
Golden Dawn (Naruto X Justice League)

There are now two versions of this story since I decided to reboot it. The new version will start different and Naruto in this would be different. The plot points from the previous version will also take place but more plot would be added in between. This time I will try better with the characters since most of them didn't have any screen time. The new version is called Emperor of Mankind -------------------------------- One life had come to an end but the regrets of the past live on. Witness Naruto adjusting to a new life without regrets in a world filled with hidden dangers and opportunities. Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

EternalBliss4U · Anime und Comics
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Character Data For first Version: Golden Dawn

1: Naruto Uzumaki: MC

Age 16.

Personality Traits: Obsession, Persistence, undying will, Kindness and love, emotionally weak to loved ones, selfless, observant, controlling (Volume 2), patient (Volume 2), cautious

Occupation: Shinobi (Rank Genin), motivational speaker, Master of the shadows, Leader of Golden Dawn, Hero

Likes: Ramen, Games, hanging out with friends, learning ninja arts. empowering music and songs, action and romance movies. A great fan of Koyuki and the Blue Bird Song.

Dislikes: Loneliness, People fearing him, death and injustice

Dreams: To become the Hokage, To have a big family, to bring true happiness and joy to the world. To return to his universe

Fears: Absolute loneliness, fears the the thought of the world fearing him, fears the death of his loved ones.

2: Kara

Age: 17

Occupation: Superhero (Supergirl), Engineer

Likes: Comedy and drama movies, likes up beat music, friends, Naruto, family

Dislikes: Horror movies, spicy food, mind control, kryptonite, Veritas flirting

Fears: Losing everything again

3: Raven

Age: 21

Occupation: Super hero

Likes: Romance and drama movies, romantic songs, magic, friends, and Naruto

Dislikes: Sweet things, noisy people, Trigon, people fearing her, hurting others by mistake

Fears: Losing control, Trigon arriving

4: Kushina

Age: 24

Occupation: Shinobi, Cook

Likes: Cooking, fighting, fuinjutsu, Naruto, Minato and Konoha, friends

Dislikes: Anyone hurting her family, powerlessness, pointless death, Naruto's obsession

Fears: Naruto dying, all this being a dream

5: Kurama

Age: 2000

Occupation: Prison bitch

Likes: Sleep, learning new things, seeing things go boom, Naruto

Dislikes: Mind control, Uchiha, Humans

Fears: Nothing

6: BeastBoy

7: Nightwing

8: Blue Beetle

9: Impulse

10: Lagoon Boy

11: Veritas

Age: 32

Occupation: Scientist

Likes: Research, Naruto, romantic songs, romance movies

Dislikes: Illogical things, limitations forced upon by others

Fears: Causing death with her experiments, fears that the current situation might just be an illusion

12: Donna

13: Flash (Barry Allen):

14: Clark

15: Death

16: Diana

17: Megan

18: Connor

19: Wally West

20: Hal

21: Cyborg

22: Crucifier

23: Darksied

24: Zor El

25: Starro

26: Zoom

27: Batman

28: HawkWoman

29: Aquaman

30: Cassandra

31: Poison Ivy

32: Gaea

33: Powergirl

34: Trigon

35: Ras Al Ghul
