
Chapter 4: Sudden Change

Huancayo, Peru.

There he was, confused as ever, walking through this familiar city. He had come with his mother here a few times, even on murder missions. She always left him alone while going out to do something, so he actually had some memories of this city.

Peru is a country with ancient historical records from before the birth of Christ, so the country respects its historical heritage a lot. Although it is a country that explores its history, it is extremely respectful of everything about it. Lucas could see that when he came here. He visited many historical places, such as baroque churches, and was amazed at how well things were cared for. In many countries he visited, this care did not exist.

Visiting this city again, Lucas didn't know why he came, but he didn't think it was all bad, he had good memories from here. Looking at Rose, who kept walking without explaining anything, he could only follow her.

Thinking back, Lucas found it very strange. He had gone to many places around the world, some even twice, but he doesn't remember going to them as much as Huancayo. Although his mother traveled a lot on missions, and often took him along, Huancayo seemed like a place he frequently visited.

And all these times, he never knew what she came for, and was always alone walking around town. It was also here that he almost lost his virginity. Thinking about it, he couldn't help but smile bitterly, it was two years ago. He was roaming the city when he found a beautiful woman eating in a restaurant.

He was interested at first, but he was too young to try to get close, and the woman seemed to be at least six years older, a little intimidating to the fourteen-year-old Lucas who was just curious about a woman's body.

The woman, however, had some interest in him. She invited him to lunch, introduced herself as an American who came to Peru on a trip, and simply seemed to be taking care of a handsome boy whom she happened to meet.

Lucas is very charming. He is handsome, and although he is experienced in killing people, having found himself in many life and death situations, when it comes to women, he is quite innocent. Although he can talk to them normally, he did not have the experience of flirting and many things went through his eyes without him realizing it. He was very clumsy.

The most attractive thing about Lucas, though, was his blue eyes. His eyes were half- squinted, though it didn't disturb his eyesight, but for others who always see normal eyes, his were magical, they seemed to see inside you. It was strangely charming, so many women had become interested in him over the years just because of those eyes.

This woman in Peru was no exception, and at the time, though fourteen, Lucas looked sixteen. Thanks to his training and the first set of drugs, he was taller, had more muscles, and more maturity on his face than a normal fourteen-year-old boy. His young age, though, left him constantly confused around women. Even now, at sixteen, he looked to be between eighteen and nineteen for those who didn't know him.

During lunch, the woman talked to him about the city, and since Lucas knew it well, she asked him to be a guide. The two had fun the rest of the day in town, and even kissed. Unfortunately, although the woman was interested in going further, she had no time.

Her trip was only until that day, and her flight would go out at night. Although she had time until night, Lucas didn't. His mother showed up, and destroyed any plans he had with her. For many days he complained to Katia about this, about how she had ruined his first sex.

Katia, on the other hand, simply answered things like: "I don't care" or "It's too early for you" or "With your age and inexperience, you would cum in two minutes." Although Lucas himself acknowledged that he might not do a good job, he had discussed it with the woman, talked about his inexperience, and she said she didn't care, which is why he didn't care either. It is not a sin to be young and inexperienced.

Thinking back, he had mixed feelings now. Although he didn't mind embarrassing himself in front of an experienced woman, on second thought, it would make more sense to do this with a virgin woman. So both of them can learn things slowly while getting used to each other.

On the other hand, taking a woman's virginity is a responsibility. Although not at the "for the rest of life" level, it is a responsibility to at least honor it in a relationship. Lucas obviously didn't want his first time to end in a relationship. He wanted to try before, learn, and after understanding women, find someone to relate to.

Everything was so complicated, Lucas thought, he had good arguments for both. Putting those thoughts aside, he again looked at Rose, who was walking in front of him. Because of all his thoughts, he was a little excited psychologically, so his eyes fell on her ass, causing the desire in his heart to flare.

Rose didn't have big breasts, they were medium in size, but Lucas was always mesmerized by her ass, especially when she was training with him. Lucas was often distracted during training, which earned a good laugh from his mother and Rose herself.

At this point, Lucas was in a very strange moment of his life. He had a future ahead with literally infinite possibilities, and along with that, many other concerns. His feelings for his mother, her past, his father, his thoughts of normalcy, his desires for future wealth and ease, the virginity that shames him so much, future relationships...

It is as if his mother's death was an explosion that would open many doors in his future, and unless he opened and looked at each of those doors and observed what they can give him, he will not be satisfied. He was, at that moment, very confused.

As he followed Rose with such confused thoughts, they quickly came to a small building near the city center. Rose went in without explaining much, and Lucas followed behind without thinking.

On the floor inside a room in the building, she pulled the carpet off the floor, and a trapdoor appeared. Pulling a key from her pocket, she opened the trapdoor, and jumped through quickly.

Lucas followed closely, without even looking at the bottom, and as he fell, he realized that it was very deep, at least a hundred meters deep, with no stairs or rope to go up or down. While falling, Lucas pondered the origin of this place. He had never been there, and apparently it had to do with his mother. Perhaps that was why she had come so often to Huancayo.

Lucas didn't know how far his body had improved with the second set of drugs, but he knew that before taking the drugs he couldn't jump from such a high height and survive. So to be safe, he used his hands and legs to carefully support himself on the sides of the tunnel. This slowed his fall speed a little, and was enough to fall to the ground unharmed. Rose fell straight, without needing these little tricks.

I must try to test the limits of my body later, Lucas thought after landing and finding a long corridor of rock and dirt that ran deep through the ground. He kept following Rose, this time not paying as much attention to her ass as things seemed to be getting serious.

It was a very long corridor, the two of them kept walking for more than three hours, and finally arrived in a small room. It looked like a place where someone lived, as it had things like a sofa, television, table, bathroom, and even a kitchen. Rose put her things on the bed in the living room and turned to Lucas.

"Honey, I need to explain some things to you before I let you go on..."

The last part of the sentence caught Lucas's eye, and only then did he notice the huge iron door in the room. It was over four meters tall, and looked very sturdy, probably made of pure steel. In the center of the door was a small rectangular compartment that caught his eye. The compartment looked familiar somehow, but he didn't know where he had seen it before.

"Let me tell you about this place. Apparently, years ago, your father told your mother about this place. I never saw him, she just told me this place was made by him for you, and she was helping him with that."

"Apparently your father is some very powerful man, beyond my imagination, and after your birth, he decided to leave this place to you. It is the inheritance left behind by him to his rightful heir."

"Katia told me that if you can get the inheritance here, you can get whatever you want, do whatever you want, have whatever you want. The sky will never be the limit for you, and whatever you wish, it can be fulfilled if you get what's behind that door."

Lucas is now even more confused, this looked too suspicious. Looking at the iron door, he didn't know what to think. Heritage? What inheritance is this? And what kind of things are behind it that can give him whatever he wants?

"What is behind the door, I'm not sure, Katia was very vague. She just said it is something that should not exist in this world, it was acquired by the ancient people who lived in Peru a long time ago, but nobody knew what to do with it. When your father found it, he did some things, and in the end prepared this for his heir, as it was apparently not useful to him."

"Katia then said that after that, after you were born and your father made the decision to leave what's behind that door for you, all of your training since then has been to get what is behind that door. It won't be easy, those were Katia's words, so you should know, knowing her, that it really won't be."

"And, as I said before, it won't be given to you, it was prepared for you, you were prepared for it, but it doesn't mean it will be yours, just that you have a chance, and have to fight to grab it. So whatever is behind this door, you have to do your best to get it."

Lucas was even more confused, but that seemed to answer some of his questions about his mother and father, as well as his past lifestyle, so he was partially satisfied. Even if he couldn't get anything behind the door, after that, he could live his life quietly knowing that his mother had no plans for him anymore.

"Lucas, listen well. Katia also said something very seriously: only go in there if you are mentally prepared to die."

That was a shock to Lucas, who thought that even if he couldn't conquer what's behind the door, he could easily get out. Now he has to worry if his life is worth risking for something vague that apparently was prepared by his parents.

"This is different from murder missions. I don't want you to risk your life recklessly, you're the only family I still have in this world. Remember, though, that you have been preparing all your life for this moment, so when you make your choice, think carefully, and come up with an answer that you will not regret in the future, whatever it may be. There's a time limit on when you can try to get what's behind the door, so know that if it's not today or tomorrow, it will never be."

That is, he didn't have much time to decide. Again, he had to decide something. Before his mother died, Lucas always wanted to make his own choices, but after she died, he constantly found himself with choices that could change his life forever in the future, so he didn't know what to do.

Honestly, Lucas has been hating himself since yesterday for being so indecisive. In part, he is comforted that this is the first time that he has to make important choices on his own and that is why it is normal. On the other hand he blames himself, since although he always wanted it, when he got it, he did not know how to be decisive.

He finally took a deep breath, and was able to reach a consensus on his choices, all that remained was to decide. For one thing, he had a bright future ahead. With his skills and knowledge, he could achieve anything. On the other hand, this was something prepared for him by his mother and mysterious father. Apparently his life so far has led to this day. He even saw it as a duty, a debt to his mother for raising him.

It wasn't the best childhood, actually it wasn't a good childhood, but seeing himself now, Lucas feels he was raised well, he feels the care his mother had for him as he remembered all those years of constant study and training.

He still 'hates' his mother though. She was crazy and several of her activities were questionable. He does admire many other points about her though, including various aspects of her so called questionable personality. For example, she was a woman who didn't lie and didn't make jokes. So if she said something, it's the truth. She was also someone of little words, and although she was a little sly, she was loyal to people for who she claimed to have "some affection." Though her acidic words were often hard, she cared about the well-being of everyone around her.

So, thinking of all these years, and how he was created, he knew that he owed her a debt, a debt that cannot be repaid thanks to her untimely death. So Lucas began to see all of this as some kind of duty to his mother.

Finally, he took a deep breath, and took his bag of things. Opening it, he pulled out a small box, which was the box containing the medicines from before, and asked: "Do I have to put this little box in that compartment in the door?"

That said a lot about his decision. In part, Rose was happy, since she also had a debt to Katia, and was doing it to repay even a little. On the other hand, she was worried about Lucas. She has seen him grow up from a young age, and sees him as an important little brother, her only living family on earth. She doesn't fear for his death on a murder mission, thanks to his abilities, but fears the unknown behind that steel door. Can he survive? That was an unknown.

"Yes, put the box in the door."

Lucas approached the door and slid the small box into the compartment. Sounds of movement began to sound, as if many mechanisms behind the door were moving, and it slowly opened, revealing a dark corridor. Rose took a small box from her purse, and approached Lucas.

"Here, you should take this pill before you get in there."

Inside the box delivered by Rose was a small pink pill. Lucas didn't think much and simply swallowed it. Taking one last look at Rose, he smiled and walked into the dark hallway. The door closed behind him, and he was now in darkness.


A few minutes after his departure, the steel door slowly opened. Rose was shocked, and on guard, it wasn't time for Lucas to come out yet. As soon as the door opened completely, Lucas appeared, and Rose's expression was a little funny.

That was because Lucas's appearance was so strange. Full of bruises throughout his body, his clothes were almost completely torn off, and he seemed a little confused as he looked at Rose. Pointing his finger, he said.

"Are you wearing the same clothes as we did last time? Coincidence? Or forgot to do laundry again?"

At the end of his sentence, a teasing smile appeared on Lucas���s face, and it shocked Rose even more, as she had never seen that smile on his face. Approaching, she looked Lucas up and down and asked confused.

"What happened? It was very fast, not even two minutes."

Tilting his head to the side, Lucas looked confused too, but then, as if remembering something, he said. "Oh yes. At first it was said that time goes by differently there than here ... but who would say it was only two minutes."

Rose got even more confused, but managed to deduce something from what he said. Apparently, across this corridor, time goes by differently. Which means that although it may have been less than two minutes for her, it may have been much longer for him.

"I don't know what to think. How long have you been there?"

"Six months."

Two minutes turned into six months, which means that the proportion of time is simply absurd. Rose didn't want to believe it, but she didn't think Lucas would lie, especially since he looked so different from normal now, as if he'd changed completely.

"Most importantly Rose, since I left, something kept pounding my head over and over for those six months. When I left, you said I was the only family you still had in this world. At the moment, I didn't think about it much, since I was too focused on thinking about my choice to enter or not. When I had time, and thought about it, I was curious: do you see me as your family? Although I also see you as someone important, I never thought much about it in that sense. What am I for you?"

As he spoke, Lucas slowly approached Rose, who was finding his attitude very strange and so slowly backed away a little. Lucas now is quite different from the Lucas she knew before, and that was confusing her. His eyes look more resolute, not as confused or indecisive as before. His eyebrows seemed to have their own expressions. He had a teasing smile on his face, something never before seen on his face, but it looked so good on him that it scared her a little.

More importantly, even the way he walked, and moved his arms, looked completely different, though Rose did not know specify how. He approached, and at the end of his speech, was a few inches away. Rose didn't know how to react to this new Lucas, she needed time, which she didn't have.

"Aunt Rose, I always wanted you. You're the only woman I've really wanted for all these years without thinking of giving up. I really like you, and I want us to be family. Not considered family, but real family. Be my wife."

He caught her around the waist and pulled her closer, further baffling her. If she was confused by many things before, her mind was blank now. Lucas did not give her a chance to think, with one hand he pulled her waist and with the other raised her beautiful face. Looking into her eyes, his smile grew even bigger, and he approached her face slowly.

It was so slow, seconds passed, and the promised kiss didn't happen. When Lucas approached her lips for a kiss, he stood there, paused, and began to watch her eyes, apparently trying to read her mind. He seemed to want to see any kind of positive response from her side before starting anything.

Unfortunately, Rose was too confused. She is an intelligent, strong and independent woman. Although, because of her missions, she has a lot of experience dealing with men, and even seducing them, she has never kissed any man in her life before. Though she almost kissed men on many missions, she never felt a shred of nervousness. This situation was on a completely different level, her heart felt like it was going to explode.

Rose over the years has seen Katia talk about men in an extremely indifferent manner, often insulting them, and over the years this has left a mark on young Rose. That mark was very clear: Only accept a man stronger than you, if a man can't control you, he doesn't deserve you.

Katia was the strongest woman on the planet, so although it marked her, she was always curious about what kind of man would be able to "control her." They've had a lot of these conversations, but she never understood much. Because of this, although she had numerous opportunities to approach men, none of them seemed to her liking. Few soldiers, assassins, and espers in the world can match her strength. It's hard to find strong men, as she's not a public figure because of her work as an assassin and leader of one of the world's largest murder organizations.

Even if she found someone as strong as her, it would be hard to find someone strong enough to control her. Not to mention, she is not someone who walks a lot in public, and that is why those who she finds most are weaker killers, rich men and famous men, none of them are as strong as her.

Over the years, she has even tried to get close to some mysterious men who seemed very strong, but even they couldn't make it, for several different factors. Because of how high her standards are, Rose, at age thirty-six, is a virgin, has never kissed any man and has zero experience in romantic relationships.

Edited by: Sk0r