
Chapter 2

Early the next morning,we hurriedly dressed up and went out of the house, we strolled to the bus station and board

We got to the family house after some minutes and met all the family members.I stood out because of my hair and eyes,I awkwardly sat down and my brother sat beside me,I nugded him

"Go and interact with them,I'm the only one they despised,it has nothing to do with you"I whispered earnestly

"No sis.you are the only family I have,these people are all strangers and I don't have interest in them"he said and huffed like a kid

"please don't create enmity for yourself because of me,I can take good care of myself"I said seriously but he just looked at me for a long period of time and rolled his eyes

"As if"he muttered

Paul Jacobs,Granny's first child strolled in with a Stern face and everyone sat still in silence and all looked at him

"After the burial and funeral of my mother that's being done"he began

I looked at Tom in shock with my mouth agape

"But sir"I began and everyone looked at me with disdain,"when did you do the funeral?why are we not informed?why did you not informed us?how could you do this to us?"I bombarded them with questions

Everyone sat in silence for some minutes

"Why should we inform you?are you a part of this family?"Paul said angrily

"Can you imagine those stupid questions?as if we need to take orders from her"

"She is such a stupid girl.what nonsense!"

"I wish I could slapped her awake, are we related for her to poke nose in our family business"

"Such an ill-mannered girl"

Every family members retorted arrogantly and rudely

"Silence"Paul commanded and it became silent once again

He looked at me and said sternly,"we didn't inform you because you are not member of this family and will not be.so it's not important to tell you"

I swallowed and tears rolled down my face,Tom hold my hand and stood up,"What the hell is wrong with you people in this family? you are all mentally ill to get the extent that you think you are important,I'll stump on you one day,mark my words!"he said angrily and dragged me to the doorway before he turned,"Today onwards,we have nothing to do with your family"he said and dragged me out

I could hear the uproar of the people inside,I looked at Tom who is still angry

"Tom,you need to calm down.don't let their words affect you"I said softly

"What nonsense!do they think they are some kind of important someone that can control a nation"he kicked the stone on the pathway

"come on"I beckoned and dragged him towards the park that is full of people,"Let's strolled around for some hours before going back home"I said and patted his shoulder,"let's race, whoever loses pays for everything we buy later"

Tom exhaled loudly,"That is your way of making me pay,we both know that you run like a cheetah.just let's go!"

"You refreed so that you won't have to lie that I cheated"I said

"Okay.Get set,GO!"he ordered and swoosh,I ran after him.i intentionally ran slower,I looked at Tom and ran a little faster

Suddenly,I ran into a wall and fell backward.I closed my eyes and expect to fell down but I felt a pair of hand circling my waist








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