
Gothic Gears Wonderland

ToxicShotgun · Fantasie
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4 Chs


Zzzzzt. Zzzzzzzt.


"Great, just great! How am I going to fix this now?" my classmate says in an angry tone.

Our robotics teacher walks over to the frustrated boy and picks up the piece he was currently working on. He then tells the student that there was only one person that could fix this type of problem, since it was fried to no end. He takes the piece with him as he walked over to my table, placing the object in the box that sat empty on the tabletop. I looked up from the animatronic arm that I was working on at the teacher, watching him nod, pointing to the box. I stood up to look inside, then at the teacher with a smile and nod.

Once he left, I place the arm aside and take the object out of the box, setting it on the black top and find the necessary tools to fix it. After taking the thing apart, I noticed sparks coming from one of the parts, making me lift an eyebrow.

I fiddle with the piece until I found the problem. I jot down a note for the student and head over to him, still fuming over the small explosion. I get his attention by gently nudging his arm, careful as to not get hit if he planned to swing. Once he sees me with the note, he shot me a confused look. I hand him the note to read and he gives out a small giggle followed by a sparkle in his eye as he met my dull one.

"How could I be so dumb!" He exclaimed to no one in particular.

I smile, give a small wave, then head back to my seat to put my tools and project away since it was close to the end of class. Once the bell rang, I vanished from the room, bag and all.

I grabbed my stuff from my locker and headed towards the front door. I only stopped when I heard someone call out my name. I turn my head and see my math teacher shamble up to me and hand me a packet.

"Please do this and return it to me when you can." he said, taking a deep breath before turning around and walking off.

I look at the papers and slid them in my bag. Pushing the door open, I step outside and was greeted with a storm grey sky. I pulled my hood up and put my headphones on as I started towards home. Humming along to the music, I walk down the street and down a dirt path that was surrounded by woods. My home was small but well hidden from the road, nobody knowing it existed.


A little bit about who I am.

First, my name. I'm Xana 'Bullet' Nightingale however I go by my nickname a lot of the time. I'm an introverted mute who has never uttered a word but was friendly to everyone. No one knows why I don't speak but most didn't care, not even the teachers know.

Second, my age. I am the only 26 year old in my school. I was also the only female that was well over 7 feet. I didn't have any friends in my school but I never cared.

Third, what I look like. I had long, black hair with a red streak on the left side of my head. I had my arms covered with tattoos and I had one black eye and one white eye. I covered my white eye with a star shaped patch so that I don't get barrated with questions about it. I was blind in that eye because of a gun accident with a gang member when I was 23. I wore mostly faded out black tank tops and cut off shorts or basketball shorts and hoodies because of my weight training which I leave school early for.


Once I arrived home, I set my book bag down near the door and go to my room on the second floor to change. I grab my gloves off of the stand near my bed and after heading back down to the first floor, I grab my keys, slip on my shoes and leave again to head to the gym for my training.

The gym wasn't big but it wasn't small either. It had everything a big gym would. However; there were also fitness junkies that would come and about halfway through their workout, would start talking to themselves. A bizarre sight for sure but one that doesn't bug me since I'm usually minding my own business.

Anyways, I enter the gym and wave to the person at the desk. I take out the key for my locker and place my bag inside once it was opened. I then head over to the Butterfly machine and place my earbuds in my ears before I adjust the weights.

Now, I may not look the part but I am able to lift almost 300 pounds of solid weight. I started my weight training back in middle school when I was about 12 years old. My body was nothing but muscle and I laugh every time the boys try to wrestle with me cause they have the belief that I can be beaten.

So, after adjusting my weights, I sit down and start doing my routine. I'm minding my own business until I heard the front door slam open.