

****Synopsis*** Amelia Chestnut is an eighteen year old girl who happens to see ghosts. She has always seen ghost ever since her birth but every time she told people about it, they laugh at her and call her crazy. Her parents had to lock her up every time they were going out because they didn't want their daughter embarrassing them on every outing. Her parents thought locking her up would make her stop but instead it grew worse. Her parents became scared because no one in their family ever saw ghost. They couldn't tell if it was a curse or blessing. Amelia had to deal with the problem, in school, at the supermarket and every where. Her parents had to leave that city and travel to another thinking it was the city that was the issue but to their surprise Amelia continued seeing ghosts but she was more shocked when she found out there were people like her in this new city. The question is...could there be a reason for this gift? That's if it's really a gift.

Cho_Joyce9414 · Fantasie
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49 Chs


Story Title: Ghosthunters

Chapter Six

Amelia got into her new school and her new class but she didn't interact with any student because she was scared even when when some kids tried to make acquaintance with her, she ignores them.

It was breaktime and Amelia decided it was time for her to get some fresh air. She went out of the class and to the field when she noticed two ghosts playing with some kid's hair. The sight was was really funny because the boy thought it was the wind that was messy with his hair, the more he kept fixing his hair, the more the ghosts kept messy up his hair. Amelia was enjoying the scene when the ghost turned to face. Amelia quickly looked away and she quickened her steps. It would be weird if the ghosts finds out she could see them.

The ghosts noticed that Amelia saw them and they followed her immediately.

"Little girl." They called Amelia but she pretended not to hear them. "Hey, I know you can see us." One of the ghost said.

Amelia, don't look back at them...just keep going. Amelia thought to herself but she couldn't, she turned to face them. One was the ghost was in her early twenties and one was in her early thirties.

"You can see us?" The one in her early twenties asked.

"Of course she can!" The other ghost answered.

Amelia stood there watching them contest on who's right and who is wrong. Her ears were about to explode. She looked at the ground and saw a rock, she picked it and threw at them. The ghosts left her but something else happened to the rock she threw.

"Ouch!" She heard a voice whined. Amelia looked and she saw a boy rubbing his forehead. It was then she knew that the rock she threw actually touched the boy instead of the ghost.

She rushed to meet him. "I'm so sorry." She apologized.

"It's fine but geez....you should watch next time." The boy said.

Amelia smiled. "I'll be careful next time."

"My name is Devon... Devon Smith." The boy introduced himself with a smile.

"I'm Amelia."

"Nice to meet you."

"Same. I have to go now! Bye!" Amelia rushed to leave as the boy swallowed back his words.

This is the first time Amelia is having a conversation with a human other than her parents. All her life her conversations has been with ghosts. Is it possible for her to give this new experience a chance? Or will she run away from it?

Author's Note

What do you think considering the kind of person Amelia is? Will she give the experience a chance or will she hide from it??