
Genma, Brother of Goku

There have been plenty of What if scenarios; What if Goku went Super Saiyan at the World Tournament as a kid What if he remembered his Saiyan conditioning as a baby But this one is going to hopefully be a decent spin on it, someone who is the Joseph Joestar to Goku's Jonathan, Someone who lacks Goku's raw power but has a greater control of his power Because if Son Genma can't be stronger then Goku, then he can definitely be more smarter

GhostPilgrim · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs

The Brothers reunite

Decades ago, a pod crashed into the misty mountainside of Mt Paozu. In another timeline there would be one baby sat inside crying their eyes out alone in the wilderness, in another was a father clutching onto his child…but this one had two babies sleeping inside to be found by a hermitic old man named Gohan who took them in and raised them as his own grandchildren.

Once he died however, the two young brothers known as Goku and Genma fended for themselves up until the point that a girl named Bulma came into their lives. She befriended them and got them caught up in adventures for seven mystical orbs known as the Dragon Balls, being trained by the famous Martial Artist Roshi and even defeating an ancient evil known as the Demon King Piccolo.

However time never slowed down for either brother as they got older, they both trained themselves daily but once they grew into adulthood; they went their separate ways…Goku married Chi Chi and had Gohan while Genma who had the brains of the two decided to throw himself into becoming a teacher for the past 5 years while keeping up his training set by Master Roshi.

However on the day that everyone would reunite to see each other after so long would be heralded by a ship crashing in a nearby farm leaving a visitor from outer space to search across the continents for someone by the name of "Kakarot".

  ——Meanwhile at Kame House—— 

An airship with "Capsule Corps" emblazoned on the side had been parked on a small island with a single house belonging to the Greatest Martial Artist in the world…and also the world's most powerful pervert; Master Roshi, "Hey Krillin, how's it going?" A blue haired woman cheerfully waved at him.

"It's really great to catch up again Bulma, I don't think any of us got together like this for years." Krillin greeted as he saw Bulma stepping through the threshold and grabbing a nearby drink.

"Yeah, I think the last time we all got together besides the World Tournament, was back when Goku got married." Bulma explained as she took a seat on the couch; "I mean it makes sense….everyone got real busy around that time; Goku's gotten hitched so I'm sure Chi Chi's got him pretty busy, you went back to training with Roshi….other then that, I've been helping Dad out at the workshop and last I heard from Genma…he had taken up to a college in West City."

"Oh yeah, that's right…What happened with him anyway? All I remember was that he said he wanted to become a teacher." Krillin would ask as he balanced a gift on his finger.

"Yeah, he said that he enjoyed fighting in the tournament but he also wanted to try getting a job to better fit in with city life…"Don't wanna stay a yokel in the mountains forever." was what he told me…so naturally I put a good word in for him to apply for a college….on the condition that I put him through a crash course on higher learning to make sure he didn't flunk." Bulma elaborated to Krillin and Roshi who was coming downstairs.

"Hey, Gohan taught him and Goku the basics and I thought I did pretty well with teaching you three when you came to train." Roshi would grumble though he seemed to perk up when he saw that there was a lady present in his house.

"Roshi, those two learned how to read and write with you….but I doubt you taught them anything outside of how to find the right woman to peep on." Bulma rolled her eyes; "Plus it was….nice to be able to do something for Genma when he and Goku helped me get the Dragon Balls…" She would smile a little to herself.

"And the fact those two helped save you from Pilaf…and General Blue…and the Carrot Master." Krillin would tease her with a smug look on his face, earning him a pillow to the face.

"THAT TOO!" she would snap; "Besides that first one was an accident….." Bulma admitted as she remembered the time Goku and Genma had a full on kaiju battle after the two turned into giant monkeys from staring at the moon.

"Still, you do have to take credit, if it wasn't for you Bulma….those two would still be living in the mountains." Roshi said to cheer up Bulma; "Besides they should be here soon anyway."

A loud whoosh was heard as two figures floated down and landed; this was Goku and Genma, Goku was climbing off of the Nimbus cloud while holding on to a small child and it looked like Genma had just come from a class, the two stood around the same height and they had a similar look but that was where the similarities ended: Genma had messy black hair tied in a ponytail and was wearing a white button up shirt with black pants and dress shoes.

"We're here!" Goku would say as the others came out to greet the pair; he would wave at everyone who seemed more surprised that Goku had a kid with him.

"Uh, Goku? you never told us you started babysitting…I knew Chi Chi wanted you to get a job but I didn't think this was the kind of thing you had in mind." Krillin remarked as he noticed that Genma was probably the only one outside of Goku who didn't look surprised, in fact; it looked like Genma was barely holding in his excitement.

"Uh….no it's not that, this is actually my son; his name's Gohan." Goku would plainly say and smiled a little as he let Gohan down to the ground so he could get his walking legs back.

"Aw, he looks so cute~" Bulma would say as she leaned down to Gohan; "Hey there, we're your dad's friends, I'm Bulma…that's Krillin and that's Roshi." Bulma explained sweetly as she began to introduce the shy young boy to everyone, including Turtle.

"Still…This is rather surprising, I knew you had grown up but this incredible…I'm sure your Grandpa Gohan would be proud of you….actually, he'd be proud of both of you, for Goku becoming a father and for Genma improving himself beyond martial arts." Roshi would praise the two with a joyful glint from his glasses.

"I'm an uncle….I'm an UNCLE!" Genma finally let it loose with a wide and excited grin on his face while Krillin watched him in amusement as he danced around the island happily.

"So….speaking of which, when are you going to have Gohan start his training?" Krillin asked Goku curiously and Genma calmed himself down to listen in. "I know he's still little but he wasn't that much older then we were when we started training with Master Roshi."

"Actually, Gohan didn't want to…he said that he wanted grow up and become a scho…a scholia?" Goku would try and explain but fumbled the words a little.

"I think Goku means that Gohan wants to be a scholar when he grows up….Goku told me along the way here that he's gonna start studying and Chi Chi was wholly on board." Genma did his best to elaborate for Goku.

"Well, it's certainly different but you can't really fault the kid if he doesn't want to be like his father and uncle." Krillin shrugged as Bulma carried Gohan over.

"By the way, why does Gohan have a Dragon Ball on his hat?" Bulma would ask Goku as she noticed the shimmer in the light; "Isn't that kind of…dangerous considering the people who know what they are?"

"Well, you're the only one with the Radar to find them and we've beaten most of everyone who DOES know about them; Pilaf's not going to try anything…Tao and the Red Ribbon Army have been taken down…." Goku rattled off some of their opponents from the past.

"MOST of the RR, we took out the main base but General Blue did say there were mini bases around the world so I wouldn't count them ou-" Genma added to it but stopped partway through as he felt a pit in his stomach; he could feel a presence coming towards the island, it was faint at first but it was quickly picking up speed and it's intensity.

"Genma? Genma, you okay?" Bulma asked as she noticed Genma quickly turn defensive yet Goku still looked unfazed. "Goku, you two DID beat Piccolo, right? he shouldn't be coming back."

"Yeah, he flew off after the tournament…he said he'd be back but I'm sure we ca-" Goku would shrug it off before he too felt the presence coming towards them; "You know where it's coming from, Genma? you were always better at sensing…" Goku would ask his brother; in terms of their abilities…Goku was the veritable powerhouse of the two but Genma had always been the more honed technique: being able to better sense energy and better handle his Ki to make up for his weaker power.

"I don't know…but whatever or whoever it is….it's strong…." Genma would say but before the two could get Gohan and Bulma inside, their threat landed in front of them; Raditz.

"So, this is where you were hiding all this time Kaka-what?" the taller man would say as he eyeballed both Goku and Genma; "Parsna….so you landed here too? I thought it was all on Kakarot for not conquering this planet in time….but if the two of you were here for all this time and couldn't then either this planet is stronger then we thought….or you two are just incompetent!" Raditz would snap at the two.

"Who exactly are you? and why do you think you know us?" Goku would ask him, both Genma and Goku getting into a defensive stance out of reflex.

"Wait, you seriously don't know who I am…did you forget about your mission? your purpose here on this backwater planet?! How could you forget?" Raditz inquired with a growing look of annoyance; "If you think playing dumb with your brother is funny, then I will need to slap some sense into that head of your's!" He would growl as he stared the two of them down.


The others looked at Raditz in confusion while it looked like the Son brothers were being thrown for a loop; "What are you talking about? I already have a brother and he's right there!" Goku defended; "And I don't know anything about some mission…but if you're looking for a fight then you need to back off!" he would warn.

"Yeah, besides…it sounds like you've got the wrong people, his name isn't Kakarot and I'm not Parsna….we are Son Genma and Son Goku; we're from Earth and if you're looking for these people then they're not here, so go bother someone else!" Genma would add as even though he was somewhat caught up with training, he wasn't going to take chances with a fight. 

"You must have gotten hit in the head a lot, the both of you….Fine, I'll explain it to you; You two are a lot like me, we are part of a warrior race called the Saiyans and I am referring to you two by your heritage…and it's been decades but I definitely know you are my brother, Kakarot…you are the spitting image of our father." Raditz explained to the two of them; Goku looked confused by what Raditz was saying while Genma was still trying to process that he is an alien.

"I…I don't know what you're trying to pull but I don't know about anything called the Saiyans….There's no such thing!" Genma would protest at Raditz; "We both grew up on Earth since we were kids."

"That's because our planet AND our species no longer exist, a meteor wiped out our planet and killed all but a few of our kind…and I should warn you, the two who know I'm here are infinitely stronger than I am." he would gloat to the two.

"So then WHY are you here exactly?" Goku asked apprehensively; his whole existence being questioned was putting him on edge and he certainly wasn't going to let someone mess him or Genma around.

"If you want answers, then why don't the both of you join us? we could use the extra help and we can start by enslaving this worthless planet, selling it piece by piece…think about it, you could become conquerors…warlords of the Saiyan Race and we can prove our worth once and for all." Raditz scouted the two who seemed to become more adamant when they realised what he was about.

"There's no way that we're EVER going to agree to a plan like that so take a hike!" Goku would refuse his offer, with Genma joining him.

"A shame….but look at that, I never realised that you procreated on this planet too." Raditz said mockingly, smirking when he saw Gohan in Bulma's arms behind the two and started walking towards him.

Both brothers moved in tandem defensively to get in front of Gohan; "I'm giving you one last chance…Back off or I'll knock your teeth out!" Goku growled as he went into Papa wolf mode.

"If you even THINK about putting your hands on my nephew then I'll send you flying!" Genma would add his own threat as they watched Raditz tap the device attached to his head.

  Kakarot: Power Level of 334 

  Parsna: Power Level of 280 

"Hmph…not even worth the challenge." Raditz would think to himself and scoff as he continued his strut towards Gohan, before delivering two swift strikes at the duo; a swing of his elbow hitting Genma square in the face and knocking him to the floor with a spray of blood from his nose while a knee sent Goku flying onto his back. Raditz snatched Gohan out of a petrified Bulma's arms and began to hover in the air; "If you want this child of your's back, then come find me within 24 hours or I can't guarantee I'll stay on this planet for long…and if you change your mind about joining me, then bring about 100 dead humans each to my location to prove your loyalty!" Raditz offered the choice before rocketing into the air and taking the crying Gohan with him.

"DADDY! UNCLE GENMA!" was all that the two could hear as Gohan and Raditz vanished into the clouds, vanishing out of sight until Genma and Goku couldn't feel their Ki anymore.