
Grace and the King

In the seedy town of New Port, danger lurks around every corner, and none are more notorious than the ruthless gangster known as the King. Grace Brennan is a struggling waitress trying to make ends meet and support her family in this dangerous world. When she is offered a job as a waitress at a high-stakes dinner party hosted for the mafia's King, she sees it as a chance to earn some much-needed money. Little does she know that the dangerously handsome King, Victor Bernardi, has set his sights on her. Victor is a man who always gets what he wants, and he wants Grace. As the night wears on, the tension between them grows, and Grace finds herself caught up in a dangerous game with no clear way out. With every move she makes, Grace is drawn deeper into the underworld of New Port and closer to the enigmatic King. As their paths intertwine, Grace is forced to confront her own desires and the dangerous world that surrounds her. Can she resist the King's charms, or will she be swept up in his deadly embrace?

angel_griesel · Urban
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44 Chs

12| Prince of the city

Unlike his brother, Vincent Bernardi was not just a rumor, The king kept himself a secret where the Prince enjoyed being known, he was much like Elliot on that front.

"Good morning Mr. Bernardi, how were your travels?" Darla asked escorting Vincent in.

"Business is business darling Darla" He kissed the woman's hand making her blush "Where is that brother of mine?"

"I believe he's in the dining room" She smiled before leaving to hang up his coat.

Vincent walked to the dining room, looking around curiously seeing if he would spot the girl his brother had claimed.

"Brother it's been too long" Vincent smiled walking into the dining room, where Victor stood looking up at one of the walls contemplating if he should buy a new painting.

"Welcome home Vincent," Victor said turning to look at him "I trust you have a report ready?"

"That can wait" Vincent smiled as Debbie walked into the dining room with Liam in her arms

"Is this her?" Vincent smiled walking up to Debbie

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt," Debbie said looking between the two men.

"No this is Debbie, her sister," Victor said ignoring Debbie's statement

"Pardon me brother but I believe you chose the wrong sister," He said with a charming smile facing Debbie as she blushed.

The hairs on the back of Victor's neck raised slightly, he turned to the door as Grace walked in, stealing all the oxygen in the room. Victor looked her over, in her cheap sundress, how many of those did she own? He wondered.

Grace stopped in her tracks as she was the mafia man with the same dark hair and green eyes as Victor look her up and down. He raised a brow making her feel self-conscious before a playful smile pulled at his lips.

Vincent looked between Grace and his brother, the tension between them hung thick in the air. He smiled at the way his brother watched her as if she was a precious gem. Victor's body language had changed the moment she appeared as if all of his senses were now on high alert. Vincent had never seen his brother react this way to a woman and it was right there in that moment Vincent knew, his brother's claim was as solid as steel.

Grace stood with her hands at her side, her heart thumping against her chest as she watched the man she assumed was Victor's brother walk up to her. He took her hand as she stood frozen in place. Bringing his lips to her hand he kissed it as he bowed.

"My queen" He smiled as his eyes met hers.

"Uh no," Grace pulled her hand back standing there awkwardly.

An amused grin played at the corner of Victor's mouth as he studied her. Grace looked between Victor and Vincent awkwardly as her cheeks burned pink. Without another word, she turned on her heel almost running out of the room.

After a shower and some breakfast, Vincent and Victor sat in his office while Vincent reported his findings. Vincent was a mediator, he'd carry Victor's orders to the gangs, check in on threats and enemies and then report them back to Victor.

"Everyone wants to know about the girl," Vincent said sitting on the leather couch in Victor's office.

Victor thought about this for a moment, of course, they would want to know about her, it's not often that the king lays his claim on a woman. When Victor's father was king he was already married so there hasn't been a claim since before his father was born.

"I suggest we throw a party, a get-together for all the leaders to meet their new Queen"

"She doesn't want to be their queen" Victor answered folding his arms

"What choice does she have?" Vincent looked at his brother "Unless you're just keeping her as your prisoner"

"She's not my prisoner" Irritation pulled at Victor

"Then what is she?" Vincent snapped "Either she's your queen or she's nothing at all, you need to figure this out before your enemies do, they'll use her against you, and if she doesn't know where she stands nothing is stopping her from helping them take you down."

"She wouldn't" Victor folded his arms across his chest

"How do you know?" Vincent raised a brow "has she given you her loyalty?"

"She owes me her life"

"Debt does not equal loyalty" Vincent looked at his brother "you should know this better than anyone"

"Yes I know," Victor said deep in thought, he knew his brother was right. Grace had to give him her loyalty but would she? The girl couldn't even look him in the eye, whatever loyalty he would get from her would only be fueled by fear. Victor may have claimed her but she wasn't his, he knew this. She would only be his if she gave herself to him, anything apart from that only made her a loose end, a potential risk to his kingdom. "Plan your party for Saturday" Victor stood

"Yes sir" Vincent replied with a smile as he turned towards the door "I trust you'll sort out the girl?"

"Yes," Victor nodded as he watched Vincent leave his office.

Victor thought about it as he walked to Grace's room, what would it take to earn her loyalty? Would she be able to give herself to him, after everything he had done in his life, being called a monster would be too kind? Could Grace give herself to someone with so much blood on his hands? Victor stood at her door watching as she sat on the bed sowing one of her cheap cotton shirts. He marveled at how beautiful she looked with her mind a million miles from the prison she was currently being held in. Victor had no idea how to gain her loyalty or her trust. He cleared his throat as he took a step towards her, Grace's head shot up looking at him before her eyes fell to her feet, her heart rate already spiking and she wondered how long would she be nervous around him? Probably forever.

The two weeks that passed since she arrived here had been the same every day, she would sit next to victor for dinner and breakfast and during the day she would do anything to keep her busy and her mind off of what her future entailed. She had to get Debbie and Owen out of this house before it was too late, she knew she was stuck here, and the only way she was getting out was in a body bag.

"What are you doing?" Victor's deep voice asked as he stood against the pillar

"Sowing my shirt" Grace replied carrying on with her task, careful not to put the needle through her fingers.


"There's a hole," Grace said lifting the shirt, she showed Victor the hole she was busy sowing up, her eyes meeting his in the process. It took a while for her to look away from his intimidating gaze, it felt as though every time he looked at her, she was being consumed by him. "Unless you prefer I be topless for lunch" Grace looked at Victor instantly recognizing the meaning behind her attempt at a joke

"I prefer you be lunch" Victor smirked instantly causing heat to rise in Grace's cheeks "Don't bother with that shirt, it doesn't suit you anyway"

Grace sat shocked and slightly offended as she watched Victor leave her room, she didn't understand why her body betrayed her every time he was in sight. Making heat raise in her body and wetness pool between her legs. She was supposed to be afraid of him, this was not supposed to be her reaction