
God's of Light

Gods are the ultimate race. They can create and destroy at their whims, without consequences. Fawn was born into the wealthiest family, the youngest and the only one to produce light. He hid everything from everyone until one man saw him for who he was. Levi didn’t mean to see into the creator's soul and turn his attention from his true mission. In his eyes, Fawn was the man for him and wanted to stop at nothing to make sure this god looked his way.

Luna_Pixie · Fantasie
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5 Chs

New Feelings

Amari stared up at Fawn, hoping her master would finish soon. She could feel the roof of her mouth starting to go numb. Fawn groaned in frustration and pushed her off him. Pulling himself back into his jeans, he slumped back down in his chair. Amari wiped her face clean and sat at his feet, her head resting on his legs.

"I'm sorry my lord."

"It's okay Amari, it's not you. You should go, no doubt my mother will come looking for you."

"Of course my lord."

Fawn watched her straighten herself out before leaving his room. He hadn't meant to use her like that but he had all this built-up frustration that he didn't know what to do with. They were days away from reaching the empty planet and the air on the ship was stale. Levi hadn't left him room, Ivana spent most of her time smoothing out Amari's social skills and the parents were left awkwardly standing around each other.

Fawn had a hard time keeping himself soft. Every time he looked at his desk, he was hard. Laying down made his mind think of all the things Levi could do to him, again making him hard. Somehow, even looking at himself naked, made him hard. Levi was all he could think of. The way his lips looked on him, the way his breath felt on his neck, his smile, his voice, his hands, his everything.

Fawn knew if he didn't do something about it soon, he was going to bust and not in a good way. Groaning, Fawn threw himself back into his work. He knew letting his creation walk about, he would have to make more. After several hours of tapping his pen against his empty head, there was a small knock on his bedroom door. Fawn looked at Fiona in surprise and quickly tidied himself up.

"My lady, please come in. To what do I our the pleasure of our presence?"

"My lord, no need for such formalities. I have come to talk about my son."

"Your son? Why?"

Fiona stepped over the cluster of paperwork on the floor and sat in the chair Fawn had cleared for her.

"Levi hasn't left his room since your presentation. I was hoping you would go talk to him."

"Talk to him? I'm not exactly close with Levi."

"You're the only person I know that calls him his name. Every boy in the academy always called him Mr Knight. We already have a lot of hate, I don't want him to lose someone he might have gotten close with."

"I'm not sure if I am the right person to talk to him. I kind of what to hit him at the moment."

Fiona raised her eyebrows at this little confession and gave Fawn a little smile.

"You should go see him anyway. I fear he might have drunk himself stupid. We know this trip would have been hard for him, considering we don't think about returning back with the ship."

"I can see what I can do."

"Thank you, Fawn, I really do appreciate this."

Fawn gave her a tight smile and watched her leave, before returning back to his desk. After a long ten minutes of again banging his pen against his temple, Fawn showered. Changing into a pair of shorts and a baggy shirt, he stretched his body. He walked down to Levi's room on a mission.

Levi had been sitting calmly in the corner of his room, his nose stuck in a book when the loud knock came. He knew he had told his mother to leave him alone, so he frowned when the knock came again. It sounded angrier than his father's, so Levi put the book down and opened the door. He did not expect to see Fawn standing there, an amused look on his face.

"What are you doing here?"

"It seems like your mother wishes to play matchmaker with us."

"Excuse me?"

"You said the first time was a fluke and the next time I would have to beg. I don't know why you thought I was the one that would do the begging."


Fawn closed the door behind him, slipping his shirt over his head. Levi swallowed all his self-confidence from the other night, depleting his body. Levi knew Fawn was confused about everything and he knew he could use that to his advantage. He also didn't know Fawn very well. Sure Fawn was a confused boy, but he was a creator of light, he was used to things going his way. He hated the power Levi took away from him.

Levi walked back from Fawn, eventually tripping on his bed. Fawn smiled as he pushed Levi down in the bed more, crawling on top of him. Fawn placed a small kiss on the base of Levi's neck, earning a small groan, a sound Fawn wanted to drag out of the god. Fawn softly slid a few soft fingers down Levi's leg, slightly pushing on the bulge he could feel.

Fawn gripped Levi's shoulder and rolled them over. Fawn watched the red splash across Levi's face and groaned a the sight. Pushing Levi down to his knees, Fawn stood and pulled his hard-on out of his pants.

"Suck me."

Without hesitation Levi put Fawn into his mouth, sucking him deep into his throat. Groaning Fawn gripped Levi's hair, keeping him in place as he fucked his face. Fawn took one look at the blubbering mess beneath him and let out his release. Fawn knew it wouldn't take him much to get hard again. He threw Levi onto the bed, pulling him onto his hands and knees. Levi made a small protest when he could feel his shorts being pulled down.

"No, please, I haven't before."

"Oh. By the way you suck, I can only guess I'm not the first man to touch you."

"You aren't, I just never."

"Even better. You feel it's necessary to fill my mind with your smells of arousal, it's only fitting I fill you."

Levi wanted to protest more, not that he didn't like the fact of Fawn sliding into him, but he knew of the pain it followed. Of course, his fear was dropped as soon as Fawn swiped one finger past his exposed rear end, bringing a shudder through his whole body.