summon these spirits to create shields, two other friends one that can shoot arrows and one that can transform his arm were with them but they lost them and I can't trust those guys they are useless..." She waited a bit to recollect all her determination to say what she wanted to say, "Onimaru, please give me powers, power so that i can find and help my friends, so i can protect them, so I can be there with them and not leaved alone from their world of ghosts and black clothed spirit samurais" said Tatsuki

"Interesting, so your friends are a shinigami, a dai-omniouji, a monk of destruction and spirit shaman, that is quite the group of friends you have" said the sword spirit.

"But why do you think i can give power to a human?" asked the old man

"You are like a sword of those shinigami as you called them, I heard my friends talk about that, sword spirits, but you seem to be without master so i thought you could give me your powers" replied the girl

"Well well well, how perceptive, indeed I am a zanpakuto, and indeed i can grant powers, but I can't give humans my power, if i was a normal zanpakuto I might be able to do so, but I am quite special, but I may be able to give you the power to go find your friends, to protect them and many more, but the question is how much are you willing to pay?" asked the spirit as his composition turned to be made out of smoke to be made out of flames and two small oni like horns appeared in his face.

"Everything!" shouted Tatsuki.

"Very well, then I first will take your life." Said the spirit made out of flames as he picked himself from the lap of the girl and before she could even react or even blink....


The head of the girl fell in one fast swipe from the oni-like old man, after which both the body and the head ignited as flames have been left behind in the cut and were both burned to cinders leaving nothing behind.

Now there was the soul of Tatsuki with her chain of fate in her chest where her living body have been but a mere moments before, she looked at her hands and saw them translucent and a chain in her chest, she knew what has happened, she has been slain by the old man and her body has been reduced to mere cinders, she then looked at the old man with questioning eyes as if asking the why.

"You see, It was indeed true that I could not grant humans power, for that reason you needed to die, but it is still not enough, although you are no longer human but a plus, a dead soul, you still have your humanity, and i will be taking that" said the old demon man

As he said that suddenly the chain of fate ignited in flames and the chains were being consumed in flames by the second, at this the girl was very scared, she did not know what will happen if they all disappeared but she can feel that it was nothing good, and as more chains where being consumed she started to feel hungry.

There where only two chains now and the old man readied his sword as if ready to impale her this time, as the two last chains burned away, the plaque in her chest to which they where connected incinerated and started to decompose but before it could be burned or self decompose...


The old mand stabbed himself in the burning plaque, which stopped it from being consumed or so it seemed as next it was Tatsuki's whole soul that was ignited and in flames.

"Aghhjhh Old man what are you doing, did you just kill me and now you are burning my soul? agghhhh! Is this your idea of a punishment for asking power or something, ahghhh!" She screamed in pain as her very soul was being consumed in flames.

"To obtain my power you not only had to abandon your status as a living human, but also your humanity, you will be reborn as an oni, or well a half oni so don't fear, for your soul will be reborn from the flames" said the man as he disappeared in to the sword and the sword disappeared in to her chest as the flames burned and burned until nothing remained, no body, no soul and no sword, and as such the world forgot about the girl known as Tatsuki, well with some spiritual aware exceptions, because the human known as Tatsuki no longer existed.

. . .

Inside of a secret passage in las noches

. . .

"Ulquiorra are you sure this was a good plan? Wouldn't it had been better if we all have gone together and beaten the old fart?" asked the horned hollow king

Ulquiorra sighted in desperation as this was going to be the fourth time he repeated the plan today to his lord, "Yes lord Ichigo, this is better, while for sure we could have beaten Barragan with this firepower, his power is very dangerous no matter reiatsu levels, if you touch it you basically are dead, so this is a better plan, the others distract him while I who knows the path, Orihime which is the one we want to arrancarize and you that have the reiatsu needed to use the rock infiltrate trough this secret tunnel and go to the chamber of the hogyoku which only I of all arrancar knows where it is and how to open it, then you pick it up, and arrancarize your mate and then with luck she may be able to use her powers that even Aizen was interested in, to block Barragan's respira" explained Ulquiorra.

"Okay, okay, I am just worried" Answered Ichigo

"No need to worry, those are the primera espada, and two terceras, even if Barragan is la segunda and his power is very dangerous as long as you keep distance it is easy to flee from it for them, they only would risk it if they wanted to end him, but keeping him distracted is not that dangerous" reassured the pale one to the other pale one.

. . .

In front of las noches at the same time

. . .

Stark dodged another respira and readied his pistols, already in his resurrección.

"Old fart it seems you are not even capable of touching me, and I already have managed to shoot you two times, do you want to surrender?"

"Never! I am the king of hueco mundo, now that Aizen is not here I will not allow anybody to not bend to my will" shouted the skeleton with a crown, as he shooed a cero.

Then Nelliel caught the cero with her mouth, added her own cero and "Cero Doble" she shouted as a double cero was shoot at Barragan, but he defended with respira.

. . .

Inside of las noches

. . .

They where already inside of las noches in a palace, midway towards their destination when They found an arrancar with an eyepatch and a ridiculous outfit that seemed to create a circle around his head.

"Nnoitra!" shouted Ichigo as he saw the man that has been the cause for so much pain and not the kind the enjoyed to his mate.

"Oh but what do we have here, It is the woman and her shinning Knight, now arrancar and hollow instead of shinigami and human, how ironic, indeed. Have you noticed the superiority of hollowkin and decided to switch sides? I must say that was good dec...."

As Nnoitra was still monologing his monologue was cut off as his literal head was cut off and fell to the ground.


As that happened Ulquiorra and Ichigo looked surprised as the orange haired female vasto lord with the fingers of the left hand extended and surrounded on a kind of yellow energy similar to the ones of her shields and healing fields was forming some kind of blade and she used it to decapitate Nnoitra without a word and without letting him finish, an infinite amount of coldness could be seen trough the eye holes of the mask in her eyes as she proceeded to move her hand quickly again to dispose of the blood so her hand was not stained.

"Ori-hime?" asked Ichigo very surprised as he did not know that this girlfriend of his was even capable of killing, less of such a cold slaughter.

"He was the one that tortured Nel-chan and maimed her by breaking her mask and ripping both of her fracción masks, so he had to be cut and his life had to be ended, I just did what was necessary, a mere formality, nothing more" said Orihime with a cold tone on her voice, as if she was talking of cutting meat in a chopping board, seemingly she becoming a hollow has awakened a side to her that always laid dormant.

After that when Ichigo thought she could not be more surprised by her behavior she picked up both the head and the body of the dead espada and ate him whole.

"Wh- what did you do? Why did you ate him?" asked Ichigo

"What do you mean Ichigo-kun?" asked her with her usual bubbly demeanor. "I ate him because he was already dead and food should not be wasted" continued her coldly as if she was talking about a piece of literal meat instead of a soul.

"Lord Ichigo, she is still a vasto lord, not an arrancar, this is normal behavior for her to consider a mortally injured powerful hollow as food" tried to explain Ulquiorra to his lord.

"But but, she just straight up killed him in cold blood and then proceeded to eat him", continued Ichigo, "Quick we need to find the hogyoku quick, before she is lost" said Ichigo not knowing that there was not such a thing as she becoming lost because of this, as arrancarization was not going to change this side of hers.

. . .

Unknown place

. . .

Tatsuki suddenly found herself in a new place, in a kind of desert littered with skulls and yellow clouds, she found that she was nude and still in flames but the flames did not burn.

Quickly the flames condensed in three places first in her front, two clumps of flames condensed in to two cute oni horns on her forehead.

Then the largest amount of flames condensed in a hakama similar to the one he had seen Ichigo's wearing but the colors were different, this was red like flames instead of black, and what was white in the other in this one was black, additionally there was some kind of golden armor made out of skulls decorating some parts of her upper body but not much, it seemed mostly decorative, it mostly covered her right arm and the place where her chain of fate have been attached to in her chest.

Her eyes also changed, although she could not notice it but her iris became red and slightly luminescent, glowing in the same color.

Last the last remaining fire condensed in the left side of his waist in the form of a sword that she recognized as Onimaru, now she could feel a link between her and the blade, as if they were both one and the same.

Suddenly a voice sounded inside of her head

"It seems it was a success onimiko, although you are no longer that, heh"

"What was that all about old man, why are you speaking in my head and what have i become. Have i become one of those shinigami like Ichigo? but they seem to be in black not in red, and wait what, are those horns in my head, they definitely do not have horns" questioned the girl.

"Relax girl, it is indeed true that you have become a shinigami in some sense, you are indeed an asura now, but you are not the same, you could consider that you have become a special subtype of shinigami, now you are half plus and half oni, and have attained the powers of an asura or shinigami, it is the same, so you are..."

"I am....?"

"You have been reborn as an Onigami"

"Onigami?" asked the girl unsure as her new identity

"Onigami indeed, a demon god, or in your case a demon goddess, that is what you are now, in fact you may very well be the only Onigami left in existence, and the first to exists in thousands of years, for you see Onigami were first created by the Shinigami as specialized Shinigami to manage hell, or at least their artificial hell, which is were we now stand, the fake hell that the asura made in the top of their ego, Onigashima"

"Onigami were supposed to manage Onigashima for the shinigami did not control real hell, and they did not like that, they wanted to be able to manage the souls in hell, so they constructed this fake hell and the Onigami to manage it, but as it always happens they became warry of the Onigami as they were different than Shinigami, Onigami are inmortal and stronger than shinigami as they have all the power of a shinigami but are as well half oni with the strength that comes from it"

"You see girl the first Onigami were made by infusing with this fake hell energy the bodies of Shinigami and corrupting them, but those Onigami were weak and did not last, so they invented a way to create Onigamis, perfect Onigamis, they needed to rebirth a recently deceased plus that still has not put step in the other world and still had his broken chains, for this they needed zanpakuto to give power, but special ones, ones infused with hell and with formed spirits, that is where the sad thing came from"

"Zanpakuto spirits normally form from the soul of the wielder, but for Oni zanpakuto they needed this spirit to pre exists, so what they did was scout between the new shinigami for powerful zanpakuto that were compatible with hell's power and with masters that nobody would bat an eye if they disappeared and thus they where kidnapped and their bond to the swords born from their own soul, cut, then later disposed off, these masterless zanpakuto where infused with the essence of this very fake hell and modified with unholy kidous that transformed them forever so they created Onigami and not Shinigami, that is the story of blades like me"

"So you were born from the essence of this world and a piece of a now dead shinigami?" asked Tatsuki

"Not exactly, those were the ones before me, as for me, I was the second most powerful fire Zanpakuto, and not by much difference but my original master was hated by nobles, and as such they selected him, separated him from ame and killed him, then i was infused not with this fake hell essence, but with the essence of the real hell that they had gotten somehow, they also used all the techniques they have learned from creating all other onizanpakuto and created me as the definitive, most powerful and most perfect one, but by the time i was finished they oni wars have already started and they did not want to create more Onigami so i was going to be disposed when the daughter of my original owner than in the time creating me had grown up and become a shinigami with other name, rescued me and flew with me to the world of the living to hide both, she eventually became enamoured with a omniouji and they had kids that were born human, and those where your ancestors girl" revealed the sword to the girl.

"Wait? I had shinigami as my ancestors? And your original owner was my great great great great great great grandpa ir something?" asked the girl

"That would be correct, that is the reason I gave you powers, as the descendant of my original owner you were worthy of wielding me so I choose to help you, now tell me where is your friends supposed to be."

"They said they were in a place called Hueco Mundo" responded the girl

"Ah, the world of the hungry ghosts, well it is fitting although risky for an asura to go there to purify hungry ghosts, or how they are called nowadays, hollows, well you are in luck, Hueco Mundo seems to be locked right now, but you see, Onigashima was sealed in Hueco Mundo with the seals of that world itself, and the fact that Hueco Mundo is sealed means that the normal entrance to Onigashima in hueco mundo has been unsealed as they share lock and only one can use it at the same time." said the Oni sword spirit.

"Then what are we waiting for? guide me towards that entrance or whatever" said Tatsuki to her sword.

"Yes, yes girl, but first you must learn my name and my release phrase, for my name you already know but my release phrase is 'burn even the flames of hell, Onimaru, now say It"

Tatsuki unsheathed Onimaru and proceeded to say as instructed as she closed here eyes and passed her finger over the blade creating a wound from which blood came out she covered all of her sword's blade with it and then "burn even the flames of hell, Onimaru!" shouted the shikai relase phrase.

As her shikai started forming her little horns transformed in to flames and formed big demonic horns pointing upwards made out of flames, her eyes seemed to have catch on fire and wings made out of fire similar to the ones of a bat sprouted from her back, also the blade of Onimaru dissipated and was replaced with very condensed blue flames if inimaginable temperatures, but Tatsuki did not feel any of these flames as hot, for she was one with these flames.

"Now you must fly up and continue doing so until you see a labyrinth of cube like structures, go girl."

. . .

Chamber of the Hogyoku

. . .

Ichigo and his two companions have arrived to the chamber of the Hogyoku which Ulquiorra opened with a secret code, it was at the end of a labyrinth of corridors and Ichigo was sure that at some point they have turned left 6 times in the same room and ended up in another.

The pedestal of the hogyoku was opened and ti was not there, but when they were going to desist Orihime

"Hey what is that?" said Orihime as she pointed to a small ball in the floor

"That is the hogyoku, it seems that Aizen was unsealing it when the was kicked out of here and since he was no longer here when the seal released it ended up falling to the floor" concluded the bat a arrancar.

"Phenomenal, now i can use it to make Orihime an arrancar, so how does it work?"

"Aizen said that if you inject a reiatsu two time that of a normal captain it should awaken "

Ichigo did so, he charges his reiatsu and forced it all in to the ball, which activated it as it started to glow purple, but when the light show receded it was no longer in his hand

"Where it is?" asked Ichigo rethorically

As he searched ans searched he felt something weird in his chest, in his hollow hole and when he looked, the hogyoku was resting in the middle of the hole, floating.