
God Craft Online:Worlds Collided

Imagine becoming a god in a world creating you’re on phantheon,A world were you could either become good or evil or rather leave peacefully A world were you have the capabilities to destroy very planets if you reach a certain level A world were you would be able to create anything and everything with the righ materials a A world were you could be any race you want, either a worm or an angel because no matter what race, you can become something greater WELCOME MORTALS AND STEP INTO THE PATH OF GODS THIS IS GOD CRAFT WHERE YOU ARE YOUR OWN GOD PS:The pictures mine

Ender_Child · Games
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13 Chs

Entering God craft:Online part two

{hello~I'm Kira your god pet assistant}

The floating eye said while curiously glancing at her new master

"Hello Kira nice to meet you now shall we start our adventure " mark said with An excited tone

{ok but you have to choose your race and class} Kira said happily reminding mark of choosing a class and race

"Oh I totally forgot now which race do you think I should pick" mark said asking the lifelike floating eye AI

{how am I supposed to know it's your choice}Kira said while mark was looking at her floating figure speechless


[Dear Beginner god please choose your race and class:


Phoenix born.

Fey child.

Fox youkai.




Void beast.

Abyss child.



And the list goes on showing over a thousand different races

"Damn that's a lot of races" Mark muttered while trying to see which race he'd choose until he saw one particular one that caught his eye

[Dragon born Variant:Destroyer:

Once upon a time there was once a noble dragon named Linus he was the dragon of creation ,he saved people and protected their land but the people one day got greedy of his power and broke into his cave and killed his pregnant partner killing his children with in the process,the next day Linus came back only to find out that he was too late.

he found out later it was the very people he protected that killed his wife and children.

with a fit of rage and sorrow Linus succumbed to the corruption of the void turning him into a fallen dragon he destroyed many continents, later he was given the name dragon king of destruction Linus.

his reign lasted for over three hundred years and later was killed by the world hero.

before he died he spread his power all over the world transforming and giving birth to a new variant race of dragons Called destruction dragons.

one day a boy was ultimately targeted by one said dragons and was ultimately killed then he woke up to find himself covered in small dark red scales, wings growing out of his back and horns going around his head he was known as the first Destroyer Dragonborn variant…The One Who has bathed in the blood of Linus, The one Who Shall Destroy All,The First Child Of Linus,The One Who Is The Incarnation Of Linus,[#####]

"Hey kira I'm choosing this race" mark said to the AI while looking at the holographic screen

{oh that isn't actually bad but only one person can get this race so hurry up}

With Kira's word mark immediately press the button to accept the race before anyone can take it away


[You have chosen the race Dragonborn Variant:Destroyer

Beginning Stats:

[Level 1][0%]

[Health: 100/100]







[Luck:- 5]

[Soul strength :3.5]


[Destruction Affinity:100%]

[Fire Affinity:80%]

[Creation Affinity:10%]

[Fear Affinity:15%]

Racial abilities:

[Will of The Destroyer: Gains a 20% boost in stats when there is destruction in an area]

[Eye of Destruction: Able to enhance your destroyer skills and will always land a hit when activated,uses five mana per seconds]

[Destruction Haki:When activated all surroundings will be corroded with destruction energy, uses one mana per second]



[A beginner Destruction God]

"That looks a bit overpowered but why is my luck negative five"Mark said while thinking why his luck was so low when suddenly a floating eye

{well you've chosen your race now choose your Class}

"Hmm okay" mark said tapping


[Available Classes for Dragonborn Variant:Destroyer:


[Destruction Mage].

[Destruction swordsman].

[Reaper Of Destruction].

"Hmm well then I'll choose [Reaper of Destruction]" Mark said finally choosing his class


[You have chosen the class Reaper of Destruction].

[ You've gained Death and soul Affinity].

[You have learned the skill Soul scavenger].

[ You've learned the skill destruction Slash].

[You've learned the skill Spirit weave].

[ You're soul strength increased].

"…ok I think that's all we're ready to go know Kira" Mark said ready to start he's adventure

{Finally I'm tired of staying in this form}.

"Ok let's goo" mark said excitedly while tapping the start button.


Xenox a planet said to be infested with corrupted beasts,there are only 30 billion being in and over Ten different kingdoms on this planet ,in the middle of the desserts of Xenox a nineteen year old boy could be seen with his long ears,his white hair with some strands of red,his red dragon like eyes and his wings that seemed to be moving with his tail ,while a floating eye with wings could be seen beside him

[ Welcome To Xenox This planet is one of the smallest in this part of the galaxy and has a population of thirty billion different species and has over ten kingdoms]

"Wait did it say i am in one of the planets???" Mark said He knew the primogen company didn't release any information on the game and thought everyone would be on the same planet but he never thought you could actually travel to other planets in fact he may even have the suspicion that there are different dimensions in the game.

{Oh we're in xenox haven't been here before}and the AIs sound and look real, heck even his surroundings and his body looks too realistic

{Now if you excuse me I'm tired of this form and I'm going to go back to my original} When Kira said that,suddenly she was enveloped in a bright white light that made mark close his eyes When he opened it what he saw was a small girl that had two bat wings on her head,white hair,red eyes and had two demon like wings on her back while a small purple ball was slowly rotating around her

"Yo master is me Kira" Kira said with an excited expression

"…cute I guess" mark said not really sure what he should say

"ahh~ master thinks I'm cute"

"Suure so do you know where we are" he said ignoring her

"ah right hehe forgot about that part..ahem we are in the Death desert domain of the sand worms and the closest place to the kingdom of elves" She said while trying to hide her embarrassment, while that was happening mark checked her status screen and he was considering running away from her or staying

[Status Of God Pet Assistant:

[Name:Kira The blood Terror].

[Title:{Goddes of Terror},{Fallen}].

[Race:Vampiric Demon God].

[Class:Void Demon Summoner].

[Level 1(Sealed)[0%].



[ Intelligence:100








[Blood Affinity:100%]

[Fear Affinity:99%]

[Soul Affinity:???]

[ Void Affinity:???]


[Child Of the Demon King(Passive): Make all demons who are weaker than her be oppressed and forced to bow down to her]

[Child Of the Blood Vampire Queen(passive):

Make all Vampires weaker than her be oppressed and bow down to her]

[Blood Ritual(Active): Drags all blood around her to create a ritual to summon the souls of all she's killed As Her minions(Weakened)]

[Blood Manupilation(Active): Gives control over all blood(Weakened)

[Demonic-Vampire transformation(Locked):

Transforms into her hybrid form gains 100% in all stats and gain 200% boost to all Vampire and Demon Skills]

[Blood Demon Haki: As the child of the strongest Vampire queen and The most Tyrannical Demon king and also the goddess of terror all shall tremble within her domain and are severely weakened no matter what defense or buffs they have]

"….And that is all" Kira finished talking while mark was looking at her and the screen every once in a while sweating bullets thinking how unlucky he was or maybe he was lucky

"Ah…y….yes so how long will it takes to reach th kingdom of elves" he stuttered

"Well if we walked there it would take us about 24 hours well that is if we are not attacked if we flew it would take us about like 6 hours that is again if we don't get attacked "she replied

"One problem I cannot fly despite having wings well not know I think?" he said

"We'll then we'll walk I'm severely weakens now and I can't fly soo…yeah we were going to walk anyway" She said while looking excitedly at mark like she hasn't seen anyone in years. (AN:Fun fact she hasn't)

And so the two began their four day journey or they taught as mark was about to start walking he saw he a giant object the size of a train moving in the sand

"Hey Kira what is that" mark said while looking at the object moving closer to them

"Oh that's just a sandworm" Kira said casually then they paused



"RUN" both of them looked at each other and said simultaneously while running lily was faster than mark moving at the speed of sound Mark looked at her blankly thinking why he was spawned here in the first place with her

"..HEY HELP ME" Mark screamed as the sand worm was getting closer to him

"..haha sorry I forgot about you let's goo" lily said while carrying mark and running back at the speed of sound again

After they were few hours of constant running and marks screaming because of the speed feeling the wind hit his face with no mercy they saw the sand worm going up from the sand it's circular razor sharp teeth opening and eating a poor animal probably a rabbit or something while they were standing in the entrance of a forest. Mark looked terrified and there was a bit of trauma on him

"I think I'm scared of worms now" Mark said with silent tears on his face

"Ahh don't worry Your Assistant is here" Kira said while giving mark a hug

"…let's not do that again please" Mark said with a pleading expression

"We'll I can't promise that my luck and yours are pretty bad" Kira said knowing her stats wer checked and looking at marks stats too

"How long until we leave this place and go to the Elven kingdom" mark said hopefully

"Well we've been running around for four hours so Twenty hours left" Kira said not minding marks prayers

"Fine let's start walking I guess"Mark said

After they rested for ten minutes mark and Kira went their way to the Kingdom of the elves there was of course some few instances they had to run away like running from a level fifteen wolf or a level thirty serpent but when night came that was when the true horror show started

"..Why am I still playing at this moment" Mark muttered while trying to stop himself from looking at the glowing eyes that have been watching them in the dark

"Don't worry just don't look in their eyes and they won't attack you I mean they're technically protecting us from the Other beasts Night walker's only get provoked if you look at their physical bodie or their eyes" Kira explained to mark

"…yeah I'm going to close my eyes for a bit and forget their watching me" Mark said with a tired voice despite this being a game it gave him much trauma than life ever did

After the night passed Kira woke up her lazy master gently

"Hey master wake up" Kira said gently shaking him

"Oh hey Kira" Mark woke up only to see Kira looking down as their eyes met then he realized he was sleeping on her laps

"Did you put me here or what"Mark said

"Of course master you were sleeping last night you were so cute that I couldn't resist and put your head on my laps and caressed your hair" Kira said while looking into marks eyes

"….o…k thanks I guess" Mark said thanking her still confused by the events of yesterday

"So how long until we get there" Mark said while his head on her laps.

"Oh yeah if we start going now we can make it there in three hours" Kira replied

"ok let's goo" Mark said excitedly while standing up from her lap Kira gave him a pouting expression because she didn't finish her pampering

After a while both of them got ready to be on their way to the kingdom of elves,After a lot of monster Escapes and staying away from dangerous plants they finally arrived in a gate wher you could see a lot of different races forming a line to enter

They Have Finally Made it to their destination know how are the two of them going in, who knows, find out in the next chapter