
Ch 44 Time is an Illusion

(Forewarning, I got a bit lazy near the end. I just want to move past One Piece at this point...

Though, there are more than 9000 words.)

(Also, fuck proofreading!)

- When Leo's clones left -

While Leo was talking to the Marines, all of his clones had spread throughout the world and began slaughtering criminal. The only area that was left untouched, was the second half of the Grandline, the New World, and that was only because Leo figured it would be alright to deal with it later.

As most of the clones dealt with the scum, others dealt with the ones in charge. In a fair amount of cases, they ended up killing all the nobility in the kingdom, resulting in there being no one to lead those countries.

It was only one in ten that he found a country with a leader that wasn't corrupt.

So, with the countries left without a leader, the clones had to stay and take care of it.

With all the low ranking Marines that probably hadn't got the memo, the clone did much the same as what happened in Marineford.

Once everything was sorted, the clones established the new laws that would be put in place. Essentially, there would be no; murder, ràpe, theft and etc.

They explained how the new regime would work, announcing it to the citizens as they went. About the new law enforcement, which Leo had decided to name Shield. One, because they were to protect the peace and two, he couldn't think of anything better.

During this time, the clones felt Leo erupt with rage and saw the world turn dark. This alarmed them, so they linked up with him mentally and found out what was wrong. Fortunately, as they were just clones, they weren't affected in the same way Leo had been.

Seeing as Leo wasn't in a good state, the clones looked through the memories of the slaves and found out where they wanted to go, before the clone in the appropriate place would bring them out.

This ended up with the slaves being happy to return home and thanking the clones. After all the human slaves were free, this left only the Fishmen and Mermaids to be returned, which would be left to Leo as the clones didn't have any directive to go to Fishman Island.


While sweeping through the world, the clones searched and acquired all the Devil Fruit they could find, resulting in them amassing a good amount of abilities. Not all of them were useful to him. Like the ability to make and manipulate chains, which he can already do... And the ability to change his size, which he can already do... Also, the ability to create paint that will camouflage things, which he has a better version of... Or how about the ability to make his skin so smooth that friction no longer applies, which is useless to him...

Though, when the clone killed the man with the Chain Chain fruit, a guy called Mad Treasure, he discovered something curious and kind of regretted killing him so fast.

A good portion of the abilities he acquired came from a certain person's lab. This person being Dr. Vegapunk, the head scientist for the World Government.

Vegapunk had a whole room filled with Devil Fruits, all for his experiments in fusing them with object or so that he could create weapons that mimic the fruits ability.

After taking the Devil Fruits, the clone continued through the lab and killed everyone there. The reason for this, being because they had all been experimenting on humans, like turning unwilling people into Pacifista's.

When the entire lab was emptied, the clone went to a wall and broke it down, revealing a hidden chamber with Vegapunk hiding inside. So, of course, the clone killed him, gaining knowledge on how to make cyborgs, along with cell biology and Devil Fruit research.

Another important figure to die at this time, was the head of world foremost newspaper, Morgans. He is also an 'Emperor of the Underworld' and using his knowledge, the clone took over the newspaper, while also making more clones to go destroy the rest of the Underworld, outside of the New World that is.


Once the world was under Leo's control, the clones without anything to return to Leo went and formed a blockade around the New World, using the Calm Belt as the perimeter marker.

And within the Calm Belt, one of the clones laid eyes on an Island, filled with people holding a large amount of hate. Noting this, the clone decided that it would best to inform Leo, so that he could deal with it. But that would wait for when he was in a better state of mind.

Likewise, this happened with another clone. Staring down at a massive gold covered ship, which is actually a casino. And knowing how Nami would probably enjoy visiting and scamming them, so he decided to observe for the time being.


- With Leo -

Through the night, Leo had a difficult sleep, in which he had sat in his own mind, staring at the locked memories sadly.

When he awoke in the morning, he sighed, feeling neither tired nor refreshed. Looking around, Leo looked at each of the girls and smiled sadly, feeling bad about worrying them.

Using Robin's Devil Fruit, he created multiple hands and began rhythmically stroking the heads of all the girls. From the sudden touch, the girl were awoken lightly, but feeling his gentle stroking, they all stayed where they were. For Leo, it was kind of interesting to feel the sensations from the other hands.

As he lay there, Leo decided to get his clones memories. So, he sent the command for them to dispell when they were done and so they did. Although a good portionof them ended up creating another clone and had them dispell.

After receiving the memories and reviewed them, he sighed and decided to get up, just in time for a knock on the door to be heard. "Excuse me, breakfast has been prepared and is waiting."

Hearing this, Leo disperse his arms, much to the discontent of the girls as they sat up with pouts on their face.

Leo chuckle a little at their childish behaviour. "Don't worry, I'll pick up where I left off tonight. For now, you all go and get your breakfast."

Nami looked at him with some concern as she caught on to his intentions and asked him. "Where will you be?"

"There are some people I want to meet and then I'll be right back. Should be back before Midday." He kissed her forehead, got out of bed while carrying her and then placing her down. "Don't worry, I won't be getting myself into another state, I promise."

"..." Nami stared into his eyes unsure about whether to agree, but soon relented. "Fine... But, I want you to make it up to me."

Leo went to reply, but the rest of the girls chipped in as well. "And us!"

Smiling wryly, Leo laughed a bit. "Okay, okay. I'll make sure to make it up to all of you, now go and eat."

They all nodded happily, but went and stole a kiss from him before they left. Leo watched them leave with a loving smile, which fell once they were gone and a serious expression took its place.

Opening a portal to the clone in the Calm Belt, he walked through and was met by his clone, who dispelled immediately.

With his arrival, Leo spread his Observation Haki out and analysed the island below. Through his Haki, he saw many people in military uniform similar to the Marines. Amidst the group, he recognised three individuals thanks to the memories of the Marine Admirals.

Those people were former Marine Admiral Zephyr or 'Z', along with his students Ain and Binz. The latter two even had Devil Fruits.

Now that he's seen them, he knows that the group below are Neo-Marines, a group formed by Zephyr after he lost faith in the Marines and left to form his own group.

Because of his Haki, Zephyr noticed Leo and looked to the sky. Seeing this, Leo took it as an invitation and flew down to him, stopping a few feet away. "Hello, Zephyr. Or would you prefer Z?"

With Leo appearing so suddenly, the soldiers were alarmed and got ready to attack him, but he released his Conquerors Haki and forced them to their knees.

Zephyr remained still and on his feet, as Leo didn't pressure him. With no expression on his face, Zephyr spoke gruffly and almost like he had accepted what he thought was about to happen. "So, Leonardo Blaze... Reaper... You've decide to come kill me as well?"

Leo stared him down for a moment, feeling sad for him about how shit his life became, but soon stopped releasing his Haki and let the soldiers get to their feet. "No, I'm not here to kill you, nor will I be killing any of your people. Rather, I would like to get you to work with me and join my new organisation."

"... I'm listening." Zephyr sat down in his chair and wait.

Forming himself a seat and sitting on it, Leo blocked the sound and made their conversation private. "I know your background and I know how much you hate pirates. You've always sought justice. Even when your family was killed by a pirate, you stayed loyal to the Marines, right up until the they allowed the pirate that took your arm become a Warlord..."

Zephyr gritted his teeth angrily at the retelling of his life, but let Leo continue. "Likewise, I hold hatred towards scum, far more than you I'd say, but it isn't targeted solely towards pirates in my case. My very being desires justice through the act of vengeance and hates the thought of innocents being harmed..."

Growing impatient, Zephyr grunted. "What's your point?"

"*Sigh* My point being, our beliefs share some alignment and you could assist in upholding the peace." Leo stared at him for a moment and then continued. "In return, I will deliver you Doflamingo. And as a personal gift from myself, regardless of your decision, I will revive you Wife and Son."


Zephyr stood up with a stomp, breaking the ground and angrily shouted at him. "Don't lie to me!!"

"I don't like lying and I wouldn't lie about this in particular, so sit back down." Unperturbed by Zephyr manner, Leo spoke calmly.

It took a moment, but Zephyr sat back down, though unhappy still. "You expect me to believe you, just like that?"

"If you want proof, I'll will give it to you right now. Let's move this indoors." Leo stood up and waited for Zephyr, who stared at him at him for a moment, before getting up and making his way to a building.

As he followed behind him, Leo got the power of the Rewind Rewind fruit and the Grow Grow fruit, from Zephyr's subordinates.

When he entered the building, he followed Zephyr to his quarters and entered. As soon as he saw the bed in the room, Leo went straight towards it and wasted no time in sticking his hands out. It wasn't even necessary to ask for Zephyr to focus on his family, as he was already doing it and hoping with all his heart that Leo wasn't lying.

Over the next five minutes, two bodies quickly formed and solidified into people, show a major difference from when he revived Bellemere. Leo held his eyes shut the whole time and turned Zephyr, before opening his eyes again.

Zephyr was standing there in shock at what he was seeing infront of him, but was broken out of it by Leo. "If you would just cover them up, I will wake them. I will also remove the child's memory of being killed."

Eager to speak with his family again, Zephyr didn't hesitate to do what he was told. When the two of them were covered, Leo went over and tapped his finger on their foreheads, erasing the memory and awakening them.

The woman's eyes began shifting and Leo decided to wait outside, so he began leaving, patting Zephyr on his shoulder and rewinding him to the day he lost them. "I'll give you some privacy."

Leaving the room, Leo created a clone to take over from there as he didn't know how long Zephyr would be. Plus, it will just be about hashing out the details from here.

He then opened a portal and went back to the sky above the island. Closing his eyes and focusing, he tracked the soul of Dragon, Luffy's father.

Finding him simply enough, he found that Dragon was in the New World and pretty close to where he was. So, with a burst of speed, which caused sonicbooms and the dissipation of clouds, he flew over and stopped over the Island, before divebombing to Dragon's position.

Landing on a balcony with a heavy *thud*, Leo casually strolled into what seemed to be a war room.

Seeing Leo arrive, the people in the room with Dragon were shocked and panicked. Dragon on the other hand, grinned a bit and stared at Leo.

He wasn't positive as to why Leo was in front of him, but he didn't care either way. Leo had achieved what he had been striving for for years, so he was grateful in a sense.

Leo didn't bother with the rest of the people and looked at Dragon as he began speaking, simultaneously taking some of his Devil Fruit, which allows him to control the weather. "I kind of have a busy schedule, so I'd like to make this quick..."

He began giving him more or less the same offer he gave to Zephyr. As a bit of a show, he opened a portal to his torture dimension, which pleased Dragon to no end, when he saw what was happening to the scum inside.

While he was talking, he took a quick peek into Dragon's mind and found that, while he was Luffy's father, he wasn't Garp's biological son. Rather, he had married Garp's daughter, who was later killed by a Celestial Dragon, which lead to his revolution.

Because of this revelation, Leo made one of his clones go and retrieve Garp, before he then told them he would revive Luffy's mother.

In the end, Dragon agreed to join him with the Revolutionary Army, so Leo left his clone to sort out the details and revive whatever her name is.

As Leo was about to leave, he noticed Sabo, who didn't have his memory back, and rebooted him with a tap to the head, so that he did remember. And before the drama could start, Leo dipped through a portal, noting that he needs to train his psychic abilities so that he doesn't need physical contact as a means of focus.

Going through the portal, he saw all his strengthened soldierswaiting for his arrival after two months. He did a quick sweep through their mind and found out how they had progressed, finding that they had all learned the Rokushiki and a fair few had learn some basics of at least one Haki type.

Heading to them, he made his presense known and spoke clearly. "Alright everyone, good job with your training. Everything is more or less set in place and I have brought the Revolutionary Army into the fold, along with the possibility of Zephyr and his own soldiers. For now, I'll be sending you all to the RA to coordinate with them and a clone I left to deal with matters."

Clicking his fingers, he opened a bunch of portals and everyone walked through while he watched. As he passed his gaze through them, he noticed a certain blue haired swordswoman with glasses and called out to her. "Hey, Tashigi, come here for a moment, please."

Although confused, Tashigi ran over while holding her sword and clumsily fell over on the way, but shot back up and respectfully asking. "Sir! You needed me?"

Leo felt like he should sweat drop at this, but awkwardly replied. "Well... First, you don't need to be so formal. And second, I just want to check something..."

Putting his finger between her eyebrows, making her curiously follow his movement, he looked through her memories and found what he was looking for. Forgotten memories of when she was a child.

How she had a protective father that didn't want her to be a Swordsman, but she trained regardless. When she met Zoro and how a rivalry started between them. And then, how she fell down the stairs and lost her memories.

With eagerness, he returned the forgotten memories, causing her to immediately begin tearing up as she fell to her knees.

'Shit...' Not wanting to deal with it himself, he made a clone that would take care of her and help her with her endeavour, while also telling the clone with Dragon to deal with the soldiers arrival.

So, with all that done, he went to Amazon Lily and met up with the girls, as way to better allocate his time.


Leo spent the whole day with the girls, to both make up for ditching breakfast and because it put his soul at ease to be with them.

While sitting around, he discussed with them about where they could go to train.

For Nami, he told her about Weatheria, so she could learn more about weather pattern and that type of stuff. Then for Robin, he told her about the RA and their vast collection of acquired books, along with their widespread information network, so he would get them help her find gather all the knowledge of the Void Century. As for learning Haki, he would take care of that.

As for Mary, Anna and Reiju, he told them that he didn't really know of anywhere or anyone that could help, so he would personally oversee their training. He also extended the offer to Hancock, Sandersonia and Marigold, and despite the fierce shaking of Nami and Robin's heads, they accepted his offer.

Then, when the sun began to set, Leo told Nami that she should go get herself dressed up in something fancy, because he was going to take her out on a date. Her eyes shone happily and she got him to give her clothes from his inventory, which he did, and she then ran off to get ready.

It was just a fortunate thing that he had long since retrieved the Thousand Sunny from the Sabaody.

To Leo's surprise, Nami didn't take that long to get ready and soon came back, happily dressed up in a tight fitting, dark blue dress. The same dress that Leo had bought her on the first, but unofficial date.

Seeing this, Leo smiled lovingly as he stood up and approached her, changing his attire to the same three-piece suit he wore at the time and wrapping his arms around her waist as he kissed. "You look as beautiful as always!"

"Same to you handsome~!" Nami replied and kissed him back passionately. "Now let's! I'm excited to see where you're taking me!"

Leo chuckled at her and opened a portal, before carrying her through. Once through, he pointed to the destination and explained. "That's where I want to take you. It's also quite fitting that you wore that particular dress, because it just so happens to be one big Casino."

Nami looked at the floating city of gold below her, her eyes shining greedily at the idea of scamming them. But, she then looked at Leo, smirking in anticipation. "So, what's the catch?"

"Well, it is also one big slave empire. Almost all the people living there, are those who were 'invited' and then scammed into being slaves so they could work off a debt." Smirking slightly, he looked her in the eye. "So, considering how much my little 'Cat Burgler' like to scam people, I figure I would bring you here to have some fun before it gets destroyed."

Blushing lightly from how he referred to her, she release a cute giggle. "So, what you're saying is, that we are going to get their hopes up, only for you to destroy them?"

"Yup! Now, let's go!" In a cheerful tone, he started to descend to the floating city and went through the front entrance, much to the shock of other guests.

Quickly upon his arrival, a beautiful, red haired woman in a black dress hurriedly approach him.

The woman nervously, but politely welcomed them to the casino and introduced herself as their escort, before she began guiding them around.

From that point onwards, Leo and Nami simply enjoyed their time together whole gambling. Up until the point where they came upon a car race area, which they entered and got ready to drive.

While they were taking part in the race, their guide took the opportunity to slip away and go speak with her boss, unaware that Leo was observing her the entire time.

With Nami taking the wheel, Leo was sat in the passenger seat and the race began. The best part of the race was the lack of rules, so with a little Hellfire, their car blazed through the course.

They obviously won without any problems, after which they left and started walking through the streets to get some food. As they walked, a woman bumped into Nami, stealing her purse as she did, only for Nami to turn and grab her arm.

"Heh, I see you skill hasn't faded, Cat Burgler." The woman said in amusement. She was wearing a hat and glasses to disguise herself, but Nami knew exactly who she was.

"Shame that I can't say the same about you, Hellcat." Nami showed her other hand, which was holding the other woman's purse in return. (could be Vixen or Hellcat, so I went with the latter.)

The woman looked at Nami with exagerated shock, before swiping back her purse, while Nami did the same.

The woman stashed her purse away and the removed her glasses while grinning. "It's been a while, Nami."

"What are you doing here, Carina?" Nami stared at the now identified Carina, before looking at Leo curiously.

Leo shook his head, indicating that she was mistaken. "I didn't she was here. Actually, I didn't even know about her in general until this morning."

While he talked, Carina was appearing confused as she glanced between them. She then hopped over to Nami and whispered to her ear. "Who's this? A mark?"

In response, Nami looked at her like she was an idiot as she plainly told her. "Stupid, how do you not know who Leo is? And no, he's my boyfriend!"

Carina first seemed shocked that Nami had a boyfriend, but then began ruminating over his name. "Leo... Leo... Hmm..." She then focused her sight on Leo and soon got an idea of who he was and nervously chuckled. "You don't mean Leonardo Blaze, by any chance?"

Nami happily nodded while latching on to his arm and then kissing him on the lips.

Seeing this, Carina's mouth opened in shock at seeing Nami actually kiss him and knew for definite that she wasn't messing around.

This also irritated her however, the fact that Nami had something she didn't, as a thief, it hurt her pride. At that moment, Carina decided that she would do what she does best, steal things.

Walking up to Leo, she lazily wrapped her arms around his neck, resting them on his shoulders and flirtatiously spoke. "Hey~ Why don't you ditch Nami and be my boyfriend instead?"

Despite her expectations, Carina received a cold gaze that made her shiver, only to hear Nami's voice. "*Sigh* It's okay, Leo. Don't let her playing get to you."

Carina didn't understand what made Nami say that, until she caught sight of Leo's hand, which had paused mid-air as it was approaching her neck.

Gulping nervously, she removed herself from Leo and backed away as he continued to glare at her.

Nami grabbed Leo's hand and pulled it to her side as she tiredly looked at Carina. "First of all, Carina, don't try another stunt like that or he will kill you. He hates traitors and would never abandon me so callously, dumbass. And second of all, you would have to go through me and the others to get to Leo, so suck it." She then stuck her tongue out at her.

Nodding repeatedly, Carina confirmed that she understood, before she caught on to the rest of Nami's words and looked at her. "Wait... Others?"

Grinning, Nami looked at her with amusement. "That's right, Leo has more girlfriends besides me."

Again, Carina looked at her old rival and friend with shock. "And you're okay with that...?"

"Yep!" Nodding jovially, Nami showed that she didn't have any problems at all. "Besides..." She then bit her lower lip as she blushed, staring into thin air as she rubbed her legs together. "He can definitely take care of us all..."

Leo facepalmed at his horny girlfriend, while Carina was wondering if the world was about to end.

Coughing into his hand, Leo nudge Nami gently. "So, are we going to continue or date? Or..."

Nami looked at him, her eyes filled with lust and longing to have him take her to bed again. This all Leo needed for his answer, so he opened a portal, which Nami ran through immediately.

With a wry expression, he started walking through the portal as well, but stopped and looked at Carina plainly. "Unless you want to get caught up in the destruction of this place, I suggest you come as well."

He then turned and walked straight into the portal, leaving it open for Carina to go through as well. Not wanting to ignore the words of someone like Leo, she quickly through, and just as the portal was closing behind her, she heard the chaos that often follows behind Leo.

This was because the clone that had been observing the gold city, immediately began its destruction. Killing the boss and his henchmen, getting the Gold Gold fruit, Luck Luck fruit and Through Through fruit, while also freeing all the enslaved people and sending them home.

Meanwhile, the moment Leo exited the portal, he was dragged away to his room by Nami, who didn't even strip before beginning her night of pleasure.

And, just like a couple of days ago, Nami was loud and proud, having zero reservations as she was ridden by her beloved rider. Also like a couple of days ago, there was a jealous viewing section just by their door, with the addition of Carina.


A few days past by in the blink of an eye. Leo took Nami and Robin to where their training would be held, leaving them there to focus. Of course, he would frequently visit and take them on dates.

For the moment though, he has decided to go take care of the Fishman and Mermaid slaves he has in stasis.

A quick portal over to Sabaody and he began casually making his way deep into the sea, towards Fishman Island.


Meanwhile, on Fishman Island, a Mermaid with a unique Observation Haki had just given a staff member instructions, when she glanced to a crystal ball nearby and suddenly froze, her eyes widened in shock, before she passed out.

The reason for her passing out, is because she suddenly had a vision, in which she was surround by skeletons, floating in an ocean of blood. She looked around and saw a mountain of corpses, one of which she recognised as her own estranged brother.

Her vision was then pull to the top of the mountain, on which there was a throne with someone sitting on it while lazily leaning on the arm rest, his head resting on his fist.

A chill ran through her, as she tremble in fright from the way his glowing red eyes stared straight into her own. She then saw the person take his other hand and place his finger in front of his lips in a shushing gesture, before everything turned black and she lost consciousness.


After his leisurely swim through the sea, Leo found himself in front a kingdom held inside a bubble. While the Royal Palace is in a smaller bubble on top of it.

Looking at the main bubble, he could feel a whole area filled with sinners and knew he would likely start a slaughter soon.

But right now, the thing that really had his interest, lay within the Palace. Because, in one of the towers, which was riddled weapons piercing the door and wall, he felt the presence of a pure and innocent soul. One that belonged to someone in their teens, making him eager to meet them.

First however, he wanted to know what the story was behind their seeming imprisonment, so he shot towards the Palace, stopping in front of it and finding the doors wide open.

For some odd reason, there were no guards around, but he didn't let it bother him and decided to just enter, going towards a cluster of souls. As he walked, Leo passed through a few layers of bubbles and arrived in a bubble filled with water.

It wasn't long until he was in the throne room, which had its doors open, so he turned to enter and found the King, seemingly all the guards and some officials. Plus a Shark Mermaid, who seemed out of place.

Leo walked into the centre of of the hall while analysing everyone. When his gaze past over the shark woman, he saw her shivering and unable to look at him. But he then focused on the King. "It would seem you were expecting me..."

Nodding, the King answered. "Indeed. I am King Neptune and it was thanks to Madam Shyarly, as she'd had a vision of you and informed us of your arrival."

"You don't say..." Leo looked back to the woman with a grin. "So, what did you see?"

The woman answered while trembling and stuttering. "An ocean of blood... Skeletons... And a mountain of corpses beneath you on your throne...!"

Hearing the full details of her vision, all those in the Palace looked shocked and afraid. Contrary to their fear, Leo began laughing. "Hahaha! Yeah, that sound about right for me!"

Leo then stopped laughing and looked at Neptune calmly. "Anyways, I'm not here for nothing. So, first..." Waving his hand, he release all the Fishmen and Mermaids from his dimension. "These are some of your citizens that had been enslaved by the Celestial Dragons, but I have freed them and brought them here as I promised them."

Neptune and the rest looked shocked, but he quickly ordered for them to be taken to be comforted and healed if needed.

Some guards moved to guide them, but before leaving, the ex-slaves turned to Leo and bowed gratefully, then left when he nodded.

"Thank you!!" Suddenly, all the present Fishmen bowed and shouted gratefully.

Leo sighed and forced them upright. "I did it for them because I wanted to, so stop bowing. Anyways, I came here for more than that... Though, before I talk about any of that, I would very much like to know why that pure soul is having to be held within that tower?"

The King seemed surprised and then saddened. "That is my daughter... She has been stuck in there for years for her own safety... A man called Vander Decken has been harassing her and throwing weapons with his Devil Fruit!..."

Hearing this, Leo became angry and the water began distorting around him. "I will be back in a moment..."

Suddenly, Leo disappeared from sight, before reappearing while hold someone. It was a Fishman with four legs. The Fishman began to drown because of the Devil Fruit curse, so Leo completely drained him of all his power while looking at Neptune. "This the one?" When he went to capture the Fishman, he had also destroyed his crew.

After a brief moment of shock, Neptune recovered and nodded while glaring at Vandrr Decken. "Yes. I thank you again, now I can punish him-"

"That won't be necessary." Leo said as he choked Decken. He opened a portal, through which, everyone could see what they would only describe as Hell within. A bloodthirsty smile spread across Leo's face. "You might punish him by placing him in jail and baby torturing him a bit until he dies... But death is just an escape. One I will never grant him for the suffering he forced on that soul!"

Without another word, Leo made a clone, which quickly took Decken and walked through the portal. The last thing they heard as the portal closed, was the agonising screams of the ones through the portal.

Silence ensued as all the Fishmen shivered.

Leo was bothered by how they felt, so he began speaking. "Now that that is dealt with, I would like to discuss something regarding the future of your Kingdom. While we speak though, would you send someone to retrieve your daughter? I would love the meet someone with such a pure soul, even after having faced such adversity."

Neptune was hesitant, but then nodded to one of his men, who quickly ran off to get the Princess. He then looked back to Leo. "So, what is it that you wish to discuss."

"It hasn't been long since it happened, so you likely won't have heard, but I have almost completely taken over the world." These word brought shock to everyone, but he continued regardless. "I have destroyed the World Government and the Marines. Every Celestial Dragon is being torture as we speak and will never be set free for their crimes."

Neptune silently stared at Leo, a serious expression on his face. "So... You have come to take over Fishman Island..."

"Not exactly..." Shaking his head gently, Leo explained. "If you were a bad person and ruler, then I would have killed you the moment I arrive. However, you are neither of those, so I would instead like to invite you to be under my rule as well.

You will still be the King of your people, but you and your people will have to obey the same laws I have set for everyone else. Regardless of type or appearance, you will all be welcome to the surface anytime you wish to go and any discrimination will be severely punished.

If you want, you may even move your Kingdom to the surface. Though, I think that would be a shame when you consider how beautiful and unique this Kingdom is..."

Nodding in understanding, Neptune looked at his advisor, who seemed shocked, yet contemplative. He thought for a moment and then looked at Leo. "What assurance would I have that my people wouldn't be enslave or ostracised from humans? That they won't be treated differently? Or that those that come after you will follow the path you set out?:

"For starters, I'm no Human." Leo burst into flames and transformed, before turning back. "I am immortal. No longer how much time passes, I will never die, so I will be the sole and eternal ruler, and anyone that so much as attemps to enslave another, will have their spines ripped out with their heads! As for being treated differently or ostracised, in regards to the law, all will be treated equally, but coexistence will only come with time."

"... I would like some time to think about it..." Neptune said with a thoughtful, but eager expression. This was a great opportunity for his people to finally be able to freely and safely wander the world, but it required a calm mind to make the final decision.

"No problem. My friends wish to come her in two years, after they have trained. I suppose I can wait until then." Giving his agreement, Leo nodded in understanding. He was more inclined to be lenient with Neptune due to his daughter. The last thing he wants is to be the reason for her to lose her innocence.

It was at this moment that the guard Neptune had sent for his daughter arrived. Following nervously behind him, a teenage, cute, but very large Mermaid with pink scales came while hiding behind an equally large shark.

When the girl saw Neptune, her face lit up and she swiftly swam over. "Father! Big Brothers!"

"Shirahoshi!!" Neptune and three other Mermen shouted her name while going to hug her.

The four had a touching moment, before Shirahoshi began asking why she was allowed out of her safe room, but then her family explained that she was safe to leave now, thanks to Leo.

Neptune and his sons gestured towards Leo, making Shirahoshi look at him curiously. Seeing the cute Mermaids expression, Leo smile fondly and began walking towards her while increasing his height to the point he was as large as Neptune himself.

Arriving in front of Shirahoshi, Leo looked at her kindly and patted her head. "It's a grate pleasure to meet you, Shirahoshi! You have no idea how happy it makes me to meet such a pure soul!"

She had very little reaction as she simply looked at his face in wonder. "... Why is part of your face missing and on fire, mister?"

Leo was momentarily bewildered as to how she was seeing his true form or at least a part of it. But then figure that it was because of her soul and his attachment to her purity. Or something... "That is my true form. You are the first to see even a part of it without me exposing myself. It just shows how amazing you are!" He grinned and ruffled her hair lightly, making her giggle.

Hearing her laughter, everyone in the hall watched her with joy and crying from the wonderful, long missed scene.

Removing his hand, Leo looked at her with a gentle smile. "Say, if you could have any one thing in the world, what would be?"

Without a moments though, she answered. "I want peace between Fishmen and Humans!"

Maintaining his smile, Leo asked again. "Then, what would you want if that was done?"

Suddenly, Shirahoshi looked down sadly with tears in her eyes and hesitantly told him. "I... I would want my Mama back..."

Hearing her, the hall was swept with sadness at over their lost Queen.

Leo hugged Shirahoshi and stroked her back for a moment, before he looked at Neptune sympathetically. "How did she..."

Neptune gripped his fist in anger and told him. "A Human killed her... Even after all she did to bring peace between our races..."

When Neptune said this, Leo noticed a shift in emotions from Shirahoshi and her shark. She was still crying, so he turned to the the shark for answers. "Little shark, do you know something about this. Answer truthfully."

Hesitantly, the shark nodded and told him what it saw. Leo also connected everyone's minds so that they would understand, knowing that Fishmen can't understand all sea life. {When it happened, I saw who did it... It was a human, but he did it at the behest of the Fishman, Hody Jones... He didn't want there to be peace, so he got a human to kill Queen Otohime!... I told Shirahoshi, but she kept it secret to avoid conflict.}

Now that they knew the whole truth, everyone present was furious and ready to charge into battle. They were stopped however, by Leo exuding pressure on them. "Don't go rushing in to battle, you will only create chaos amongst your people. I will get him before leaving, so don't concern yourselves with the matter."

Releasing Shirahoshi from his embrace and presenting his closed hand before her, before opening it to reveal a small figure covered in a sheet.

Shirahoshi and her father were the only ones able to see this, due their height, and their eyes widened in complete disbelief. "Otohime!?/Mama!?" While Leo had been comforting Shirahoshi, he had used her and the others emotions to assist in reviving her mother.

The others were of course confused by the sudden shouting of their Queens/mothers name. It was also when they shouted, that Otohime's eyes opened.

Leo used his telekinesis to lift her up and wrap the sheet around her properly, before backing away and shrinking to his normal height as he lowered Otohime to the ground.

Otohime sat up while holding the sheet. She held her head with her other hand. "What happened...?"

Staring at the revived Queen, they all turned pale and shouted. "GHOST!!!"

With a look of extreme confusion, Otohime looked at her husband. "What's going on???"


After everyone had calmed down, Leo explained that he had revived her, resulting in everyone thanking him with a bow. He also explain the situation and his identity to Otohime herself. This was followed by Shirahoshi trying to squeeze the nonexistent life out of him.

Seeing this, Otohime's eyes shone with a mysterious light, as she approached Leo. "Sir Leo, I can not thank you enough for this gift you have given myself and my family."

Phasing through Shirahoshi's grip, Leo got himself on his feet. "Don't mention it. I did it for Shirahoshi, as a gift to someone possessing a pure soul."

When Leo got out of her grip, Shirahoshi pouted cutely. This didn't go unnoticed by her mother, who giggled. "It seem my daughter is quite attached to you. Say, would you perhaps be interested in marrying Shirahoshi?"

"Your Majesty/Dear/ Mother/Mama!?" Everyone shouted in shock, unwillingness or in Shirahoshi's case, embarrassment.

Leo just lazily rubbed the back of his head as he replied. "I think that would be highly inappropriate. She is only fourteen, going on fifteen, whereas I am... Well, I'm not entirely sure of my age, but when I gained immortality, I was in my twenties." He couldn't be sure whether he is supposed to count all the years his clones have spent training, but regardless, he was still not interest in jailbait. "Plus, my harem would have a say in the matter."

"Oh, my! A harem you say?" With a close eyed smile, Otohime laughed suspiciously. "So, you are interested in being with more than woman? Then, with their approval, it shouldn't be an issue in a couple of years, should it?"

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Leo sighed in exasperation. "Y'know what, I'll return in a few days and you can speak to them about it. I'm just not cut out for dealing with this nonsense, I'm just too lazy." Looking at Neptune, Leo reminded him. "Make sure to think about what I've said. I'm gonna go." He then disappeared in a burst of speed.

Heading straight for where he felt the most sin and killed a quarter of the ones with the most sins, while capturing Hody and putting him in his torture dimension.

Before he left however, there was a Devil Fruit nearby, so he went and got it, getting the Water Logia.

With nothing left for him to do, Leo entered a portal and went back to Amazon Lily.


Just like he said he would, Leo collected the girls and told them about his trip to Fishman Island. Then, a few days later, he took them all there and let them deal with situation, knowing fine well that he isn't the best at to doing it himself. He still doesn't know how half the others ended up falling for him.

After a long discussion, in which he was just sitting to the side with Neptune, who wasn't being given any say in the matter, the end result was to wait for Shirahoshi to grow up and decide for herself.

With the situation solved, they all stayed to chat with each other until night came, which is when Leo and the girls left.

From that day onwards, time flew by and during this, Leo would visit often the Shirahoshi, for simple fact that he enjoyed being near her pure soul.

Every so often, he would take all the girls out on dates. Even Reiju wasn't an exception once she finally resolved herself to confess to him.

It took about a month before the girls had finally had enough and jumped Leo, taking him to bed and disturbing the peaceful night of Amazon Lily.

Not long after having their souls joined together, Reiju hesitantly asked him to revive her and Sanji's mother, which Leo readily agreed to do, but not before going and getting Sanji, so that he could be there with his family.

When he went to retrieve Sanji, Leo surprisingly found in a state of depression while lying in a forest. If not for the emotions he felt from Sanji, he would have mistaken it for him being dramatic, but seeing that something was wrong, Leo read his mind for what could have happened.

Reading Sanji's mind, Leo found that, in the last month, Sanji had got himself a girlfriend, only for her to cheat on him. Unlike Leo, Sanji didn't go into a fit of rage and simply left the town. This was three days ago and he hadn't eaten since.

Sighing, Leo walked over to him, before dropping to his ass and sitting next to him.

They sat there in silence for a while, until Sanji lifelessly spoke. "What do you want...?"

"... I came to get you, because Reiju asked me to revive your mom." Leo told him while watching some birds.

"Oh..." With little care for the matter, Sanji dully replied.

"*Sigh* Look man, I know it sucks to be betrayed, and you know that I know... I spent years being deceived, but there is someone out there for you. You still have your life, a dream and people that care for you, so don't let some woman that couldn't see what she had, destroy you." Although he doesn't like Sanji that much, Leo still didn't want someone that had been hurt in a similar way as himself to suffer alone. "So long as you control your behaviour, you can find someone that will love you for who you are... And so long as you are honest with them, they might even be willing to share you with the ones they accept."

Sanji silently cried and covered his face with his arm.

Leo then stood up and patted himself of any debris. "I'll come back tomorrow, once you have calmed down." He then left and went to find the bitch that had cheated on Sanji, making sure to use the Penance Stare on her and her side piece when he found out that they had planned everything, wanting to use Sanji for personal gains.

After that, he returned to Reiju and told her what had happened, so she told him to wait until tomorrow to revive her mom.


The next day, Leo once more went to Sanji and found him training. He probed how he was doing and got a positive response, before taking him to Reiju and reviving their mom.

There was a touching reunion, introductions, shows of gratitude and family bonding.

Once everything had settled, Sanji returned to train, but also promised to visit with the assistance of Leo.

Due to this visit, Leo decided to go check on everyone else and found they were doing good.

When he visited Zoro, he found Tashiki/Kuina, along with the ghost girl from Thriller Bark, Perona, were watching him train while occasionally giving each other hostile glances.

Leo decided to go train with Zoro for a while and teasing him about his two admirers the whole time, before eventually leaving.

Because of Perona, he was reminded of the abnormality of the floating island that was Thriller Bark. So, he decided to return to it and using his absorption ability, absorbed the strange distortion that was in the centre of the island.

When he did this, the air around the island began to crack, as if he were using the power of the Tremor fruit, before it eventually shattered like glass and caused his surroundings to change, turning into a mixture the forest on Thriller Bark and an old, broken down temple.

When his surroundings changed, Leo was suddenly able to feel multiple Devil Fruits appear out of nowhere. All of them Zoan types and gave of a powerful aura.

He rushed over to where they were, all of them being gathered in one place. When he saw them, he them all on pedestals.

There were twenty-six pedestals in total, but only thirteen Devil Fruits, implying the others had been removed.

Before taking the fruits, Leo looked around briefly and found a tablet. It was made from the same material as the Ponoglyphs, but had a completely different language.

The writing was essentially: [To any who find this space, know that you are standing in place that Myths and Legends, Demon, Angels and God's have left their legacies. We have left this world in the hands of the mortals, but should our power be needed, an enchantment has been placed to release a legacy into the world. Remnants of our souls have been placed into the present fruit, but only through effort shall specks of our power be achieved, while curses have been cast in hopes of stopping any Mortal from becoming too powerful. Each of us is but one piece to a greater future!] (A/N: I am one with the cringe, the cringe is with me.)

After he finished reading it, Leo was amazed. Not only because of the origin of the fruits, but because he had, under his assumptions, found the same island from the book he had bought long ago. This was 'The Island of Myths!'

As cool as it was to find this island, Leo wasn't much interested in the island itself now that he was there, but rather the thirteen Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit.

Without a second thought, he consumed all the fruits and felt an influx of power. Each of them was purer than any other of the Devil Fruits that had been watered-down from passing through human souls. This meant that the amount of strength he gained was better.

The creatures in the Devil Fruits were;

Neko Neko no Mi, model: Regulus.

Neko Neko no Mi, model: Sphinx.

Inu Inu no Mi, model: Fenrir.

Ou Ou no Mi, model: Leviathan.

Ryu Ryu no Mi, model: Ryujin.

Hebi Hebi no Mi, model: Jormungandr.

Tori Tori no Mi, model: Roc.

Hito Hito no Mi, model: Asura.

Hito Hito no Mi, model: Thoth.

Hito Hito no Mi, model: Demon.

Spirit Spirit no Mi, model: Leshen.

Spirit Spirit no Mi, model: Nymph.

Spirit Spiri no Mi, model: Reaper.

< High Mortal - 15% > (150k tons)

To give some insight into what each one granted, there is;

Regulus: A Nemean Lion. Gives impenetrable skin, incredibly sharp and hard claws and boosts in all physical abilities.

Chimera: Body of a Lion with great strength. A head of Goat that breaths fire. In place of the tail, there was a venomous Snake. And there was a pair draconian wings to go with all of that.

Fenrir: A God devouring wolf with indestructible teeth, which can also drain all types of energy.

Cerberus: The Guardian of the Gates of Hell. Has three heads, physical might and the ability to breath fire.

Leviathan: A massive sea serpent with tentacles. It can control water and has minor spacial abilities, being able to teleport great distances and possessing an infinite space within itself.

Ryujin: Also called Dragon King. A western dragon, massive in size, strength and durability. Plus, extremely hot flames.

Jormungandr: A massive 'fuck off' of a snake that devours worlds. Not much that needs to be said. It eats, it grows and it eats some more. Screw anyone that tries to stop it.

Roc: Big bird. Nuff said.

Asura: A pissed off Demigod. Immense power that grows with his rage. Gives six arms, regeneration and excellent close quarters combat skills. To make it even worse, it gives reactive evolution, making it even harder to kill the one with this power.

Thoth: A God of Time. Rewinding, pausing and fast forwarding, all of time can be accessed at any time.

Demon: Unlike the Angel fruit, it allows for debuffs or curses to be put on people. The ability to control Darkness and a unique effect to Leo's Hellfire, making it Demon Fire, which will NOT kill the target, but will keep them alive and burning until Leo says otherwise. Some Succubus/Incubus charm.

Leshen: Control of nature, from plants to animals.

Nymph: Elementals and charming, all that shit.

Reaper: A being to fit Leo's moniker. Control over souls and stuff. Plus, death touch, works on anyone weaker than him.

When he consumed all the Devil Fruits, Leo got a bunch of memories and heard the voices of the beings, thanking him in some way or another.

Through the memories, he found out that the Reaper was that maker of the Devil Fruits, but the Demon was the one to place the curses on them. In fact, all the other Zoan, Paramecia and Logia types, were just the result of the Mythical Zoans power leaking into the world and causing strang phenomena. Like those with power over fire, resulted in the fire Logia coming into being, along with the the heat related paramecia. All the offshoots possess the same curse because they were created from the already cursed power.

Leo stood around for awhile, before putting the whole island in his inventory and making a portal to Amazon Lily, the place he considered home at this point.

For the rest of day, he was sitting in a stunned silence, eventually going to bed with his mind blank from how over powered he had become.


It took a few days for Leo to really get his head around what had happened, but once he had done so, he continued on like nothing had happened. He was already the strongest in the world, so not much has changed.

Because he had learned of how to make the Devil Fruits, Leo decided to try making his own. He did this by simply taking a fruit and enchanting it with effect he wanted, like the ability to grow wings.

He then fed the fruit to a random wingless animal to see if it worked and found that it indeed did.

So, after that, he made multiple Fruits that gives Regeneration and Increased Potential, before delivering them to all the girls and crew members.

Though, when it came to Franky's, he decided to give him one with the Chomp Chomp ability, as well as giving him the knowledge of Dr. Vegapunk. And in Brooks case, he gave him one with a weakened Clone Clone Fruits ability, so he would be able to change between his skeleton and flesh and blood form. He just can't take on the forms of others.

When he made these Fruits, the girls had ended up asking him about how many powers he had now, which lead to him listing them off and eventually telling them about the Smooth Smooth ability. This caused chaos, as they 'asked' him to give them the ability aswell.

Leo didn't want to give them such an ability, fearing the repercussions in their sex life. It could very good or very bad and he didn't want to find out which, and neither did the girls when he pointed in out. Though, he did end up thinking of an alternative and created a face cream that had the enchantment instead, but to a low potency.

When the girls tried is, they absolutely loved it, but Leo didn't see much of a difference, as he thought they look perfect no matter what. Such a comment got him rewarded greatly, not that he understood why...

But, seeing how much the girls liked it, Leo decide to take over the skin care industry and began mass producing the cream with clones, before starting a business out of it. Low and reasonable prices for high quality products.


Besides everything Leo did personally, his clones had finished making a government with Dragon and also killed Doflamingo, freeing a Kingdom in the New World and getting the String String fruit, along with a Wind Logia.

And like that, months flew by...