
God Of The Omniverse

This story follows the rise of a regular small time criminal who had the odds against him his entire life. Just when things looked like they were about to come to an end for him, he received the power to turn his life around. Ambitious, Cruel, Manipulative, Cunning and now...Powerful. Follow his story as he makes a name for himself and grows as both a being and an organization by any means necessary, the likes of which the universe has never seen. Update Schedule: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. ....................................................................................................................................................................... Read ahead on patreon: patreon.com/GodOfBrutality Join the Discord server: https://discord.gg/U29paHWKEN *Disclaimer*: This fanfiction is a non-commercial work of art created solely for entertainment purposes. The characters, settings, and other intellectual property from the dc universe, marvel universe, and others referenced herein belong to their respective owners and creators. I do not claim any ownership over them nor am I affiliated with the studios or authors who created them. This fanfiction is not officially endorsed by any of the original creators or the studios that produced the original works. All rights to the respective characters and worlds are acknowledged and respected. This work is intended to pay homage to the original creations and to share a new story with other fans. No infringement is intended. All original characters and plots within this fanfiction are the property of the author. Please support the official releases and the talented individuals who create the original works.

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Chapter 195: Revenge Is Sweet Part 2

Having received the name he came for, Arias soon released his hold on Lois, allowing her to slump down against the wall, her gaze still fierce.

"I'll let myself out." Arias turned to leave but Lois glared at him and gave some final words. "You really do remind me of Lex, and just like him, your brilliant plans will come crashing down."

Arias paused by the elevator doors and looked back with a smile on his face, resisting the urge to chuckle at Lois. "Oh? Is that what you think? That your mighty metropolis hero will prevail and your fantasy will play out? I'm sorry to say that reality isn't so straight forward miss lane. If I were you, I'd place my hopes elsewhere, or better yet, abandon them entirely."

Saying nothing more, Arias gave one final glance at Lois before entering the elevator, leaving her both angry and confused.

'What the hell did he mean?'

Arias left many lingering thoughts in Lois's mind, most of which had her feel great regret for the impact she may have caused.

However, she still held great hope that she was on the right side. So without fail, she quickly reached for the hand bag she had dropped and took out her phone, calling an unnamed contact quickly.

It rang only briefly before connecting, at which point Lois didn't hesitate to speak, "Hello? You said to contact you if I'm ever in any problems right? Yea well there's a really big one right now…"

Meanwhile, Arias had casually left the building without sparking much attention to himself.

He soon entered his vehicle where a calm Cheshire was relaxing with her legs slightly raised.

Seeing Arias, she showed a curious gaze as she turned to face him and lean slightly closer, "Well boss? Did you kill her? Screw her? Or both?"

Arias nonchalantly took his seat and met Cheshire's gaze, soon leaning in to match her closeness before he asked, "I can't tell if you're naturally this eager, or are just probing for information. One, I don't mind, the other… well, it ends with you as just another corpse."

This visible threat was received with a smile by Cheshire, who grinned widely before shrugging her shoulders, "Well considering I'll be hunted by both the league and you if I fail my job, I'd say it's the first."

"And what is your job really?" Arias asked, never one to be moved by words alone.

Once again though, Cheshire remained unmoved by fear, her smile remaining prevalent as she replied, "whatever you want it to be boss, that's the best part. I could be your most ruthless of killers, or sexiest of women, you name it, I do it."

Despite her playful nature, Cheshire's words carried a great seriousness to them that Arias found very hard to doubt.

Seeing no faults in her body language, he could only turn away, leaning back into his seat before deciding, "Alright then, let's put your skills to the test."

Hearing this, Cheshire felt only excitement, even going as far as to bite her lip provocatively, staying true to her teasing nature. "Oh? What do you have in mind?"

While Arias was dealing with this, another plot against him was being launched in Markovia.

There, it was already the early hours of morning but due to the recent events that took place, the country remained on high alert, especially against the "Human Supremacy Group."

Despite having served their purpose, remnants of the organization remained, loyal followers of the false philosophy Arias had created.

With the core members already apprehended during the many operations by the league, the group was reaching its end.

However, numerous followers remained, and were eager still to join the declining group.

Arias didn't oppose this, instead wanting them to grow much more, causing minor terror to both the world and the league, so that they could once again be used as a nothing more than a tool toward his rise.

This time though, the ones scheming were none other than the light.

Due to the desperate situation the world thought Markovia to be in, it showed eagerness to any outside help or alliances.

Because of this, Terra, the future Queen, often found herself meeting with important dignitaries along with her uncle Fredrick, and this time was no different.

Despite the late hour, Terra, wearing traditional Markovian royal attire, walked the lone halls of her palace with a grand escort as she approached a large balcony.

There she found her uncle seated under an open seating arrangement with an unfamiliar man.

Seeing Terra, her uncle quickly stood from his seat and smiled at her, "Tara my dear, wonderful of you to join us, this hear is a very important guest of ours, you may address him as Mr. Savage."

Terra didn't show much of a reaction and simply displayed formal pleasantries while extending a hand to greet the unfamiliar man.

Vandal Savage also stood up to greet Terra, holding her gloved hand gently and giving it a subtle kiss as he introduced himself. "You may simply address me as Vandal princess Tara, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Terra showed a smile on the surface but was inwardly disgusted by the gesture, as she often was by people who acted differently around her.

Despite this feeling, she replied rather curtly by nodding lightly and showing a smile. "As it is to make yours Mr… sorry excuse me, Vandal I mean. May I ask the intent of this visit?"

Vandal smiled at the reply and glanced at Fredrick Delamb, who cleared his throat slightly before showing a forced smile.

"As you know Tara, our nation has a large void to fill with the lose of so many of our family. To rise up once again, we'd need external help, Mr. savage here is willing to extend a marriage proposal to us, one that would guarantee the rise of-."

Before Frederick could explain any further, Terra interrupted and asked. "Is my father aware of this?"

Fredrick chuckled awkwardly at this question, shifting his gaze toward Vandal Savage who chose to reply in his stead.

"Your father and I work closely together, this is of equal benefit to him, as it is to you and I."

Terra only showed hesitation, despite maintaining a rather confused expression. She could only keep her expression and reply, "This is rather abrupt, I shall need sometime to think about it."

Fredrick was about to protest to this, but was stopped by Vandal who gave a nod. "That's only naturally, take as much time as you need, but know that my offer doesn't last forever."

Saying nothing more, Vandal savage left, escorted by Fredrick, whilst Terra remained frowning.

Once the two left, she was escorted back to her room, there, she took out her satellite phone and directly called Arias.

Arias, who was already now on a plane leaving Metropolis, received the call and showed a visible frown upon learning of what was transpiring in Markovia.

[ So… what should I do?] Terra could only ask this, already prepared to go through with whatever instruction Arias gave.

"Nothing, I'll handle this personally."

Contrary to what Terra was expecting, Arias gave a vague answer before cutting the call himself, his expression now visibly annoyed.

Cheshire who sat opposed of him turned her attention away from the tablet she was holding and directed it toward him. "Something the matter?"

Arias shook his head but his expression remained looking vexed. "No, not for long at least."

A/N: Quick update, I've decided to make this GOTO DC only. I always seek improvement as I write so for my next experiment, I'm going to try a GOTO where Mc isn't completely op from the start, that book will be the Marvel version, which will come after the IHAPR reboot, yes, that work is coming back too. Let me know if you're fine with this or would still prefer this same GOTO to include Marvel. Enjoy~