
Gifted: The boy loved by Systems

Azathothian, the father of all, and the one who forges creation, the Alpha and the Omega. The King of the Outer Gods who feasts on the fear and the madness of man, creatures, gods, and devils alike. None is above him, no one can surpass him, he is absolute in every way imaginable, you can even say that even in death he still sits on the throne of existence. But despite all this, why is he called the idiot God, well because he truly was an idiot despite his infinite and vast knowledge. The guy accidently deleted his mind, and because of this the other Outer Gods, are in a predicament, who shall take the throne of existence and sit above the top as the new king of all. In conclusion, every outer God who desires the throne that will make them king, all agreed upon throwing a game called [The Gifted] Which is a grand game consisting of 666 players that are called apostles, each of them is representing an outer God, and each of them has one ability that was gifted to them by the outer God through a Gacha machine. This is the story, of Kiza Killta the sixth Hassan-I-Sabbath the immortal son of a world-class serial killer, and a world-class assassin, he is also the representative of the outer God that is called the mother of a thousand Youngs, the breeding witch of the black woods, mother of atrociousness, the menacing beauty Shaltear Shub-Niggurath. When the two meet, he was gifted one free role, but little did he know at the time was that when he role he got a weird ability that makes female Systems fall for him, so not only does he have to deal with the death games but he also has to deal with seven Yandere System who takes thing too overboard as they are constantly fighting with each other for the main system and best girl position. This is the story of a boy who is bored with life, and a girl who needed nothing but him, now watch as Killta takes on each game made by Eldritch beings, who can he trust when everyone is trying to kill you. Ps: The art is not mine, if it your just contact me and I shall take it down.

Kira_Kazuto_4040 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Modern-day life

"Hmmm... now this is going to be awesome, honestly I can't wait for the last season of Attack on Giants, really Aren's determination is truly worthy of praise, such a rigid and harsh path he reminds me of the fourth Hassan."

I said as I watch the Ed of my favorite anime play before me.

"Well seeing that I have already watched all the anime that I have found interesting, might as well read another chapter of my vamp system, or the Super strongest system, and Supreme magician."

After reading about thirteen chapters of each, and also providing coins for entertaining me, so I can get the next chapter, I grow bored and felt like eating something.

"I don't require food to survive, but I feel the need for donuts, yes let's get some chocolate filling donuts, and maybe 2 boxes of Blue Soprano, five boxes of Vanilla paradise, and eight boxes of deluxe rainbow flavor."

Yes, ever since the creation of Donuts, I have always loved them, no I'm the biggest fan of donuts, no one loves donuts more than me.

"But first I will need to take a shower, I spent an entire night watching anime."

With those words said, I began to walk to my bathroom, as I took a shower, and after I was finished, I went to my sink to brush my teeth.

And the first thing I saw, was the very scar my mother inflicted on me 918 years ago, I hold that every scar that was inflicted on my right heart, and since that day, this wound has always been a cruel reminder of my sins.

But apart from that, the scar even scars my heart and back after I regenerate for the first time, of course, this was caused by my mother's light technique that could disintegrate anything upon release.

But what caused this scar was probably, WhiteRose the blade of death, a blade forged from the spinal cord of the angel of death Samuel, it was another gift the angel of death left the first Hassan, and since then it has always been passed down, and the only people capable of using it much less lift it are the ones who bear the title of Hassan.

The blade itself changes form when a new user is chosen, but strangely since that fatal day when I took my mother's life, the blade has not changed if anything it has remained the same.

Why, well I don't know, but apart from that, the blade that hasn't changed isn't the only thing that remained the same since that day 918 years ago, because I haven't changed as well, from ever since I killed my mother and inherit the title of the sixth Hassan-I-Sabbath and the power of immortality that comes with it.

I have been trapped in the body of a fourteen-year-old since that day, you could even say my appearance is set meaning even if I want a new hairstyle I can't, as it will revert right back, I can only dye it.

You see I am 5'4, a petty since my mother was over seven feet tall, while my father was nearing seven feet as well, but due to me inheriting the power of the fifth Hassan and becoming the six I haven't grown or aged a single bit.

I still have my long straight White hair that reaches my back but just like my mother, who once had pure white hair that become red after being stained by the blood of her enemies, the same has happened to me.

My skin on the other hand is Albino, probably the only thing I inherited from my father despite the two hearts I possess.

You see my father's name is Berserker OverDeath, from the OverDeath family which is a family of people who takes pleasure in killing, you could say the guy is immortal as well, not literal immortality, no he is not immortal just fucking durable and persistent, you see he got burned alive came back, drowned to death came back, blown apart came back, basically, this man is persistent as Gason from Gason the 13th which is a popular horror movie, he is a literal nightmare.

Although to this very day, I still wonder how mom and dad tie the knot, honestly speaking I never ask, it was just one of those things you should just acknowledge.

A serial killer too persistent to die, and an immortal assassin who takes pleasure in battle and killing, honestly it's a good match, although one-day mom and dad got into a quarrel, and mother accidently kill him.

Guess what he came back, and they had make-up sex that lasted seven days, one month later another quarrel with each other, mother this time around actually kill him as she used the immortal killer sword WhiteRose which was meant to kill immortal beings and bring them back to the path of mortality.

Sad to say dad never came back after that one, and mother just continue her daily life as if nothing happen at all like I said I never question their relationship they were the perfect couple for a murderous psychopath family.

But I must give it to mom, if she can kill something as persistent as a dad then her power is the real deal as mother was stronger.

To be honest, as I am now I'm either nearing my mother's level of power, or I have slightly surpassed her, you see my mother before she was poisoned by the immortal black centipede is capable of killing armies of people with her fist alone.

But when she pulls her sword out, well let's just say shit is about to get real, as I watch mother cleave the sea in two just to get her point across and make the enemy quiver in fear, honestly speaking though, I have never seen mother go all out in the slightest.

So I don't know how strong she truly is, but I remember her telling me if she ever got serious she literally can split an entire giant island in two, even if it was made from nothing but diamonds, or an Indestructible alloy.

Truly that is a feat that is indeed worthy of praise and to be honest, it is because of this I can't get a good read on her true power, if anything my greatest feat is cutting a category five hurricane into twenty different pieces which automatically disrupt it's flow.

My second greatest feat was telling a category eight earthquake to shut up as I stomp down with equal force to cancel it out.

While my third greatest feat was cutting and redirecting a nuke with my bare hands as used my right hand like a sword, while the wind pressure not only cut it but redirect the explosion upwards, and this happen in world war two.

But apart from that, I spent everyday training, although I now live in an era where it's not needed, however, I'm not making the same mistake again, mother died because of my weakness if a time ever came when I need to be protected by someone else I would rather die than to continue any further in life as a whole, as it has become a pain by itself.

Immortality isn't as fun as it looks, everything that I have done till now was either to pass the time or to vent my anger.

932 years that how long I have been alive.

Yes, I have lived for a total of 932 years, the current year is 2022 were currently in March, but apart from that, I killed my mother about 918 years ago on December 25th of 1104 A.D which was the late Heian Era.

Since then life has been nothing but a hassle, I'm tired of living, hell that is the way I feel most of the time, which honestly makes me want to create more children, yes over the years I have spread my seed all over the world.

And to be honest, each of my kids is nothing but disappointment, when it was my time to pass down the title of Hassan to them they all die in battle, truly the only satisfactory one was my first daughter Jean Kiza who was later known as Jean D'arc but her love for God and good deeds exceed the blood of killer that runs through her vein a failure by assassin standards, in the end, that very God forsaken her during the killing ritual.

Then there is my other son Jack, or as he was called In his time, Jack the ripper, yah he was never supposed to be born, as his mother was a prostitute I paid for a good time when I needed to release some stress, honestly how a barren woman still manages to get pregnant confused me to this day.

But father did say, he could breed anything in one try if he felt like it, so I'm guessing my crossbreeding came from him, but I must say Jack who was one of my many sons did manage to kill thousands of people in his era but, he was also a failure as he only kills a prostitute, so I killed him by beheading him.

Then I have my other son Hitler, this one well was not a disappointment if anything I'm quite proud of this one although he is more of a murderer like my father than an actual assassin, in the end, even he had fallen to my hands.

The only reason I spread my seed all over the world is so my children can kill me one day, but so far all of them are a disappointment.

The only thing I have left that makes my boring life have any meaning at all, is donuts, anime, and web novels.

And since the world has deteriorated over the years, barely any supernatural entitles resides in it now.

"I wish for nothing more than sustaining entertainment like those system novels, but apart from that I should probably get going, the nearest town is at least thirty miles away from here, although I probably reach in two to three minutes if I run at full speed, even quicker if I super jump."

So with those words said, I began to get ready as I place my clothes on, which were simple red cargo pants and a black oppai hoodie with a pair of gorilla nipples on it, I wear nothing but simple flip-flops on my feet that were colored red to match my pants.

I then proceed to open my door, as there was nothing but giant trees for miles, after all, I lived in an isolated mountain by myself, as it is more peaceful, how I got net up here well let's just say I have special connections.

But just as I was about to leave, I notice something, I was been watching, but the only person who is up in these mountains is me, and I already told the president don't bother me if it isn't an emergency worth my time.

So I gaze to the right of me, there was nothing there, but I have met many stealth masters during my long life, so I raised my right hand into the air as I prepare to cut the intruder into two, I don't need to ask who is there, as they have no right to be in my property in the first place.

I have made it clear that the white woods is my territory, so anyone that steps into it, without my

permission automatically forfeit their life.

But just as I was about to use one of my wind blades, a figure automatically came out of the shadows doing one of the most beautiful dogeza I have ever seen in my long life.

The figure was a giant monster, with at least seven tentacles on its back, it was at least five meters tall and had a draconic head, with a squid-like mouth and crab pitcher as teeth.

It was very muscular as well, and it also had four arms, nine eyes with three mouths, it even had a giant eye at the center of its body, including shark-like teeth coming out of its belly button.

If disgusting had a physical form then this thing embodies this word, of course, this thing took me by surprise, I know I live in an old cabin in the woods that is popular in the horror genre but this thing exceeds even horror and disgusting itself.

Honestly and truly I don't even want to know what this thing is, I just want it out of my sight, but as soon as I was about to attack and erase this disgusting creature from my sight, the thing began to talk.

"Please oh great one, if you may be so kind please put down that dangerous weapon of yours."

It stated as tears began to come down its eyes.

"Did this thing just talk?"