
Grace and the King

In the seedy town of New Port, danger lurks around every corner, and none are more notorious than the ruthless gangster known as the King. Grace Brennan is a struggling waitress trying to make ends meet and support her family in this dangerous world. When she is offered a job as a waitress at a high-stakes dinner party hosted for the mafia's King, she sees it as a chance to earn some much-needed money. Little does she know that the dangerously handsome King, Victor Bernardi, has set his sights on her. Victor is a man who always gets what he wants, and he wants Grace. As the night wears on, the tension between them grows, and Grace finds herself caught up in a dangerous game with no clear way out. With every move she makes, Grace is drawn deeper into the underworld of New Port and closer to the enigmatic King. As their paths intertwine, Grace is forced to confront her own desires and the dangerous world that surrounds her. Can she resist the King's charms, or will she be swept up in his deadly embrace?

angel_griesel · Urban
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44 Chs

13| Under the moonlight

Grace woke up early Saturday morning, hoping to sneak into the kitchen and have breakfast before everyone else just so she didn't have to face Victor, after the dreams she'd been having she didn't think she could face him without her cheeks being painted red. To her surprise, it seemed as though everyone was already up, she walked through the living room where men were busy moving all of the furniture and a deck was being put up in the garden through the French doors.

"Ms. Brennan, good morning," Darla said, rushing to her side, "Christina is waiting for you, come along dear. "

"Who is Christina?" Grace asked as she walked up the stairs with Darla."What's happening?"

"There's going to be a party tonight, and Christina will help you choose a dress," Darla explained, leading Grace into one of the guest rooms.

Grace had a million more questions, but they would have to wait as Darla all but shoved her into a room.

"You must be Miss Brennan?" The short dark-haired woman smiled as Grace entered."I'm Christina, I'm the Bernardi family stylist. "

"Please call me Grace," Grace said, taking in the rows and rows of clothes that hang around the room.

"Great, well, this rack is evening dresses, from what information I got from Mr. Bernardi, I think these will fit you well. " She smiled."Let's start with this," She said, handing Grace a red ballgown."Try it on. "

Grace went into the closet and slipped out of her jeans and t-shirt, trying on the dress. It was incredibly pretty, but Grace could hardly move with all the tulle around her. She came out of the room showing Christina.

"My gosh, that won't do. We can't even see your beautiful figure. " She sighed, going back to the rack "here" she said as she stopped flipping through the clothes. "This one is perfect."

Grace took the dress going into the closet again, and just as Christina had said, this dress was perfect. Grace looked at herself in the champagne figure-hugging dress. Pushing the thin straps over her shoulder, the dress made a deep V, leaving her sternum open and providing cleavage Grace didn't even know she had. The satin dress had a thigh-high slit. It was both elegant and sexy. Feeling more beautiful than she has ever felt, Grace stepped out to show Christina, who was busy moving clothing from the racks to an empty one.

"Absolutely gorgeous!" Christina said proudly."Turn dear," Christina said, motioning with her finger, Grace obeyed, spinning around. "Yes, yes, yes!" Christina smiled

"Okay dear, pay attention," She said walking over to one of the clothing racks "I've put together, a complete closet for you, here are outfits for every day, you'll find a combination of pants, skirts, and dresses as well as tops that are interchangeable" She indicted at the rack "These are for formal gatherings, mostly dresses" She indicted to the rack next door "and these are business attire, you know for meetings and stuff. You'll find matching shoes and accessories with each outfit, I'll be back again in a few months to update your closet. "

"Thank you," Grace smiled, going over to the three racks that stood packed with clothing. She looked at all of the pieces in awe. She had never seen so many designer names, many of which she couldn't pronounce.

Christina gave her a warm smile, but Grace couldn't help but notice the small look of pity that crossed her eyes. Was that pity for what's to come or for what has already happened? She shook the thought out of her head as she waved goodbye to Christina.

Grace got changed back into her jeans and t-shirt just in time before Darla came into the room. "I'll have one of the maids pack your new clothes away, Ms. Brennan." She smiled."For now, you are expected at breakfast, "

Grace nodded, knowing it would be pointless to argue. She walked down to the dining room, feeling self-conscious once again when all eyes were on her as she entered. It had been this way for two weeks now, and she wondered when it would stop. Taking her seat next to Victor, she kept her eyes on Owen, who seemed to be in a heated conversation with one of Victor's men. She looked around the table for Debbie, but she wasn't there, and neither was Vincent. Swallowing the uneasy feeling that now rested in her chest, she took a sip of the orange juice just hoping and praying that her sister wouldn't get involved in something that would cost her her life.

"Is something wrong?" Victor's deep voice came from beside her as if he had read her mind. She looked up instantly, being met by the intensity of his green eyes.

"No, I was just looking for Debbie," Grace said, her eyes not leaving his.

"Vincent took her and the child for a morning walk," Victor said, taking a bite of his food. "They should be back soon,"

"Okay," Grace said hesitantly

"This doesn't put you at ease?"

"Not really." She shook her head as she began eating her food.

"Vincent is not a threat to her" was all he said before they continued with their breakfast.

Vincent may not have been a threat to Debbie, but Grace couldn't help but wonder if Victor was a threat to her. In the last month that passed since Grace had met Victor and he had spared her life, she still had no indication of what she was supposed to do to pay off her debt. She knew she would never be free. She knew he owned her just as he probably owned everyone else in this room besides Owen. The difference was that everyone here had a purpose, and Grace had none. The thought depressed her more than her actual circumstances.

Grace thought that perhaps after breakfast she'd be able to speak to Victor privately about what he wanted from her but as soon as she was done, Darla had come to fetch her, escorting her to another room.

"It's time to have your hair done dear," Darla explained after Grace had pleaded with her for some free time. Alas, the orders were from Victor himself, and as the day passed, Grace's nerves spiked. If she was being completely honest, the day had become a blur, and she currently stood looking at herself in the mirror. She wondered just what this party was actually about. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door to her room to put on the shoes Christina had given her for the dress. Surprisingly, a black velvet box sat atop her bed. She opened the note that sat on top of the box.

"I look forward to seeing you in the moonlight - V"

Grace couldn't help the small smile that tugged at her lips as she read the note. Putting it aside, she opened the box, and on the black cushion sat a diamond-chained necklace with a large teardrop diamond in the center. With shaking hands, she tied the necklace around her neck with a complete lack of words. No one had ever given her anything this extravagant in her life, but she couldn't help but wonder if this too was just another thing added to her debt?