
Operation control X (part 1)

As X stayed behind, he saw everyone enjoy such a small timed reunion. He looked at the time as his expression changed, as he was slowly being consumed by Farion. He activated the device that Dennis gave him and entered Farion's control. As the time was right. His eyes changed to the color of red. The other machines did the same and walked out by following X.

"Guess its show time..."

X snapped his fingers to trigger an explosion in the house. And it made everyone think of the kids' safety first. With the sudden commotion, it gave X time to escape. No one suspected him at the moment. As the dust cleared. They all saw that the house was fine. No damage at all. They all went inside and noticed that some kids went missing.

"Wait, a minute..." Nix said.

She then turned around and saw something flying away. And by the time she warned everyone, Dennis came back to see the commotion.

"What happened?! I heard an explosion half way from the beach." Dennis said.

Claire was the first to approach Dennis. She knew that she is the only one that can make Dennis understand with one look in the eyes.

"So that's what happens..." Dennis said.

He then turned around and ran to the park.

"Hold on!" Dahlia screamed.

She then went after Dennis. As Claire noticed that someone is going after him, she decided that it's best to follow as well.

"Selest, take care of the kids for a bit! Guys we need to go!" Claire said.

She went off with Owen, Dwight and Nidializ to find Dennis. By the time that they made it to the park. It appeared to be turned into a battlefield. As they saw Dahlia down on the ground. They noticed that Dennis was standing still but not responding.

"Dennis!" Claire yelled.

Dennis didn't respond and as soon she tried to make one step but Nidializ stopped her.

"Let go!" Claire yelled again.

"I can't! You need to see what's going on!" Nidializ said.

Claire stopped fighting and saw that Rampage was holding Heart at gun point and as well Kiri was held by Mecha. At that point. They all saw something come down from the sky that took down X.

"About time you showed up." Dennis said.

As the dust cleared away. They all saw Spike on top of X. Dennis knew that he would show up, but he was waiting for Dj and Paige.

"Get off me!" X said.

He was able to lift Spike and threw him at Dennis to cause a distraction. By the time Dennis caught him. X escaped with his allies and hostages.

"So much for negotiations..." Dennis said.

Once he turned around, he saw his friend approach him with confusion.

"What was that all about?" Nidializ asked.

"That? That was X going rough on us... When we got here, X received a control virus that we couldn't get rid off in time..." Dennis said.

"Then lets go after him!" Owen said.

Dwight said nothing, he instead was inspecting Dahlia to see if she was ok. And by then, he lifted her up, he felt that something was wrong.

"Hey Dennis... By any chance did they attacked her?" Dwight asked.

"Yes..." Dennis said in a nervous voice.

Dwight heard Dennis and took Dahlia back to the house. Leaving the other behind to discuss on what they should do.

"So what's the plan?" Nidializ asked.

"Yea, you always come up with something at the last moment." Owen said.

Dennis thought of away to assert the situation. The only problem is that he needs to set the team already before he could take action. Then he realized that Dj was not here.

"I got it!" Dennis said.

He then pointed at the moon and everyone got confused.

"We first find Dj and Paige. Then we can search for X. There is only one place that he can be but... It won't be easy." Dennis said.

His friends didn't mind. They only wanted to stop X from bringing more harm. But as the plan goes, they decided to find Dj first. They asked around until they found Paige's house. Dennis was standing up front and knocked on the door. For a moment, they thought that no one would respond, but they noticed the door open just the slightest bit and saw Dj half a sleep.

"Dj, tell that she didn't do what I think right now..." Dennis said.

Dj nodded and collapsed right in front of everyone. Dennis then looked at Claire and used his hands to make a gun. Owen took noticed and called out his weapon while Claire realized what it meant. She ended up calling her weapon and got in position.

"Spike front and center!" Dennis said.

Spike quickly bashed the door as Dennis, Claire, and Owen entered with weapons in arms. Then they saw that Paige was nowhere to be found. Nidializ grabbed Dj to make sure he was fine.

"Owen, stay here and stand guard. Claire, Spike, go check upstairs." Dennis said.

Everyone nodded and followed orders. Dennis put his gun away for now and went to see how Dj is doing.

"Any injuries?" Dennis asked.

"None... Its like he got phantom attacked..." Nidializ said.

Then Dennis realized something. And it was the only thing that made Dennis have his guard down. He immediately called out Obliviona in both ways, his sword and gun. At the time, Owen had sharp senses active and noticed that something wasn't right.

"Dennis, go on ahead. Ill keep watch." Owen said.

"Alright, you better be careful... If you hear any kind of noise, blast away." Dennis said.

He went to go look for Claire and spike in the upper floor and we got there. It was an entire mess.

"What in god's name did this...?" Dennis said.

He saw that the door where broken, lights out and a pool of black goo laying down on the floor. Dennis turned to the nearest room to his left and found Claire and Spike trying to calm down Pyra.

"What happen?" Dennis asked.

"We found her like these moments ago. Then we saw something grab Paige and leave..." Spike said.

Dennis figured out that whoever took Paige was still around and that the black goop on the floor is the only way to track it.

"Ill be back soon..." Dennis said.

He then took off his coat and placed it on Pyra. The only way to find Paige was by going in the goop. Dennis cracked a few bones in his body. Trying to motivate himself to go in and find Paige.

"Alright Dennis... You can do this... It is a small... Puddle..." Dennis said to himself.

He was nervous on jumping in, but he realized something. At the same time, his k9 senses kicked in and picked up the smell of blood.

"Oh, hell no!" Dennis said.

He then immediately jumped in to find out who was injured. During the time he went in. He felt as he went thru a hell hole as he saw walls of guts and flesh and on the bottom of it all; he could see a slight red light. As he landed, he saw Paige on the ground, trying to grab her whip.

"Well, I should have guessed that only you could have pulled a stunt like that... Aster..." Dennis said.

He then looked at Aster with a disappointed stare as he felt sorry for him.

"Dennis, I hope you came here to have some fun!" Aster said.

Dennis didn't care if Aster was here or not. He didn't come to have fun. He came here to save a friend. As Aster got a running start. Dennis immediately pulled out the gun and pressed the trigger that led to a bullet hitting one of Aster's legs.

"Aster, you should have known by now that the next time we see each other, one of us will end up dead... But today is not that day... So ill see you next time..." Dennis said.

He then picked up Paige and her whip. Dennis knew away to get out. He ignited his left arm and covered himself in fire. As the fire covered him, it only took seconds for the fire to appear outside of the hole.

"X... you left me no choice..." Dennis said.

He then left the house alongside everyone. During at time, Dennis explained Aster's situation but at that point. They only knew that things will get complicated along the way.

Hello. I would like to thank you for reading this story! I would appreciate it if you, the reader, let know what you think of this story in the comments or a review. I hope you enjoy this chapter and the next one coming!

DjxCarmacreators' thoughts