
Chapter 1

The night is dark and cold.Reina sat on her bed in her run-down house her paternal grandmother will to her as that is the only property of theirs

Reina came from a poor family, she is a quiet girl at the age of 21, living with her baby brother,Thomas,who is 18 years of age

Her parents died 5 years ago and they have been abandoned by their family except their paternal grandmother who died recently

Tommorow is her funeral and they must visit their family house

Reina took her pencil and began to sketch her grandmother's face

"Re!"Thomas called from the doorway

Reina raised her head and beckoned for her brother to come in

Thomas walked in running his hand through his brown hair inherited from their family

Reina has always been the only different one in their entire family, both her maternal and paternal family are known for their brown hair and blue eyes but Reina have grey hair and grey eyes which is one of the many reasons they're abandoned by their family after the demise of their parents

"Are we really going to that fucked up house tommorow?"Tom questioned

"Of course,do we have any choice?,we need to go to pay granny the last respect and after that we can severe the ties forever as granny is the only person connecting us to the family"Reina said running her hand through his hair as she always does since they're young

Tom laid down on the bed and rested his head on her lap

"I really hate that people, those bunch of scums"he said solemnly

"Stop it Tom"Reina scolded softly,"let's just be done with this funeral and we can leave the family once and for all"she said

"Okay"Tom mummered sleepily"can you sing me a lullaby"he requested childishly

Reina laughed softly

"Do you realized you are an adult?"

"So?, you are still older than me and I'm still your baby brother"he argued and pouted

"So after getting married you'll still call me for lullaby?"she asked

"Nope, you'll be married by then"he said,"do you have any guy you are dating lately?"

"Nope, I don't. I just wanted to take care of you first and after you are done with your college I'll find some cool and loving guy to get married to"she explained and Tom stood up hurriedly

"No, you are most definitely not doing that.After we're done with the funeral I'm going to be setting you up on some blind date with some older brother of my friends"he said seriously

"I don't want your friend's older brother,I'll choose myself, don't worry your little head"she said flicking his head,"don't worry I'll be fine,go and sleep so that we can get tommorow done with"she said pushing him out

Tom exhaled loudly and bade her a good night