
Gifted: The boy loved by Systems

Azathothian, the father of all, and the one who forges creation, the Alpha and the Omega. The King of the Outer Gods who feasts on the fear and the madness of man, creatures, gods, and devils alike. None is above him, no one can surpass him, he is absolute in every way imaginable, you can even say that even in death he still sits on the throne of existence. But despite all this, why is he called the idiot God, well because he truly was an idiot despite his infinite and vast knowledge. The guy accidently deleted his mind, and because of this the other Outer Gods, are in a predicament, who shall take the throne of existence and sit above the top as the new king of all. In conclusion, every outer God who desires the throne that will make them king, all agreed upon throwing a game called [The Gifted] Which is a grand game consisting of 666 players that are called apostles, each of them is representing an outer God, and each of them has one ability that was gifted to them by the outer God through a Gacha machine. This is the story, of Kiza Killta the sixth Hassan-I-Sabbath the immortal son of a world-class serial killer, and a world-class assassin, he is also the representative of the outer God that is called the mother of a thousand Youngs, the breeding witch of the black woods, mother of atrociousness, the menacing beauty Shaltear Shub-Niggurath. When the two meet, he was gifted one free role, but little did he know at the time was that when he role he got a weird ability that makes female Systems fall for him, so not only does he have to deal with the death games but he also has to deal with seven Yandere System who takes thing too overboard as they are constantly fighting with each other for the main system and best girl position. This is the story of a boy who is bored with life, and a girl who needed nothing but him, now watch as Killta takes on each game made by Eldritch beings, who can he trust when everyone is trying to kill you. Ps: The art is not mine, if it your just contact me and I shall take it down.

Kira_Kazuto_4040 · Fantasie
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16 Chs


[Somewhere in the White rose mountains]


[1104 A.D]

Clang! Clang! Clank!

Clang! Fwoosh! Slash! Booooom!

[Late Heian period]

Boooooom!!! Slash! Clangclangclang!!

[The Assassin order end and begging]

"Mother, why...why are you doing this?"

"Shut up Killta, this isn't easy for me either, as things are now, it won't be long before the Mongols find us, they already invaded the base, and with my current condition I can't take all of them, that's why before I succumb to the Immortal killing poison, I will use everything in my power to fully pass down the title of Hassan to you."

"That's why for you to inherit the title of Hassan, you have to kill me, so please do this dying old woman one last favor, and cast your emotion aside, and deliver a finishing blow, remember the only way to kill me is to destroy both my heart and also to behead me."

"But seeing how that bastard Hoekl used the poison of the immortal black centipede, my heart is done for, it won't be long before it reaches my brain, that why before that happens, I need you to kill me and relinquish me of the title the 5th Hassan and become the 6th Hassan, only then will you inherit the power of my adaptive immortality that comes with the title."

Stated an extremely beautiful woman, who had long beautiful red hair that reach her back, that had the same color as blood, she was at least 7'3 in height a very tall person, her skin was pale, it was as if she was dead or didn't have blood at all.

Her red eyes shone a menacing glint, crimson red in all its glory and beauty, on her back was a tattoo of a skull with torn roses growing out of it.

She wore baggy white pants, with a sarashi covering and holding her huge cleavage in place, she also wear a black jacket that was made from an unknown material, meanwhile around her head was a giant black Jingasa, which was made from the bones of a black Shin.

The edges were sharpened to perfection, making the hat a literal weapon.

On the other hand, though, I gaze at this woman, who was holding a long Tachi sword with a crimson red blade that was at least 6'1 in height the blade itself was taller than even me myself.

The grip was also long, the only difference was that it had a full white, black, and gold design pattern on it.

Meanwhile, I had a normal size katana, with a black blade, and Hilt, to be honest, the entire sword was black, you could say it was a special sword that my mother gave me for my 12 birthday which was December 25.

That was two years ago, now I'm 14 today, talk about a horrible birthday, to think I have to kill my mother on my birthday, I understand where she is coming from when she says I have to kill her but who in their right mind could just kill their mother so easily.

Despite me being the youngest assassin and the heir of the Assassin order, I have killed thousands of people to bring glory to my clan.

That has been on this world even before the dawn of Christ, and the first hero Gilgamesh, our lineage is so profound, that we even survived the flood that destroyed everything 4 thousand years ago, that was the era of the second Hassan.

And yet all that meant nothing because as of this moment, my mother and I are the last members of the assassin order, and soon even she will die, and to make things worst, I shall be the only person left of a once-great and strong organization that became the embodiment of fear in this world.

"Mother do I have to do this!?"

I ask in a hurt voice, because at this time and moment killing my mother would be easy, not because I'm stronger, no it's because she got weaker, the poison of the immortal black centipede is a poison that destroys the living cells of a person body at a rapid rate, including organs, you could even say that a total of 95% of my mother organ has long been destroyed thanks to it.

And the sad thing is, there is no cure, as the immortal black centipede poison destroys even antibodies no matter how effective they are, basically an absolute poison.

But if I kill my mother, and become the sixth Hassan-I-Sabbath, automatically I will have access to five different types of immortality, including absolute immunity to all poisons known and unknown to man, thanks to my mother's body already dying from it.

Just like how she can't be killed from any form of torture, as that was the way how the 4th Hassan-I-Sabbath died, adaptive immortality, was Originally a power that belong to the first angel, the left hand of God Samuel.

Sometime in the past, the man or woman that is known as the first Hassan-I-Sabbath Save Samuel the angel of death and the one who walk in the meadow of the Shadow World from his doom, how a mere mortal saves an angel is beyond even me, especially if that angel is a being of the highest order and the left hand of God nonetheless.

But as a way to repay him or maybe even her, as the first Hassan-I-Sabbath true identity has never been revealed even to us.

Samuel gave the first Hassan the ability to make his or her future descendant conquer Death, meaning whatever kills the previous Hassan will never kill, the future inheritors, for example, the first Hassan-I-Sabbath died of old age, and when the next Hassan was chosen within the family 400 years later when the condition is right, they gain eternal youth, and automatically they stop age whenever they received the power via the killing ritual that my mother is doing.

Or the right to succession as you need to kill more than ten thousand people, and you also have to be a part of the assassin order, technically speaking I have killed at least five thousand people, if anything the first time I killed was at the age of one.

So the killing ritual is the only path left for me, as I can't inherit it any other way, but Killing my mother was not easy, I know how to suppress my emotions, I can kill without a moment's notice without my emotions getting in my way, but... but this is my mother, the last family I have, or I will ever have to kill her would mean me getting power beyond my wildest dream something every wielder of the sacred art wish and long for.

But the cost of gaining this power, is the very person who I love more than even myself, the only person who takes care of me, raised me, acknowledges me, and overall gave me love and happy memories during my earlier childhood my mother "WhiteRose Blood Anarchy Kiza" the "Fifth Hassan-I-Sabbath" and person who led the Assassin order for over 610 years.

But as I was thinking these thoughts, My mother began to plea once more as she said.

"My son who I love so dearly, I watch you grow up to become one of the greatest assassins the order has seen since the dawn of third Hassan, I fed you when you were hungry, I clothed you when you were cold, and I thought you everything that you know now, I have given you everything to prepare you for the harsh truth that is the world."

"All that I have left to give you is my life, sadly it is not a gift as the right to the title must be earned fairly, so after I die by your hands tonight, I want you to have WhiteRose it's my most precious treasure it's a weapon I love even more than your father, although it is the second most precocious, after you that I have.

Mother said with a bitter smile as she look at her precious sword that has claimed the lives of countless unfortunate souls.

"There must be another way mother, I'm sure we can find a cu...

"Just stop it Killta, even if there was possibly a way to stop the poison, it's already too late, at best I only have about two more days, and even if there is by chance a cure, the effects of the immortal black centipede poison has already done its damage, even breathing is a pain, thinking is suffering, and moving is basically me torturing myself at this point."


I remain silent, I know the poison, of the immortal black centipede is lethal, there is a reason it is called the king of poison, it's a poison that embodies judgment and death, and those that are unlucky to be poisoned by it are said to have a horrible end, as the poison ensure a level of suffering so severe it practically impossible to describe.

And that very poison is coursing through mothers veins, and the only reason she is still standing and not laying motionless is by pure willpower alone, I cannot even phantom the share amount of pain and suffering she is in right now, and this wonderful woman, the very lady that is revered as the old woman of the rose mountains is been tortured by this very poison, that has a 100% kill rate, and to make things even worse, the next words she said struck a hole in my heart.

"Please... Killta... do you really want your mother to suffer any more than she already is, I'm begging you, my only son, please kill me and put me out of my misery."

At those words I began to shake, my eyes hollow at those words as the emotional damage settled in, to cry now would just mean giving her something else to worry about.

I was selfish, I don't want my mother to die, but to ask her to live even in such a state would just be selfish and too cruel of me.



"You can resent me for this, I won't blame you, because I will forever resent myself as well, it's was because of me that the immortal black centipede poison infected you, if I was stronger then you wouldn't have to sacrifice yourself In the first place, apart from that thank you for everything I shall kill you now, ready your sword as I shall make it quick and painless, if there is a hell-like Samuel say in the family legend, and I die one day as well, then I shall see you there."

With those words said, mother smiled once more, as it is not one of bitterness but one of satisfaction and pure happiness, with this I instantly know she can die happy without worrying.

I proceed to go into a sword stance, as I place the sword back into the scabbard, my feet were clenched to the ground so tightly that not even air was passing through them.

My red eyes suddenly began to turn full black, it was like it was replaced by a black hole, both my hearts began to increase as the sound could be heard throughout the entire mountain, it was like an engine that never slows down.

The earth beneath me began to crack, as I slowly removed my sword about two inches from the scabbard I go into a quick draw position.

I also watch my mother get into the same position as well, I know she was serious if I fail to kill her now and I died then everything she has done till now would have meant nothing in the end.

After all, the name of this technique was named after the third Hassan, himself my second role model after my mother.

The ability itself is an ability that would allow me to travel at the speed of light, but this is not a cutting ability, no I'm planning to disintegrate my mother in one fell swoop, especially since she is weaker, but the same fate could be said for me if I failed to cut her slower than she is.

But I have one thing that she doesn't, and that is my double heart that I inherited from my father, add this to the Asura Mode I learned from my mother, which is the manipulation of the heart to speed up so fast it makes the entire body turn red due to the increased heat.

Mother might be able to move at the speed of light using this technique as well, but I can move 2× faster than that, it's because of this that I don't refer to this attack as "light" instead, I call it "Darkness" and enhanced version of the Killta family most powerful sword technique.

Only those that reach the very pinnacle of the sword can even dream of recreating something like this, as a matter of fact only a Hassan could use this as this might kill you as your entire body might disintegrate

But just as how a mother is a Hassan there is a reason, I am called the ultimate weapon of the Kiza family, after eons of selective breathing you could say that a perfect weapon was born fourteen years ago on this very day.

Unlike other people, I'm built differently, evolution and adaptability favor me, not only was I born immune to fire, cold, pain, electricity, and even acid-based attacks.

My skin is durable as metal, and my bones are strong as steel, my blood is literal poison, my saliva is an extremely strong aphrodisiac, and my hair is sharper than even a sword, as it is as durable as diamond, while I inherited my father physiology as his family is known for having kins that are born with two hearts.

One might even say that my body alone, is at the apex of humanity, this of course is thanks to my mother's family's selective breeding and years of gruesome and harsh training.

So as I began to charge up for my attack I began to catch on fire due to overheating meanwhile my mother went from pale to red as her eyes turn white.

At that moment, I instantly rushed toward her, as everything was coated in total darkness as it overtakes my view, I was so fast the normal Doppler effect didn't even occur, there was only darkness, but one thing was for sure my blade touched her.


And when everything starts to come back into view a loud explosion could be heard as the field of white Roses along with my mother's Body completely disintegrated into nothing.

Meanwhile, I began to feel a burning sensation in my chest, and when I look a long Tachi blade was stabbed in my right heart, you could even say it was destroyed.

But despite that, I didn't whale in pain no, I began to cry, not in pain as I said but the realization that I Kill my mother with my own hands just kick in.

I didn't need to turn around, to confirm she was dead, no human, not even a Hassan who has not adapted to disintegration could survive that.

The work was done, but as tears fall down my face, the voice of my mother began to ring in my ears.

"Thank you Killta, as of this moment I have given you everything, even my own life, there is nothing more for you to learn as an assassin, but due to my selfish wish of wanting to pass down the title of Hassan to you, I have left a deep scar on your chest I'm confident that it cannot be healed, when you look at it you will probably remember me, honestly I wish things could have ended differently, but life isn't fair to anyone, knowing your personality I'm sure nothing I say will make you think that my death wasn't your fault, but truly it wasn't, I'm the one to blame, but apart from that live a happy life, and please hurry an escape the White rose mountain as the Mongols are coming, I love you my son and take care, we shall see each other in hell, till then live happily."

"How no one is to supposed to survive th...

But as I turn around, there was nothing there not even blood, only a scabbard that was smoking.

"I see, this is your last words to me, in that moment not only did you attack me, but you began speaking so fast with such skill, my ears are just perceiving it now."

"You probably put everything into that attack but still had time to do something as amazing as this, mother, you really are something else."

With those words said I began to remove the WhiteRose from my chest as blood dropped down to the floor, but right after it slowly began to heal, but strangely a scar was left.

"So this is the power that cost me mother's life, strangely I feel more disgusted than happy about It."

"Well, I should probably get going."

With those words said, I took the scabbard and place it on WhiteRose, as I disappear into the shadows of moonlight, what life awaits me only the future can tell.