
Gojo Template in Genshin Impact

A 21-year-old spinal cancer patient named Cilcel have a second chance at life with a gift from the Gods.

Endora · Videospiele
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4 Chs

A dragon

In a modest reception area within the bustling city of Mondstadt, Cilcel, a white-haired traveler, stood before the receptionist, his expression marked by a hint of embarrassment and weariness. "I don't have any mora," he confessed softly, the weight of his financial limitations evident in his downcast gaze.

The receptionist, a composed and experienced figure, responded with a calm demeanor, as though she had encountered similar circumstances before. "I see," she began, her voice gentle and understanding. "Well, you can work as an adventurer until you gather enough mora to pay off the entry pass." She reached behind her desk and retrieved a temporary pass, offering it to Cilcel. "You can take this pass for now, but please be aware that it will expire in 10 days. You'll need to work diligently during that time, alright?"

Cilcel contemplated for a moment, his mind racing with questions about his uncertain future in Mondstadt. Finally, he gathered the courage to inquire further. "I have just one more question," he hesitated.

The receptionist met his gaze with patience. "What is it?" she asked.

"How do I get a permanent pass to stay here?" Cilcel inquired, his curiosity hinting at a desire for stability.

With a sigh, the receptionist provided him with two options. "You can either purchase the temporary pass three more times or gain the support of a high-ranking member of the Knights of Favonius," she explained. "Though I must caution you, the latter option is quite challenging. It's difficult to catch the attention of high-ranking knights, especially now, as Grand Master Varka is on an expedition with most of our high-ranking personnel. By the way, each pass lasts for 30 days, giving you more time to accumulate mora and establish yourself."

Cilcel nodded, pondering his choices. He rubbed his chin thoughtfully before deciding, "I see. Then I'll make my way to the Adventurer's Guild. Thank you for the information."

As Cilcel left, the receptionist bade him farewell with a wave, her thoughts drifting toward possibilities.

'Now unlucky... If I was off duty right now, I would have asked him out...'She couldn't help but wonder if fate might bring them together again someday.

Outside, Cilcel navigated the lively streets of Mondstadt, drawing curious glances from the locals. It was unusual for an individual from Inazuma to visit this city, and his presence did not go unnoticed.

Yet, amid the bustling crowd, Cilcel spotted someone equally out of place, a figure dressed in distinctive attire.

"Aether," Cilcel whispered under his breath as he observed the man with long, braided golden hair, adorned in intricate clothing and accessories. The traveler from places beyond the stars was unmistakable, with his distinct earring, flowing scarf, and peculiar cape.

Before Cilcel could approach Aether, a sudden and forceful gust of wind swept through the city, sending rumors and whispers swirling like leaves in a tempest. The cause of this commotion was none other than a looming presence known as Stormterror.

Aether and Amber, the golden-eyed girl, looked deeply concerned as the once-sunny day transformed into a foreboding misty darkness. Panic gripped the people, driving them indoors for safety.

Amber, her voice carrying a note of urgency, called out to Cilcel, urging him to find shelter. But Cilcel remained unmoved, nonchalantly removing his sunglasses as he muttered, "Ahh… I can't see them on now."

Amber's distress grew as she attempted to reach Cilcel while directing Aether to follow her. However, a fierce tornado suddenly whisked Aether off his feet, launching him into the blue sky.

"Aether!" Amber cried out, her eyes desperately searching for her friend in the swirling tempest. Yet, when she turned her gaze back to where Cilcel stood moments ago, he had vanished from the road.

In the skies above, where two figures soared at the mercy of Stormterror's winds, Cilcel momentarily disabled his untouchable barrier. He allowed the harsh winds to carry him aloft, his white hair whipping around him.

"Oh my... This is much higher than I expected," Cilcel remarked aloud, catching the attention of the blond-haired man beside him. Aether.

"Hello there," Cilcel greeted casually before abruptly descending. "Goodbye."

He left just as swiftly as he had arrived, leaving Aether bewildered and plummeting toward the earth before using his wind glider to stay afloat.

"Hehe~ gotcha~"

To an observer, it appeared as if Cilcel was suspended in mid-air, defying gravity. But in reality, Cilcel was manipulating space to stand where he is. Aether's bewilderment escalated as he tried to comprehend the inexplicable phenomenon. He couldn't fathom how this white-haired stranger had managed to remain airborne without a wind glider.

Paimon, the floating companion, couldn't contain her curiosity. "Who are you?" she exclaimed. "And Aether, how are you still flying with just a wind glider?"

Cilcel, seemingly unbothered by the situation, responded lazily, "I'm preventing you from falling with the power of a thousand winds."

As Aether closed his eyes, concentrating on harnessing the power of the wind, an Anemo symbol materialized near his chest. It pulsed with verdant energy, and he began releasing bursts of air towards Stormterror, as if dusting off an enormous, mythical creature.

As the trio grappled with this surreal encounter, the mysterious voice returned, carried by the very winds around them. But this time, it was not from Cilcel. "N-now, focus. Concentrate on gathering the power of the wind. Harness its energy."

With each determined effort, Aether's connection to the Anemo element grew stronger. It was as if the wind itself had become his ally, aiding him in his battle against the menacing Stormterror.

In the midst of the turbulent sky, the question of Cilcel's identity lingered, yet he remained steadfast in his choice to remain an observer. His reluctance to intervene puzzled Paimon, who continued to urge him to assist Aether.

"He'll be fine," Cilcel reassured her indifferently. "I'm not moving because I don't want to get sick. I hate spinning around and stuff."

As the fierce struggle between Aether and Stormterror unfolded in the sky, the city of Mondstadt watched in awe and apprehension. After several intense minutes, Stormterror decided that its fur was sufficiently groomed and soared away into the horizon, obscured by clouds.

Aether gazed in the direction of the dragon's departure before turning back to where Cilcel had been. However, the enigmatic white-haired man had vanished without a trace, leaving Aether perplexed by the inexplicable encounter.

Back on the ground, Cilcel's moments of respite were short-lived. Nausea overcame him as he clung to the statue of the Anemo Archon, Barbatos, his legs dangling over the edge. He rubbed his forehead in discomfort, feeling the disorientation from his aerial adventure.

From below, a voice called out to Aether, capturing his attention. "Aether! Over here!" It was Amber, her bunny-eared headbands fluttering in the wind.

Aether descended and joined Amber, who was eager to ensure his safety. He shook his head, indicating that he was unharmed, and Amber breathed a sigh of relief.

As they exchanged glances, the sound of approaching footsteps and clapping echoed

"Well done. You actually have the power to go against a dragon." A dark skinned man with dark blue hair and an eye-patch said amusingly. "But I wonder, are you an ally or an approaching storm? But you, why are you sitting in the hands of the Anemo Archon?"

Cilcel slowly stood up from his seating on the statue of the Anemo Archon, still looking a bit queasy but managing to regain his composure. He adjusted his sunglasses, which he put oh after he landed on the ground again, the white-haired man now facing Kaeya with a relaxed grin.

"Oh? And who might you be?"

"I'm just a wanderer passing through," Cilcel replied, his tone casual. "No need to worry about me, Captain Kaeya. I was just enjoying the show. Your friend here," he nodded towards Aether, "has quite the talent."

Amber glanced between the mysterious newcomer and Kaeya, a bit bewildered by the exchange. She then turned her attention back to Aether, a curious look on her face. 

"He's not my friend... Yet." Kaeya, on the other hand, couldn't help but feel intrigued by Cilcel's nonchalant attitude. "But a wanderer, you say? Mondstadt welcomes all travelers, but you seem a bit out of place."

Cilcel chuckled softly. "Out of place? Perhaps. But sometimes, a change of scenery is just what the doctor ordered, right?"

Kaeya's eye narrowed slightly as he studied Cilcel, his perceptive nature kicking in. "You seem well-informed about our city. Are you sure you're just a wanderer?"

Cilcel leaned against the statue's base, crossing his arms casually. "Well, I like to stay informed about the places I visit. Helps me appreciate the local culture, you know?"

Amber couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about Cilcel, but she decided not to press the matter further. Instead, she turned to Aether with a friendly smile. "I'm Amber, by the way. Thanks for helping us back there. And this is the plaza, in case you didn't know."

Aether returned her smile. "I'm Aether, and this is my companion, Paimon. Nice to meet you, Amber. And thank you for your assistance as well."

Kaeya, still eyeing Cilcel, finally spoke up. "If you're a traveler passing through Mondstadt, you're welcome to stay and enjoy our hospitality. Just remember to follow our rules, and you'll get along just fine."

Cilcel nodded appreciatively. "I'll keep that in mind, Captain. Who knows, maybe our paths will cross again."

With that, Cilcel jumped off of the statue and turned and strolled away, blending into the almost empty streets of Mondstadt, leaving Kaeya, Amber, Aether, and Paimon to wonder about the enigmatic stranger who had witnessed their battle with Stormterror.

As Cilcel disappeared into the dark streets of Mondstadt, Kaeya watched him go with a thoughtful expression. There was something about the stranger that piqued his curiosity, and he couldn't help but wonder if their paths would indeed cross again.

Amber, on the other hand, was still in a state of excitement over the recent dragon encounter. She turned to Aether and couldn't contain her enthusiasm.

"Aether, you were amazing up there! Taking on Stormterror like that, it was incredible!"

Aether chuckled modestly, his golden eyes gleaming with appreciation for her words. "Thank you, Amber. But we couldn't have done it without your help and the support of the people of Mondstadt."

Paimon chimed in, floating beside Aether. "Yeah, it was a team effort! And we even had a mysterious spectator. I wonder who that guy was."

Kaeya joined the conversation, his eye still trained in the direction Cilcel had gone. "Indeed, he was an interesting character. I'll have to make some inquiries and see if I can learn more about him."

Amber nodded enthusiastically. "If you find out anything, let us know! We should thank him for watching over us."

With the threat of Stormterror temporarily averted, the group went their separate ways. Kaeya returned to his duties as the Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonius, Amber continued her work as an Outrider, and Aether and Paimon resumed their exploration of Mondstadt.

As days turned into weeks, the memory of the mysterious white-haired wanderer began to fade into the background. But in the vast and ever-changing world of Teyvat, one could never predict when fates would intertwine once more.

But little did they know that the moment that they meet Cilcel, is the moment destiny's changes.


Hey guys. I was gone a while because I asked a good friend of mine to help me work on my novel skills. I hope you can see the difference between last chapter and this one. But this fan-fic is doing surprisingly well. Thank you for you're support and I will be uploading more frequently(I hope). You can show me how you are supporting me with power stones. Maybe it will get be off of my lazy ass.