
Descending Angels

Dennis entered to the room where Wulf was in to talk for a while. Wulf was under the bed without wanting to go out.

"Come on, don't be like that." Dennis said while Wulf was still sulking.

"What does it matter if my friend is lost."

Dennis grabbed Wulf's tail that was out of the bed and pulled him out of there to hold him down.

"Look, he is all right." Dennis said.

"How do you know!? You haven even met him!!" Dennis slapped Wulf's face.

"I truly know how it feels..."

Wulf got scared, he wanted to stop Dennis from talking, but he couldn't do it.

"The amount of pain that its growing in your heart, knowing that your friend maybe in trouble and you're just here with nothing you can do for them at the moment, and that you left your kingdom in order to save the world from a fate that seems to be impossible to stop by just 9 destined to save the entire universe or just allow it to be wiped out."

Wulf was feeling the tension after he said all that, the only thing he dint understand was how a normal person knows all that.

"To top it all off on how I just know all this because... You are a part of me and I'm a part of you that concludes my other question that the others that will arrive soon are just like me, so tell me, did we meet before I lost all my memories from the past?"

Wulf stood up and putted his hand on Dennis's head.

"That is something for you to figure out, I can't give you all the answers that you want, but I can explain what happened before we lost contact with you."

Wulf explained to Dennis about who he really was and what he can do, even his status and what was truly going on.

"So that's what happened... I can't believe I was the one that caused all this... but it explains it, but I have one more question... Was I really that powerful?" Dennis asked out of curiosity.

"You will soon find out" Wulf said.

On the next day... Claire's phone was near exploding from 999+ messages in a group chat about a search party, she woke up and read all the messages one by one until she saw a photo of a missing person to immediately go back and help.

"Were do you think you're going?"

Kuo was blocking the only exit of the room.

"Don't tell me you're just going to abandon me here..."

Claire felt sorry for Kuo, been alone in the shrine for a long time can be an unpleasant habit so she allowed her to tag along.

"Ok, but first, we need to get you knew clothing."

As time passed by, a few things happened way early before the time could set. In the middle of a faraway rock beyond the coastline of a beach, the sky was shining brightly as the doorway of heaven opened. Two beings came out of it and landed on the rock. Two winged angels, one with dark wings that shine bright in the night with a purple hair cut that covers their right eye and the other one had white wings with yellow hair and dressed up a bit to nobly.

"Father said that we must find a fellow with a weird eye mark in it."

The white angel was too nice and very responsible that can't forget anything while the dark angel does whatever they want.

"We can find someone like that in no time."

Even more people that don't belong in this world kept showing up. At the highest airport communication tower, there was a guy that dresses the same as Dennis, but his hairstyle is freer.

"Seems like were missing one piece. They better show up soon or this place is going to be doomed." The person who looked a lot like Dennis mentioned to himself.

At the current time, its 8am and everyone else was awake except Wulf and Dennis. X was wondering why do two haven't woken up yet, but Nidializ stopped him.

"Don't go on waking him up, I woke him up 20 minutes ago and he went back to sleep" Nidializ told to X.

"Huh, was he holding on to Wulf's tail by any chance?"

As X mentioned it he looked into the room while Nidializ stared to whistle and slowly escape out of X sight. It took some time for them to wake up but the first thing they did was get a laundry basket, two t-shirt short canons and some sunglasses.

After they got all that, they went to the roof to spot something in the distance.

"Ok, how are we doing this again?"

They lost Wulf in thought because they just got all these things quick.

"Look, if my theory is correct about the 9 of us its based on personalities, meaning that a balance between good and evil will come."

Dennis mentioned while Wulf taped his shoulder and pointed directly to the front while staring into his face. Dennis tried to see what it was, but he only could see was two dots.

"Wait... what are angels doing here?"

With Wulf's sense of smell, he could recognize what it was; he quickly loaded the shirt canon and fired the first round.

"That won't reach."

Dennis said, but it was enough to get the angels' attention.

"Look out!" The white angel pushed a way the dark angel from a direct shot.

"Dennis, load your weapon and start shooting!" Wulf shouted.

"Alright captain!!" Dennis loaded his shirt cannon with a ball of socks.

"Wulf, shoot higher, we need them to stay close."

Dennis said while he was getting himself positioned for a shot.

"Got it!"

The relentless clothing assault from Wulf and Dennis had just begone to bring the angels closer, as each second passed the others wondered what all the noise was about.

"Are this two fighting?" Dwight asked to himself while he went to go see what's happening.

He hurried down the stairs to get popcorn that caught Owen's attention that he followed Dwight.

"Let's just see what's this is all about."

X was dragging Nidializ because she was drawing something. Once they arrived, they noticed Dennis and Wulf shooting none stop, passing each other a load of clothing to reload, passing the cannons for a better aim while the other reloaded and changing positions in a fast phase.

"If they keep this up, they will cause a clothing storm..." X said while he took a sip from his coffee.

"Wulf lets wrap this up!!"

They both throw their shirt canons into the sky to get the final reload for shooting, 3 loads of sock balls ready to fire on each canon. Dennis grabbed both canons for a dual side attack while Wulf ready up a big one.

"Were getting close to the bastards that keep shooting piles of clothing at us, brother!"

The dark angel was getting impatient and ready to fight once they land.


They both fired everything they got that caused the clothing storm to fall from the sky, making it difficult for the angels to reach them.

"This isn't nothing!"

The angels moved around swiftly, avoiding getting hit, but Dennis had one shot left that needs to be reloaded.

"Guess it's time for the sweaty sock ball..."

Dennis putted on a glove to reload the canon, he carefully aimed to fire until the target was in range. The sweaty sock ball was approaching the dark angel ad it was a direct hit that bumped on to the white angel causing a mass landing on the roof of the house.