
The First Citizens

Kendric had quickly gotten to work as he found a particularly large and relatively flat plot of land not too far from the area he was going to build the main city, he didn't want to end up building something like a large farm inside the city area after all.

While it certainly wouldn't be nearly as big as most farms back in his world would be, the space was more than enough to have croplands large enough for the current state of the place. Using the system to till the land wasn't difficult, it only cost him five thousand.

The difficult part of it all was actually making the seeds, not because the process was complicated, but because it was more like he had trouble deciding what seeds to make. He didn't want too many right now, just what would probably be the bare minimum.

He hadn't figured out the finer specs just yet, but he had at least five different things he knew that he wanted to grow for now, and had already begun to do so. Since crops obviously take a lot of patience and prior planning, he bought some enhanced fertiliser to greatly speed up the process.

What he hadn't expected was how damn expensive it was, the fertiliser cost him a whole sixty-thousand credit. If it weren't for the fact that the crops would grow in the next hour or so, he would have called it a complete scam, though the one-time user condition was a turn-off.

After getting everything done though, he decided to take a bit of a break and return to the City Hall. While he wasn't exhausted physically, he certainly was tired mentally.


『Quest Completed』

● Objective: Create farmland that will provide the citizens with a variety of different fruits and vegetables


● 100,000 Mora

● Ability Token


"Nice... still don't know what the hell Mora is though."

Kendric commented to himself upon seeing the notification, which then prompted him to open up his Inventory to see if there was a possible explanation or anything on the items stored. When he opened the menu, he was pleasantly surprised to see that there indeed were.



● Mora - [Amount: 100,000] [A widely accepted form of currency utilised within the continent of Teyvat, used not only as a form of payment for items from stores and such but also as a form of enhancing weapons and more]

● Ability Token - [Amount: 1] [A specialised token that went crushed will grant the user a random ability, which can range from simple powers such as enhanced strength to possibly even the ability to manipulate reality around the user]


"I see... hold on, Teyvat? I swear I've heard that term somewhere before." Kendric quickly went into a thinking stance as he pondered over this. After a bit of thinking, a look of realisation soon went across his face. "Didn't Michael and Kevin talk a lot about it when mentioning that game? Genshin Impact or whatever it is?"

He did remember that both his friends back in school really liked this one game that had been on the rise as of late, they would pretty much constantly talk about it amongst each other or when around him. He had picked up a few things from their conversation, but honestly never truly paid attention.

It wasn't like he disliked games, it was just that his family was far too strict for him to really enjoy or have the time to play them. His father wanted him to go into the absolute best university he could, so he'd usually be studying most of the time, and when he did have free time, it would either be for resting or eating.

In exchange though, he got top grades in everything he did. Was it worth it? Fuck if he knew.

"Well, if Mora is a widely accepted form of currency here, I guess that's what I'll need to pay people once they officially start working." He obviously couldn't just make people work without compensating them, that'd be awful. "For now though, let's see what we get."

With a restrained look of excitement, Kendric took out the Ability Token, which was revealed to look pretty much like a poker chip that was coloured silver with golden lines running along it. Giving it a small critical stare, he began clenching it tightly in his hand.

It was a lot less durable than he thought, so he was a bit surprised when it pretty much was crushed immediately before disappearing in a form of dispersing particles. Soon after, a new notification appeared to him.

『New Ability - Sound Manipulation』

"Sound manipulation?" Kendric blinked before his mouth curved up into a small smile. People would usually underestimate something like this, but there are also those who knew just what other capabilities such a power could have. 'This feels weird, having a bunch of information rush into my head...'

The information that he received wasn't incredibly detailed, it was kind of like it gave him the basic idea as to how to activate his powers more than how could potentially apply them. It was probably being left up to him to explore its capabilities.


As Kendric was pondering over the newfound abilities that he was hoping to test, a certain sound soon made its way to his ears as he quickly turned to see what it was. He was confused though when he didn't see anything, though he could still hear the sounds.

"Those are voices..." Kendric frowned a bit, he could make out the sounds to be voices that were shouting at one another, or perhaps at something else. He hadn't seen a single person ever since he arrived, so hearing other people's voices was quite surprising.


『New Quest Available』

● Objective: Save the group of humans that are running away from the tribe of hilichurls in the nearby forest


● 60,000 Mora

● 10,000 Nation Credits


"Hilichurls... those are the main monsters from Genshin, right?" Kendric frowned with an unsure look. It was times like this that he honestly regretted not fully paying attention to what his friends said when talking about the game, now he was pretty clueless. 'Too late for regrets, I better get going.'

Due to the assistance of having the knowledge transferred to him, Kendric found minimal to no difficulty in utilising his powers. With a bust of speed, he found himself running across the grassy terrain at incredible speeds as his speed caused gusts of wind to form behind him.

Of course, he also knew that some manipulators of sound were capable of flight through some application of their abilities, but he didn't want to risk failure. For now, he'd take the safer option and run there, he didn't know how long the supposed family would survive after all.

As he continued to get closer to his destination, he could hear the voices becoming clearer and clearer as he ran. It was obvious that his new powers also granted him enhanced hearing, which he'd definitely need to work out how to control at a later date.

Anyway, it didn't take long before he finally arrived.

"There...!" Kendric shouted in a whisper as he noticed a small group of people running through the relatively narrow path within the nearby forest. In fact, the group were just about to run out of said forest to escape whatever it was that was chasing them. 'Perhaps a family? Whatever the case... those are hilichurls?'

Kendric looked behind the family to see a group of strange humanoid creatures with strange bone-like masks with markings painted on chasing after them, with a few wielding clubs as weapons, and even one or two holding a torch as a form of weapon.

'Are those even human?' Kendric would have honestly mistaken them for human beings if it weren't for their rather unnatural body shape even for humans. Shaking his head, Kendric quickly began running towards the group. 'They don't look like they'll last much longer, how long have they been running?'

"D-Dad, they're catching up...!"

"Just keep going, they can't keep chasing us forever!" The older male near the back of the group keeping an eye out for the group of hilichurls was obviously the father, the one that had just shouted before looked to be perhaps the eldest son of around twenty years of age. "Sh-Shit...!"

"Dad/Dear!" Both the son and the woman, who was most likely the wife, had shouted when they noticed the male losing his balance and falling to the ground. Looking up, they saw the group of hilichurls stomping over while waving their weapons.

"J-Just keep going...!"

"What about you?!"

"Don't worry about me!" The father exclaimed as he gritted his teeth. Turning to face the hilichurls, he glared at them with utter hate in his eyes. He began shuffling back knowing that his fate was already pretty much sealed. "Damnit..."

"Papa!" This new voice belonged to a young girl no older than twelve from the looks of it, she was trying to break free from her mother's arms, reaching out toward her father. "W-We have to go back, we need to help Papa!"

"We can't..." The son voiced with obvious regret in his voice before shaking his head. "We need to go, dad's giving us a chance!"


"Stay back!"

A new voice entered all of their ears as the family, minus the father, instantly turned their heads in the direction of the voice. However, they soon only noticed a figure speed past them, prompting them to also quickly turn back around in surprise.

What they saw was a person now standing in front of the father, and the appearance of the person not only surprised them, but also the hilichurls who had taken a step back in confusion. Kendric narrowed his eyes as he watched each hilichurl intently.

"Wh-Who are...?"

"Introductions later, I'll take care of this." Kendric quickly cut off the father from speaking as the hilichurls all began screaming at him in a strange language that Kendric couldn't understand. "Come at me, show me what you got!"

Of course, his small taunt prompted the hilichurls to charge at him, weapons raised.

"Young man...!"

"No worries."

Kendric took a small breath before raising both arms above his head, and once taking in a lung full of air, he lowered both arms swiftly before opening his mouth and releasing a powerful scream, a scream that produced literal visible purple soundwaves.

Due to the sheer power within the soundwaves that were produced, the hilichurls all felt themselves being suddenly pushed by an incredibly powerful force. One that soon sent them flying back and colliding with the trees of the forest, an impact strong enough that it caused visible cracks to appear on the base of the trees.

Once Kendric's scream ended, the hilichurls all either died or went unconscious as they laid on the ground completely motionless. Staring at them for a second, Kendric released a sigh before turning to face the family that he had just saved.

While saving them and completing the quest was certainly one of his main reasons, he had also seen this as an opportunity to potentially get his first citizens in Eden. When he turned to look at them, he could see them staring at him in shock.

Now that he could see them more clearly due to being closer, he could make out their features better. The father, who was still on the ground, had short dark-brown hair, along with a slightly unruly beard growing.

The son, on the other hand, had a slightly lighter shade of brown hair that was a bit longer than his father's. The woman, the mother of the family, had long light-brown hair that was tied into a braid that rested on her left shoulder. Finally, the daughter had light-brown hair reaching her shoulders, and looked to be still holding onto her mother as they stared.

"So... you guys okay?"


『Quest Completed』

● Objective: Save the group of humans that are running away from the tribe of hilichurls in the nearby forest


● 60,000 Mora

● 10,000 Nation Credits