
Team Twin Angels (Recon mission)

All teams decided to go their own ways to help around and discover things that they can use. They all had one week for everything to be in motion.

Team Twin Angels decided that it was best to explore from above. They left in an instance to gather intel. As Dark and Eve began to take a walk to the park. They wondered on where do they need to go. Until Dark remembered some of the things from a few days ago.

"Hey, we should take a look around the mountains. I bet the view will be amazing!" Dark said.

"I guess we can take a look. But if we see something, we need to report it." Eve said.

Eve started to search around on his bag and found a note book and pen to write the things that he sees and thinks that deserves exploration. As they both began to take flight. They headed towards the clouds to see the view from above.

"Um... Dark? I think I see something near the mountains..." Eve said.

He was able to see a cave entrance on one of the side of the mountain in the distance. Dark took notice as they began to get closer. She pointed out a good place to lands to scope out the area.

"Man... This view is crazy!" Dark said.

"And cold!" Eve said.

As they both saw the town from the top of the mountain. They started to notice the ship still wrecked in the beach. Eve noted down everything that he was seeing. Then he took a glance on the cave and noticed that it goes deep.

"Should we explore it?" Dark asked.

"No... I think is best if we let one of the other teams to deal with it..." Eve said.

Then a weird light showed up in the distance that called their attention. It came from over a valley. It seemed far but they had to travel far to make it.

"Wait... isn't that the way to a old flying camp?" Eve asked.

"Yea... We should check it out our selves." Dark said.

Before they could leave. Dark pulled out a smart phone and took a picture of the cave entrance. As they began to take flight once more. They ascended into the sky. As they started to see the world from above. They noticed that the light was getting stronger so they went to it as fast as they can. By their estimated travel time, it took one day to make it since it was a far. When they arrived to the destination. They noticed that a few angels and humans staying in the camp.

"Hey, Eve. Check it out..." Dark said.

She was using a spy glass and handed it to her brother Eve.

"Huh? Wait a minute. Why are humans training with angels?" Eve asked.

They both looked at each other and decided that it was to go check personally. As they made it to the entrance, they encountered a angel guarding the entrance. He looked at Dark and Eve.

"Do you two have an ID?" The angel asked.

Dark and Eve started to search there bag and pockets when he asked for an ID. That ID was for verify if they where angels or humans. But they remembered that they don't need an ID since they had a wing insignia on their clothing collars. They showed their weapons and the insignia to identify them selves.

"We came down from a direct command by the father to help a human named Dennis." They both said.

The angel took a good look at Dark and Eve and realized who they are. He kneeled down for to him to be forgiven.

"Oh great messengers of the father, whatever have I done to be honored with your presence?" The angel said.

"Me and my sister Dark just came over to see what's going on here after we saw a bright light." Eve said.

"Oh, then please come in. A ceremony was about to start anyways." The angel said.

Dark and Eve went in to see what was the ceremony about. When they entered they saw humans being turned into angels and angels being given an graduation insignia. Dark took a slight notice of one the human groups and saw a girl with a permanent skin tan and bright purple hair.

"Is something wrong sis?" Eve asked.

"Not sure, but something is calling out my attention..." Dark said.

Dark was about to approach until a group of guys showed up.

"Hey dudes, check this idiot out!"

The group of guys surrounded Dark. Some of them where humans and some of them are angels. Dark got confused and was about to take out her weapon until one of the angels lifted her up by her right arm.

"Dark angels don't belong here. You better leave now or will beat you up."

One of the guys in front was ready to land a punch at Dark. She turned around and clenched her fist at as she tilted her head. Eve was able to understand what she wanted to do so he nodded at his sister.

"Look pal... I'm just here looking around... If you have a problem with me then do it civilized..." Dark said.

"As if! You black winged angels are a terrible repu-"

Dark kicked the guy in front, she already lost the patience to solve this peacefully. She then punched the angel that was holding her to get back on the ground.

"I should have you all executed... But I feel like beating the life out of you punks it's much deserving..." Dark said.

As soon she had a fist ready. The girl that she was going to approach stepped in to stop the conflict. Dark lowered her fist and turned and started to walk away. As the guys began to laugh, Dark turned around and took out her scythe.

"Your only alive because she is in the way... next time... you all better ready to die..." Dark said.

She started to leave along side with Eve to return back to the house and report everything that they saw. Dark was hopping for someone to do the punishing. When they got back to the house. They both made a report and let the other teams know to then rest.

Hello. I would like to thank you for reading this story! I would appreciate it if you, the reader, let know what you think of this story in the comments or a review. I hope you enjoy this chapter and the next one coming!

DjxCarmacreators' thoughts