
Chapter 14: Faint (+18)

"You came… I was going to find you now. For now, come in."

Seeing Lucas at her door early in the morning, May was not surprised, although she was about to go talk to him. Lucas came in and followed May as they entered the apartment. Sitting at the dining table facing each other, May smiled.

"Want something to eat? I can do something."

"Thanks, May, yesterday's food was delicious, I bet breakfast will be too."

"How about an omelet?"

"I know it will be delicious whatever you do."

Not long after, Lucas and May were eating omelet with juice on the table. While eating, May watched Lucas silently, imagining his identity. Lucas simply smiled mysteriously and didn't bother with the intense look.

"We can talk now that we are done eating. Are you going to the firm later?"

"Yes, I need to go to school, then I have some appointments, and then I'll go to the firm."

"Since you are a high school student, you can only work at night. It's not too much work, so you only have to go three days a week, so if you want to get another job in parallel, it may not be bad."

"I probably won't find such a convenient job, but I will try."

May then fell silent, and selecting her words well, she said.

"Was it you who left the card at my house yesterday?"

Lucas gave an enigmatic smile, and then explained his intentions.

"Well, I was curious about what happened after I left yesterday. After all, it seemed very serious. I broke into your apartment from the balcony, apologies beforehand, and listened to the conversation."

"After listening, I thought it wouldn't be bad to help you out a little, and I have the perfect solution for your situation, so I left the card."

"You wanted me to find out it was you. Do you want anything from me?"

May was vigilant after speaking these words, as she was a little tense about Lucas's motives.

"What I want?"

Lucas then looked at May's breasts, and she covered them with her hands. She was still getting ready for work, so she was wearing only her dress shirt and skirt. The first button on her shirt was unbuttoned, so you could see some of that white cleavage.

Huge breasts, but best of all, her breasts fit perfectly with the rest of her body, it was just too erotic.

"I do not want anything. I just wanted to help my neighbor while improving our relationship. That way we will be closer, and I will be able to live comfortably in this city."

Lucas emphasized the words "relationship" and "comfortably" which made May shiver a little.

"You… You gave me a way out of the situation. I don't care about that man's life or death, and I'm willing to spend a fortune for his death, but that doesn't mean I will. If he dies, unknown problems will appear. I'll think of something on my own, and leave it as a last resort. "

"Anyway, since you want to improve our relationship so badly, don't you think it's a good idea to tell me more about yourself? Like, how do you have that card."

Lucas smiled silently in answer to that question and seemed to be wondering how to explain. After an unanswered time, May was disappointed and said.

"Do not want to answer? Then I won't ask anymore."

"No, I mean yes, but it's complicated, it's a long story. The short version is that before coming here I had abusive parents. They beat me, burned cigarettes in my body, cut me with knives... One day I found this card by chance and hired Thorny Rose to kill them."

"But what about the money? I find it hard to believe that you were able to afford your parents' murder."

"It wasn't that expensive, it has a lot to do with the value of the target. For example, if someone hired Thorny Rose to kill the president of the United States, they would need a fortune. But if one wanted the death of two degenerates, it is more accessible than it seems. I didn't have much money, but I made a deal with Thorny Rose, and in the end, they did the job. Your case, however, will need a small fortune. Clovis is the heir to a large real estate company. He is very rich, has a high status, and good political connections. It will cost a little his murder. "

"I understand..."

One thing he said, however, made May uncomfortable, but she doesn't quite remember what it was. As she was trying to figure out what made her uncomfortable, she saw Lucas get up from his chair and sit in a chair beside her. This action made her a little vigilant, but seeing those blue eyes, and smelling that male smell closely, she did nothing and just stood in silence.

They both fell silent, and May's attention was taken by the bulge in Lucas's pants. The bulge was so large you could see through the shorts the size and shape of that penis.

'Huge... I saw it yesterday, but seeing up close is even more amazing. It's so big and so thick... I want to touch... '

Lucas's scent entered her nose and May's body began to heat up. At that moment, she didn't know what to do. Her reasoning told her to get up and sit somewhere else, while her body told her to do something else entirely. Because of the conflict, she could only standstill. Lucas, however, seemed to have other plans.

Taking her hand, Lucas guided her toward his bulge. Feeling the bulge in her own hands, May's breathing quickened, and her attention was completely taken by the movement her hand was making under the leadership of Lucas's strong hand.

After a few seconds, Lucas took his hand away, and May began stroking the bulge on her own. After that, Lucas did nothing more, and simply enjoyed the work of May's hand in silence. By that time May's reasoning was gone, she focused completely on stroking Lucas's cock over his shorts.

There came a point, however, that the lust of May became so great that she could no longer hold. Using both hands, she lowered Lucas's shorts, and watching that cock come out, her breath stopped.

It looked like the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. It was huge, thick, it looked majestic, it had an amazing shape, and it was beautiful. That thing was breathtaking.

'What a perfect thing... I think if it were bigger, it would probably be painful and uncomfortable to penetrate, for both of them, and if it was smaller, it wouldn't be so imposing... I have never seen such a wonderful penis. Ah, I want to touch it, rub it, lick it, suck it, swallow it... '

Without holding back, she put both hands on his cock and began to rub, her full attention on that wonderful thing. Lucas was silent, doing nothing but enjoying May's work, which was concentrated.

'It's so hard... It's so thick. What a wonderful penis, I'll prove it. '

Approaching her face, she gave the glans a little lick, and her body shook. She was already very horny, but as she licked Lucas's cock, her body seemed to be on fire, and she quickly began to lick and rub the penis frantically.

Using her tongue, she moved it all over the place and smiled at Lucas.

"I've never done this to anyone before, you're the first."

"I'm honored."

"How are you feeling? Is it good?"

"Yes, wonderful. Can you swallow the head?"

"It is impossible to swallow everything, but only the head should not be a problem."

May then climbed to his head and putting her mouth to the tip, slowly swallowed the head, being careful that her teeth did not touch the skin.

Feeling that hard, thick thing in her mouth, May realized once again how wonderful this penis was. Going down slowly, she tried to swallow as much as possible as a test, but since it was too big, even trying, she could only swallow half. Knowing her limit, she took his cock from her mouth and again swallowed, this time focusing only on the head.

With the penis in her mouth, she began to use her tongue to go all over the head, trying to learn the sensitive points of his penis while both hands continued to caress the rest. May kept sucking and stroking for a while, she was loving every second.

May's sexual experience is not very big. She had a boyfriend in high school but broke up with him. He cheated on her with a friend. At the time, May was trying hard to keep her grades high as she wanted to be a lawyer, so she didn't spend much time with her boyfriend. Because of this, from beginning to end, the two only had sex twice.

May simply didn't pay as much attention as he wanted. He was pleased with May's appearance, but what's the point if they didn't have sex when he wanted to? Young, seventeen, he didn't think twice when a woman paid attention, and so cheated on her.

When she found out, May broke up and didn't even bother to listen to explanations, since then she decided to focus on her studies. Even in college, it was the same, she focused most of her time on study, the rest of the time was for her brothers Jonas and Sofia, with whom she shared a deep relationship.

May struggled in college and finally ended up as the best in her year. Because of this, even with her inexperience, she just dropped out of college and got a good job as a lawyer in a big firm. She just needed her looks and academic results.

In the end, all that happened, so she didn't have time to get a boyfriend, no matter how many suitors she had.

Even though May didn't have much experience, she was, in fact, an extremely passionate woman and had strong sexual desires. Because of this, over the years, she has gained knowledge about sex through the internet, friends or colleagues. One of the things she always wanted to try was blowjob, and that's a frequent fantasy object for her.

She had such a strong desire to blowjobs that she bought a dildo just for practice, and although it was indeed her first time doing a blowjob, she had experience and technique.

Lucas only held out for five minutes under May's intense efforts. When she felt he was coming, May didn't flinch and let all the sperm flow into her mouth. She swallowed it all, and when the sperm jets were gone, she cleaned the urethra with the tongue. Using her tongue for one last cleansing, she took her mouth off his cock and straightened in her chair. Putting a hand to her mouth, she slowly tasted the sperm, and when she finished swallowing, she smiled at Lucas and said as she opened her mouth.

"I swallowed it all. It tasted weird, but I could get used to it easily. "

She then fell silent and watched Lucas's strange expression. It was then that the reasoning, which had fled somewhere, returned to its place, and she was extremely embarrassed. Rising from her chair, she fumbled a little and finally said embarrassed.

"F-Forget it ... No, that was a thank you for the card. But don't come asking for more later, which I won't do. Come on, I'm already going to work, and you have appointments too, right? "

As she hurriedly searched for her suit, May suddenly felt a hand gripping her arm, and she turned and saw Lucas looking at her with a smile.

"Maylin, do you really think this will end this way?"

It surprised her a little, and May's body warmed even more at hearing these words and wondering what he meant. Without asking permission, however, Lucas picked her up and carried her to the bedroom.

At first, May considered resisting, but feeling her wet panties, knew it was impossible to resist, and simply accepted her fate.

Lucas tossed her roughly on the bed and began to strip the rest of the clothes off his body, becoming completely naked. When May planned to take off her clothes, however, he stopped her and said.

"I'll take it myself. You served me earlier, let me serve you now."

May accepted Lucas's offer and simply lay back on the bed, letting him do whatever he wanted. He first took off May's high heels, and seeing those beautiful white feet, he began to lick them erotically. Lucas's tongue sent chills down May's body, she had never felt it before.

After that, he climbed up and began unbuttoning her dress shirt. What caught May's attention, however, was Lucas's exposed cock dangling through the air and falling over her belly as he took off the shirt. Unfortunately, when he sat on her waist to take off the shirt, she couldn't see his penis as her breasts blocked the view.

One by one, without much hurry, Lucas took off the buttons, and finally, the shirt fell off, showing May's breasts covered by a blue bra. They looked bigger than before seeing them like this. Lucas rubbed those beautiful breasts a little, and without much effort, took off the bra, finally showing to the world those wonders.

Two white breasts with pink tips that were hard. They were tall, and even if lying down, they didn't spread much. They were incredibly soft to the touch. Lucas's touch excited May even more, and when she felt him squeeze her nipple between his fingers, a shiver ran down her body to her pussy, which released more lewd fluids.

'I almost came with just a tap on my nipples... When I did that eight years ago it wasn't like that. It is completely different.'

Lucas's next action, however, brought down her willpower that managed to hold back the last orgasm. Lucas approached his face and began to lick her nipples one by one, taking turns, giving the same affection, and that was the last drop, May could not hold and her body twitched a little.

'Aah, I came, amazing... "

She felt her body even hotter than usual, the lust of May became bigger and bigger, and when she planned to hurry Lucas a little, he did not disappoint. Temporarily neglecting her breasts, he reached down and pulled May's body to the edge of the bed. Pulling her skirt and panties down, he tossed them aside and finally saw that beautiful pink pussy that was completely wet.

Wiping a little the juices that were in the doorway with his hand, Lucas approached his face and began to lick directly. Goosebumps of pleasure ran down Ma's body, she had never felt anything like this before, it was a wonderful feeling, goosebumps ran down every inch of her body.

Placing her hands on Lucas's head, she began to pull his head toward her body, wanting Lucas's tongue to penetrate deeper and deeper into her wet cave. Wet sounds of Lucas's tongue licking her pussy juices sounded, and May moaned nonstop, she was in paradise.

Using both hands free, Lucas began rubbing May's breasts, touching every inch of those wonders. From time to time, he rubbed the nipples lightly, and then suddenly squeezed hard. Added to the work with his mouth, May was enjoying a lot, pussy juice came out nonstop, and Lucas drank everything. A few seconds later, May could not hold back the imminent orgasm, her moans became a scream


As soon as the orgasm reverberations were over, she looked up at Lucas who got up off the floor and saw him licking the pussy juice that had splashed on his face. The sight managed to excite May even more if that were possible. Seeing him lying on top of her body, May knew the moment was coming, and her breathing stopped, she was extremely excited for what she knew was going to happen.

He said nothing and simply approached his face for a kiss. When she felt the touch of his lips, at the same time, she felt that wonderful cock penetrating deep into her pussy. Before long, her pussy was filled with that cock, and the feeling was wonderful, May felt she was really in heaven.

Although she was trying to moan during the kiss, she could only make a few low sounds. When Lucas finally reached the bottom, he broke the kiss and smiled.

"Are you enjoying it?"

"Don't ask such an awkward question."

"But I need feedback."

May said nothing and simply fell silent. Seeing her like that, Lucas began to move, at first slowly, as May's pussy wasn't used to it, but his movements became faster over time. Each time Lucas took and penetrated, May could not contain her moans, the pleasure was overwhelming, and over time the moans became screams.

May was releasing pussy juice over and over, reaching the point that it was overflowing. Every time Lucas entered, he splashed juice into their groin, making a mess. May 's screams continued, Lucas increased his speed more and more, both of them near a great orgasm.

Pulling Lucas close, May dug her nails into his back and pinned him with her legs, heels on his ass. Closing her eyes, May concentrated on the sensations her pussy was feeling as it was pierced, and finally, she gave the loudest scream of all.


Her body twitched nonstop, and she dug her nails into Lucas's back, even more, blood began to flow. The orgasm didn't seem to end, ten seconds passed, and it wasn't over yet.

Lucas kept going on and on, he was close too and feeling the contractions May's pussy was having, he came in, which further prolonged the reverberations of pleasure May's body were feeling.

May's mind went blank after the orgasm. When the pleasure passed, she released Lucas and sprawled on the bed, she no longer had strength in her body. All that was on her face was a happy smile. Finally, her mind went completely blank and she faints.