
Gojo Kazumi in MHA

In Jujutsu Kaisen, there was someone else besides Gojo Satoru that was called, "The Strongest." And that was Gojo Satoru's twin sister, Gojo Kazumi. Although everybody knows Gojo Satoru, only a few people knew his twin sister, she was known as, "The Boundary." When the people that knew her would say her name, they would feel shivers down their spine, even her twin brother. She was called "The Boundary" because she holds the balance of the Cursed Spirit and the Sorcerer World. The difference between her and her brother is that he holds the balance between cursed spirits and sorcerers, not the world. Although Gojo Satoru is the strongest and was called the strongest, Gojo Kazumi holds the barrier from the strongest to become stronger. Like someone who maxed out and she's there to make it, so they won't become stronger, she was the barrier. Short chapters btw xvi#6877 https://discord.gg/GKY3XnB3cM This story is mine, if you wish to post it someone else or translate it, please contact me on discord. I don't follow plot (art is not mine besides text)

vurse · Anime und Comics
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46 Chs

Chapter 34: Sports Festival IX

"Kazumi Gojo against Misery Tokisaki!"

"Let the final battle of the sports festival commence." said Present Mic.

This is going to be interesting, I might have to go all out.

We both stood where we were, not moving an inch as the pressure started to increase.

A slight twitch appeared on Misery's right arm's muscles.

Her gun already?

She pulled out her gun and immediately shot, with my eyes I was able to tell what kind of bullet it was. A time slowing bullet, interesting. Once I dodged, Misery got faster not wasting any time.

4 bullets came my way, not bad.

I lifted my blindfold off, it's my first time having a challenge after all.


I switched places with Misery but the bullets still came my way, hmm?

"I was watching your battles you know? Of course I knew the technique you were going to use." said Misery.

"Good, but not good enough." I said.


I switched with a pebble on the ground to help me get out of the crisis.

「 Kuro」

I shot a black sphere at her to see what she was going to do, she shot the sphere instead and it suddenly disappeared.

"A bullet that sends something into the past, meaning you sent my Kuro to where it never existed. That's interesting, now show me more Misery!" I said with a large grin.

I charged at Misery with a black sphere on my left and a white sphere onto my left. She started shooting time reversing bullets towards me but it was useless if I was able to dodge.

Combining the two spheres, I shot the half black and half white sphere towards her. This should be able to counter Misery's bullets, instead of dodging or using her bullets. She stood still and took the attack.


She disappeared from my view, the crowd was stunned thinking I killed her but I knew different. Misery was smart, smart enough to be smarter than me if she wanted to.

A presence suddenly appeared behind me and I immediately jumped away. And there was Misery, but something was different about her.

"Sending your consciousness to a body in the past, just how strong are you?" I asked.

"You act like you're not strong yourself." said Misery.

"Not wrong, but this is also great." I said.

"What's great?" asked Misery.

"I could fully go all out." I replied.

"Don't do that, you'll destroy the stadium." said Misery.

"Too bad." I said.

「 Domain Expansion: Void Manipulation」

『 Yin and Yang's Dualism of Balance』

By combining Yin and Yang with Void manipulation, I'm able to control how much matter and mass I want to put into my attack. Adding the matter and mass from my domain to my attack, a black and white sphere the size of boulder appeared.

"If you're able to survive this, I'll declare you the strongest person after me Misery!" I said with a large grin.

"Why not stronger than you?"

"Because I'll always be the strongest."

The moment I shot the the large sphere, cracks appeared in the air, and small sparks of lightning was appearing. After all this wasn't just combined with matter and mass, it was also added with space. Infinite space, a never ending space, which allows it to continue nonstop unless something was able to stop it. It's able to suck anything up, the world if I willed it to, but what would be the fun in that.

When it was shot half way towards Misery, she shoots two bullets, one for sending a subject in the past, and one for sending the subject in the future. This was smart since it was combined with different things related to the laws of the world.

When the two bullets hit the sphere, they both disappeared. It was as if nothing happened, but I saw something different.

Space and time overlapped each other, they both didn't disappear. It was trying to find a way to not cross paths with each other, if something infinite that contained the laws of the world overlaps with something similar to it. It would find a way to dodge each other because if it collides, the laws of the world would intervene and break meaning I might've just destroyed the world.

Ah, this is pretty bad. The city might as well get destroyed with it, there was still time before it exploded though. I teleported to Misery and knocked her out and carried her on my back. With one hand, I activated my domain expansion and covered the entire city. If it was any bigger, I might've had to cover the entire world. Setting up another barrier to cover the people in the stands, I only did it cause my mom would get mad.

Don't get cocky citizens.

"What i-" before Present Mic could finish.

A bright light mixed with a bit of darkness started to appear in the middle of the platform. So it's started, to not break the laws of the world, it finds a way which is to break the world instead. Not bad, it's right though.

Dark clouds were starting to form, lightning was appearing, and rain was dropping.

It was like the gods and goddesses were angered, they probably were. I almost destroyed the laws after all, teehee~

A loud boom and shock wave appeared, but it as invisible to the human eye. Thank god I had Six Eyes, immediately reducing it's shockwaves by using mass and matter as a shield. Even if that, a large shock wave was able to pass through, that was just how powerful it was.

The entire city blacked out but regained it's power in the next second. It was like a one time thing, but it was sure scary. It was as if the force pushed their soul out and made them leave their bodies.

Everything was fine but there was a 15 feet hole that emptied the stadium except for the spot where I was standing.

A bright golden lightning struck me once I turned off Boundless, it was a light shock. Almost like a warning, I guess the gods and goddesses were quite angry eh?

"And the winner is Kazumi Gojo!"

With that, the sports festival had ended with me winning. The guy with the cement quirk covered the hole instead of filling it up, I wonder if someone was going to fall through it one day.

I put my blindfold back on and waited for them to fix everything up.



"The winner of this year's first U.A. Sports Festival is from Class A. Kazumi Gojo!" said Present Mic.

The podium we stood on that labeled our places started going up and soon enough, we appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone started cheering and I waved towards them gaining even more cheers.

I spotted my mom and little sister and gave them a wave which they gave back.

Despite winning, there was an eerie feeling when I covered the city with my domain expansion. Oh well, I'll discover it later.

First Place - Kazumi Gojo

Second Place - Misery Tokisaki

Third Place - Katsuki Bakugo

Suddenly All Might appeared from the sky and landed in front of us.

"Our very own hero All Might will be handing out the medals!" said Midnight.

So we're going to act like she didn't talk over him? Alright.

All Might put their medal's on the others, then it was my turn .

"Kazumi Gojo, your strength exceeds some of the pro heroes. You'll be quite a superhero when you grow up." said All Might.

Like I'll follow your ideals, I have my own ideals to follow.

Heroes and Villains, they're all pointless.

I didn't reply to him and kept quiet.

He tried putting the medal over my head but I stopped him.

"I'll put it on myself." I said taking the medal and putting it on myself.

"Well they were the winners this time! But listen here, anyone could've ended up on these podiums. It's just as you saw, competing, and improving each other!" said All Might.

The speech was boring, the only person that could improve me is Misery. No one else could rival me in any way unless they were a god in disguise.



"There will be no school tomorrow or the day after." said Aizawa.

I noticed Ida was missing, I guess the eerie feeling was related to him but oh well.

"Misery, you have to do anything I want." I said.

"Yes, I know. So what is it?" asked Misery.

"I want...."


vursecreators' thoughts