
Gothic Gears Wonderland

ToxicShotgun · Fantasy
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4 Chs


Everything fell silent as everyone in the gym stopped what they were doing to see what caused the noise. A tall, angry looking guy stood huffing in the doorway, his eyes scanning the area before he stepped forward. I paused my music and took out one of the black ear buds that were sitting in my ears. I didn't bother standing up because I wasn't looking for confrontation, I had no need for it anyway.

After what seemed like an hour, everyone including myself went back to what we were doing. I finished my sets before readjusting the weights to what they were originally. I then stood up, went over to the desk and wrote down what I wanted from the fridge that sat behind it. The girl was glad to get the item for me since she knew I was mute.

After grabbing the bottle, I open it and take a swig as I made my way over to the dumbbells. I set my bottle down and pick up the 250 pound ones and begin to do my sets. About halfway through my sets however, the same guy was next to me. He was glaring at me as I was doing my routine, which began to really creep me out. I place the bells down and grab my water to take another drink. The man then came over to me and pointed to the 'lighter' weights.

"You should be using these sweetie." he said with a smirk.

The fuck? I lift more than he ever could in his life and he had the audacity to tell me I should be using lighter weights. I must have given him an angry look cause he raised his fisted hands and got into a fighters pose. I rolled my eyes and went back to my routine.

He then punched my arm. If I hadn't had my arm to my chest, I would have been seriously hurt, meaning I had my arm tense. However, time seemed to slow as I watched his face contort into pain. Bruises began to form on his knuckles as I heard him scream so loud, it almost shattered glass. He had broken his hand on my arm because he thought punching me was a good idea.

People had heard the screaming man and came over to the two of us. I had already put the weights I was using away but I was starting to slowly back up.

"Sh-she broke my hand! She broke my hand!" he kept screaming over and over again.

Thats when tears began to fall from my eyes. I was getting upset and angry that no one would believe me if I told them I didn't do anything. The girl from the desk started coming towards me and I backed up further until I tripped over one of the machines. I kept backing up until my back hit the wall. She stopped and sat down a few feet away and told the other people to stay put. I had already pulled my legs closer to my body and crossed my arms around them.

The girl, Tamera, looked at me and smiled. She tried to calm me down while the other people looked at us, then the man.

"Xana, I know you didn't do it." she said.

I didn't look at her. That was until I signed that I wanted to just get my routine done and go home. Tamera nodded and got up from the floor, helping me to my feet. After making sure I was okay, she left me to go confront the guy. She told everyone else to go back to their things and to leave me alone.

I finished my routine with a run on the treadmill, just to cool down. The man was long gone and I was grateful, so much so that I left the gym smiling.