
GoT: The Black Ghost of Baratheon

A Twin brother of Robert who while promiscuous is not careless.. 5,10,21 Update: Being Rewritten. The original chapters and the unfinished latest one before the update will form the Auxiliary chapters

Theragfromthecrag · Bücher und Literatur
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7 Chs

The Brother's Baratheon


This is de-canonized and no longer part of the official story, this is merely here as recognition of a past work I was unsatisfied with and is giving you permission to view it despite my rewrite decision any way.


The was unimportant but I got lucky and was reborn into Game of Thrones as a Twin Brother of Robert! Now my goal was clear, to Fuck Canon to oblivion, and more than a few great beauties too! In my old life I had great ideas but no means. Now I had the memories of my Past life as well as my meta knowledge of the future. I wanted to become a King but the King.

Time to let time pass and get to work


It'd been four years since that little piece, I'd gotten quickly on the job. Training my body and my mind. I spent three hours a day training physically, one hour of physical exercise, a half hour of Archery, a Half hour of Horsemanship, and another hour of sparring. Following that I spent four hours in total academically training, an hour of Mathematics, half an hour of geography and history, half an hour of naval Warcraft, half an hour of inland Warcraft, and one hour of politics, and one and a half hours of language training, I specifically chose to learn Valyrian, high, low, and bastard, it didn't matter, if it was Valyrian, I'd learn it.

Robert spent the entire time training physically, preferring to bulk up rather than grow a few extra brain cells, idiot.


(Okay time for POV)


(In general POV)


Durran and Robert, the Brother's Baratheon, the Pride and Joy of Steffon and Cassana Baratheon. Robert wanted nothing more than to fight, and though Durran had a similar mentality he did not focus solely on building his physical strength, instead dividing his time between training and studying. The Twins were similar but fundamentally different, Robert was rash and impulsive, while Durran was that but unless he was really stressed he was capable of thinking clearly and smartly.

Durran presently stood before his father and looked determined.

"Father, I want men! I want the young boys brought to Storm's End in order to train with them as my own personal force." Durran says.

Steffon was somewhat taken aback, but decided to humor his son first.

"Why? Are my men not sufficient?" Asks Steffon.

"They are, but I want to grow strong beside men my own age, and should Storm's End pass to me they would be the pride of our Army, while should it pass to Robert, I would use them to guard him and his future children!" Durran declared.

Steffon was surprised by the passion in his voice, he spoke with clear determination. "So be it my son, but I'll limit you to fifty young men." Steffon says.

"I only wanted fifty in any case, a Small well-trained force can do more damage than an entire army could in some situations after all." Durran said with a wisdom that Steffon didn't expect from his son of five years.

"That will be all Durran, you may go." Says Steffon.

"Yes, father." Says Durran.


Durran left and went to begin training, he wanted to begin to train in the art of dual sword wielding, He and Robert were strong, Robert took up a Warhammer, so Durran would not only outdo his brother, but would outcompete him. Robert would carry a monstrous Warhammer? Well Durran would wield a Greatsword and Bastard Sword in either hand.

He wanted to the better brother, better Baratheon, the better choice to sit his ass on the Iron throne. This was too be his purpose here, build a reputation, build a powerbase of strength and wealth, and become an untouchable player in the Game of Thrones the likes of which hasn't been seen since Aegon The Conqueror's Landing. Durran would provide and prosper for and with his people.

For starters Selyse Florent can get fucked, and so can Loras Tyrell! Durran had plans, plans that required powerful alliances and friendships, and nothing would get in his way.....Woe to the man who did actually get in his way sword in hand!!!

Gonna cap it here, This is just to get my bearings before it gets really fucky. This'll switch between first and second or third POV at various points, First POV to do a time-skip for the most part which makes this primarily a second or third person POV story. I'm not the best at prequels so don't come at me all pissed about it cause it means jack shit to me in the grand scheme of things...

Theragfromthecragcreators' thoughts