
God Craft Online:Worlds Collided

Imagine becoming a god in a world creating you’re on phantheon,A world were you could either become good or evil or rather leave peacefully A world were you have the capabilities to destroy very planets if you reach a certain level A world were you would be able to create anything and everything with the righ materials a A world were you could be any race you want, either a worm or an angel because no matter what race, you can become something greater WELCOME MORTALS AND STEP INTO THE PATH OF GODS THIS IS GOD CRAFT WHERE YOU ARE YOUR OWN GOD PS:The pictures mine

Ender_Child · Spiele
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Entering God Craft:Online Part one

God craft,a game said to change the very future,today our Mc Mark Blight,he is a nineteen year old boy who finished college early and lives with his twin sister Lily Blight, their parents died in a car crash when they were five and later adopted by their fathers friend Eliot King they have a good relationship….even though they fight..a lot

Today Marks sister lily dragged him to the Primogen company store,(creators of God craft) to buy their virtual reality full dive gaming capsules for the new game God craft.

"Mark are you excited to play gods craft imagine being your own god gaining followers and being able to create your on personal pantheon I'm soo excited" lily said while giving an excited look to her identical looking twin brother

"….yeah soo excited can you tell me why we're up early again?"Mark said in a seemingly tired and annoyed tone,

The reason why mark was so tired was because it was currently three in the morning he was seemingly waken up and dragged by his sister reluctantly clinging to his bed

"So we can be early and sign up for our character registration of course,since we already had dad buy us the pods,even he is going to play the game Albeit not always" Lily said in a rather disappointed and sad voice

"Hah...you know his busy and we can always play together when he comes back"mark said to his sister

"Maybe…..at least I have you with me"she said in a happy voice while thinking when their father comes back

"Sooo wake me up when people start showing up" mark said while pulling out a blanket from god knows where and leaned on his sisters shoulder

"Mark…if you dont get of me I'm going to break all your bones~"she said with an innocent yet not so innocent smile on her face


"Mark im not joking"


"Mark really stop it"


"….And he's fallen asleep….ok..fine you will regret this later" lily said with a pouting expression

After hours and hours of waiting the store worker the primo games industry has arrived he looked weirdly at the two people almost looking identical to each other covered in a blanket while they were sleeping

"…not the weirdest thing I've seen,ok can you two please wake up"The store manager said with an almost loud voice

"Ugh…mark your being too loud again….stop it…Hmm oh it's just the store manager….WAIT, MARK WAKE UP"lily muttered in a quiet voice but suddenly got waken up when she realized it was the store owner and then Screamed into marks ear

"Arrgh…LILY WHY DID YOU SCREAM IN MY EAR…you know that hurt for gods sake"Mark said loudly in an irritated voice

"That was for not listening to me earlier and the shop manager is here and we should probably get off in front of the door"she said in an embarrassed voice

"Ya think if you guys don't wanna go to the very end of the line you should"the store manager said in an annoyed voice with a slightly irritated Face

"What line…oh that line when did that happen" Mark said with an incredulous expression on his face seemingly confused when that happen

"…wow we're lucky we're early I guess?!"lily said in a confused and happy expression

".....if you don't move you won't be lucky anymore"the shop manager said and both of them immediately stood up in front of the company store

"Well now that this is over…. ahem….hello everybody and welcome to the first opening of god craft…..this…is where your dreams will begin"thee store manager said with a disgusted expression on his face like really this is 'where your dreams will begin' damn that sounds cringe





"….are you being paid to say that or is it just you"Mark said while strangely looking at the person who might have caused a few people to cringe

"…what do you think"The man said with a clearly annoyed tone in his voice

"Ok I get it that was a stupid question now hurry up and open, the other's are getting restless like literally they look like they want to murder us"mark said looking at him blankly

With marks words the store manager opened the door to the store where you could see multiple areas were you could register your account and play the game when you get the virtual reality pods

"Wooow this place is huge"lily said in An excited expression

"Mark come on let's go and register accounts and 'Maybe we can go back home' well maybe"lily said while Mark looked at her blankly knowing he won't be going back to sleep anytime soon

"….hais fine let's go"


As the two siblings walk to the nearest area a pink haired,violet eyed girl bumped into mark she seemed to be around twelve years old

"….. oh sorry little girl"

(Ah sweet home Alabama rest in piece my creation)

"What…did you just call me a little girl"

"Uhm well yeah you look like you are twelve years old"

seemingly out of nowhere the girl looked at mark with a dangerous glint in here eyes and ....kicked him in his balls (damn that's gotta hurt).

"…"mark was silent

"…"Lily was Silent

"…"the entire shop went silent

and then mark fell on the ground clutching his lower area seemingly looking at the girl ,while a silent tear appeared in his eyes.

"Don't…ever…call…me….little" the girl said while her non existent chest was moving up and down in visible anger and then went to the other side of the store,while lily who was dumbly standing there pretending she doesn't have a relation with him (yeah…real smart there lily) was walking away from the scene yep she just walked away.

after marks pain subsided he walks up to his sister and started pulling her White colored hair.

"…Why did you just leave me there"

"Ouch,ouch,ouch I'm sorry okay I didn't want to get involved because…because"

"Because what"

Mark asked irritated and annoyed at what happened earlier,while he was angry he let lilys hair go he knew she would spew some crocodile tears.

"Uhm you know it was your fault for calling her little for all we know she could be older than us"

"…I'm gonna make you bald when you're asleep lily remember I have a cupboard filled with scissors"

"M..ma..mark we can talk about this ok "


"I'll do your laundry for a week"


"I'll do your homework for a week"

"…we've already graduated from college"

" …ok fine I'll do your chores for an entire month happy".

"…tsk fine l hope you don't break that promise sis~".

As they were about to continue talking they saw more people entering the store and hurriedly wen to the nearest registration desk startling the female worker staying ther.

"Uhm hello if you want to register for the game you have to fill in some files and make an account in the digital platform over ther" she says nervously while pointing at the screen beside her right.

"…Hmm ok lily you can go first".

Lily looks at mark suspiciously looking at his innocent smile which made her feel a chill up her spine,after some minutes she finished her registration and happily hummed right beside mark.

"well look like it's my turn"

Mark who was looking at the files signed the papers after reading it then got a fingerprint and a face scan so only he can log on to his account,you know the normal stuff after that he mad his account.

"…finally we can go back home"mark said with an excited grin ready to leave this place before his balls actually get 'deflated'.

"…Hmm fine let's go" lily said while her eyes we twitching thinking about how you are excited of sleep than the game.

As they were walking out the door they see a blonde haired girl dragging a pink haired girl by the ear waking to your direction.

"…oh hey mark isn't it that girl that hit you in the sacks…mark…mark where are you…oh" lily said while searching for mark only to find him behind her back.



"Come on mark I'm pretty sure she's just here to um apologize yeah apologize"


"Ow,ow,ow I said I'll apologize why are you dragging my ears Cindy" the pink haired girl said while pleading to her friend.

"Mary you know what you did was bad and it could make people hate you"Cindy said in a righteous tone.

The twins watch them silently while both of them giving a blank look to the two friends.

"Ehem….sorry for what I did to you earlier …even though you called me a little girl" the girl said while giving mark a forced smile.



The two of them looked at each other for a few moments then….

"…shouldn't you be in school" Mark said unchanged from her apology.

"…" Lily was speechless.

"…" Mary was silent but if you looked properly you would see a vein popping on her forehead.

"…ok I tried Cindy can I break his bones" Mary said ready to break marks bones with her bare hand.

"No you can't….and you really I know what she did was a bit….harsh but can you stop calling her little despite her height and 'size' she's actually eighteen" Cindy said while holding back the short frame of her friend.

"…ooh ok sorry….I guess" mark said not knowing whether he should run or stay.

"…ehem don't mind my stupid twin brother here he's usually anti social so he doesn't have a lot of friends" Lily said while mark was looking at her with a look that said traitor on his face.

"Yeah…I can relate Mary is like that too I'm her only friend and oh we did not introduce ourselves Im Cindy an this is Mary".

"Yeah you're Right I'm lily and this is my twin brother mark nice to meet you".

While they were talking the two side characters that were between them looking at them Silently decided to talk to each other.

"So your names Mary" mark said while looking down at the girls eyes "yeah and why are you talking to me" she said annoyed by being talked to by mark.

"No reason" With that the two of them stood ther waiting for their companions to finish talking to each other.

"Hey can I get your number" lily said looking at Mary with a glint in her eyes.

"Huh…why are you asking me you can ask Cindy for it" Mary said while looking at lily with a strange face.

"tsk…your no fun well if you want my brothers number you can ask your friend since I gave her over there" lily said while turning around to see mark give her the middle finger.

"…why would I want his number?!" Mary said trying to know why Lily is interested in giving her brother's phone number to her.

"Of course to play god craft together since were now friends" lily said happily raising her hands up.

"Friends…is he willing to be my friend after what I did to him"

"Of course he would it was his fault in the first place right mark" Lily said while looking at mark with her ocean blue eyes.

" hmm..sure we can be friends I guess" mark said looking at her with his Dark red eyes.

"Yay we'll see you later Cindy and Mary we have to go log in at home we'll probably see each other in the game" lily said while dragging mark outside the while her voice fading into the background.

While they went out the two friends watched them while thinking those two were lively especially the girl lily.

"…we'll that went better than I hoped" Cindy said waiting for the next time they meet.

"Really"mary said with skepticism in her voice.

After they went outside mark drove the car back to their house were they saw two people inside a truck.

"Oh hello are you guys the ones to bring our VR capsules" mark said with a smile on his face.

"Oh..y..yes of course" one of the drivers that was a female said while staring at marks features dumbly, she watched how his white hair that reached his shoulders swinging in the air and his dark red pupils looking at her confused.

"Oh ok then you can bring them put them in our rooms" mark said with a small smile.

After a few hours the pods were put in mark and lilys rooms they did some diagnostic on them and made sure to put the iv bags carefully in their right compartment.

After that they left the house after saying to mark and lily to regularly change the iv bags,if they run out of them they can buy them at the nearest pharmacies.

"Soo are you ready to go in" lily said impatiently.

"Sure but the Server won't open for another ten minutes" mark replied

"Well I'm going in now see you in the game bro" she said unable to be patient about

"Sigh..that girl is a handful" mark said while his sister enters her room

After some time passed they were about two minutes left before the servers open, mark wore his shorts before entering the pod,after that he got into the pod and entered the universe of god craft


[ Loading…]


[ Welcome Mark blight to your first step in becoming the strongest]

Mark opened his eyes finding himself ina white room looking at the message

"Huh tens seconds left until the servers open glad I didn't miss it"he said while looking at the countdown"






[Welcome to god craft a place where you can be you own god be any race you want either from a worm to an angel you can become something greater] a robotic voice said in the background after that a small floating eye that had demon wings appeared in front of mark

{hello~ I'm Kira your god pet assistant}