
God of Zombies Transmigrate to the World of Cultivation

The soul is trapped by the deceased body, thus forming a zombie. However, the dead body blocks the soul from the divine path and excludes it from the universe. A human soul assimilated by a zombie elixir, later, through a ruthless secret technique, transforms the human body into a zombie body, creating a uniquely formed zombie. It is questioned whether the soul is still trapped by the body and unable to comprehend the divine path. Ye Han, a poor Earth student, accidentally has his soul absorbed by a zombie king-level elixir and travels to the Qingming Continent. Will his path as a zombie continue like other zombies, forever separated from the divine path in his life?

yuge_zhang_8023 · Fantasie
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120 Chs

The Dragon Clan's Major Assault

Never before had Bernice experienced such humiliation, her precious body so exposed before a man. She looked at Ye Han, the man who had desecrated her, with furious eyes.

"Ha ha, I must say, you do have quite the assets. Any other man would have agreed without hesitation, but..." Ye Han's hand roamed over Bernice's body, but his eyes held no lust, only a mocking expression.

Ye Han held the immobilized Bernice in his arms, his hand caressing her trembling, slightly reddened delicate body. The ten guards who had followed her had fainted the moment they entered the domain, leaving only Bernice and Biyule conscious.

Biyule, witnessing the man he admired defiling his goddess, was burning with anger. His red eyes stared fiercely at Ye Han. Being intelligent, he knew his life was in Ye Han's hands and dared not provoke him further.

"Do you really want to kill me for what I did to your goddess? Ha ha," Ye Han sneered coldly.

"If I get a chance, I will kill you," Biyule threatened, his voice filled with murderous intent, feeling humiliated for being so powerless before a mere ninth-rank individual.

"Kill me? Ha ha, do you think you stand a chance?" Saying this, Ye Han threw the naked Bernice onto the ground and instantly became a blur. In a fraction of a second, Biyule was once again brutally kicked away by Ye Han. But Ye Han wasn't done with Biyule yet.

Biyule, thrown through the air, was already in excruciating pain from the blow to his chest. Then he felt a severe impact on his back, as his spine was forcibly broken by Ye Han's kick. Blood gushed out of his mouth.

Despite such a heavy attack, Biyule didn't scream but glared at Ye Han with intense murderous intent. "Ha ha, quite spirited. Not bad, not bad," Ye Han laughed heartily.

"One day, I'll pay you back," Biyule grimaced in pain, while Bernice closed her eyes, not wanting to witness his miserable state.

"Can you tell me who you are?" Ye Han walked over to the collapsed Biyule, looking down at him as if he were a dead dog.

Biyule didn't respond, just glaring at Ye Han. If looks could kill, Ye Han would have been slain hundreds of times by now.

"Not talking?" Ye Han didn't get angry but instead walked over to Bernice, grabbed her, and said, "I think such a beautiful woman being thrown into the so-called commoner's area would receive a very good reception, don't you think?" He gently stroked Bernice's beautiful face and spoke lightly.

Hearing Ye Han's words, the usually composed Bernice turned pale instantly. She knew well what happened in the commoner's area. Thinking about those consequences, her body trembled violently.

"You're despicable," Bernice, who had always been well-educated, couldn't help but curse.

"Despicable? Then how would you describe what you've done to me? Is it justified?" Ye Han said with a murderous aura. Under his intense killing intent, Bernice felt a chill seeping into her soul, her body turning ice cold.

In a world where power dictates everything, wrong can become right under absolute strength. This is the survival rule of this world.

"I am the ninth son of the empire's Left Chancellor," Biyule finally revealed his identity under Ye Han's threat. The indifference and decisiveness Ye Han displayed made Biyule believe he was capable of anything.

"Left Chancellor? I remember not long ago I dealt with someone who claimed to be the son of the Right Chancellor. Now the son of the Left Chancellor has come too. If I don't do something to you, wouldn't that be unfair to him?" Ye Han walked slowly towards Biyule, a short sword appearing in his hand.

Hearing Ye Han's words, Biyule's face paled, horror spreading across it. Gregory's fate was well-known throughout the empire. What Biyule and other young nobles had once mocked was now a terrifying reality. He regretted coming here.

Seeing Biyule's terrified expression and his struggles, Ye Han's smile widened. "Don't worry, I didn't kill him, so naturally, I won't kill you. I'll be gentle," Ye Han said, mimicking a wolf luring Little Red Riding Hood.

Ye Han approached Biyule, squatting down in front of him. The short sword in his hand lightly traced across Biyule's handsome face, leaving a bloody mark. "Hmm, where should I start?" Ye Han mused.

"No, please, no," Biyule pleaded in a tearful voice, his body trembling uncontrollably, whether from fear or an effort to break free from the domain's suppression.

"The word 'no' sounds so ambiguous, doesn't it?" Ye Han sneered, his short sword continuously moving across Biyule's body, leaving clear bloody marks. Biyule's clothes soon soaked with his own blood. The lacerated skin pulled apart under the tension of his taut muscles, turning inside out.

With a swoosh, a stream of blood flew.

"Ah!" Biyule's body, unable to move, trembled violently, and one of his arms, cut off by Ye Han, flew up and landed not far away, still twitching.

"Do you know what being dismembered by five horses means?" As soon as Ye Han finished speaking, another arm flew up. Blood gushed out, staining Ye Han's black robe.

Bernice watched Ye Han's ruthless and bloody methods, her beautiful face completely drained of color, turning extremely pale. She bit her lips tightly, her anger finally replaced by fear.

"Please, don't. I beg you," Biyule, now missing both arms, found it difficult to speak, his body shaking uncontrollably.

"You were so arrogant just now," Ye Han taunted.

With another scream, Biyule was in agony.

"You wanted to kill me, didn't you?"

Yet another scream ensued as Biyule lost both his legs in a short span, his limbs amputated. The intense pain made him desperately wish for unconsciousness, but Ye Han gave him no such respite.

Ye Han looked at Biyule, now reduced to a 'human stick'. Licking the fresh blood off his short sword, he commented, "The taste of blood is really quite exquisite."

"You have an extra piece of flesh there, seems quite burdensome. Let me help you get rid of it," Ye Han's words snapped Biyule's fading consciousness back to attention. He knew what Ye Han meant, but all he could do was plead for mercy.

With a swift motion, Ye Han's sword glided over Biyule's body again, casting a sinister glow.

"Surgery completed," Ye Han said, wiping his sword on Biyule's blood-soaked clothes until the blade was clean. Then, ignoring Biyule's screams, he turned to Bernice.

"How about it? My skills must have caught the princess's eye," Ye Han said, his blood-stained hand embracing the naked Bernice.

"Devil, you are a devil," Bernice, utterly terrified by Ye Han's actions, called out in horror.

"Heh, a devil? Call me the Blood Asura; I like that better," Ye Han retorted. Then, without hesitation, his fangs sank into Bernice's delicate neck.

Three days later, news of the Dragon Clan's major assault spread rapidly across the continent. Several cities of the Frostwind Empire near the Transverse Mountain Range were destroyed under the relentless attack of countless beasts and dragons. Similar situations occurred in cities and villages of other empires near the mountain range.

The three great empires of the continent went into high alert, sending countless powerful warriors to repel the onslaught.

"The greedy humans. You will pay for your deeds," was the sole declaration of the Dragon Clan. Led by dragons, an unprecedented wave of attacks by numerous beasts was unleashed on humanity, the largest in a millennium.