
Gene Evolution: Monster Simulator

[Webnovel Spirity Awards 2024 Entry] ------------------------------------------------------ # simulator 【 This story is situated in the technologically advanced world with hologram and some advanced technology hidden from the normal public. 】 Millions of people around the world were transferred to the world of “Planetary Ascension” Everyone had the opportunity to be awakeners and ascend the limits of being humans. They hunt monsters, eat them and get the energy points from them which make them strong, for achieving this they must learn the ancient fighting arts that were hidden by governments before because without energy points gained by eating monsters meat in this world, performing these martial arts were out of questions. In this world of beasts, beast souls are most precious resources because it allow the humans to have the weapons or defensive equipments made out of it, which help them in fights with beasts. However, Arc discovered that he could actually see the option of simulation in his status screen which was not available for other people from what information he got to know so far. When the other people were still trying to hunt monsters , Behind Arc was gaining experience in simulations and getting good rewards out of those simulation that helped him a lot. ---------------------- WSA 2024 Entry! Please show your support if you enjoy the story! How can you show your support? Gift Power Stone! Any gift will amount to one bonus chapter. 150=1 bonus chapter 200=2 bonus chapters 500=3 bonus chapters Bonus release will drop the following week! Discord Link- https://discord.gg/nb8yNAck Join discord to share you ideas and know more about the story. let’s have a discussion.

Death_Simulation · Fantasie
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82 Chs

Chapter 41- Declaring War

Gojo's symbol thing was successful and after that he started looking and taking care of the wound of Arc even though it will eventually heal quickly.

Far from any place Where no living thing was near, In the Room in that place of burning magma surroundings that was illuminated by the light from the Golden crystal in the centre of the table, around which were sitting five people with mask and black long trench coats.

"So, I have guarded the earth from the corrosion by the energy that was appearing out of the second big space crack. Everything is under control." Person with mask that had symbol of phoenix on it said.

"Race of Ragas has been stopped midway by me and my team. There will be time for us to eother negotiate a peace treaty or to make preparations for going on war." It was dragon symbol masked person who said this.

Protection mechanism for core is being developed to next stage. But no wider selection can be made anymore because it will isolate the energy from it and only let necessary energy to come out." Person with turtle symbol explained.

"You have acquired more than enough time for us. Me training the newcomers is also going on a good pace but probably there is none who can master the skills that can enable them to go into that region of space." Tiger symbol masked person continued the conversation.

"So, protection of humanity is secured for a long enough time until we finally train the persons to become perfect vessels for the Celestial intent. I think that information that is required for everyone to know is already mentioned. So, I think we should end this meeting." Person with mask which have no symbol said.

"Why are in so much hurry my dear Guardians. I have some news for you." Person who appeared from the swirl that appeared in air said.

He was slowly appearing potion by potion as he was coming out of some gateway.

"Who are you, how dare you put your foot in the protected facility?" Tiger mask said while clean thing the strong grip on his hand by I'm using another hand.

Person with no symbol mask suddenly stood up from his seat and released a seven colored energy from both of his that enveloped the whole area before being made a transparent barrier.

"I like your style better, Void guardian. Anyway, I does not matter who I am or how I dare to come here. What matter is the reason for me coming here. I came here to propose a deal for you to hand over the core to me." Person who just appeared wearing black cloak with red lightning marks and symbol on it.

His face was covered in mask that seemed to made out of wooden tendrils.

"And what if, we don't agree to hand over the core to you. What would you do?" Dragon guardian said.

"Not much but unleashing power of all collected cores on earth simultaneously. Dragon guardian you need to work on your tenper as much tiger guardian." Wooden mask guy said.

"You idiot, you will not leave here alive." Shouted the Dragon Guardian.

He charged toward the wooden mask guy and wind impact created from his attack shot toward the masked guy.

But instead of hitting him it just passed through him like he wasn't even there.

Impact collided with the barrier and made a loud voice before it disappeared.

Barrier was still intact showing how strong it is. Loud noise was still reverberating in that barrier. It was so loud that normal people hearing would have went deaf with their ear bleeding but none of people here was any bothered by this noise.

'Intruder have some sort of special way to dodge your impact bash attack. Don't charge foolishly anymore.' A voice appeared in head of Dragon guardian saying this.

Dragon Gaurdian looked instantly toward the void guardian thinking that void guardian must be using the mental between all of the guardians to give instructions.

Dragon guardian stood out in his place instead of trying to make another move.

"Oh! Holy moly, I nearly died there just now." Tone of the intruder was childlike this time like he wanted to tease them.

"You have no hope against me, having hope is like falling into the trap of defeat and giving up. I have a whole team of strong people on my side. And today here by I, Madrda Kibutsuji declare great Evolver war on all five of you and your tribes people at once. We will meet on the battlefield of races. Great forth evolver battle begin now." Saying this person disappeared with the duel again just like how he appeared in first place.

Void was looking in the disappearing direction of intruder while thinking that how can that person leave while this barrier was still intact.

'I guess he was using some kind of spatial moment technique. I think we will need the help of previous guardians now. So how about we make them come back from the pure land of dead by using that forbidden technique.' Void guardian's voice appeared in everyone's head saying this.

"Void Guardian, I think we should wait and train more capable people. Have you forgotten that due to ancient battle in race battlefield, its time and space has been distorted which indirectly mean that battle will be when it returned to normal which can at least take from 6 months to 5 years." Phoenix guardian who has been sitting quiet for the long time said.

"You got that right but we still need previous Guardians to show up because only some of them have the knowledge on how to put the barrier that can stop the spatial moment techniques. But as to not let their emotions mess them up at knowing this enemy as some previous guardians knew him and had friendly relation as well before Madara turned evil. So, no one is gonna tell them about Madara." Void Guardian agreed with argument made by phoenix guardian while presenting his own thoughts on the matter as well.

"As you say."

"Yes, you are right."


While other three agreed turtle guardians was still pondering over something.

AN- It is not a random chapter but the beginning of new plot which will now started making influences on the story in various ways.

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