
Chapter 5: Consummation (+18)

Although very confusing, it's not like Rose couldn't answer, she was mostly trying to figure out how to respond. If she said she wasn't attracted to Lucas, Rose would be lying. Although the twenty-year gap between the two, Rose grew up watching Lucas, and often thought things like 'he's going to grow into a wonderful man'. Rose has never admitted to herself, but thoughts about Lucas have become recurrent in the last two years, especially after becoming very aware that he's growing up.

Watching him wake up with a morning wood was the starting point, before she just couldn't see him as a man, but this incident seemed to make her realize that in the end he was a growing man, and since then many thoughts about it occurred to her.

Age difference has never been a problem for her, as her life expectancy and youth are much longer than normal people. Twenty years apart is nothing. Having observed his growth, she has strong feelings for him, before healthy feelings of an older sister. These feelings, however, can easily become a woman's feelings for her man, and this has been happening over the past two years, and this situation seemed to greatly accelerate the process.

Her thoughts were a mess, but seeing Lucas's hesitation, a small smile appeared on her face. Although Lucas seemed a lot more proactive now, and a little different, the fact that he had hesitated shows his care for her. He wanted to take any real action only after making sure Rose was fine with it.

It made Rose realize something important: in the end, he didn't change that much. The only difference is that the old Lucas would not have the courage to reach this point. What remains the same is that the two Lucas care about Rose too much, and don't want to do anything that makes her feel uncomfortable.

This realization brought relief to Rose, who was thinking that something had happened to Lucas to make him change completely, and at the same time, she was happy. Taking initiative, she herself kissed him on the lips.

== - From here is the +18 part - ==

The two had never kissed before, so they clashed momentarily, it was just too fantastic. They didn't use their tongues, just kept their lips pressed together. After a few seconds, Lucas took the initiative. He used his tongue to open her soft lips and enter her mouth.

Rose was overcome by a wonderful feeling. Her body quickly became hot, and feeling his tongue being played by Lucas, something seemed to snap inside her, and all her passion was released like the explosion of a nuclear bomb. She became frantic, and began to exchange saliva with Lucas, their kiss seemed to contain an enormous amount of passion.

Lucas quickly picked her up, and approached the bed in the room. Meanwhile, Rose madly kissed him. She was so horny right now that if anyone saw it from outside, they would think they are lovers who haven't seen each other for years. Lucas brought her to the bed, and laid her down carefully as he continued his frantic kisses. The kisses continued as he lay on top. Although he was very horny right now, he knew Rose was a virgin. Since he was also a virgin, not wanting to rush anything, he decided to enjoy things slowly.

After passionate kisses for a few minutes, Lucas broke the kiss, and looked into Rose's red face. Her eyes looked unfocused, her mouth was wet with saliva, her forehead was wet with sweat, her beautiful blond hair was strewn beautifully on the bed. Watching this marvelous sight excited Lucas even more, he almost lost control, but held back his will to devastate her.

"Aunt Rose… No, Rose. Just to confirm. This is ... your first time, right? "

Rose nodded, her eyes still unfocused. She was now drowned in a sea of ​​passion. All the pent up emotions all these years were completely overpowering her. Knowing that the person was someone she loves just made it all the more exciting. Lucas was so happy right now that he wanted to be totally honest.

"I wanted my first time to be with an experienced woman, someone for whom I had no feelings. But feeling what I'm feeling now, I was wrong. I'm sure it wouldn't be so good if it wasn't someone I really like. "

He didn't hold back after saying that. Approaching for another intense kiss, he started groping her whole body. First, he put his hand on her belly, and began to massage. Her belly was smooth and soft. Climbing up, he put his hands on the beautiful D-size mounds, and began to massage gently. His kisses became so frantic that he began to descend, his lips down her chin to her neck. He took her earlobes and sucked them.

Rose was at this moment extremely excited, and seemed to increase by the second. Seeing that Lucas was going to take things slow, however, she became impatient. So far, they haven't even undressed.

Reversing the positions using her strength, Rose sat on Lucas's chest, and began to kiss his neck as she tried to pull her shirt off. When she was able to take off her shirt, she also took off the leather pants she was wearing, and was only in panties and bra. Lucas was too shocked to do anything, he wanted to slow down, but Rose had other plans.

She then proceeded to take Lucas's clothes off, and they were only in underwear. Knowing she was ready, Rose didn't wait, she took off her panties, pushed Lucas's underwear down, and dove to the bottom, without giving Lucas time to do anything. His cock pierced all the way as far as he could, the hymen didn't stop him for a second. While Lucas was at the height of the pleasure, Rose felt a sharp pain, and stood breathing heavily.

Although she knew it would be painful, it was more painful than she thought. It is as if a knife had cut into her body. Rose looked at Lucas's face, which at that moment was trying his best not to come right away, and smiled. Tears began to fall from her eyes. She never thought she would be so happy to do this to the same boy she saw growing up. Although it hurt, she was never so happy.

Approaching, she kissed Lucas. This time, the kiss was not of passion, but of tenderness. At that moment, feelings of love were born in Rose's heart. Her heart beating fast, she began to move, slowly and steadily. Her beautiful ass rose and fell in long, steady strokes. The pain didn't seem to stop her, she wanted Lucas to feel good.

Lucas seemed to sense the change in Rose's mental state. He began to watch Rose's beautiful face, which although she had a happy smile and tears in her eyes, showed a little of the pain she was feeling. Rose is a strong woman, a assassin, has gone through many life and death battles, and had many injuries. The pain wasn't much for her, but Rose was so overwhelmed with emotions that there was a trace of pain on her face.

While looking Rose in the eye, Lucas grabbed her ass and stopped her movement. Putting a hand on her face, he smiled.

"That sounds so right... We don't have to hurry, we have all the time in the world."

He then began to move slowly, watching each of Rose's expressions every time he stuck his cock in her pussy. As he moved, he began to touch some parts of her body, such as her butt, belly, thighs, breasts... Although her breasts could not be considered large, they were good enough to be held by his hand and still be a little bigger. As he massaged her breasts, he kept slapping her pussy slowly as he watched her face.

Lucas was multitasking since he wanted Rose to enjoy her first time. They say the first time never works, but he wanted the memory of this moment to be not only psychologically but physically happy as well. At some point, Rose's body began to sweat even more. The place was closed, had no air conditioning, only fans that were not turned on, so both were sweating a lot. Their passion seemed to raise the room temperature another three degrees, and yet Lucas and Rose didn't even notice.

After a few minute s , the beautiful pure white body of Rose was completely red. Her passion has never burned so much before. Turning her body, Lucas climbed on top of her, and began to increase the pace as he saw signs of pleasure in her face.

Rose's expression no longer showed pain, but she was feeling overwhelmed with all kinds of emotions and feelings. Seeing Lucas moving over her turned her on even more. Watching his scarred muscular body, she began to remember the story of some, and her pussy tightened and lubricated even more . Lucas increased his speed more and more, Rose's pussy kept releasing fluids and he kept hitting her over and over.

It didn't take long, Rose came for some reason first , she spasmed with pleasure, the orgasm seemed endless, lasted a good ten seconds. Meanwhile, Lucas increased his speed even more, slamming deeper and deeper into her juicy pussy. Finally, he released inside her without thinking much about it. They were both too horny to pay attention to it.

Fortunately for both of them, neither was completely satisfied. Their bodies were developed through drugs, so they had much more stamina than most people. Lucas didn't even soften, and turning Rose's body, he started pounding from behind. Seeing Rose's beautiful ass, which he had dreamed of so many times all these years, he seemed to become an animal, and his speed increased even more.

Fluids came out every time he penetrated her , soiling their groin and bed, but neither of them cared. He hit her over and over, over and over, his cock going deeper and deeper into her wet pussy. The previously nonexistent moans began to sound, and soon became screams. Although Rose did her best not to moan in shame, she just couldn't stand it long, and in the end simply gave up even looking decent.

Lucas looked like a beast, he started to speed up and how deep he penetrated. Rose's screams were songs to his ears. Knowing she was liking was definitely what kept him most excited. Wet sounds sounded in the room that stank of sex. They both seemed to care nothing more. In their heads had only cock and pussy. The second orgasm finally came, but this time Lucas didn't give a break, he continued to penetrate while still cum, really looked like a beast.

Rose had long since lost her sense of self, and only accepted her fate. Unfortunately, although she wanted to continue to appreciate his work, Lucas had other plans. He pulled her back and lay on the bed with Rose still on top. While still with her back to him, Rose got used to the new position, and began to move her hips quickly as she massaged her breasts. Lucas enjoyed her movements, and the sight was breathtaking. Although Lucas thinks his mother is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, Rose loses only a little. It's not known if it's the drugs she took, but Rose is an incredibly beautiful woman.

Her breasts are a good size, her waist is thin, and her hips are wide. Her ass is beautiful and has always been the object of Lucas's desire. Seeing this beautiful, naked body in front of him dangling over his cock made Lucas even more excited, it was such a beautiful sight that he wanted to record it forever.

"Don't worry, master, I'm recording, you can see the recording later."

A voice sounded in Lucas's head, startling him a little, but quickly realizing its origin, he relaxed and continued to enjoy the sight. At some point, Rose again had an even bigger orgasm this time. Overwhelmed with pleasure, she stood still as her body convulsed, but Lucas wasn't satisfied yet. Lifting Rose's hips slightly, he began to penetrate her quickly, and this prolonged Rose's orgasm even more.


Even while she came, Lucas does not forgive. After coming so much, Rose had no strength, and fell into Lucas's body, which held her and continued to penetrate relentlessly. He turned her forward, hugged her tightly, and guided his lips toward hers. Feeling the tongue invade her mouth, Rose had trouble breathing. The kiss was too intense. Meanwhile, he continued to penetrate into a sitting position. Because of the position, he could not move fast or deep, but the front contact seemed very intimate, they both enjoyed this position.

As they hugged, they both brushed their hips against each other. It was different from wild sex before, it seemed kinder and more loving. As they lost themselves in this wonderful feeling, something within them grew rapidly. A few minutes later, it grew so big that they couldn't hold back anymore: they had a great simultaneous orgasm. They gave the loudest screams they could, were at the height of their pleasure. Rose went limp. The reverberations of the huge orgasm continued to wash over her body. Lucas held her tightly and moved his hips quickly , finishing releasing the last jets of cum from his cock.

Breathing hard, they both fell into bed, with Rose lying on Lucas's chest, they still had to recover from the powerful orgasm they had. It was so powerful that even they almost fainted from so much pleasure.

== - End of +18 part - ==

Opening his eyes, Lucas saw the most beautiful thing in the world: Rose's expression of extreme happiness. Her face was completely red with sweat, saliva dripping from her mouth, running down her chin, the hair all sticky. Her face was a mess, and yet, this sight was definitely the most beautiful sight Lucas had ever seen.

Women really are too beautiful, especially when they're happy, Lucas thought as he confirmed the recording of everything with the mysterious voice of before. He wasn't planning to use it for masturbation, but for remembrance, this was his first time, and it was with a woman he really loves.

Rose has always been the main object of Lucas's desire, and his secret crush. He felt he could understand her, and though it took him six months inside that place to realize, he was sure: what he felt for Rose was love. Rather, it could have been an immature love of a young man for the only beautiful, pleasant, available woman in his life. Now he was sure that with this section these feelings underwent enormous transformations.

"I want more, but can we take a break? I need to rearrange my feelings, and you owe me explanations."

Feeling Lucas's sudden movements, Rose knew he was going to round two, so she broke off before she got into an undeniable situation. She still had to perfectly sort out her feelings for Lucas, and at the same time, wanted to know what he had done on the other side of the steel door.

Lucas was silent, and began to organize what he had to say. Rose, on the other hand, began to caress his chest as she watched his thoughtful face. At that moment, Rose's head was swirling with thoughts. She couldn't lie: she had had many dreams and fantasies with similar situations between her and Lucas, so it's not like it's something that took her by surprise. It's just that, before, it just felt like an if, a dream or a fantasy, but now it's real, it couldn't be more real. Their session now showed that they had incredible chemistry. Her body didn't reject him at all, it seemed more like she was accepting it entirely.

Her feelings, too, were undergoing mysterious transformations. At first, she saw him as a cute little brother. Two years earlier, she began to see him as a growing man. These feelings have changed over the years, little by little. Whenever she thought about her life without love, she thought about Lucas, and how he grew every day to become a handsome, charming, strong, elegant man... He was simply too attractive, especially to Rose, who has known him since small, it is as if she has witnessed the growth of her husband.

Just before Lucas entered the steel door, she was having even stronger feelings of attraction. She realized that at some point she must have begun to wait for him, to wait for his growth, into what kind of grown man he would become.

So although she was indeed taken aback by Lucas's sudden proactivity , she was not surprised by the whole situation, and so although her head was whirling with thoughts, they seemed to flow ever more smoothly. Everything seemed to fit in, and she finally realized that at some point she fell in love with Lucas, and saw him as her main love interest. She was waiting for the future, when he would grow up to become a full grown man before she could make these thoughts more realistic.

Now, however, everything seemed irrelevant. Lucas took the initiative, and what happened was simply too magical. They had chemistry, both physically and emotionally. The last position they sat on and rubbed was the best time. The feeling of intimacy they shared was wonderful.

After taking a deep breath, Rose finally calmed down and looked Lucas with curious eyes. What did he go through on the other side? Why did he undergo such a change? Why, the first thing he did when he returned was to do this?

"Rose, from now on you are my wife. I will love you, take care of you and protect you for life, and even after death. Remember this. This is for life and death, without going back. "

Rose was surprised at the seriousness of Lucas's eyes at that moment, but nodded slowly. She didn't understand much, but she knew it was important, so she just nodded and waited for him to continue.

"We'll be together from now on then."

Suddenly, from Lucas's body, a small pink symbol came out. Rose recognized the symbol as the Omega Ω symbol. It floated slowly in the air, and finally settled on Rose's forehead, which remained still. The symbol became something like a tattoo, and finally sank into her body, leaving no mark.

"The contract is complete."

A mysterious voice sounded, and scared Rose a little. It sounded like a woman's voice. Rose got up and looked around but saw no one. Taking this opportunity, Lucas lifted his chest a little, and rummaged through his clothes on the side of the bed. From his pocket he took something like a handkerchief, and lay back on the bed.

Holding the handkerchief in both hands, Lucas stretched it tightly, and the handkerchief grew a little in size. He then gripped the cloth tightly, and as if it were a balloon filling with air, it slowly took shape. The cloth hardened quickly and became the size and fineness of a sheet of paper.

The sheet began to glow, and many words began to appear on its surface. Rose couldn't read anything on the paper, which was so thin you could see through it. Lucas then tore off a piece of his sheet and handed it to Rose, who was surprised that the piece she received was perfectly rectangular.

"Do the same thing I did before: straighten the paper to full size, and squeeze it tightly."

Rose nodded, and did the same thing. The paper quickly became the same size as Lucas's. Words quickly began to appear on the screen.

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36 years old

Status: Married to the God of Love Candidate

Level 1

Love Points: 0 .

Combat Statistics:

Strength: 236

Defense: 121

Speed: 365

(Statistics subject to change and mutations , depending on future actions)

Sisters in marriage: 0 .




First partner of the God of Love Candidate. Rose proved her love for the candidate by successfully completing a marriage contract. She agreed to be with the candidate in life, and in death, for the rest of eternity.

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