
glitch into the unkown

glitch is an agent, he is being interrogated by Agent 47, as the story counites we see into glitch's past and learn more about him and the mysterious hard drive and about the agency only known as S.H.A.D.E

Shahardel90 · Aktion
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32 Chs

Infiltration and Revelation

[Scene: Agent 47's house - 2010]

Agent 47 sits in his home office, engrossed in his research on S.H.A.D.E. and its potential connection to the FSB agent and Roger Sil. Despite his efforts, he hasn't been able to establish a concrete link between them. The phone rings, interrupting his concentration. It's a call from HQ, summoning him for an urgent meeting. Agent 47 agrees and prepares to head to the director's office.

[Scene: Director's office - Blackwatch HQ]

Zack: Oh, not again.

Director: They are highly skilled agents, Zack. You need to learn to work with them.

Zack: I understand, but I prefer working alone. Their methods don't align with mine.

Director: This mission requires a diverse set of skills. You'll need to cooperate and adapt. It's an order, Zack.

[Scene: Briefing room]

The team gathers in the briefing room as Zack reluctantly takes his place among them. He takes a moment to address the team about their new mission.

Zack: Listen up, everyone. We have received credible intelligence that a notorious arms dealer, codenamed "The Viper," has surfaced. He's rumored to have information that could compromise Blackwatch operations. Our objective is to locate The Viper, extracting any valuable intel in the process.

Firewall: Any leads on The Viper's whereabouts or contacts?

Zack: We have limited information at this point. Our best lead is a high-stakes poker game happening tonight at an exclusive underground casino. The Viper is known to frequent such establishments. Agent 47, I want you to go undercover as a high-roller and infiltrate the casino. Shadows, you'll provide backup and surveillance.

Shadows: Consider it done. I'll keep an eye on Agent 47 and ensure his safety.

Agent 47: Understood. I'll blend in and get as close to The Viper as possible. We need to gather information discreetly.

Zack: Firewall, maintain a lookout for any communications or suspicious activities related to The Viper. If you find anything, report it immediately.

Firewall: I'll keep a close eye on the network. Any potential leads or connections will be flagged.

[Scene: Underground Casino - 2 hours later]

Agent 47, dressed impeccably as a high-roller, enters the underground casino. He discreetly adjusts the small earpiece connected to his communication device, allowing him to hear Zack and Firewall's updates. The Nailer, positioned atop a nearby building, maintains a watchful eye on the surroundings.

As Agent 47 navigates through the lavish casino, he finally spots The Viper at a private table, surrounded by his entourage. Making his way over, Agent 47 approaches with calculated confidence.

Agent 47: Good evening, gentlemen. Mind if I join the game?

The Viper, a shrewd and well-connected arms dealer, sizes up Agent 47 with a discerning gaze.

The Viper: Depends, friend. What's your game? What are you looking for?

Agent 47, keeping his cover intact, maintains his charismatic composure.

Agent 47: I'm in search of exclusive opportunities, deals that can take me to new heights. I've heard whispers about your connections, and I believe you might have what I'm looking for.

The Viper leans back, intrigued by the mystery surrounding Agent 47's intentions.

The Viper: Well, well, aren't you a curious one? Tell me, specifically, what are you after? What do you seek that others can't provide?

Agent 47, keeping his motives carefully veiled, chooses his words with precision.

Agent 47: I'm interested in information about an Agency Can you provide that?

The Viper : of course for the right price. if you would follow me please

As Agent 47 follows The Viper into a private room, he notices a security checkpoint equipped with a metal detector. The realization dawns upon him that his hidden earpiece will be detected, potentially exposing his true intentions. With no other option, Agent 47 decides to trust in his disguise and hope that The Viper won't suspect the reason behind the metal detector's beeping.

The Viper, observing Agent 47's hesitation, smirks knowingly.

The Viper: Don't worry, my friend. It's just a routine security measure. Please remove any metal objects and place them in the tray.

Agent 47 takes a deep breath, concealing his unease, and complies with the request. He removes his watch, wallet, and other metallic items, carefully placing them in the tray provided.

As Agent 47 steps through the metal detector, it beeps loudly, signaling the presence of the hidden earpiece. He watches The Viper's reaction closely, hoping that his cover remains intact.

The Viper, seemingly unbothered by the beeping, chuckles.

The Viper: It seems you've got a lot of metal on you, my friend. Must be quite the collection.

Agent 47 maintains his composure, playing along with The Viper's casual remark.

Agent 47: Just some personal items, nothing extraordinary.

The Viper nods, seemingly satisfied with the response.

The Viper: Very well. Let's proceed.

Agent 47 inwardly sighs with relief as he follows The Viper further into the room, his hidden earpiece remaining undetected for now.

As Agent 47 and The Viper enter the room, The Viper cuts straight to the chase, questioning Agent 47 about the specific information he is seeking and the agencies he may be targeting.

The Viper: So, what kind of information are you after? Is it the CIA? FBI? Perhaps even the FSB?

Agent 47 remains silent for a moment, contemplating his response. He knows he needs to be cautious in revealing too much, especially considering the secretive nature of Black Watch.

Agent 47: No, no, no. I have no interest in gathering information about those useless agencies. We both know the FBI and CIA are powerless against real criminals.

The Viper chuckles, seemingly amused by Agent 47's assessment.

The Viper: You're right about that. They often chase shadows while true power resides elsewhere. But if not those agencies, then what are you looking for? Do you have anything specific in mind?

Agent 47 takes a deep breath, carefully choosing his next words.

Agent 47: Black Watch. That's where my interests lie.

The Viper: How do you know about Black Watch? And how do you know that I possess the information you seek?

Agent 47: Let's just say I have my sources. I've been keeping a close eye on Black Watch for quite some time, and my information has led me to you.

The Viper instructs his bodyguards to conduct a thorough body check on Agent 47. As they find his earpiece, the tension escalates. The bodyguards immediately aim their guns at Agent 47, while one of them smashes the earpiece.

The Viper, with a demanding tone: Who are you? Who do you work for?

Agent 47 takes a moment to gather his thoughts and then responds sharply:

Agent 47: You idiot! Do you even realize who you just pulled a gun on?

The Viper appears confused and replies: Who do you think you are?

Agent 47 puts on a fake smile and calmly states: I work for S.H.A.D.E.

The Viper's expression shifts from anger to fear, and he swiftly orders his bodyguards to lower their weapons.

The Viper: I... I'm so sorry for what just happened. Please accept my apologies. I will hand over the information right away.

Agent 47, surprised by the turn of events, maintains his composure. The scene cuts to Fire Wall, Zack, Shadows, and the Nailer outside the Casino.

Fire Wall: Communications are down. Agent 47's earpiece is no longer active.

Shadows: We can't just wait here. We need to take action.

The Nailer: I don't have a clear line of sight.

Zack intervenes, trusting his intuition.

Zack: Wait. Let him handle this. Trust me, I have a feeling about how this will play out.

The scene shifts back to Agent 47 and The Viper. The Viper hands Agent 47 a file, expressing his apologies.

The Viper: Again, sir, I am truly sorry. I wasn't aware you would come to collect these files so early.

Agent 47 is surprised to learn that a S.H.A.D.E agent was originally designated to retrieve the files. He takes the file and starts walking towards the exit. Before leaving, he turns to The Viper and issues a chilling warning.

Agent 47: If a situation like this ever happens again, rest assured that we will meet again, and I will be the last person you'll ever see.

The scene cuts to Shadows, disregarding Zack's orders, as he exits the car and makes his way to the casino where The Viper is staying. Meanwhile, Agent 47 walks out with the file, and they all regroup and return to headquarters.

[Scene: The underground casino, 2 days later]

Agent of S.H.A.D.E: I demand the files you possess. Hand them over now.

The Viper, visibly relieved: Oh, I already gave them to a S.H.A.D.E agent. No worries.

The agent smirked, a dangerous glint in his eyes.

Agent of S.H.A.D.E: Is that so? Well, then I guess there's no need for further conversation.

Without warning, the agent swiftly turned his head and fired a single shot, hitting the Viper square in the chest. The Viper gasped for air, his eyes widening in shock.

The bodyguards reacted quickly, raising their weapons and aiming at the agent. But they were no match for his lethal precision. In a matter of seconds, he skillfully dodged their shots and incapacitated them with precise shots to their vital organs.

The room fell silent, except for the gasps and groans of the wounded. The agent stood tall, his expression calm and composed, as he realized that the files were not in the Viper's possession.

After swiftly neutralizing the threats, the agent walked out of the casino. He reached into his pocket, pulled out his phone, and dialed a number.

Agent of S.H.A.D.E (on the phone): We've got a problem.