
Golden One: The End Begins

The earth is under attack by an unknown force, and humanity is losing the battle. John might just have a secret that could help turn the tide of this apocalypse. How can four unlikely heroes not only survive in this chaos, but save humanity as well?

Claymond_1 · sci-fi
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32 Chs

Where Is Sam?

John looked around and saw soldiers bleeding out over the ground. The gooey red fluid scattered throughout on the terrain. Other soldiers holding dressings over wounds. People screaming while holding their knees.

    It was complete disarray, and everyone seemed to be losing the drive to fight. Even with the win of this battle, too many have lost the will to keep fighting. The only thing that is holding everything together is the threat of extinction, but with the losses, everyone was seeing they were losing.

    John spotted a captain, walked over to him and shouted out for his attention.

    "Sir, I need a transport back to the base. The hill is secure so I wanna go home."

    The captain turned to the voice that was shouting at him, and noticed who it was. He threw his hand up as fast as lightning to John in a salute. John stopped, confused by this gesture portrayed from a superior, and saluted back in befuddlement. The captain lowered his hand and walked down to John, threw his hand out. His fingers pointed forward in a gentleman gesture.

    "Sir, you have no idea of how much your presence here is a blessing."

    The captain said to John. He finally understood the hint and firmly gripped the man's hand, gave it a steady shake and in that instant, John noticed other soldiers staring over to them. One person began to clap, followed by another. Suddenly as if a chain reaction had taken off, the whole camp was in an uproar of cheering and clapping.

    John's presence seemed to have brought life back to this dead camp. As if he was the beacon that gave people hope. 

    John started to feel a sense of welcoming passion from everyone there. He started to realize that he alone had resparked something, in everyone who previously lost their passion and willpower. 

    He could feel everyone's joy. They were in need of some good news, and this one man that stood in front of them was exactly that news. He was a messiah to them, just as Jesus was to so many through the years. John's presence had brought back the will in the people around. 

    Once again John looked back to the captain.

    "Now as for that transport. I wanna go back to the base. I need to see my family. This base is secure."

    The man stood there, at first lost and then a sadness appeared. In that instance John knew something was wrong. He didn't even have to ask to know that he was going to receive some horrible news. A fear was sinking into the bottom of his stomach. Thoughts of every bad scenario was rushing through his mind.

    "We can arrange for a transport but it won't be for several hours. I guess the base back home is in disarray. I don't know what all happened, but reports were saying that they were under attack."

    In that moment, John felt anguish, a scenario had run through his head. The thought of Sam being injured and sent off. It came in as if it was a vision. The feeling of something bad happened to her. 

    As time was lapsing, John walked around, deep in his mind. He was constantly thinking about what all could have happened and what was wrong. He kept having this feeling that something horrible had happened. 

    The other soldiers took notice of John's pacing. Instantly thoughts of the worse were going through their minds also. Finally, the captain had to react and settle things before they had an uprise. He walked over to John, stopped him dead in his tracks and began to speak.

    "Hey John, I know you're worried, but I think this is just radio flutter and static. Honestly I don't believe anything has happened. The report didn't speak of any attack directly. It just said that it was going down now. So I think it'll all be ok." 

    John looked to this man, looked into his hazel colored eyes and felt what the man was attempting to do and say to him. He looked around to other soldiers, seeing a sadness stricken behind their face facades. His worrying and pacing was upsetting the other soldiers, making them believe the worst has happened. John realized at that moment of how much of a pull he had on the others.

    As a leader and a symbol, he had an obligation to the others. He realized then that he had to create a persona for the others, give them hope again. 

    John out of character walked up to each and every man and woman that he could see. Talking to every one of them, letting them confide in him, and being the leader that they needed. He assured them that everything was ok and that they will all be fine. 

    He was quickly realizing that everyone's concerns were similar. They all feared that everything they were doing was in vain. They all feared that this was humanity's last drive. For no matter what they did, they felt it would not be enough. John tried his best, kept up the initiative and kept giving them all a reason to fight.

    As the sunlight was drooping, and the sky was turning a beautiful shade of red, fatigue was beginning to settle in with John. He sat down on a steel folding chair that was located under one of the tents. Began to relax and his eyes were slumping. Little by little he was nodding off, and before he could realize it, he was out. ***

    John looked around, seeing what appeared to be clouds around him. He suddenly then heard a voice.

    "These humans are now starting to turn against us. We give them our graces and they repay off with this defiance. We need to react and do something about this"

    John realized where the voice was coming from. He looked over to see what looked like a man that was surrounded by a greenish-blue gas. He then realized that he was surrounded by several of these people, each staring at the man that was speaking. He also quickly noticed that he was above the rest and next to him on both sides were what appeared to be guys.

    He noticed that they looked like they could be brothers and he also noticed that they had white gas surrounding them, unlike the others. 

    The voice came in again, which caught John's attention. 

    "What do you recommend? We can't allow this to continue. At this rate, we're going to have a revolt on every planet that we have them on."

    John noticed that everyone seemed to be trained on to him and the other two next to him. He turned his head to the right, suddenly inside his head he heard a voice that wasn't his own.

    "I think we should take the humans on and eradicate them from existence."

John was perplexed, he was full of indecision and the feeling of being overwhelmed poured inside him. He stopped to collect himself and decide his next move. He then realized that his decision will determine what happens next. 

He ran through scenario after scenario through his head. Contemplating whether or not what he was thinking was going to be the best decision. Finally, he knew what he was going to say.

"They need to be taught a lesson."

Just like that John awoke in a frenzy. The captain standing above him. He was in the middle of shaking him, with an attempt to wake him from his slumber.

"John, wake up man. You fell asleep. Wake up."

John perked himself up, rubbed his eyes and answered back with a sleepy tone.

"I'm up, god damn it. I'm up. Now what do you want?"

The captain stepped back, giving John the space he needed to help wake himself up. He could still see John was tired and most likely felt intruded upon. As John was rubbing the sleepiness from his eyes the captain continued.

"We have a problem."

John looked up to this man, seeing this man's once tannish face go to a shade of white. He could see anguish and fear in his hazel eyes, and see something was bothering him. 

"What's wrong?"

John finally replied back. With the hope that it's nothing to truly worry about. The captain took a moment, as if trying to collect the words of what to say. 

"We haven't been able to get any communication back from the base. We don't know what all has happened or what could be happening. We're being led to believe they have been destroyed."

John in a frenzy, jumped up, his face beat red with anger and began shouting.

"Send me there fucking now. Give me a bird and get me the fuck there."

The captain answered back, as if he expected the hospitality.

"We have already prepped the bird and its waiting for you and your confirmation. We need you to get there and figure out what's going on."

Before the captain could even finish what he was saying, John began to sprint past him to the airplane. He was on a mission. Not looking back to see if there was more to hear. All he could think about was Sam. 

It kept running through his head. He had run into several instances of the worst happening to her. He was convincing himself that Sam was gone. He was hurting himself, thinking that his beloved best friend might be gone from him.

Before he knew it he was at the door for the helicopter. Time had elapsed so fast in that time. He turned back around to realize he was nowhere near where he was before. He could not even see the captain anymore. He was stuck inside his head for the whole duration.

He grabbed the ledge of the door, pulled himself up into this massive grey helicopter and sat down on the closest seat he could locate. Someone from outside closed the door and as the ship started to take off, John had the feeling of being in an elevator. That strange lift feeling in his stomach as they ascended into the air. 

John started to observe inside the helicopter cabin. Seeing netting spread out on the sides. A row of chairs on either side of him and directly in front of him. Noticing that these chairs were fairly uncomfortable. He looked over to him and saw a door that housed the pilots. 

He sat there and stared at that door. Memories started to pour inside his mind. As if that door had triggered a response. ***

John was standing in front of a massive metal door. The room was as dark as dark can be. No light could be seen, except from the massive door. John reached out his hand, the door reacted autonomously. It swung open, light poured into the once pitch black room and showed that it was a hallway made of what looked like clouds. 

John stepped forward, the light blinded him for a brief moment, and as his sight came back he saw that he was at the bottom of what looked like a coliseum. 

Confused by what was happening and where he was, he shouted out.

"Hello? Where the hell am I? Is anyone there?"

His voice echoed through the massive area. Suddenly, out of nowhere came up a voice. It sounded familiar to John, but he could not recall where he knew that voice from. Deep down inside his subconscious he knew it, but could not conjure up where from.

    "John, you have turned against us. All for a human girl. We have summoned you here for a hearing."

    Another voice came up right after the first one had finished. 

    "You have committed a treason that we could never have foreseen. This is appalling and we cannot condone this."

    John in a rage shouted out back to the last voice. As if he knew who it was and with a powerful echo.

    "You have no right to talk to me like that. You are beneath me and you do not know the truth of the situation."

    The first familiar voice came back up, with a sympathetic and understanding voice. 

    "Brother. Please see reason, yes he should never have spoken up to you, but the fact is you are defending against what you started so long ago, all for a human girl. Please see the reason and stop this. We have lost many to this and you have destroyed more than we can handle. Please stop this senseless act and see reason."

    John stopped him in the middle of his sentence and shouted back. As if he knew what he was going to say ahead of time? He shouted this with as much power as he could. Inside his mind he knew the outcome and knew what he had to say, to this man that called him brother.

    "Tell me brother, why is it we continue on with this? We know what we're doing is wrong. We know that contesting me is wrong. At this rate, they will be completely exterminated. We need humans. We need their love and help. Yes I defend them and yes I defend that girl. I have seen something in her that makes me want to change. You don't need to understand me, just sympathize with me, and realize I don't mean to turn against us, but for her... I will." 

The room was in an up roar of oohs. Static was screeching throughout. A few bolts of words were thrown out at John. He was being attacked from all sides. Suddenly the familiar voice spoke up over the shouting and silenced the others. 

"If this is your final answer, then we have decided that you are now a threat against us. I am sorry brother, but we have to condemn you. If you will not see reason, then you will have to be stopped." 

The crowd was silent. Everyone's eyes trained on this man below them. A man they once looked up to. Even the one who referred to himself as his brother was silent, this man that even he looked up to was now turning against him. One that he referred to for guidance and support, one that he trusted. 

He could not keep looking at him, the guilt was settling inside his stomach. He stood up and began to walk away, a sadness was stricken in his face. Everyone looked to him as they watched him walk into the wall, and disappear from thin air.

John watched this, and within a split second he felt a sense of danger. *** 

John snapped back into the real world, after feeling a jolt and hearing the pilot announce back that they were descending back down and were close to the base. 

John strapped himself into the seat, preparing for the turbulence. The ship started to shake furiously. He was holding onto the seat bars, as if holding onto life. Finally breaking the wind, with the craft still on its descent.

He found the courage needed to lift himself, peered out from the helicopters view port and the sight he saw shocked him. His face grew pale at what he saw. 

Outside all he saw was smoke rising up from the craters left in the ground. John's heart sank, in his mind the worst had happened, he was reacting off emotion. His fortitude was breaking, his mind was racing. He was contemplating the worst had occurred. 

Before they could land, John teleported himself to the ground, immixed the devastation. On either side all he could see was dead laying upon the cold desolate ground. He looked straight ahead, seeing the base opening. The ground was scorched and bodies laid motionless. Blood soaked the terrain. 

Without thinking John ran to the hole in the side of the mountain. Before he knew it, he was inside the darkness of the tunnel that led downward into the base. He could not think clearly enough to realize that he had past the bulkhead that protected the base. 

He was inside the courtyard, staring at the door that led directly inside the door. His heart was pounding at this point. He was considering the worst, not even considering checking for survivors, he ran through the door inside the safe haven. He stopped in the hallway where all the survivors' dorms were. An emptiness echoed throughout. No sound of laughter or joy. Only echoes of the air passing throughout the rooms. 

As he walked past each room, he only saw death, blood covering almost all walls. John walked by where his room was, the door wide open, and saw nothing but his and Sam's belongings spread across the room. John's emotions were broken, he could not think of anything other than the worst. 

He dropped to his knees, tears sprung from his eyes, and down his cheeks. His heart was fluttering. A sudden anger filled inside of him like fueling a fire. A white gas surrounded him. As he knelt to this site, only thoughts of rage filled inside him. The ground trembled beneath him. He suddenly got an insight and decided to teleport himself to the main control room.

Inside he saw several individuals standing around. Startled by his presence. The oldest general from before he left looked at him with disgust. 

"What the hell are you doing here? You have no right to be here."

John's white aura was pulsing, flickers of red surged through. He looked up to the general, and spoke, an echoing haunting voice.

"Where is she? Where is Sam?"

The general smiled a grim smirk, unknowing of the real danger he was in. He looked around to everyone else's reaction, as if waiting for someone else to speak up, and then looked back to john. 

"A deal had been made."

His haunting voice echoed in John's ears. John was distraught, his face was in shambles. The feeling he had upstairs was true he had thought to himself. They did the unthinkable, to save themselves. Inside his mind he had nothing but rage for this man. He had a hate for him unlike any other. The general spoke up.

"We had to do this to save humanity, she was sacrificed for the whole and for the greater good."

John stood there, staring at this man and his smirk face. Inside his eyes he could see him thinking of himself. This man had no motive to save the greater good, he was only in it to save himself. He had sacrificed so many for himself. For his own selfish needs. 

John looked around the room, seeing the same grim looks on the other people's faces. They all had sacrificed so many to help themselves. A feeling of anger surged through him. His own body was tearing itself apart as he realized what these individuals' motive was for. He felt no pity for them, he felt nothing for them anymore. 

John white gaseous aura was surrounding him once more, pulsing out. The general looked at John and saw his eyes were glowing white, and sparks were shooting from him. Bolts arching from him to the walls of the room. He shouted out loud.

"Guards, take him down."