
Giratina in Marvel MCU AU

First time writing so constructive criticism is welcome. Cover, marvel, and pokémon are not mine I only own my OC's. If cover owner wants me to take it down I will. A guy is found in the void by the OAA and they make a deal. He is reincarnated as the new and improved Oblivion or Giratina now. How will he interact with his fellow cosmic entities, and what will he do with his favorite mortals?

Spectre_Ouroboros · Filme
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39 Chs

Overspace, Terrorism, and Skrulls [Edited]

Spectre POV:

"Reed Richards, unless you want to be cursed with the inability to create or use all technology you will go back to your Earth, gather all the superheroes, vigilantes, sorcerers, etc. you can. Like Doctor Strange, The Avengers, X-Men, Scarlet Witch, etc. and then have Doctor Strange summon me to your Earth within twenty-four hours. Did I make myself clear?"

Reed actually realizing he will lose the ability to explore other universes, and even science further with these limitations answered immediately. "Crystal clear."

"Perfect see you in a day, Oh and Johnny, Ben when you cross that portal your compatibility with antimatter will once again be reduced to zero, and your maxed out compatibility with matter and your respective elements will be restored, that is all."

Johnny ever the sunny guy, replied immediately, "Thanks man, see you tomorrow."

After which Reeds activated the portal and they all returned to their Earth.

'Now I need to make a quick trip.'



Appearing in the Overspace, I do the one thing I honestly never thought I would do. Call my original's counterpart, and her brother.

In an echoing voice, "Infinity, Eternity, I Spectre Ouroboros, have come to bargain."

Instantly two personages appeared in front of me, Infinity and her brother Eternity. Infinity spoke first. "Who would have thought, the first person to call us in so long would be you, and to call us both, it must be something serious."

"Well more or less, actually I know that you two are the embodiment and basically the ruling gods of Earth 616, and I just so happened to get myself a two way probably few hours ticket there, and wanted to know if you were up for some mischief." I finish with a grin.

This time Eternity spoke, "What type of mischief?"

Smirking I respond, "The type that scars Reed Richards for life, and takes care of a few of your problems along the way."

That got Infinity very interested, prompting her to voice her request "Actually we would not mind. Right now, the Earth is being infested with Skrulls, and as the Prime Earth we get constant attacks from the multiverse, I would really appreciate it if you gave the real heroes a fright, while also removing the Skrulls from Earth, to preserve its strength for later."

That got my head spinning, 'I can't believe I forgot about the Skrulls. Well, no time like the present. After this I'm destroying Skrullos and every Skrull from my universe, no need to burden myself with unnecessary hassle.

"I thought you would ask that. So, I already had Reed summon every known hero, vigilante, sorcerer, etc."

Eternity spoke up, "I presume you get entertainment and a test run for your Earth from this as a payment, thus why you reached out to seek permission to act, beside your personal vendetta against the Explorer. In that case, could you also help Wanda Maximoff and the mutants?"

Smiling softly, I answered, "That would not be a problem and again, I already had Reed summon her."

Infinity continued saying, "Alright that should be all, anything else and it would make things worse instead of better."

Eternity finished speaking by saying, "Do feel free to lecture them as much as you want, it should do them some good."

"Will do."

And all three of us left the Overspace.


-Skrullos, home planet of the Skrulls- 

Returning to my universe, I appear in the mirror dimension just outside Skrullos, and debate with myself over what to do. 'On one side the Kree have not hunted them down yet, meaning they are not ungrateful, backstabbing, extremists yet. On the other side it would be a headache to let them live and then have to deal with their kind infiltrating and exterminating humans and other people. Wait these are the Deviant Skrulls, meaning the "Fossil Ones" have already been made extinct. Such a shame, had they been alive I would have helped them and made a deal with them, but these ones are called deviants for a reason, and sadly they are just not worth the hassle of being left alive.'

Making my choice I prepare to erase them when a thought flashes in my mind. 'Although, I do have the final say in my universe, it is always better to be on good terms with Lady Death, so I should just kill off the entire race while keeping their souls intact, so they can get to the realm of the dead.'

As I realize the potential headache of extermination, I decide to use a power I have not used yet, reality warping through my Mirror Dimension.

So, I show up at the top of the Mirror Dimension's equivalent of their leader's house and slam my tail on it completely flattening it to rubble. As I looked through the Mirror Dimension, the same thing happened in Skrullos, and everyone in the building got sent directly to my sister. 'Consider it a thank you gift, Lady Death.'

'Alright with that out of the way let's send their technology to another planet. It will make it easier for the Vishanti to fix the timeline, for the Kree and their events to take place, including them getting the Skrull's tech.'

After a thought, all technology and information storages of the Skrulls got sent to an uninhabitable planet, near the Kree's main planet. 'That should be more than enough for the Vishanti to work with.' 

Having had enough, I grew to the point Skrullos looked like a marble to me through the Mirror Dimension and I once again slammed it with enough power to instantly disintegrate the planet and anyone in it. Afterwards I focused on locating every Skrull in my universe and made exactly 3.5 nanograms of antimatter appear in the center of their brains and heart. All but one Skrull proceeded to explode, quite obviously killing them all, save that last one.

As I focus on the last surviving member of the Skrull race through the Mirror Dimension, I notice he is actually floating in the space that planet Skrullos used to be in. Focusing on his battered form I recognize him as Kly'Bn the last Skrull Eternal, and now also the last Skrull. 'Oh, Sis Death is gonna LOVE this present! One Immortal's soul coming right up.'

As I thought that, I completely turned his brain, head, lungs, and heart into antimatter. 'Let's see you survive that buddy.' He proceeded to explode once more, this time though, he was completely obliterated until nothing was left, and he took quite a few stars from his galaxy along with him.

Now that the Skrull problem is taken care of, I can visit Reed's AU Earth 616 with peace of mind.