
Genius in Kuroko no Basket

In middle school basketball scene there was a lots of good players such as "Generation of miracles", "Uncrowned kings" etc. But there was a single individual who appeared short time and considered absolute genius. But he vanished from the basketball scene when monsters from Teiko dominated middle school basketball competitions. This is story about that Genius.

TraCe_SliP · Anime und Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 5

Its the final game for Kanagawa prefecture inter-high preliminaries. We were up against Totsuka High school. They were a decent but nothing special. Before game

Hyo:" Coach in the first half please give me the all ball."

Kasamatsu:" Oy!! What do you mean"

Hyo:" Well our game has been easy so far i'm gonna let off some steam. Dont worry Senpai i can promise 80 points."

Coach:" Well it can be done. But if you score even 1 less point from 80…. Be prepared for the punishment, you understand"

Hyo:" *chills* Yes sir."

Game began with our possession. I got the ball from Kasamatsu-senpai near half line and see their defender is not near i shot a three point from 2 steps away from half court line and scored. In their possession they lost a mid range shot and we got the rebound. I speed up to their side of court and received a long pass from behind then i stopped at three point line and shot the outside shot which was scored. After i scored 4 three points they decided to change their formation and 1 person was defending me from half court line and other four were defending the inside. So i shook off my opponent with my speed and went to left corner and when their help came i crossovered him and jumped for a dunk, their center jumped for block so i changed my body position mid air and draw foul from him and scored the basket with lay up. This kind of outside shoot and inside penetration continued. 4 minutes left for half time, i scored 73 points enemy has 38. I saved my stamina for offence and did the bare minimum at defence but other 4 defended really tight and hard so their offence wasnt scoring that much. In the last possession before the half time i did crossover to right and speed up, when my defender start to follow me i stopped and made a left crossover which make him lose balance and fall. I stared down him and shot a mid range. My score was 84 at the half time.

We win that game by 159-53 enemy team was practically given up from the second half. And with that we qualified for Inter-high.

After few days Kise and i went to Seirin vs Touou game. Game went slightly different from the anime but the outcome didnt change. They tied for the first half and in second half Aomine came and reminded them why he was the ace of the generation of miracles. Seirin did win against Meisei High but they lost to Senshinkan. So they lost the chance to participate in Inter-high.

Inter high finally began and we were smoothly winning our games. So does the Touou, Yosen and Rakuzan. Ultimately it was down to these 4 teams including ours to see who were going to be the champion. Semi finals were Kaijou vs Touou, Rakuzan vs Yosen.

Next chapter will be Touou vs Kaijou and i will try my best for explain and write this match as possible with details.

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