
Gods Are Not Born

Kuragari Is the god of death and ironically was, sentenced to death by his former comrades. How will Kuragari get out of this Dangerous situation?

The_Creator_5845 · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Reincarnation exist?!

I'm overtaken by rage.

"YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" I yell, launching myself towards the man who through the spear.

He swats me like a fly.

Shit. I forgot how weak I am right now.

I quickly cast a healing spell on Akihito. It fails.

"Did you really think that would work? I made sure all my weapons are anti-heal." Says the man.

I finally get a good look at him.

"God of Weaponry," I say, angrily.

"You will pay for your crimes. I was asked to bring you alive if possible. Don't make this hard on the both of us." He says.

I grab Akihito and dash for the city. Two spears are launched through me. Hundreds of angels from different fractions surround us.

"FUCK!" I yell, in extreme pain.

I can feel my organs spilling out. blood is dripping from my wound. I cough up blood. I see some angels from my own faction.

"You fucking traitors," I say, weakly.

"Hey, Kuragari. I think it's time for us to use that spell," says Akihito.

I think back to the time when I and Akihito were creating that spell.


"What would you do if you had a fresh start on earth. No godly powers" says, Akihito.

"I don't know. Fuck bitches?" I reply jokingly.

"No, for real. What what you do?" he asks again.

"I would probably rise to the top fast, and live a peaceful life in luxury," I reply.

"I would stop all conflicts, then live a peaceful life in a luxury mountainside cottage," says Akihito.

"Wanna do it?" I ask.

"Do what?" he replies.

"Make a spell to restart," I say

"Sure, why not?" he responds.

At first, we did it as a joke. We were just experimenting with it until we started finding success. We eventually put more and more time and effort into the spell. We figured we would want to keep the knowledge of the abilities we already know, but have to restart learning them. We would also restart our mana core level.

We then moved on to testing it on angels who wanted to restart again as a human. When we tested it, it seemed like the conditions you are born in are completely random. Some were born into rich families, others poor.

Some learned magic quickly, and some didn't. Even the time you were born could vary. For example, if I cast the spell on you today, it could take up to 5 years before you're actually born. The only thing that could be chosen was gender. After we perfected that part, we found a way to make you keep memories of your past life.

We called this spell reincarnation. The only setback is that it cannot be cast on yourself and that you lose your god title. Me and Akihito designed the spell so that we would be able to tell if the other is born, and the region they are in.


"Are you sure that we should do the spell?" I ask.

"You're bleeding out, I'm bleeding out. We're kinda out of options." Akihito says.

"Beggars can't be choosers I suppose," I say.

"Do it on one" he says.

"ONE!" we say together.

A bright light shines with a 12-circle magic spell around it. My mana is completely depleted. Before the spell finishes, I say a couple words to the gods.

"For all of you gods who forced me into this position, I will come for you. When I return, I will make you regret being born so much so, that you will despise your parents more than me," I say, menacingly.


"WE'RE GONNA DI-" me and Akihito vanish from the god realm.