
Genius in Kuroko no Basket

In middle school basketball scene there was a lots of good players such as "Generation of miracles", "Uncrowned kings" etc. But there was a single individual who appeared short time and considered absolute genius. But he vanished from the basketball scene when monsters from Teiko dominated middle school basketball competitions. This is story about that Genius.

TraCe_SliP · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 6

"Kaijou High vs Touou academy game begins"

We win the tip off and i got the ball. Our game plan was Kise will go against Aomine and we will follow up on him. And with that i passed the ball to Kise. Kise will use the first half to try and copy Aomine so he needs to go against him as much as possible. He gets the ball and crossovered to right then left and when he thought get past, Aomine tipped his ball from behind. Touou gets the ball and attacked us. In defence Hayakawa-senpai and i were switched marks because when Aomine get past Kise, i will follow and defend him on the inside so i need to be on position. And that exact scenario happened Aomine speed up to me and made a spin move and jumped to the rim. I as well jumped for block but he used his formless shoot and throw the ball to the basket, i did see the ball path with my eyes and tried my best to block it but i got only touched it with a finger. It spinned around the rim and thrown off, and we got the rebound. 'Damn that was close. So thats his speed and formless shoot. So I need to focus hard if i want to stop him.'

In the attack i got the ball and decided to attack. My mark was Sakurai, i used a pump fake and speed to the left then stopped and did a crossover to right. Sakurai was caught off guard and falled to the ground, then i shot the free three point.

Hyo:"We will follow up after you so go more aggressively."

Kasamatsu:" Yeah dont worry about us."

Kasamatsu:" Hyo, tell me honestly how far can we go while Kise is trying to copy Aomine."

Hyo:"Ideal is we will be tied at the 3rd quarter and in 4th quarter Kise complete his copy and we will go full on offence and win the game. Well we have a winning chance if we have at most losing by 10 when Kise completes his copy. When Kise completes his copy i think we would have at least 2 attack chance when they're shocked and that will be the big chance for catch up."

Kasamatsu:" Then lets defend woth your life on the line. LETS GO!!!"

Touou's possession they passed the ball to Wakamatsu where he scored it with a dunk. In our possession we passed it to Kise where he tried to go past Aomine but ultimately stopped and lost the ball then Aomine went for a fast break and scored. In our possession I got the ball at half court and seeing my defence was lax i made a simple crossover to right and shot a step back three.

The half ended with us being down 7. But Kise got his copy and we decided to leave 3rd quarter to him.

Hyo:"We're counting on you Kise. If things get bad just count on me."

Kise:"I can do it. But we went with this plan first of all to save your strength for the finals tomorrow."

Hyo:"If its only in 4th quarter i can pretty much do it and not tired at tomorrow in the finals."

'Yeah i need to be at full power to face Akashi.'

With that the 3rd quarter started. After 1 minute passed. Kise finally get pas Aomine and got a foul from him while scoring the basket. I saw that Aomine was a little shocked, so didnt want to lose this chance and i see Imayoshi's pass course and stole the ball. Going for a fast break and scored a 3 pointer with that we were behind 1 point. And game continued with back and forth between Aomine and Kise. In 4th quarter with left with 5 minutes we were down by 3. I saw that Kise was really tired.

Coach:"With 5 minutes left we will put Moriyama for Hayakawa. Hyo and Moriyama will be our attacking force. Hyo go aggressively and if you see a chance pass the ball to Moriyama and with you 2 on being in the wing we will put pressure from outside so that their defence on inside will weaken a little. Last 5 minutes we will attack with all our might!"

In our possesion i got the ball at the half court and go for a shoot and when their defender go up to me i passed the ball back to Kasamatsu-senpai and run to left corner. Their side was a little flustered and their defence slightly shifted towards where i was. Kasamatsu-senpai didnt let go of that change and passed ball to Moriyama-senpai to the right side and he scored a 3 pointer. We were tied and in their possession they tried to go for a 3 pointer and passed the ball to Sakurai. Sakurai was a little unfocused and fumbled the ball. I didnt let go of that and take the ball and go for a quick run. When i was jumped for a dunk a hand came from behind and blocked it. Seeing Aomine's block i cursed inwards 'Shit i was careless. He is faster than before. Didnt think he had time to catch up.' We were about scoring back and forth for 2 minutes and it was the last 1 minutes of the game. Game was tied at 121:121. It was our possession we used our shot clock down for last second and Kise shoot the ball and scored. In Touou's possession Imayoshi hit a three pointer and they were up by 1. Last 16 seconds they were defending us on full court. I got the ball on our side of the court and made crossover and spin move to get past the defender and reached the half court. I see the shot clock is at 13 second and see that only Aomine is in front of me. Kise was a little lagging behind me. I dribbled to the 3 point line and Aomine was tight on defending me. About 6 seconds left i made a left crossover then spin to the right and made a fade away jump shot. Aomine reacted and jumped but i made a alley-oop to Kise. He caught the ball and slams it down with force. There is a 0.5 seconds left and we won the game with 125:124.