
Gamer in Overlord

My first ever try at writing a story, so it's gonna be bad. But I would like to become a better writer so i would appreciate any helpful advice or criticism. Anyway, it's a Overlord SI/OC story. A guy dies, gets 1 wish and then gets thrown into a world he seems unfamiliar with. Now it's time for his great adventure. English is my third Language. I write on a phone. And my Internet connection is bad. So if you think there's something wrong with the fic, it's not my fault XD I do not own Overlord or the characters mentioned in the story. I do not own the cover photo. I only own The OC.

Student_Of_Culture · Anime und Comics
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52 Chs

New city


"It's time to go on a grand adventure to find a populated city. Lets go." I said as i set out to find a city. I need a lot of info. I need to know in which year i am.

If i miss Yggdrasil, i will miss my ticket to new world. There's no way I am living in this dying planet.

So i continued to search for days. Since I have a Gamer's body, i have unlimited stamina. I could run nonstop, atleast until i get mentally tired.

And i am pretty fast compared to normal humans. But not very fast. I might need to put my stats more evenly in the future.

Anyway, after 4 days of nonstop running, i finnally spotted something. It was a freaking flying car.

I saw it go north. I tried following it but it was way too fast.

So i just kept running in the direction where the car went.

After another 2 days of nonstop running i could finally see a city in the distance.

There were many flying cars going in and out of the city.

The city looked futuristic. It had many colourful buildings that seemed to go beyond the clouds.

Seeing the city, i felt relieved. It was mentally tiring to run so much. There was nothing to do but run. Even the scenery was unpleasant. All in all i wanted to sleep.

Even the cards were shit. Only common cards like dishwashing, car driving. Pretty useless for combat.

But that's just me, there are probably some weird genius guy out there that can use these skills for combat. The dishwashing hero. It even sounds interesting.

Anyway, I opened the dungeon gate, went inside and ran towards the house. Once inside, i took a shower to clean myself and fell down in the bed.

I woke up after 15 hours. I was really really tired. Mentally. I am a lazy bum that doesn't have experience working nonstop for so many days.

After waking up, i had a good breakfast. Since it was a new day, i pulled the lottery.

I got a common card. I used it.

[Ding! Host has received common skill {Cooking}]

Useless. I could already get tasty food from the plate, why would i need to cook myself. And I already know how to cook. I used to cook my own food back in my past life. Though this skill might improve my cooking skills. I might buy it's permanent version in the future.

'Anyway let's go and see the city' I thought and went out of the dungeon.

After exiting, i could once again see the city. It looked like a city from those Sci-fi movies. It looked pretty cool.

The city itself was surrounded buy some transparent dome. You could only see it if you were near.

It looked like it was made of glass. Maybe it's a wall?

[Yes, Vik. It's a wall. But it's not made of glass. It's made of some kind of energy. Physical objects can't pass through it. And you are too weak to break through it. You have to enter through the gate.]

Now that's a problem. The gate had a scanner? It looked like it was scanning everything that goes through it with some kind of blue light.

Anyway i entered stealth and started going near the city. I have to be cautious. I don't know what kind of shitty weapon they have invented in this futuristic world. And maybe the scanner won't detect through the stealth.

After reaching the gate, i started observing how the gate works. The gate projects some kind of blue light towards things as it makes weird noise. After scanning it says clear and the vehicles are allowed to end.

As was was observing it, there was a sudden alert from the system.

[Ding! Due to continuous observation of various things, the host has obtained the skill{Observe}]

I forgot about this op ability. How could i have forgotten about observe? It was soo useful. I could have just spent hours staring at various things to get the skill early. Anyway, no problem, since i got the skill anyway.

I used observe on the gate.

[City gate

A gate made for the entrance of a city. It has a scanner that scams for any illegal items on the target.]

That didn't give anything useful. Maybe it's because it's a no living thing. Lets use it on a guard.

[City Guard

Guards the city door.

HP : 58

MP : 0

SP : 35]

It still didn't give anything useful. Not even the name. Why isn't it giving any useful information. And what's SP?

[It didn't give much info cause it's just uncommon rank right now. You can buy it's superior version on the store. Once you unlock a skill, it's superior version becomes available in the shop. And SP is stamina. You have unlimited stamina because of Gamer's Body so you don't have a SP bar.]

Oh. I will buy the upgrade later. "Anyway why does he have so low HP?" I questioned.

[A fully healthy human has 100 hp. He's very unhealthy, that's why his HP is so low. Most people in this world are unhealthy.]

That's sad. But i don't care.

Anyway, i focused back on the gate. When it was scanning a big futuristic looking bus, i went near it. The blue light passed through me.

Looks like the scanner can't detect me. That's good.

So i went through the gate.

After coming out of stealth in a alleyway, i started roaming the city a bit. I noticed a few things.

First, Every person here wears a mask. It looks like the time of Corona pandemic, just with futuristic mask. I already knew why they wore a mask. It's not cause of some futuristic corona. It's just that the air is way too polluted. it's poisonous for the body.

Second, everyone seems super busy. Everyone is rushing. No one has time.

And everyone looks depressed. There is not a ounce of happiness in any person's face.

I also noticed that there are a lot of homeless people, sitting on the sidewalk, asking for money. But most people just walk by, ignoring them.

All in all, this place is shit.

But i don't have time for that. I need to find some kind of library. And maybe a place to live. 'Maybe i should just use Sharingan and get some info first.' I thought and decided to do just that.

After finding a homeless guy that was away from the crowd, i knelt near him and held his head.

The guy was surprised by what i did and wanted to question me about it, but i made eye contact with him and used Sharingan.

After hypnotising him, i started to ask some questions.

It seems i am in Hoshizora city. Hoshizora means starry sky and here you can't see any stars in the sky. Funny name. -_-

And it's 2130. And the reason for the bad condition of earth is not only the industries but there was also a nuclear war 60 years ago.

Most of the people live in huge cities surrounded by a dome similar to this. There are apparently a lot of acid rains which makes it impossible to live outside.

There are only 12 cities like this in all of Japan. Japans total population is 18 million. And the Whole world only has 300 million people left.

Which is very few compared to my world. Even my country had more than a billion population. Which is not a good thing btw.

Anyway, it's already been 4 years since the release of Yggdrasil. I have to work extra hard to make up for the 4 lost years. I need to make myself as op as possible.

Now i need to find a place and buy the setup needed to play the game.