
Global Guild: Reincarnation Dimension

Vaness Drag comes to the parallel world of the earth. In this world, where people reach eighteen years old, they will enter the Reincarnation Dimension to make a guild and dominate the world. This Reincarnation Dimension comes when Vaness reaches 13 years old. Of course, if you die in the dungeon world, you will really die. Vaness Drag is an orphan looking at the familiar anime and movie that turned into the dungeon by Reincarnation Dimension. "Looks like, the time that I wasted watching anime and movies in my previous life didn't go wasted."

Terrai_an · Anime und Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 20: Another world

"Sorry, I didn't want to join any hands at the moment.", Vaness said politely with a smile.

"Are you sure, brother? You know this SS rank mission is dangerous. Even some strong and old reincarnations couldn't necessarily complete it alone. You also bring your woman with you maybe it is not a very good thing to try to complete the mission alone.", The burly man tried to convince Vaness again.

Vaness just shook his head, which means that he refused. "No, thank you for your invitation."

"Okay, if that you want then good luck.", The burly man saw that his persuasion was in vain, he go back to the other 7 people's side.

"How's it going? From your expression looks like he refuse your invitation, huh?", said one of the men among seven people.

"Yeah.", said the burly man while shaking his head.

"Hmph, just an arrogant newbie who didn't know the dangerous thing they will face next. Soon they must be regretting not accepting your invitation this time." said the woman who dressed like a mage.

"Yes, that's right, look at their ignorant and unprepared condition. They must be thinking this is just some outing or so alike. But it is shame for that beautiful woman must die because of it.", The man with a gloomy atmosphere said.

"No, I think we misunderstood them, everyone.", the burly man suddenly said.

"What do you mean?", said one of seven frowning, while the other six divert their gaze to this burly man.

"Those two people are strength is not necessarily weak. Because at the moment I come close to them, the surrounding around it turned to cold like ice, like as long as I did something wrong I will be frozen to the ice by them.", said the burly man with some fear in his eyes.

'So scary?', that's what all the other seven thought at this time. You know among their eight people the burly man is the strongest man and is known as one of the elite members in the Ranking 4 Guild with almost all his statuses reaching 500. At this time, he takes the lead of the team to finish this SS mission. But even he got some fear towards those two, how about them!?

At that moment, the blank space suddenly becomes so quiet except for some laughter and small talk between Vaness and Elsa.


The wasteland of Goddess World

Two lights suddenly appeared in this wasteland where there is nothing on here except some rock and dirt.

Vaness and Elsa appeared as the light goes out.

Elsa looked at her surrounding curiously and frowned, "Wow! so this is the world where our mission is? But, isn't this too quiet?"

"Yeah, looks like this place is barren without any sign of activity around here. There are not even plants.", Vaness also looks at the surrounding in confusion.

Suddenly Elsa pointed in a certain direction, "Vaness look, that mountain is so tall."

Hearing this look in the direction where Elsa pointed to, after looking at the familiar mountain for a while, he suddenly said, "This mountain... seems like I have seen it before. Hmmm, I think I should check out the mountain first, maybe from there I could remember something."

"Then, what are you waiting for? Let's go Vaness!", Elsa pulls Vaness's hand to walk towards the mountain.

After walking for a few hours towards the mountain, Vaness and Elsa on the way, still didn't find anything not even trace of animals or plants can be found in this barren place.

These things make Vaness doubt his memories, 'Maybe I remember it wrong?'

Even Elsa who has quite a strong physique among humans also got tired after walking for a few hours strike, as for Vaness he didn't feel anything after all his VIT is so high without a doubt.

After Vaness didn't find any trace at all in this barren place. He decided to use psychokinesis on him and Elsa then flies toward the mountain. After all, it is wasting a time and energy to keep walking like this.

At first, Vaness and Elsa walk with the hope to find people or something else in this place but unfortunately, there is nothing on the way.

"Wow! So this is what fly feels like.", Elsa said while dancing in the air after a little guidance and familiarizing herself with the feels of flying.

"Okay, Elsa, we will play later, now, let's go we need to go to that mountain first to get some clue about our mission.", Vaness said helplessly to Elsa who flying happily in the air.

"Alright.", After all, Elsa also understands the importance of the mission so she starts to get serious.

"Elsa, don't forget to look at the surrounding. If you found something tell me, okay?", Vaness said to Elsa.

"I got it, Vaness. Don't worry leave it to me.", Elsa said so and started to look at the below seriously and carefully.

With that, Vaness and Elsa fly toward the mountain which is faster than walking.

After flying for a while and already about to get close to the mountain and still didn't find anything that makes him about to give up. After all, maintaining this psychokinesis needs Magic or MP even though it doesn't take much and almost can be ignored. But don't forget Vaness's magic stat is so low and at this time he didn't use psychokinesis on himself but also Elsa.

Just when Vaness about told Elsa to come down first to get some rest. Elsa beside him suddenly yelled something to Vaness.

"Look Vaness there is a red suspicious monument on there," Elsa said while pointing at the red figure from above.

Vaness who hears Elsa also subconsciously looks toward where Elsa pointed and found surprising things.

"Hmm, This is Torii gate? Why there is a Torii gate in another world? Could it be this is Earth's parallel world?", Vaness looks at the Torii gate suspiciously.

After a while, Vaness remembers something, and his eyes immediately shine because of this, "I see, so this is that world."

Hello guys, the author is here. I think I can't update again in the next five days. Because I got something to do that needs to be done in real life. But don't worry I will try to update as soon as possible if I got free time in the next 5 days. I am also very sorry about this.

Terrai_ancreators' thoughts