
Genshin Impact If Aether Was A OP Genius

The alternate story if the traveler in Genshin Impact (male lead), was much more powerful, actually chose a romantic partner, took action in situations where it was obvious he'd be betrayed, the Archon's weren't pushovers. In this tale the traveler takes new routes to achieve success, battles enemies never seen before, is much more mature, stops disasters before they happen, and takes up the identity of a being only the Achon's know about, all to achieve his original goal, but many more big goals as well.

All_Seeing_Scribe · Anime und Comics
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 Part 1 - Archenings

It seemed to have been two days since Aether had been separated from his sister Lumine, but he had been wondering the world for 500 years... Being stuck in a gigantic strange and mysterious world, Aether was contemplating what his next move was. Setting up camp wasn't that hard, considering that in his original world he was a high class mage. All he had to do was conjure a tent and gather wood for a campfire, then with a flick of his fingers a tiny flame sprang up. He used the flame to light the fire, and after zapping some boar with electric beams, the meat was sizzling on the campfire. As he sat by the campfire, he stared at his fingers contemplating...

"I must say this is rather perplexing, for some reason my elemental powers have been dampened in this realm, so they cant even roast animals alive anymore", Aether thought

The roast pork was delicious, and after crawling under the conjured tent covers, Aether went through the last two day's events, then sighed

I'll the problems of tommorow, to tomorrow's me...

Chapter 1 Part 2 - Knowledge

A few hours later as the traveler was fast asleep, there was a noise. And it wasn't some kind of bush rustling or a deer hastily sprinting way after discovering the fire place, NO...

It was a roar, the sound only the drakes could make back at academy. Those drakes were the size of 2 whole buildings, and they were often used in military attacks on the enemy because of how massive their flames and claws were.

Aether: Why would I be hearing this sound now?

It was a rhetorical question considering no one was around, but a valid one nonetheless.

Within seconds Aether was ready to move. He unsheathed his sword and started walking toward the source of the sound, very slowly

It must've been a hundred meters away, but Aether didn't move any faster for fear of the enemy picking up on his approach. 15 min later he was turning the bend when he heard what sounded like a boy's voice. As a result, Aether stopped crawling and stood up to jog the last few meters, almost as if hearing the boy's voice had calmed him to such an extent, that he disregarded his own safety.

Moving through the pitch black darkness had been easy up untill now, because there was an easily perceivable pathway ahead of him, but this time to see what he was looking at in the distance, he squinted his eyes tightly to peer into the darkness.

Aether saw a boy with what seemed to be a type of hat on his head, touching something scaly and murmuring to himself. But as Aether's eyes became used to the darkness, what he saw freaked him out. It wasn't just the boy, he was talking to a perched dragon on the nearby mountain top, that was probably half the size of the magic academy back home, 6 times the size of the military drakes.

Aether stared speechlessly at the two having a casual conversation, as if this was the most normal thing in the world

"Dvalin we are old friends, I'm trying to help you", the strange boy said

He moved his hand over Dvalin the dragon's massive face, all while a teal glow emanated from his hand

Then, with an incredible rumble, the dragon suddenly responded

Dvalin: Thank you Venti, I think I need to go rest.

And just like that the giant dragon flew off, with the boy calling after him