
God's Genesis: Divine Dominion

Morpheus, a mortal who was granted godhood after his death, seeks to increase his power and rank among the deities by creating and conquering planets. In this universe, the most popular form of entertainment is known as Divine Conquest, where the creations of the gods battle each other to determine the strongest. The victor of these battles gains control of the defeated gods' planets and their resources, and their divine power and status soar. Determined to succeed in this realm, Morpheus sets out to create his own planets and beings to enter the fray. However, as the number of planets under his control grows, so does the number of deities who consider him a threat. Morpheus must navigate the treacherous politics of the divine world while simultaneously managing the ever-increasing power of his own creations. Note: This novel is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real-world events, persons, or entities is purely coincidental. The author does not intend to offend any individual or group. The cover art is the author's original creation and is solely owned by the author.

Crixzivion · Fantasie
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39 Chs

[035] Divine Conquest: Helios VS Terratite

The ground shook as the Terratite emerged from the earth, its rocky skin glinting in the sunlight. Helios stood his ground, a fierce determination in his eyes.

<Species: Terratite>

[Description: Terratites are a reptilian species with tough, rock-like skin and powerful limbs. They have the ability to manipulate and control earth and rock formations, and are known for their strength and resilience. Terratites are typically solitary creatures and prefer to live in underground caves.]

[Capabilities: Able to control and manipulate earth and rock formations, as well as create structures and barriers made of rock. They are also able to burrow and move through solid rock with ease.]

"You are the next challenger, I see," Helios said, his voice steady.

The Terratite snarled in response, causing the ground to tremble once more. It raised its massive fists, ready to attack.

Helios focused his energy, and flames began to flicker to life around his hands. He took a deep breath and exhaled a stream of fire at the Terratite.

The Terratite was unfazed by the flames, its rock-like skin protecting it from the heat. It charged at Helios, its fists slamming into the ground and sending a shockwave towards him.

Helios leapt into the air, narrowly avoiding the shockwave. He landed on a nearby boulder, the flames around his hands intensifying.

"You're going to have to do better than that," Helios taunted.

Helios leaped backwards as the Terratite slammed its massive fists into the ground, causing a tremor to ripple across the battlefield. The reptilian creature let out a low growl, its eyes fixed on Helios, who remained poised and ready for the next attack.

The Terratite raised its arms, and a massive boulder rose from the ground, hurtling towards Helios. But the fire manipulator was quick to react, and with a flick of his wrist, he sent a stream of flames towards the boulder, melting it into a pool of molten rock.

As the Terratite charged towards him, Helios summoned a wall of fire, hoping to stop the creature in its tracks. But the Terratite plowed straight through the flames, unscathed, and delivered a powerful punch to Helios's gut, sending him flying backwards.

Helios struggled to get back on his feet as the Terratite advanced towards him. He knew that brute strength alone would not be enough to defeat this opponent. He needed to be clever and use all of his elemental abilities to their fullest potential.

Summoning all of his strength, Helios focused on the earth beneath him and lifted a massive boulder from the ground. With a fierce yell, he sent it hurtling towards the Terratite, who dodged it with surprising agility.

The two opponents circled each other warily, each waiting for the other to make a move. Helios knew that he needed to act fast. Summoning all of his power, he sent a massive blast of fire towards the Terratite, who responded by creating a wall of rock to block the attack.

But Helios was ready for this. With a flick of his wrist, he sent a stream of water towards the wall of rock, causing it to weaken and crumble under the pressure. Taking advantage of the momentary weakness, Helios sent a huge blast of fire towards the Terratite, hitting it square in the chest and sending it tumbling to the ground.

With a tense silence. The two combatants stood across from each other, both taking deep breaths and preparing for the final showdown.

Helios knew that he couldn't underestimate the Terratite's strength and earth-manipulating abilities. He knew that he needed to be quick and precise to defeat his opponent.

The Terratite made the first move, hurling a massive boulder at Helios. Helios swiftly dodged the attack and retaliated with a burst of fire, melting the boulder into molten rock.

The Terratite roared in frustration and charged at Helios, swinging his powerful fists. Helios responded by creating a wall of flame to keep the Terratite at bay.

The Terratite smashed through the wall of fire with ease, but Helios was already in motion. He used his control over the air to lift the Terratite off the ground and hurl him towards a nearby rock formation.

The Terratite crashed into the rocks, causing them to crumble and fall. Helios took advantage of the chaos and launched a barrage of fireballs at the Terratite, who struggled to regain his footing.

Finally, the Terratite fell to the ground, defeated. Helios stood over him, panting heavily but victorious.




The Council of Worlds had gathered to watch the second round of the Divine Conquest. The excitement was palpable as Helios and the Terratite entered the arena, their eyes locked in a fierce gaze. The council members looked on, eager to see what would happen next.

"It looks like we have a reptilian opponent this time," said one council member, leaning forward in his seat.

"Yes, and it seems to be a Terratite," replied another. "They're known for their ability to manipulate earth and rock formations. This should be an interesting fight."

As the two combatants circled each other, the council members watched intently. They knew that Helios was a formidable opponent, but the Terratite's abilities were not to be underestimated.

The battle was well underway, with both combatants trading blows. Helios had managed to land a few hits, but the Terratite's rock-like skin proved to be a formidable defense.

"Helios seems to be struggling a bit here," remarked one council member. "The Terratite's resilience is proving to be quite the challenge."

"Yes, but we can't forget that Helios has the ability to manipulate earth and rock formations as well," said another. "Perhaps he just needs to find the right opportunity to use it."

As the battle continued, Helios began to focus on using his earth manipulation abilities. He created a massive boulder and hurled it at the Terratite, who was momentarily stunned by the impact.

With the Terratite disoriented, Helios saw his chance and unleashed a barrage of fire blasts. The flames engulfed the Terratite, who roared in agony. The council members watched in awe as Helios unleashed the full extent of his power.

"Remarkable," said one council member, as Helios emerged victorious. "He truly is a master of the elements."

"Indeed," agreed another. "But let's not forget the Terratite. They put up quite the fight. It's a shame there can only be one winner."

As Helios took his leave, the council members continued to discuss the battle. They knew that the next round of the Divine Conquest would only get more intense, and they couldn't wait to see what would happen next.

[Morpheus POV]

Morpheus stood at the observation deck, watching the battle between Helios and the Terratite unfold. He could feel the intensity of the battle even from where he stood.

As he watched Helios dodge a barrage of rocks thrown by the Terratite, Morpheus couldn't help but think of the incredible power the Terratites possessed.

"This is going to be an interesting fight," he thought to himself.

Suddenly, Helios unleashed a fiery blast, causing the ground to shake and the Terratite to stagger.

"Helios is truly a force to be reckoned with," Morpheus muttered to himself, impressed by the sheer power of the fire elemental.

But the Terratite wasn't down for long. It quickly recovered and retaliated with a series of rapid-fire rocks that Helios struggled to avoid.

Morpheus watched in awe as Helios used his control over fire to melt the rocks as they approached him. The intense heat radiating from Helios was almost too much to bear, even from a distance.

"He's not just a master of fire, but also has a remarkable ability to manipulate the other elements," Morpheus thought to himself.

As the battle raged on, Morpheus couldn't help but wonder who would come out on top. It was a battle of strength and endurance, and he knew that either combatant could emerge victorious.

"I can't wait to see how this ends," he said to himself, eagerly anticipating the outcome of the intense fight before him.

Morpheus watched as the fight between Helios and the Terratite continued to unfold. As the two combatants clashed, the ground shook and rocks were sent flying in all directions. Morpheus couldn't help but be impressed by the power and skill of both fighters.

"I must admit, Helios is quite impressive," Morpheus said to himself. "His control over fire is truly remarkable, and the way he incorporates his other elemental abilities is quite clever."

Morpheus watched as Helios sent a powerful blast of flames towards the Terratite, who responded by creating a shield made of rock. The shield held up against the flames, but it was clear that the Terratite was struggling under the intense heat.

"I have to say, I didn't expect the Terratite to be able to hold his own against Helios like this," Morpheus remarked. "His control over earth and rock formations is truly formidable. It's like he's an extension of the earth itself."

As the battle continued, Morpheus watched with bated breath, unsure of who would come out on top. The two fighters seemed evenly matched, and the battle could go either way.

"I can't believe how evenly matched they are," Morpheus muttered to himself. "This is truly an epic battle."

In the end, it was Helios who emerged victorious. With one final blast of fire, he sent the Terratite crashing to the ground, defeated.

Morpheus couldn't help but feel a sense of pride for Helios. He knew that the young warrior had a bright future ahead of him.