
GoT: The Black Ghost of Baratheon

A Twin brother of Robert who while promiscuous is not careless.. 5,10,21 Update: Being Rewritten. The original chapters and the unfinished latest one before the update will form the Auxiliary chapters

Theragfromthecrag · Bücher und Literatur
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7 Chs

2: Same Old Bullshit, Different Universe

(Griffin's Roost, Cape Wrath, The Stormlands, The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, Westeros, GoT Universe)


(Armond Connington POV)


Armond was nervous, Lord Steffon had sent his son Durran Baratheon here in order to investigate the conflict he'd started with Lord Morrigen.

By all the laws of Westeros and his own experience he should not feel such fear towards a boy of Five Namedays but for some unexplained and inexplicable reason he did. The eyes of the boy looked at him accusing, even though he himself said nothing just yet.

It was impossible, but the boy seemed to know that he was the one to start the conflict with Lord Morrigen. But the boy was young, hopefully young enough to influence him, and if that failed, then hopefully Jon's Friendship with Crown Prince Rhaegar Targaryen should be a sufficiently suitable alternative means of coming out on top at the end provided he played his cards just right.


(POV Shift: Durran Baratheon)


Durran had been here for ten minutes and the most he'd said was a grunt. He was trying to unnerve the man with just by being a silent observer in an otherwise important discussion.

Durran by nature didn't employ this tactic, preferring to be direct, yet calculated. But Connington was a sly old fox, Jon Connington more so later in his life.

Plus Durran knew that by not saying anything more than what he needed to, Connington would lead the conversation, meaning he could focus directly on the man's words with his ears and using his eyes to observe the man's body language.

If Connington said something even remotely out of line or untoward he'd pounce on that, use it to trip the man up over his mistake, which would either make him overly cautious in his future words or he'd say stuff he didn't want to trying to cover up the mistake.

Obviously it wouldn't last very long but it would be enough to hopefully unbalance Lord Armond, letting him seize the upper hand and near-absolute control over the conversation.

''Welcome to Griffin's Roost Lord Durran, I confess while a great honor I was not expecting you. Which leaves me at an extreme loss as to your presence.'' Says Armond.

''My Lord Father is concerned. As he lacks an Heir I was sent here as a test. However I am also here for my own reasons.'' Says Durran.

''Oh?'' Armond says in mild interest.

''As your probably aware, Beric Dondarrion is my best friend. Well I'm looking to put together a small group of some Five Hundred men, with officers taken from the younger generations of my Fathers Bannermen. I am here not only to correct whatever feud has erupted with your House and Lord Morrigen, but to assess the suitability of Ronald Connington or Lester Morrigen as my Left Hand Officer.'' Says Durran baiting Armond into overplaying his opening hand.

Armond leans back in interest, if one of Lord Steffon's Son's wanted his own Force Armond typically would not care, but taking a Connington as his Potential Left Hand was something too valuable to pass up. Durran was already noted for his skill at arms and his brilliant mind, so attaching his Son to Rhaegar and his Nephew to Lord Baratheon would pave the way for the Connington's to make The Morrigen's their Vassals and seek a betrothal between Jon and a Lady of House Baratheon. It'd be the greatest of possible first steps towards taking complete and total control of Storm's End.

''That's indeed an honor Lord Durran, but my nephew is young and likely unprepared to do this, perhaps my son and Heir, Jon will be better suited, albeit temporarily?'' Suggests Armond.

''That is not necessarily wrong, but is it not wiser to have one son beside the Baratheon's and the other the Crown Prince? An Interesting notion you have my Lord, especially since thinking as though Young Jon's beloved prince has any say in the governance of the Stormlands is foolish. In fact, I would go so far as to wager His Grace King Aerys would just LOVE to hear that his son and heir is being used by a lowly lord for such petty reasons with little gain on the Crown's side no? Rhaegar Targaryen is not our King just yet, but when he does what he decides is his decision. Consider this squabble over Lord Armond, you might be able to fool my father but not me. I'll be taking Ronald as a hostage to ensure this rivalry of yours and lust for power doesn't get even further out of hand, this is my Lord fathers command." Says Durran, even though it technically wasn't, but the wording of his father was enough for him to interpret it that way and use it as his excuse, being so young meant his father wouldn't read too much into it enough to see it for what it really was.

Armond stutters an incoherent response as the conversation was turned on it's head and he was left looking like a bumbling and fumbling idiot with a stutter.....


(POV Shift: Steffon Baratheon)


Durran had gone a step or two too far, he'd taken a hostage. While not an explicit order, he did want his son to try and end the conflict before it took off. And loathe as he was to admit it, taking the spare heir was rather ingenious. When Armond Died and Jon Connington become the Lord of Griffin's Roost, Ronald Connington would be the Heir unless Jon married and sired sons. If Ronald were to perish then when and if Jon died without an Heir the Roost would be the Baratheon's decision on to whom it would be redistributed to.

He Could and frankly should order Ronald's release, but rather than do that, Steffon was more interested in seeing how the Young Stag would deal with the Morrigen's. Robert was another story. He hadn't checked in yet, by rider or by raven, and that was somewhat worrying to him, he'd wait for Durran's return at least, any longer than two or three days after that and Steffon would actively start to be afraid for Robert's safety.

There was also the still unresolved matter of Fostering his boys, but that at least could wait a little bit longer....


(POV Shift: Dameon Morrigen)


The young Lord Durran had come to Crow's Nest, and with a Connington tied up no less. Dameon Morrigen was more than a little intrigued.

The Young Lord broke bread and and salt with him, and so too did the Connington.

Presently they were sat at the Morrigen Table and Dameon's son and heir Lester stood beside him.

"The conflict is over, all I require is your written statement on what has occurred and your son. I have a group forming, and I want Lester at my Left Hand. Beric Dondarrion will be my right, but I will need a left. Other than your boy coming to join me I don't really require much. Your son will in effect be a fosterling of the House Baratheon and companion to me, not an unfair advantage against Armond the Greedy no?" Upon hearing that, Dameon, leaned buck and bridged his fingers thoughtfully.

The offer itself was not untoward, and while he might very well have to consider his son a hostage, the Connington's were definitely in the same boat. As they had a Kinsman in Baratheon Custody. It would be a measure against further conflict and a means to gain Baratheon Favor, both of which counted as an easy victory to the Morrigen's.

"That's an acceptable compromise my lord." Says Dameon.

"Good, now then, a few details to work out and we'll be on our way." Says Durran.


(POV Shift: Jon Connington)


Father was furious, his cousin Ronald had become a veritable hostage to the Baratheon's. And the Young Durran had made remarks of what could be seen to be pillow biting insinuations against Jon himself. If becoming friends with Rhaegar finally put the Baratheon's in their place and allowed him to attain the Prince's love and admiration, so be it, but it would be for the Prince that Jon did this, not his father, nor his cousin Ronald, just Prince Rhaegar.....

Next Chapter and any next chapter really is gonna be delayed. I have details to discuss with a potential Co-Author on a piece I'm thinking of posting here, and I don't want to mix up the ideas.

In short I'm considering two new novels.

One is a fic about a young Samurai who like we see with Jin Sakai in Ghost of Tsushima struggles with Bushido and keeping the code.

The other is a story of a young Viking who will either be making his way in a time of when the Gods roam the land or during the time of the Great Heathen Army. Either has potential, but I'm undecided at the moment.

Also, me and Bova are down for the count for a few days. We overexerted ourselves at a cousin's party and now I'm down with muscle pain through both arms, my back, and my arse and Bova's down with Flu and what I got.

I can write but it's slower than what I exected.

Anywho, I digress...

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Theragfromthecragcreators' thoughts