
Operation control X (part 2)

As they all made it back to the house. They found out that the adults where gone. By the time they could even enter the house. There was a note stuck on the door and Dennis grabbed it.

"Taking the kids to the capital... signed Selest..." Dennis said out loud.

He then opened the door and waited for his friends to enter first. Once they got in, he looked around and was checking if someone was nearby.

"Hmm..." Dennis said,

He then went in since he didn't saw no one. When he got in, he locked the door and locked the back door just in case. Everyone else was in the living room trying to figure out what would be the next move until Dennis walked in a opened a panel.

"What are you doing?" Owen asked.

"Trying to figure out on away to track down X." Dennis said.

By the time he was tinkering around, they all end up noticing that Dwight was helping Dahlia walk down the stairs.

"Hey... Do you guys know where did that bastard go...?" Dahlia asked.

They all looked at her and didn't have nothing to say. Only Dennis knows, and as soon as he stopped on what he was doing. It was finally time to enter the next phase of the plan.

"You see... He escaped. I'm trying to track him down since is the last thing I can do while the others already started looking for him but, it isn't enough." Dennis said.

He then set up a tracker and displayed it on a screen. It began with a red dot and was slowly moving to the southwest, and then a blue dot showed up on the center. Dennis expanded the map and noticed they are in a massive continent positioned near the center.

"You know... I think this is a bit off our hands... Don't you think?" Dwight asked.

"It should be fine... As long as everything is under control..." Dennis said.

And at that moment. The screen flashed red. Dennis pulled out his phone and received over a dozen notifications from his different versions of himself. He knew that on this point on it will get even harder to achieve their goal.

"Change of plans... We leave in a few days. Pack up and rest up because we will track down X. Make sure you guys are ready." Dennis said.

He became furious for a moment and went outside to catch some air. Everyone else noticed that Dennis wasn't himself but they understand why he is like this right now. Nidializ took Dj and Paige to one room on the second floor, letting them rest for now since they are in a certain critical condition.

"Man... That Aster did a huge number on you two..." Nidializ said.

Dj quickly got up after hearing Nidializ voice and he seemed lost.

"Are you ok?" Nidializ asked.

Dj didn't respond as he inspected his body until he felt a burning sensation on his hands. He felt that his hands got covered in flames of rage, but it subsided for a few seconds that made him recover his senses.

"Huh?" Dj said.

"Dj, are you ok?" Nidializ asked again.

"Y-yes..." Dj said.

He got startled since he doesn't remember what happened a few hours ago. But he recalled something that is important for Dennis to know.

"Have you seen Dennis?" Dj asked.

"He left a few minutes ago, he should be back soon." Nidializ said.

Dj rolled his eyes and went down. He knew that Dennis won't be back till morning, so he just went to sleep. While the others were just trying to figure out on what to do. They end up getting a notification from Dennis that he won't be back till morning.

"What is he up to..." Claire said.

Meanwhile, on Dennis's midnight stroll. He was heading to the beach since it was the second convenient place for him to go.

"X..." Dennis said to himself.

He then realized that he was being followed after hearing footsteps coming from the side of the woods. Dennis turned around since he didn't care that he was being followed, but mostly curious about who it is. He then looked at the time and realized that he is running late.

"Guess I need to get going..." Dennis said.

He then took off his coat and tied it around his waist. He felt the night breeze hitting his body and got into a running position. Dennis knew that he was going to get followed in the end, but a head start will buy him some distance. As he finally set off with one step, his body felt lighter as he kept running that he didn't notice how fast he was going. Until he saw that he could brake the sound barrier as he made it to the beach and punched the ground to stop his movement to reposition himself towards the broken ship.

"Wait, a moment. They never fixed it?" Dennis asked to himself and went ahead to investigate.

As he got himself into position. The moment his feet touched the ground, he ended up moving uncontrollably. He didn't mind his legs having a mind of its own, but he felt that he wasn't alone. His left eye began to glow by itself and saw a small trace of magic that leader into the ship. When he got in. He noticed that the right hallway was blocked, so he took the left side and kept going until he found himself in an open area of the ship.

"Hmm... This place looks way to big..." Dennis said to himself.

He started to do a slow walk while inspecting his surroundings. With the place heavily damaged, it was hard for Dennis to figure the area, but he stood still in the center and waited with his arms crossed.

"Come out before I pull out my weapon, we can talk this out and strike a deal." Dennis said.

As Dennis waited. The person that followed him came out of the shadows. As the persons stepped into the light, Dennis could tell who it was by the light blue hair that they have.

"Stalker?" Dennis asked.

"Yea, I'm here. I came here to warn you about Farion." Stalker said.

"His back, has a few of our comrades and I believe Maxwell followed me here?" Dennis asked.

"Yes, guess I didn't have to do the explaining." Stalker said.

He then sat down and pulled out a book with no title. Stalker flipped it around until he pointed it at Dennis. It called out Dennis attention and slowly approached Stalker.

"What's this about?" Dennis asked.

"This? This is a complete blank book, no words at all." Stalker said.

He then handed the book to Dennis, and he got confused. Dennis opened the book to see if what Stalker said was true. When he opened, he saw that there was something written on the book.

"Only the eyes of a menace can see..." Dennis said out loud.

Stalker leaned on to Dennis and still didn't see nothing on the book. He understood that only Dennis can read the book at the moment.

"Hey Stalker... Did you had this for years?" Dennis asked.

"Yea... I found it on an old library in Anima years ago... It was hard for me to get it and have someone to inspect it. Later on, the place closed down, so I wasn't able to return it in time." Stalker said.

"Hmm... Guess ill keep it. I need to sit down and figure it out soon while dealing with Farion..." Dennis said.

He then stand up and walked away. Stalker just stayed there, sitting down while looking at Dennis leave with the book in hand. As Dennis got out, he thought it was best to head back to the house and wait it out by coming up with a plan.

Hello. I would like to thank you for reading this story! I would appreciate it if you, the reader, let know what you think of this story in the comments or a review. I hope you enjoy this chapter and the next one coming!

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