
glitch into the unkown

glitch is an agent, he is being interrogated by Agent 47, as the story counites we see into glitch's past and learn more about him and the mysterious hard drive and about the agency only known as S.H.A.D.E

Shahardel90 · Action
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32 Chs


[Scene: Agent 47's House - Year 2010]

Agent 47 has been diligently working for three days, consumed by the mystery of S.H.A.D.E. Despite his extensive research, he has been unable to find any substantial information. Frustration and curiosity fill the room when suddenly, his phone rings. The caller ID displays "Black Watch."

Agent 47 answers the call, hearing Firewall's voice on the other end.

Firewall: We need you at the base immediately.

Agent 47: On my way.

[Scene: Black Watch Headquarters - Director's Office]

Zack sits in the Director's office, expressing his resistance to working with the team once again.

Zack: No, the answer is no. I am not working with them AGAIN.

Director: Firstly, that wasn't a question AGAIN. It's an order. Secondly, Agent 47 was the one who successfully apprehended the last FSB agent.

[Scene: Black Watch Briefing Room]

Firewall, The Nailer, Agent 47, and Shadows await an explanation for being called back to HQ late at night. Zack enters the room, his presence commanding attention.

Zack: Listen up. An MI6 agent has sensitive information about Black Watch that we cannot allow MI6 to possess. The good news is he isnt going to give it to MI6 The bad news are he is selling it to the highest bidder

Zack pauses, allowing the gravity of the situation to sink in.

Zack: One of you will go undercover as a bidder to obtain the information.

Shadows, in a sarcastic tone, questions the assignment.

Shadows: Why can't "Zack Manstor the legend" go undercover?

Zack responds, his tone laced with frustration.

Zack: We don't know what information he possesses. All we know is that it may include sensitive details about agents, but not new agents like you.

Agent 47 steps forward, offering himself for the undercover mission.

Agent 47: I will do it.

Zack, skeptical, questions Agent 47's ability to handle the pressure.

Zack: Are you sure? Can you perform under pressure? This is not a game where you can try again later. If we fail, we may have to eliminate a federal agent.

Firewall interjects, challenging Zack's position.

Firewall: So you have no problem killing an entire Russian base, but you're hesitant to take down one agent?

Zack, his frustration reaching its peak, responds with intensity.

Zack: The difference is that we operate in the shadows to protect our secrets and ensure the safety of our agents. Killing a federal agent brings a different level of scrutiny and consequences. We need to approach this mission with caution and precision.

Agent 47, undeterred by Zack's skepticism, asserts his confidence.

Agent 47: I understand the risks involved, but I believe I'm capable of handling this mission. I have experience in undercover operations and gathering critical intelligence.

Zack studies Agent 47 for a moment, weighing his words against the determination in Agent 47's eyes.

Zack: Fine. You'll go undercover as the bidder. But remember, our primary objective is to retrieve the information and find out how he obtained it. We need to prevent any further leaks that could compromise Black Watch.

Agent 47 nods, acknowledging the gravity of the mission.

Agent 47: Understood. I'll do whatever it takes to ensure the success of the mission.

Zack's stern expression softens slightly as he speaks to the team.

Zack: The rest of you will provide support and backup for Agent 47. This is a high-stakes operation, and we can't afford any mistakes. Be prepared for any unexpected developments.

The team nods in unison, their determination matching that of Agent 47.

Zack: Gather your gear and meet in the equipment room in fifteen minutes. We'll go over the mission details and assign specific roles.

[Scene: Black Watch Headquarters - 15 minutes later]

Zack: Alright, let's continue. The Nailer, your position is on the rooftop. If things go south, and only then, you are authorized to neutralize the MI6 agent. Fire Wall, we need you to hack into the security cameras and loop the feed in case Agent 47's cover is compromised.

Agent 47, slightly frustrated, interjects.

Agent 47: You do realize I'm right here, don't you?

Zack nods, acknowledging Agent 47's presence.

Agent 47, anticipating the question, asks before Zack can continue.

Agent 47: But who am I going undercover as?

Zack pauses for a moment, then reveals the identity.

Zack: Agent 47, you will be going undercover as A FSB agent Viktor ROTOR. He's a highly skilled operative that MI6 has been chasing for quite some time. They've been unable to capture him.

Agent 47 listens intently, processing the information.

Agent 47: Understood. But won't he recognize that I'm not actually Viktor ROTOR?

Zack reassures him.

Zack: Don't worry. The MI6 has never seen Viktor ROTOR's face before. As long as you embody his mannerisms and act the part convincingly, they won't suspect a thing. Trust in your training and skills, Agent 47.

Agent 47: I'll need a few minutes to perfect my Russian accent.

Zack hands him a suit.

Zack: Here are the clothes you'll wear. Take your time and make sure you're ready.

We fast forward to an hour later. Agent 47 steps out of a car, impeccably dressed in the suit, his hair expertly styled. He walks up to a building and knocks on the door. Someone answers.

Man: What do you want?

Agent 47, adopting a Russian accent, replies.

Agent 47: I wish to speak to Roger Sils, the MI6 agent.

The man allows him entry, and Agent 47 enters the building. Fire Wall informs Zack over the communication system.

Fire Wall: I've gained access to the cameras and microphone. We can hear and see everything in the building.

Zack acknowledges the update.

Zack: Good. Keep me informed of any significant developments. Agent 47, proceed with caution.

Roger Sil: Well, well, well, if it isn't the legendary Невидимый человек (the invisible man), hiding in plain sight, never to be seen. Huh?

Agent 47, speaking in a thick Russian accent: Yes, I've heard that you have some information that I could buy off you.

Roger Sil: Yeah... just got to make sure we're in a secure location.

Agent 47, maintaining his Russian accent: Why? Are you telling me this location isn't secure?

Roger chuckles softly before responding: No location with a mic and camera is secured, but I'd prefer to have some in my building. Can't be too careful these days, you know.

Agent 47 nods, understanding the need for caution.

Agent 47: I understand. We must take every precaution. So, about the information you have...

Roger Sil: Ah, yes, the information. It's quite valuable, you know. Worth a hefty sum. Let's say... 10 million dollars. That's my price.

Agent 47, maintaining his Russian accent: A considerable amount indeed. But I'll need to verify the authenticity of the information before we discuss the payment.

Roger Sil smirks, clearly enjoying the negotiation.

Roger Sil: Fair enough. We can arrange for that. But before we proceed, let's address the elephant in the room. That bullet wound from the airport incident, it wasn't too long ago, was it?

Agent 47 hesitates for a moment, carefully choosing his words.

Agent 47, with a hint of coldness in his voice: I've dealt with worse. It's just a reminder of the dangers in my line of work.

Roger Sil's smile fades as he pulls out a pistol and aims it directly at Agent 47.

Roger Sil: You see, we never got a chance to take the shot at Viktor in that airport. He disappeared into the crowd. Who are you really, and who do you work for?

Agent 47 remains calm, his mind working quickly to come up with a convincing explanation.

Agent 47, maintaining his Russian accent: You're mistaken, Mr. Sil. I am Viktor Rotor. Perhaps there's some misunderstanding. I've had numerous encounters, and it's possible you're confusing the details.

Roger Sil's eyes narrow, his finger trembling on the trigger, no longer buying into Agent 47's deception.

Roger Sil: I know Viktor Rotor better than anyone. You're not him. Who sent you? MI6? CIA? FBI?

Agent 47: I assure you, Mr. Sil, my intentions are purely business. I have no affiliation with any intelligence agency. I merely seek the information you possess.

Roger Sil: You are with Blackwatch, aren't you?

Roger Sil, filled with anger and determination, proceeds to tie Agent 47 to a chair.

Agent 47, now restrained: Who do you work for, Mr. Sil? It's clear you are no longer with MI6, and I doubt you're working alone.

Roger Sil takes a moment to contemplate his response before revealing a shocking truth.

Roger Sil: I'm going to kill you anyway, so there's no harm in telling you. I work for S.H.A.D.E.

Agent 47 is taken aback once again, his eyes widening in surprise. Before he can react, the door bursts open, and Zack and Shadows storm into the room, guns drawn.

Shadows: Drop your weapon, Sil! You're outnumbered!

Zack: It's over, Sil. We've got you surrounded.

Roger Sil takes one last look at Agent 47 before making a chilling decision. He raises his gun to his own head and pulls the trigger, ending his own life.

The room falls into silence as Agent 47, Zack, and Shadows process the events that have unfolded.

Zack: We need to secure the area and gather any valuable information. Shadows, check for any remaining threats.

Shadows nods and proceeds to sweep the area, ensuring it's clear. Meanwhile, Agent 47 reflects on the revelation of S.H.A.D.E, knowing that a new and dangerous organization has emerged.