
God of the Verses

Op mc traveling worlds, fucking any girls he desires because of plot. He does whatever he wants cause no one can stop him. First World: Twilight Second world:???? Third world???? Give me some suggestions

VoNtheGoAt · Filme
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31 Chs

Chapter 8

(3rd Person Pov)

Taking a quick look around the cafeteria Vincent realizes that everyone there is trying to listen in on their conversation . The girls also quickly realize this so they try to normalize the conversation by asking ordinary question.

"Where are you from" Alice asks getting vincent to turn back his attention to her.

Vincent looks at her for a while before replying "I can't tell you" this reply however gets rosalie riled up.

"You don't want to tell us where your from and want us to trust you" she replies angrily

"I don't remember asking for your trust but I do want you to trust me but I simply can't tell you where I'm from because I myself don't remember"he tells her lying and quickly gets called out for it.

"You're lying" Jasmine replies with a straight face looking at him.

'Shit I forgot she could sense emotions"he thought trying to quickly neutralize the situation by thinking of a way to block jasmine powers. He quickly finds a solution and immediately sets his plan into action.



{Create the ability pathokinesis}

[Ability has been created Host]

{How does mine scale to Jasmine's}

[Invalid request Host that is not one of the system functions]

He sighs well I guess I'll have to find out on my own then. He quickly puts his attention back on the girls who are looking at him cautiously while rosalie is looking at him fuming.

'I wonder why she hates me so much' he thought. He looks at her and began asking "why do you hate me so much". Trying to put the attention on something else he however picked the wrong target.

"It's none of your fucking business and answer our questions you show up unannounced and act like you know everything about us but now that we are trying to know something about you . You start dodging our question and you talk about wanting us to trust you"she says snapping at him.

He pauses looking stunned and takes a quick look around and sees everyone looking at Rosalie surprised at her outburst.

Her sisters try to calm her down while she is still looking at Vincent pissed off.

'Fuck why did I think that was a good approach acting all mysterious and shit those fanfic lied this doesn't arouse there interest this only makes them trust you less fuck' he thought.

Quickly recomposing himself he turns to edythe and tells her to follow him which gets the girl to look at him with confusion. He gets up to leave but before he could walk off rosalie stops him.

"So you really aren't gonna answer our questions and then you want our sister to follow you" she asked staring daggers at him.

"I'll explain it all to edythe if she follows me because I trust her more than the rest of you " he pauses staring at them he sees alice looking a little hurt by this statement " plus it's not safe to talk about it with so much ears listening to us" he continues looking around at the cafeteria.

He walks away heading to the exit as the Cullen's watch him leave .

Edythe moves to get up but is immediately grabbed by the hand looking at who it is she sees jasmine staring at her. "Are you really going to follow him" she asks getting a nod from Edythe.

Jasmine begins whispering to edythe asking "can you read his mind" . Edythe looks at her and replies no.

Jasmine asked again "then how are you gonna know if he's telling the truth". "I won't" edythe replies .

"He's proven that we can't trust him so I'm coming with you" Jasmine replies. "okay let's go" edythe replies.

They leave the cafeteria to follow Vincent leaving the rest of the Cullen's at the table.

Using there superior sense of smell they quickly find him leaning against his bike. He turns to look in there direction and begin speaking "I thought I told you I wanted to speak with edythe you know alone"

"You are gonna speak with her but I'll also be there to verify if you're telling the truth since you have already proven that you are untrustworthy and just in case you try to hurt her" Jasmine replies

"How am I gonna hurt her you know I'm human plus I would never lay a finger on her with the intention of hurting she's my mate and so are you" Vincent replies

"Being human didn't stop you from killing a vampire you forgot about that or did you lie about that too"she says raising her eyebrow.

Quickly manipulating his emotions to keep calm he replies" I didn't lie about that"

Hearing footsteps they look at each other before jasmine replies "follow us here is still not a safe place to speak".

Following them he realizes that she is heading for there cars " You think in the car is a safe place to speak and what if they see us going inside and think we are gonna do something else" he asked with an amused expression on his face. Getting a small blush from the silent edythe.

"It's certainly better than in the open and as for what they think that's there problem cause we know nothing but a conversation will be happening Inside the car" jasmine replies calmly. Getting vincent to shut up and follow along.

Arriving Infront of the car jasmine gets in the drivers seat, edythe in the passenger seat and vincent in the back. Getting in he looks at them and asks "What do you want to know.

Edythe stays silent but jasmine asks " Who are you really ".