
Gods Are Not Born

Kuragari Is the god of death and ironically was, sentenced to death by his former comrades. How will Kuragari get out of this Dangerous situation?

The_Creator_5845 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Escape

We sprint through a corridor, running from the gods and their angels.

"Let's head to Sylvia's place," Says the divine dragon.

"Right," I reply.

We duck left to go outside. Japanese-style buildings surround us.

"We're in the Japanese section right now. We have to head to the bar in the city section." Says the divine dragon

"Lead the way God of divine dragons." I say.

"I told you to call me Akihito," he says.

"Alright then. Lead the way, Akihito".

Akihito stops suddenly.

"Duck right!" he yells.

I dive to the right as arrows fly past me. I look up to see the angels of an archer god, standing on the rooftops. Fuck, there gonna be troublesome I think. The archers nock their arrows for the next shot. Akihito jumps in front and breathes a fireball at the arrows to attempt to burn them. I anticipated the arrows would be fireproof so I jump in front and deflect them with my scythe.

"Those fuckers came prepared," said Akihito, annoyed.

Akihito opens his mouth and lets out a blast of lightning, shocking half of the troops to death. I slash the other half with my scythe.

"We've got to keep moving," says Akihito.

We run straight for the gate to the city. "We're almost there!" Akihito says. We turn a corner to be faced with Millions of soldiers.

"Fire!" a man says.

Thousands of arrows are sent down on us. Akihito sends up an earth dome and we duck into it. The arrows pierce the dome, the tips just poking into it.

"We're fucked" I say.

"Pretend to turn me in. You won't get too harshly punished," I say, solemnly.

"I didn't come this far to just turn you in," says Akihito.

"Listen. In nowhere near my full strength right now. After fighting the main guards and being locked up, my strength is pretty much depleted. I can muster up one large spell. That will only kill the minions. Then the other gods will show up."

I say. Another volley of arrows strikes the dome. and The dome is starting to give way.

"The other gods haven't shown up yet. We still have a chance" Akihito says.

"Come out Kuragari. It's over." says the god of jealousy.

"God of jealousy," I say.

"Yes?" she replies.

"Suck my dick, bitch." I say.

"Destroy the dome," she says, unbothered.

We pop out of the dome. Akihito sends a volley of wind bullets to kill and blow away the enemies. "This way!" Yells Akihito. He leads us through a tunnel.

"This is another way to the city." says Akihito.

We sprint through the tunnel.

"Where almost out," says Akihito.

"Hey, we might actually make-" Akihito is cut off as a spear is flung through his body